張禹 黃潔帆 喬沈啟 王亞童 趙雯昊 張明輝 劉炳響
摘? ? 要:【目的】探究野生紅樹莓(Rubus idaeus L.)的果實品質(zhì)差異,為紅樹莓高效栽培和品種選育提供理論依據(jù)?!痉椒ā恳院颖笔〖綎|區(qū)(秦皇島市)、冀北區(qū)(承德市)、冀西北區(qū)(張家口市)以及冀西太行山區(qū)(保定市)4個野生紅樹莓種質(zhì)資源主要分布區(qū)域的13個縣域野生紅樹莓為研究對象,通過對果實外在表型性狀和內(nèi)在營養(yǎng)成分等指標的測定,對比分析不同區(qū)域野生紅樹莓的果實特性差異,運用相關性分析、主成分分析和聚類分析法,對野生紅樹莓的果實品質(zhì)進行綜合評價?!窘Y果】冀北區(qū)野生紅樹莓的果實大小顯著大于冀東區(qū)、冀西太行山區(qū)和冀西北區(qū),縱徑與橫徑分別在9.64~14.41 mm、9.48~16.30 mm之間,且該區(qū)的單果質(zhì)量和單株產(chǎn)量更高,最高單株產(chǎn)量為306.70 g,各區(qū)域果形無顯著差異;冀西太行山區(qū)的紅樹莓可溶性蛋白含量(w,后同)高于其他地區(qū),在1.78~1.84 mg·g-1之間;冀西北區(qū)的紅樹莓具有較高的維生素C含量(22.83~29.79 mg·100 g-1)和較高的氨基酸含量(12.47~12.96 mg·g-1);冀東區(qū)的紅樹莓花青素含量較為突出,在587.82~599.19 mg·kg-1之間;經(jīng)主成分分析,將18個指標經(jīng)簡化為4個相對獨立的綜合指標,累積方差貢獻率為88.530% ,綜合得分排名前三位的地區(qū)為寬城、興隆和圍場;通過聚類分析,將13個樣地的野生紅樹莓果實分為3類?!窘Y論】結合河北省分區(qū)綜合評價果實品質(zhì),得出冀北區(qū)的野生紅樹莓產(chǎn)量大、風味佳,適合鮮食生產(chǎn),而冀西北區(qū)、冀西太行山區(qū)和冀東區(qū)的野生紅樹莓果實有機物含量突出,適合不同需求的加工生產(chǎn)。
中圖分類號:S663.2 文獻標志碼:A 文章編號:1009-9980(2024)04-0712-13
Analysis and evaluation of difference in fruit quality of wild red raspberries in Hebei province
ZHANG Yu, HUANG Jiefan, QIAO Shenqi, WANG Yatong, ZHAO Whenhao, ZHANG Minghui, LIU Bingxiang*
(College of Forestry, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, Hebei, China)
Abstract: 【Objective】 The study investigated the differences in the fruit quality of wild red raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.) in order to provide reference for efficient cultivation and variety breeding of red raspberry. 【Methods】 Wild red raspberries in Hebei Province was used as the research object, and a comparative analysis of the differences in the fruit characteristics of wild red raspberries from different regions was performed involving the determinations of external phenotypic traits, internal nutrient composition and other indexes of the fruit, and correlation analysis, principal component analysis and cluster analysis were applied to comprehensively evaluate the fruit quality of wild red raspberries. 【Results】 Longitudinal and transverse diameters of the fruits in each area ranged from 9.64 to 14.41 mm and 9.48 to 16.30 mm, respectively, with the largest fruit size occurring in Xinglong and the smallest in Changli and Fuping. Comprehensive comparisons revealed that the fruit size of wild red raspberries in northern Hebei was significantly greater than that in eastern Hebei, the West Hebei Taihang Mountains and northwestern Hebei, with longitudinal and transverse diameters ranging from 11.68 to 16.30 mm. There was no significant difference in fruit shape among areas. There were obvious regional differences in fruit yield, and single fruit weight and yield per plant in each area ranged from 0.34 to 2.03 g and 23.89 to 306.70 g, respectively, with those in Xinglong area being significantly higher than those of the other areas, and Changli and Fuping being the lowest. A comprehensive comparison found that the single fruit weight and yield per plant in Northern Hebei were significantly higher than those of the other regions. In fruit nutrient composition, the soluble protein and amino acid contents in wild red raspberry fruits in each area were between 1.10 to 1.97 mg·g-1 and 9.84 to 12.96 mg·g-1, respectively, and the soluble protein content of Funing red raspberry and the amino acid content of Chicheng red raspberry were significantly higher than those in the other areas. The vitamin C and anthocyanin contents varied greatly among areas, ranging from 8.40 to 29.79 mg·100 g-1 and 203.02 to 599.19 