張賀軍,劉琳娜,張 超,石巖巖,丁士剛△
(1. 北京大學第三醫(yī)院消化科,幽門螺桿菌感染及上胃腸疾病防治研究北京市重點實驗室,北京 100191; 2. 華北理工大學附屬醫(yī)院消化內(nèi)科,河北唐山 063000)
張賀軍1,劉琳娜1,張 超2,石巖巖1,丁士剛1△
(1. 北京大學第三醫(yī)院消化科,幽門螺桿菌感染及上胃腸疾病防治研究北京市重點實驗室,北京 100191; 2. 華北理工大學附屬醫(yī)院消化內(nèi)科,河北唐山 063000)
胃癌是危害我國人民健康的重大疾病之一,幽門螺桿菌(Helicobacterpylori,Hp)感染與胃癌密切相關[1]。Hp已被世界衛(wèi)生組織國際癌癥研究機構列為Ⅰ類致癌原,但其與胃癌關系的確立主要依據(jù)人群流行病學資料。多項研究表明,Hp通過其毒力因子[如細胞毒素相關蛋白A(cytotoxin-associated protein A, cagA)和空泡毒素A(vacuolating cytotoxin A, vacA)等]的作用參與胃癌的發(fā)生與發(fā)展[2],但這種關系在我國人群中并不明確[3-4]。我們前期的研究工作發(fā)現(xiàn),硫氧還蛋白-1(thioredoxin-1,Trx1)可能是我國人群感染Hp致病及致癌的一種新的毒力因子[5-7]。本研究通過建立Trx1高表達Hp長期感染蒙古沙土鼠(Mongolian gerbil, MG)模型,觀察Trx1高表達Hp長期感染引起的胃黏膜病理改變及腫瘤的發(fā)生情況,為后續(xù)的相關研究提供方法。
1.1 材料
實驗動物:3周齡MGs(清潔級,遠交封閉群)75只,雄性,體重25~35 g,購自上海生物制品研究所有限責任公司[實驗動物生產(chǎn)許可證號:SCXK(滬)2009-0020]。置于北京大學醫(yī)學部實驗動物科學部[實驗動物使用許可證號:SYXK(京)2011-0039]飼養(yǎng),室溫為21~25 ℃,相對濕度為50%~60%,每日光照、黑暗交替各12 h。自由進食、飲水,飼料及飲水均經(jīng)高壓滅菌處理。
將-80 ℃凍存的菌種在含5%(體積分數(shù))的Columbia瓊脂平板上復蘇,轉(zhuǎn)種于添加15%(體積分數(shù))胎牛血清和抗生素的布氏肉湯(Brucella broth)中。微氧[5% O2、8% CO2、80% N2(均為體積分數(shù))]條件下孵育72 h進行增菌,37 ℃下振蕩(120 r/min)培養(yǎng)60~72 h。取少量培養(yǎng)液涂片,革蘭染色后觀察細菌形態(tài),檢測尿素酶陽性后,將培養(yǎng)液離心,沉淀菌體混懸于滅菌磷酸緩沖鹽溶液(phosphate buffer saline,PBS)(pH=7.2)中,細菌濃度應用比濁分光光度計調(diào)整到1×109菌落形成單位(colony-forming unit, CFU)/mL,立即接種動物。
1.3 動物模型的制備
給予MGs含氟哌酸0.5 g/L、制霉菌素0.5萬 U/mL和萬古霉素0.1 g/L的飲水2周,給予致癌劑N-甲基-N’-硝基-N-亞硝基胍(MNNG,濃度200×10-6)1周。隨機將MGs分為3組:Trx1高表達Hp組30只,Trx1低表達Hp組30只,對照組15只。所有MGs接種前禁食、禁水24 h,實驗組經(jīng)口灌入濃度為1×109CFU/mL的Hp菌液0.5 mL,對照組以滅菌PBS代替,每周灌胃1次,連續(xù)灌胃5周。在接種Hp后分別于第4、20、34、48、70、90周分批處死MGs,觀察Hp定植情況及病理學改變。
1.4 模型的檢測和評價
MGs處死前禁食、禁水24 h,1%(質(zhì)量分數(shù))戊巴比妥鈉腹腔注射麻醉(30 mg/kg),打開腹腔游離全胃,沿大彎側(cè)剪開,肉眼觀察胃黏膜外觀并記錄病變部位、數(shù)目、大小、形態(tài)。從幽門區(qū)取一小塊胃黏膜用于快速尿素酶試驗(rapid urease test, RUT)鑒定,其余胃組織用10%(體積分數(shù))甲醛溶液固定,標本沿胃的縱軸連續(xù)切成3 mm大小的組織條塊,石蠟包埋,制成4 μm的連續(xù)切片,分別行蘇木素-伊紅染色(hematoxylin and eosin, HE)及Warthin-Starry銀染。
1.5 統(tǒng)計學分析
利用SPSS 13.0統(tǒng)計分析軟件,采用χ2檢驗進行統(tǒng)計學分析,以α=0.05為檢驗水準。
2.1 有效動物及Hp定植情況
表1 有效實驗動物分批處死情況Table 1 The numbers of valid experimental animals
2.2 胃黏膜大體變化
Trx1高表達Hp組MGs在接種Hp后第20周胃黏膜可見花斑樣改變,第34周可見結(jié)節(jié)樣病變(2/4),第48周出現(xiàn)黏膜糜爛出血(2/4)及結(jié)節(jié)樣病變(1/4),第70周可見多發(fā)結(jié)節(jié)(3/4,圖1A)和胃體多發(fā)糜爛(1/4),第90周均可見明顯的多發(fā)性結(jié)節(jié)樣隆起(7/7),最大直徑達1 cm(圖2A)。
