(1蘇州大學(xué)臨床醫(yī)學(xué)系老年科, 蘇州 215123; 2上海交通大學(xué)附屬第六人民醫(yī)院老年醫(yī)學(xué)科, 上海 200233)
24h動態(tài)血壓檢測(ambutory blood pressure monitoring,ABPM)是通過24h持續(xù)監(jiān)測血壓水平,全面地了解患者血壓水平和晝夜波動規(guī)律,在高血壓的診斷、治療和預(yù)后中,相比診室血壓和家庭自測血壓顯示出明顯的優(yōu)越性,尤其是ABPM夜間模式的判定有利于高血壓患者靶器官損害和心腦血管事件風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的評估[1?3]。雖然ABPM的可重復(fù)性較診室血壓高[4],但關(guān)于夜間血壓模式的可重復(fù)性程度如何,目前還存在爭議。我們對老年原發(fā)性高血壓患者于4周內(nèi)進(jìn)行兩次ABPM,以評估血壓晝夜節(jié)律的短期可重復(fù)性。
1.2.1 一般項(xiàng)目指標(biāo) 性別、年齡、血糖、血脂、血肌酐等。所有受試者隔夜空腹8h后測定一般血生化指標(biāo)。
1.2.2 動態(tài)血壓監(jiān)測 本研究采用美國偉倫國際貿(mào)易公司的Welch Allyn ABPM 6100便攜式動態(tài)血壓監(jiān)護(hù)儀,采用示波振蕩法進(jìn)行24h血壓測量,即用袖帶阻斷動脈血流,檢測起源于血管壁的搏動所引起的袖帶內(nèi)氣體的振蕩波,縛于非優(yōu)勢側(cè)上臂,并盡量避免該側(cè)肌肉活動和睡眠時(shí)被壓迫,囑受試者避免較大強(qiáng)度的活動以免影響讀數(shù)的準(zhǔn)確性。設(shè)定6∶00~22∶00為白天,22∶00~6∶00為夜間,并要求受試者早上6∶00起床,晚上22∶00睡覺。便攜式動態(tài)血壓監(jiān)護(hù)儀自動充氣,白天15min/次,夜間30min/次。4周內(nèi)進(jìn)行第2次24hABPM。
1.2.3 選取ABPM的常用參數(shù)(1)24h平均收縮壓(24-hour mean systolic blood pressure,24hSBP),24h平均舒張壓(24-hour mean diastolic blood pressure,24hDBP);(2)日間平均收縮壓(daytime mean systolic blood pressure,dSBP),日間平均舒張壓(daytime mean diastolic blood pressure,dDBP);(3)夜間平均收縮壓(nighttime mean systolic blood pressures,nSBP),夜間平均舒張壓(nighttime mean diastolic blood pressure,nDBP);(4)24h平均脈壓(24-hour mean pulse pressure,PP);(5)24h平均心率(24-hour mean heart rate,HR)。根據(jù)夜間血壓下降率即(dSBP-nSBP)/dSBP),將血壓夜間模式分為3類:夜間血壓下降率≥10%為杓型(dipper,D),即正常的生理晝夜節(jié)律;夜間血壓下降率0%~10%表示晝夜節(jié)律減弱為非杓型(non-dipper,ND);夜間血壓下降率<0%為反杓型(reverse-dipper,RD)。
如圖1和圖2所示,中間水平實(shí)線代表兩次ABPM24h平均血壓的差值,越接近0代表兩次ABPM的一致程度越高。圖1示10%(7/70)的點(diǎn)在95%一致性界限以外,在一致性界限以內(nèi),兩次ABPM 24hSBP差值的絕對值最大為16mmHg(圖中實(shí)心圓圈代表的點(diǎn)),而24hSBP的均值為125.95mmHg(表1)。圖2示8.57%(6/70)的點(diǎn)在一致性界限以外,在一致性界限范圍內(nèi),兩次ABPM 24hDBP差值的絕對值最大為9mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa;圖中實(shí)心圓圈代表的點(diǎn)),24hDBP的均值為64.05mmHg(表1)。這種相差幅度在臨床上可以接受,因此可以認(rèn)為24h平均血壓具有較好的一致性。
表1 兩次ABPM常用參數(shù)的配對t比較Table 1 General parameters of blood pressure between the first and second ABPM(n=70, mmHg, ±s)
表1 兩次ABPM常用參數(shù)的配對t比較Table 1 General parameters of blood pressure between the first and second ABPM(n=70, mmHg, ±s)
ABPM:ambutory blood pressure monitoring; 24hSBP:24-hour mean systolic blood pressure; 24hDBP:24-hour mean diastolic blood pressure; PP:24-hour mean pulse pressure; dSBP:daytime mean systolic blood pressure; dDBP:daytime mean diastolic blood pressure;nSBP:nighttime mean systolic blood pressure; nDBP:nighttime mean diastolic blood pressure; 1st:the first ABPM; 2nd:the second ABPM;1st-2nd:difference between the frist and second ABPM; r:correlation coefficient between the frist and second ABPM. 1mmHg=0.133kPa
ABPM 24hSBP 24hDBP PP dSBP dDBP nSBP nDBP 1st 125.9±17.4 64.1±10.0 62.0±13.3 126.2±16.5 64.6±9.9 124.7±23.0 62.0±11.6 2nd 126.0±17.3 64.0±9.7 62.4±14.6 127.6±17.0 65.1±10.0 123.4±21.7 61.1±10.8 1st-2nd -0.029±8.7 0.071±4.8 -0.4543±6.5 -1.429±8.8 -0.543±4.9 1.271±12.7 0.9000±6.0 r 0.873 0.883 0.895 0.863 0.879 0.84 0.859 P 0.978 0.901 0.562 0.179 0.357 0.405 0.213
圖1 兩次ABPM 24hSBP的Bland-Altman圖Figure 1 Bland-Altman’s plot of 24hSBP in the first and second ABPM
圖2 兩次ABPM 24hDBP的Bland-Altman圖Figure 2 Bland-Altman’s plot of 24hDBP in the first and second ABPM