mg·kg-1, respectively, with vitamin C content of red raspberries in Chicheng, and flavonoid content in Kuancheng area being significantly higher than those in the other areas. There was no regional distribution pattern of flavonoids and total phenols in wild red raspberry fruits, which ranged from 2.32 to 6.69 mg·g-1 and 1.91 to 4.24 mg·g-1, respectively, and the total phenol content of red raspberries in Luanping, and the anthocyanins content of red raspberries in Funing and Changli were significantly higher than those in the other areas. Comprehensive comparisons revealed that the soluble protein content of red raspberries from West Hebei Taihang Mountains was higher than that of other regions, ranging from 1.78 to 1.84 mg·g-1; the red raspberries from Northwestern Hebei had a high vitamin C content of 22.83 to 29.79 mg·100 g-1 and a high amino acid content of 12.47 to 12.96 mg·g-1. The anthocyanin content of red raspberries from Eastern Hebei was relatively high, ranging from 587.82 to 599.19 mg·kg-1. Soluble sugar and titratable acid contents differed significantly, ranging from 51.24 to 84.69 mg·g-1 and 45.53 to 75.27 mg·g-1, respectively; the soluble sugar content of red raspberries in Kuancheng, and the titratable acid of red raspberries in Funing and Yixian were significantly higher than those in the other areas. The acid-sugar ratio ranged from 0.72 to 1.48, with the highest in Xinglong and the lowest in Changli. The soluble solid content and solid-acid ratios ranged from 9.53% to 14.77% and 1.45 to 2.67, respectively, and the two indexes in Xiahuayuan were significantly higher than those in the other areas. Comprehensive comparison revealed that Kuancheng, Xinglong and Weichang in the northwestern Hebei and northern Hebei regions had a higher soluble sugar content, solid-acid ratio and sugar-acid ratio, together with a lower amount of titratable acid, resulting in a sweeter fruit flavor and a richer texture; however, Changli and Funing in East Hebei and Yixian, Lai and Fuping in the West Hebei Taihang Mountains had a lower soluble sugar content and greater amount of titratable acid, which resulted in a more acidic fruit flavor. Correlation analysis of 18 indicators, including fruit traits, yield, nutrient composition and flavor, revealed a total of 19 pairs of correlated indicators. Accordingly, through principal component analysis, the 18 indicators were simplified into 4 relatively independent composite indicators, with a cumulative variance contribution rate of 88.530%, and the top three areas in terms of fruit quality composite score were Kuancheng, Xinglong and Weichang. A cluster analysis revealed that wild red raspberries in northern Hebei Province had outstanding fruit quality compared with those in the other regions; the wild red raspberries in the 13 sampling sites were divided into three categories: the first category included Weichang and Longhua, and the second Funning, Yixian, Laishui, Chicheng, Xiahuayuan, Fuping, and Changli.; and the third Luanping, Chengde, Kancheng and Xinglong. 【Conclusion】 A comprehensive evaluation of fruit quality revealed that the wild red raspberries in northern Hebei Province have large yields and good flavors and are suitable for table fruit production, whereas those in northwestern Hebei Province, the West Hebei Taihang Mountains and eastern Hebei Province, which have outstanding fruit organic content, are suitable for the production of wild red raspberries for processing and other purposes.