Trx1低表達Hp組MGs在接種Hp后第48周可見胃體黏膜粗糙不平(1/3),第70周可見結(jié)節(jié)性病變(3/4),第90周胃黏膜可見散在的結(jié)節(jié)隆起(7/7),最大直徑達0.5 cm(圖3A)。
2.3 胃黏膜組織學變化
Hp的Trx基因根據(jù)其長度可分為Trx1和Trx2,分別編碼蛋白Trx1和Trx2[18]。Trx1作為Hp的抗氧化系統(tǒng),與其胃內(nèi)存活、抑制宿主胃內(nèi)氧化應激和氮化應激密切相關[19]。我們的前期工作發(fā)現(xiàn),胃癌患者胃內(nèi)Hp的Trx1在核酸和蛋白質(zhì)水平的表達均明顯高于胃良性疾病[5-6],Hp分泌的Trx1可能通過上調(diào)cyclin D1的表達從而促進胃癌細胞的生長,是我國人群Hp致病、致癌的候選毒力因子[7]。
圖1 Trx1高表達Hp組MGs在接種Hp后第70周,胃竇黏膜多發(fā)結(jié)節(jié)病變(A),病理學檢查顯示為增生性息肉(B, 左側(cè)箭頭),可見腸上皮化生細胞呈中度異型增生(B, 右側(cè)箭頭),黏膜固有層內(nèi)可見急、慢性炎細胞浸潤,黏膜下層可見淋巴組織增生(HE ×40) 圖2 Trx1高表達Hp組MGs在接種Hp后第90周,胃竇黏膜可見多發(fā)結(jié)節(jié)樣隆起(A),病理學檢查顯示為高分化腺癌,部分癌組織突破黏膜肌層至黏膜下層,黏膜下層可見淋巴組織增生(B, HE ×40) 圖3 Trx1低表達Hp組MGs在接種Hp后第90周,胃竇黏膜可見多發(fā)結(jié)節(jié)樣隆起(A),病理學檢查顯示為高分化腺癌,癌組織局限于黏膜固有層內(nèi),黏膜下層可見淋巴組織增生(B, HE ×40)
Figure 1 The macroscopic and microscopic appearance of the gastric mucosa of Mongolian gerbil at 70 weeks after Hp inoculation in Hp with highly-expressed Trx1 gene group. The multiple nodules could be seen in the gastric antrum (A), the histology revealed hyperplasic polyp (B, left arrow). Mixed inflammatory cells infiltration was present within the lamina propria, and the epithelia with intestinal metaplasia showed moderate dysplasia (B, right arrow). The hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue could be observed in the submucosa (HE ×40) Figure 2 The macroscopic and microscopic appearance of the gastric mucosa of Mongolian gerbil at 90 weeks after Hp inoculation in Hp with highly-expressed Trx1 gene group. The multiple nodules could be seen in the gastric antrum (A), the histology revealed well-differentiated adenocarcinoma, some adenocarcinoma invaded into submucosa, the hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue could be observed in the submucosa (B, HE ×40) Figure 3 The macroscopic and microscopic appearance of the gastric mucosa of Mongolian gerbil at 90 weeks after Hp inoculation in Hp with lowly-expressed Trx1 gene group. The multiple nodules could be seen in the gastric antrum (A), the histology revealed well-differentiated adenocarcinoma, the tissue of adenocarcinoma was limited within the lamina propria, the hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue could be observed in the submucosa (B, HE ×40)