表2 受試者第1次和第2次ABPM的夜間血壓模式Table 2 Nocturnal blood pressure pattern in the first and second ABPM(n)
若把nSBP/dSBP比值作為連續(xù)變量,則兩次ABPM nSBP/dSBP比值比的均數(shù)如越接近1,表明兩次ABPM測量的一致性程度越高。8.6%(6/70)的點(diǎn)在95%一致性界限外;一致性界限內(nèi),比值最大為1.14,最小為0.91(如圖3中實(shí)心圓圈代表的兩個(gè)點(diǎn))。
圖3 據(jù)兩次ABPM nSBP/dSBP比繪制的Bland-Altman圖Figure 3 Bland-Altman’s plot of ratio of nSBP/dSBP in the first and second ABPM
表3 4組不同血壓模式的臨床特點(diǎn)Table 3 Clinical characteristics in repeated reverse-dippers, dippers, non-dippers and variable dippers(±s)
表3 4組不同血壓模式的臨床特點(diǎn)Table 3 Clinical characteristics in repeated reverse-dippers, dippers, non-dippers and variable dippers(±s)
Group 1:subjects showing reproducible reverse-dipper in the first and second ABPM; Group 2:subjects showing reproducible dipper; Group 3:subjects showing reproducible non-dipper; Group 4:subjects who changed their initial pattern in the second ABPM; 24hSBP:24-hour mean systolic blood pressure; 24hDBP:24-hour mean diastolic blood pressure; dSBP:daytime mean systolic blood pressure; dDBP:daytime mean diastolic blood pressure; nSBP:nighttime mean systolic blood pressures; nDBP:nighttime mean diastolic blood pressure; CR:creatinine; TC:total cholesterol; TG:triglycerides; LDL-C:low density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C:high density lipoprotein cholesterol; Lpa:lipoprotein A;FBG:fasting blood glucose; 2h PBG:2 hours postprandial boood glucose; HbA1c:hemoglobin A1c; FT3:free triiodothyronine; FT4:free thyroxine; TSH:thyroid stimulating hormone; DM:diabetes mellitus. Compared with group 2, **P<0.01; compared with group 3, ##P<0.01;compared with group 4, △△P<0.01; compared with group 1, ▲▲P<0.01.
Item Group 1(n=14)Group 2(n=13)Group 3(n=19)Group 4(n=24)F/χ2 P Age(years)84.21±5.47 82.85±4.32 84±5.82 83.38±5.69 0.189 0.903 24hSBP(mmHg)133.25±15.82 121.12±18.40 124.13±18.90 125.77±14.15 1.336 0.270 24hDBP(mmHg)64.25±7.89 61.27±11.53 64.53±10.97 65.06±8.37 0.463 0.709 dSBP(mmHg)131.25±16.18 125.65±18.02 125.34±18.86 126.32±13.24 0.421 0.738 dDBP(mmHg)63.93±8.07 63.62±12.49 65.53±10.93 65.54±8.12 0.179 0.910 nSBP(mmHg)144.21±17.55**## 105.00±15.09##▲▲ 121.16±19.19**▲▲ 124.90±18.30 11.059 0.000 nDBP(mmHg)67.39±8.67** 50.65±7.88##▲▲ 61.34±10.65** 64.17±9.49 8.247 0.000 CR(μmol/L)75.21±17.02 78.54±28.66 93.11±25.20 83.46±23.39 1.924 0.134 TC(mmol/L)4.74±1.11 4.16±0.75 4.01±0.84 4.23±0.94 1.902 0.138 TG(mmol/L)1.09±0.58 1.23±0.56 1.07±0.42 1.43±1.29 0.744 0.530 LDL-C(mmol/L)2.79±1.08 2.50±0.75 2.27±0.89 2.44±0.87 1.115 0.349 HDL-C(mmol/L)1.81±0.89**##△△ 1.32±0.51 1.26±0.41 1.33±0.45 2.980 0.038 LPa(mmol/L)11.90±11.06 15.56±17.07 16.95±15.99 9.66±6.90 1.353 0.265 FBG(mmol/L)5.48±0.86 5.59±0.84 5.80±1.40 6.32±1.64 1.546 0.211 2hPBG(mmol/L)8.14±3.05 8.21±1.87 8.67±3.26 8.81±3.16 0.914 0.439 HbA1c(%)5.94±1.12 6.35±0.66 6.84±1.23 6.83±1.24 2.417 0.074 FT3(Pmol/L)3.89±0.45 4.00±0.64 3.76±0.49 4.19±0.53 2.506 0.067 FT4(Pmol/L)16.21±3.88 15.35±3.49 14.49±1.85 16.35±3.52 1.382 0.256 TSH(mIU/L)2.71±1.88 2.51±1.86 2.59±1.41 2.57±1.60 0.035 0.991 male/female 7/7 10/3 8/11△△ 20/4 10.013 0.018 DM/non-DM 7/7 5/8 7/12 12/12 1.108 0.775
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