Key words: Wild red raspberry; Fruit quality; Principal component analysis; Cluster analysis; Evaluation
紅樹莓(Rubus idaeus L.)為薔薇科(Rosaceae)懸鉤子屬(Rubus L.)多年生落葉果樹,為小漿果灌木。果實顏色鮮艷,味道酸甜,營養(yǎng)價值高,富含人體所需的多種營養(yǎng)元素[1-3],被稱為“天然綠色食品”、“維生素寶庫”,具有食品、醫(yī)藥等多領域的開發(fā)潛力和利用價值[4-6]。
1 材料和方法
1.1 研究區(qū)概況
河北省野生紅樹莓多沿燕山及太行山山區(qū)分布,燕山和太行山都處于暖溫帶大陸性季風氣候區(qū)。燕山、太行山年均溫6~10 ℃,年降水量534~700 mm。河北省不同地區(qū)都具有較多的野生紅樹莓資源,依照河北省野生紅樹莓種質(zhì)資源分布狀況[16],將調(diào)查地主要劃分為4大區(qū)域,分別是冀東區(qū)(秦皇島市)、冀北區(qū)(承德市)、冀西北區(qū)(張家口市)以及冀西太行山區(qū)(保定市),共包含13個樣地。采集區(qū)具體信息如表1所示。
1.2 試驗材料
于2020—2021年每年6—8月,在河北省4個分區(qū)共13個分布區(qū)域中,分別隨機選取3~6株生長健壯、長勢一致、具有代表性的野生紅樹莓植株,選取成熟度一致、果實面完全均勻著色、無病蟲害的果實進行采集,各樣地隨機取樣100個果實,設3次重復,分裝后放入車載冰箱-16 ℃保存。
1.3 測定指標與方法
1.3.1? ? 外部形態(tài)指標測定? ? 在采集地現(xiàn)場進行外部形態(tài)指標測定,主要包括:(1)果實大小及果形:隨機選取大小均勻的果實10顆,用數(shù)顯游標卡尺測量果實橫徑、果實縱徑,重復測定3次,精確到0.01 mm,計算果形指數(shù)(縱徑/橫徑);(2)果實產(chǎn)量:隨機選取新鮮采摘的不帶花托的果實10個,置于電子天平上稱取質(zhì)量,重復測定3次,精確到0.01 g,計算平均去托單果質(zhì)量。觀測記錄各植株的果實數(shù)量取均值,根據(jù)單果質(zhì)量估算野生紅樹莓的單株產(chǎn)量。
1.3.2? ? 內(nèi)在營養(yǎng)成分測定? ? 除可溶性固形物含量用儀器即時測定外,其他營養(yǎng)成分均是對前期采集并用車載冰箱保存帶回的紅樹莓果實,進行-20 ℃低溫冷凍,試驗時進行破碎處理后測定。主要包括:(1)可溶性糖含量測定:蒽酮比色法[17];(2)可滴定酸含量測定:氫氧化鈉滴定法[18];(3)可溶性固形物含量測定:手持折光儀測量,精確到0.01%,重復測定3~5次取平均值[19];(4)可溶性蛋白含量測定:考馬斯亮藍染色法[20];(5)維生素C含量測定:2,6二氯靛酚滴定法[21];(6)氨基酸含量測定:茚三酮顯色法[22];(7)黃酮含量測定:氯化鋁顯色法[23];(8)總酚含量測定:福林酚試劑比色法[24];(9)花青素含量測定:pH示差法[25]。
1.4 數(shù)據(jù)處理
使用Excel進行統(tǒng)計分析,使用SPSS Statistics 24軟件對不同區(qū)域野生紅樹莓的果實品質(zhì)指標進行差異顯著性分析、相關性分析、主成分分析及聚類分析。