Correa[26]提出Hp感染后胃癌的發(fā)生遵循“Hp感染-慢性胃炎-萎縮、腸化-異型增生-腺癌”途徑。本研究建立的Hp穩(wěn)定感染的MGs模型觀察到類似于Hp感染人胃黏膜后出現(xiàn)的各種肉眼及病理變化,著重觀察了異型增生與腺癌的發(fā)生。胃黏膜肉眼形態(tài)上,實驗組胃黏膜病變隨時間延長而逐漸加重,出現(xiàn)花斑、增生性結(jié)節(jié)、糜爛等病變,Trx1高表達Hp組出現(xiàn)黏膜不平及結(jié)節(jié)性病變的時間分別為第20周和第34周,而Trx1低表達Hp組則分別出現(xiàn)在第48周和第70周;Trx1高表達Hp組從第48周起觀察到黏膜糜爛(3只),而Trx1低表達Hp組和對照組在整個實驗過程中均未見明顯的黏膜糜爛改變。Trx1高表達Hp組出現(xiàn)肉眼所見病變的時間和病變的范圍明顯早于/重于Trx1低表達Hp組。組織病理學上,Trx1高表達Hp組在接種后第34周可觀察到上皮細胞的輕度異型增生,明顯早于Trx1低表達Hp組(第48周)和其他類似的研究(第40周或第45周)[23-24,27]。隨著觀察時間的延長,第90周Trx1高表達和低表達Hp組分別有71.4%和42.8%檢出胃腺癌,Trx1高表達Hp組腺癌的發(fā)生率明顯高于國內(nèi)外的文獻報道(18%~40%)[20-22,27],分析其原因一是與所用的菌株有很大關系,本研究采用的是從胃癌患者胃內(nèi)分離的Trx1高表達Hp株,而其他文獻中采用的是國際標準菌株[20,22,25,27]或從胃潰瘍患者胃內(nèi)分離的臨床菌株[21],這也證實了Trx1可能是Hp致癌的一種毒力因子;其次可能與觀察時間有關[23-25],本研究觀察周期達到了90周,而其他文獻報道的觀察時間為62~84周不等[20-22,27],亦有文獻報道觀察周期達到24個月[25];此外,目前沙土鼠尚無品系,對其遺傳學背景缺乏深入研究,故即使應用相同菌株在相同條件下也可能出現(xiàn)不同的反應。本研究中Trx1高表達和低表達Hp組檢出胃腺癌的差異雖然無統(tǒng)計學意義(71.4%vs. 42.8%,P=0.592),但是在Trx1高表達Hp組還是觀察到2只動物發(fā)生上皮細胞的重度異型增生(28.6%),而在Trx1低表達Hp組僅觀察到3只發(fā)生上皮細胞的中度異型增生,在Trx1高表達Hp組中有1例為黏膜下癌,故有必要進一步延長觀察時間并擴大樣本量進行觀察。
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Evaluation and establishment of Mongolian gerbil model of long-term infection of Helicobacter pylori with highly-expressed thioredoxin-1 gene
ZHANG He-jun1, LIU Lin-na1, ZHANG Chao2, SHI Yan-yan1, DING Shi-gang1△
(1. Department of Gastroenterology, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing Key Laboratory forHelicobacterpyloriInfection and Upper Gastrointestinal Diseases, Beijing 100191, China; 2. Department of Gastroenterology, North China University of Science and Technology Affiliated Hospital, Tangshan 063000, Hebei, China)
Objective: To establish a Mongolian gerbils model by long-term infection ofHelicobacterpylori(Hp) with highly-expressedthioredoxin-1 (Trx1) gene and to investigate the histopathological findings of gastric mucosa in Mongolian gerbils. Methods: In this study, 75 healthy male Mongolian gerbils were randomly divided into 3 groups:Hpwith highly-expressedTrx1 gene group (n=30),Hpwith lowly-expressedTrx1 gene group (n=30), and control group (n=15). The animals underwent gastric perfusion ofHpsuspension once a week for 5 weeks. The animals were sacrificed at the end of 4, 20, 34, 48, 70, and 90 weeks after inoculation