2 結果與分析
2.1 野生紅樹莓果實特性
2.1.1? ? 野生紅樹莓果實主要經(jīng)濟性狀差異? ? 13個樣地的野生紅樹莓果實如圖1所示。由表2可知,各地區(qū)野生紅樹莓果實的縱徑與橫徑分別在9.64~14.41 mm、9.48~16.30 mm之間。其中興隆、圍場和隆化的紅樹莓果個顯著大于其他地區(qū),以興隆地區(qū)的果個最大;寬城、承德縣、灤平次之;而昌黎和阜平的果個最小,兩地間果個差異不顯著。綜合對比發(fā)現(xiàn),冀北區(qū)紅樹莓的果個顯著大于其他地區(qū),果形方面地區(qū)間差異不顯著,除下花園、寬城、興隆、承德縣為圓形果外,其他地區(qū)均為圓錐形果。
野生紅樹莓果實產(chǎn)量有著明顯區(qū)域性差異,各地區(qū)野生紅樹莓果實的單果質(zhì)量及單株產(chǎn)量分別在0.34~2.03 g、23.89~306.70 g之間,其中興隆地區(qū)果實的單果質(zhì)量及單株產(chǎn)量顯著高于其他地區(qū);寬城的單果質(zhì)量及寬城、承德縣和灤平的單株產(chǎn)量都次之;而昌黎和阜平果實的單果質(zhì)量及單株產(chǎn)量最低,兩地間差異不顯著。綜合比較發(fā)現(xiàn),冀北區(qū)的單果質(zhì)量及單株產(chǎn)量顯著高于其他地區(qū),其余各地均存在一定差異。
2.1.2? ? 野生紅樹莓果實營養(yǎng)成分差異? ? 由表3可知,各地區(qū)野生紅樹莓果實的可溶性蛋白與氨基酸含量(w,后同)分別在1.10~1.97 mg·g-1、9.84~12.96 mg·g-1之間,撫寧紅樹莓的可溶性蛋白含量、赤城紅樹莓的氨基酸含量顯著高于其他地區(qū);各地區(qū)野生紅樹莓果實的維生素C與花青素含量有較大差異,分別在8.40~29.79 mg·100 g-1、203.02~599.19 mg·kg-1之間,赤城紅樹莓的維生素C含量、撫寧和昌黎紅樹莓的花青素含量顯著高于其他地區(qū);各地區(qū)野生紅樹莓果實中黃酮與總酚含量無區(qū)域性分布規(guī)律,分別在2.32~6.69 mg·g-1、1.91~4.24 mg·g-1之間,寬城地區(qū)紅樹莓的黃酮含量、灤平地區(qū)紅樹莓的總酚含量顯著高于其他地區(qū)。綜合比較發(fā)現(xiàn),冀西北區(qū)野生紅樹莓具有較高的維生素C和氨基酸含量;冀北區(qū)各樣地營養(yǎng)成分存在個體差異;冀西太行山區(qū)和冀東區(qū)野生紅樹莓大多營養(yǎng)成分無顯著差異,且相較其他地區(qū)具有較高的可溶性蛋白和花青素含量。
2.1.3? ? 野生紅樹莓果實風味差異? ? 果實內(nèi)部可溶性糖和有機酸的含量,是影響水果風味最直觀的因素。由表4可知,各地區(qū)野生紅樹莓的可溶性糖與可滴定酸含量存在顯著差異,分別在51.24~84.69 mg·g-1、45.53~75.27 mg·g-1之間,寬城紅樹莓的可溶性糖含量、撫寧和易縣紅樹莓的可滴定酸含量顯著高于其他地區(qū);各地區(qū)野生紅樹莓的糖酸比在0.72~1.48之間,興隆的紅樹莓糖酸比最高,而昌黎最低;各地區(qū)野生紅樹莓的可溶性固形物含量與固酸比分別在9.53%~14.77%、1.45~2.67之間,下花園紅樹莓的2個指標均高于其他地區(qū)。
2.2 野生紅樹莓果實品質(zhì)綜合評價
2.2.1? ? 果實品質(zhì)性狀相關性分析? ? 對野生紅樹莓果實性狀、產(chǎn)量、營養(yǎng)成分及其風味共18項指標進行相關性分析,由圖2可知,共有19對指標相關性達到顯著水平(p<0.05),28對指標相關性達到極顯著水平(p<0.01)。在3個果形指標中,果實的橫徑與縱徑呈極顯著正相關,而與縱橫比呈顯著負相關;在4個果實產(chǎn)量指標中,單果質(zhì)量和最大單果質(zhì)量都與果實縱徑和橫徑呈極顯著正相關,而單株產(chǎn)量也與果實縱徑、橫徑、單果質(zhì)量和單株果數(shù)呈極顯著正相關,說明果個和果數(shù)都顯著影響野生紅樹莓的產(chǎn)量;在6個果實營養(yǎng)成分指標中,黃酮含量與可溶性蛋白含量呈極顯著正相關,而與氨基酸含量呈極顯著負相關,與維生素C含量呈顯著負相關?;ㄇ嗨睾颗c多種果形以及果實產(chǎn)量指標呈顯著、極顯著負相關,即果個越大、單株產(chǎn)量越多的野生紅樹莓果實含有的花青素含量越少;在5個果實風味指標中,固酸比與可溶性固形物含量呈顯著正相關,與可滴定酸含量呈極顯著負相關。而糖酸比不僅與可溶性糖含量和固酸比呈極顯著正相關,與可滴定酸含量呈極顯著負相關,還與果形指標縱徑、橫徑呈極顯著正相關,與果實產(chǎn)量指標中的單果質(zhì)量和最大單果質(zhì)量呈顯著正相關,這說明影響果實風味的糖酸比和固酸比有協(xié)同一致的作用,且果形及單果質(zhì)量越大的果實,其糖酸比越高,風味越好。
2.2.2? ? 果實品質(zhì)性狀主成分分析? ? 對各地區(qū)野生紅樹莓有關果實品質(zhì)的18項指標進行主成分分析,共提取出特征值>1的4個主成分。由表5可知,4個主成分方差貢獻率由大到小依次為42.009%、26.101%、14.090%、6.330%,累積方差貢獻率為88.530%,基本代表了果實指標中的18個性狀,可作為評價指標。為了更好地解釋成分,對其旋轉后系數(shù)更接近1,使各成分貢獻率在累積貢獻率不變的情況下重新分配。
2.2.3? ? 聚類分析? ? 依據(jù)野生紅樹莓果實品質(zhì)的18項指標對13個樣地中分布的野生紅樹莓進行聚類分析。由圖3可知,在歐式距離為7的情況下,可將各樣地的野生紅樹莓分為3類:第一類包括圍場和隆化,此類野生紅樹莓果實品質(zhì)相較其他地區(qū),果個、糖酸比和固酸比相對較高,可用于營養(yǎng)成分含量均衡、果實風味相對較好的紅樹莓資源的篩選。第二類包括撫寧、易縣、淶水、赤城、下花園、阜平和昌黎,此類野生紅樹莓果個、單果質(zhì)量、單株果數(shù)以及單株產(chǎn)量較小,但部分營養(yǎng)元素含量較為突出,并且可以分為撫寧、易縣和其他5個地區(qū)2個亞類,前者野生紅樹莓可溶性蛋白、花青素、可滴定酸含量較為突出,后者氨基酸、維生素C、可溶性固形物含量和固酸比較為突出,因此第二類可用于上述7個成分指標含量較高的紅樹莓資源篩選。第三類包括灤平、承德、寬城和興隆,此類的野生紅樹莓果個、單果質(zhì)量、單株果數(shù)以及單株產(chǎn)量都較為突出,且同樣可分為灤平、承德縣和寬城、興隆2個亞類,前者的總酚含量較為突出,后者的黃酮、可溶性糖含量和糖酸比較為突出,因此第三類可用于果個、產(chǎn)量較大且上述4個成分指標含量較高的紅樹莓資源篩選。綜合比較發(fā)現(xiàn),冀北區(qū)的野生紅樹莓產(chǎn)量大、風味佳,適合鮮食生產(chǎn),而其他3個區(qū)域的野生紅樹莓,果實有機物含量突出,適合加工生產(chǎn)。