for detectingHpcolonization by rapid urease test and Warthin-Starry silver staining and histological examination, respectively. Results: (1) The Mongolian gerbil model of long-term infection ofHpwith highly-expressedTrx1 gene and lowly-expressedTrx1 gene were successfully established. (2) The macroscopic mucosal lesions, including erythema, uneven, erosion, nodules,etc. could be observed in experimental groups. The severity of lesions and the time when lesions occurred inHpwith highly-expressedTrx1 gene group were heavier/earlier than that inHpwith lowly-expressedTrx1 gene group. (3) Histopathologically, the gastric mucosa ofHpwith highly-expressedTrx1 gene group showed the mild dysplastic hyperplasia of epithelial cells 34 weeks after theHpinoculation, and the time was in the 48th week inHpwith lowly-expressedTrx1 gene group. At the end of the 90th week afterHpinoculation, the gastric adenocarcinoma could be detected in the two experimental groups (71.4%vs. 42.8%). The difference between the two experimental groups did not reach statistical significance (P=0.592), which might be due to the small sample capacity and/or short observation time. In addition, there were 2 cases with severe epithelial dysplastic hyperplasia inHpwith highly-expressedTrx1 gene group, and only 3 cases with moderate epithelial dysplastic hyperplasia inHpwith lowly-expressedTrx1 gene group. The uninfected control animals showed no abnormal findings throughout the entire observation period. Conclusion:Hpwith highly-expressed/lowly-expressedTrx1 gene colonizes stably in the glandular gastric mucosa of Mongolian gerbils. The histological changes after infection are similar to those of theHpinfected human being, andHpwith highly-expressedTrx1 gene cause the injury of gastric mucosa and the occurrence of gastric adenocarcinoma. Trx1 maybe the virulence factor that participates in the pathogenesis of gastric cancer andHpexpressing high levels ofTrx1 should be highly toxic for gastric diseases in China.
Thioredoxins;Helicobacterpylori; Stomach neoplasms; Models, animal; Gerbillinae
國家自然科學基金(30770980、81270475)資助 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30770980,81270475)
時間:2016-9-5 9:33:56
△ Corresponding author’s e-mail, dingshigang222@163.com