3 討 論
3.1 野生紅樹莓的果實特性
野生紅樹莓果實的外部性狀及產(chǎn)量通常受生長環(huán)境條件、基因等多個因素的影響[26-27],存在區(qū)域性差異。本研究結果表明,冀北區(qū)的紅樹莓果個顯著大于其他區(qū)域,且該區(qū)單果質(zhì)量更大,單株產(chǎn)量更高,這可能是由于該區(qū)所處地理位置及其氣候、土壤等環(huán)境因素利于果實生長或受優(yōu)良種質(zhì)因素影響。其中興隆地區(qū)的紅樹莓果個和單株產(chǎn)量顯著高于其他地區(qū),其單果質(zhì)量(2.03 g)顯著高于宋建新等[28]測定的Sunrise(1.62 g)、周雙等[9]測定的DNS9(1.82 g)及陳樂天[12]測定的R22(1.606 5 g)、R10(1.857 g),有引種用于栽培生產(chǎn)的優(yōu)勢。
果實的維生素C、總酚和花青素等都是天然的抗氧化活性劑[29],可幫助人體增強免疫力,促進新陳代謝。根據(jù)研究結果可知,河北省不同區(qū)域的野生紅樹莓果實的營養(yǎng)品質(zhì)存在顯著差異。綜合比較發(fā)現(xiàn),冀西北區(qū)的野生紅樹莓具有較高的維生素C和氨基酸含量,其維生素C含量(22.83~29.79 mg·100 g-1)與張家口地區(qū)海爾特茲紅樹莓測定結果相近[30],但顯著高于沈陽農(nóng)業(yè)大學樹莓種植基地采收的15個樹莓品種(6.86~10.60 mg·100 g-1)[28],是其中維生素C含量最高品種Cuthbert 的2~3倍;冀西太行山區(qū)和冀東區(qū)野生紅樹莓分別具有較高的可溶性蛋白和花青素含量,其中冀東區(qū)花青素含量(587.82~599.19 mg·kg-1)是北京基地栽植的R4、R6、R7紅樹莓品種的2~3倍[12],且各區(qū)域野生紅樹莓總酚含量(1.91~4.24 mg·g-1)顯著高于北京基地栽植的14個樹莓品種(0.566~1.882 mg·g-1)[12],因此冀西北區(qū)、冀東區(qū)及冀西太行山區(qū)的紅樹莓果實富含天然抗氧化成分,具有較強的抗氧化活性,在延長食品加工保鮮期的同時,改善了口感,提高了營養(yǎng)價值[31]。分析冀西北區(qū)維生素C含量較高的原因,可能是該區(qū)生長地光照充足,促進了植株的光合作用及生長發(fā)育。而冀東區(qū)花青素含量較高,則可能是由于該地區(qū)適宜的土壤條件和充足的降水促進了花青素積累,黃潔帆等[32]在研究中發(fā)現(xiàn),該地區(qū)野生紅樹莓的適生土壤均為酸性土,加之雨水條件充足,有助于提高植物對鋁、鎂等合成花青素等關鍵礦質(zhì)元素的吸收能力,Pott等[33]在黑加侖果實品質(zhì)的研究中也證明了降雨對果實中花青素的含量有積極影響。
3.2 野生紅樹莓的果實品質(zhì)綜合評價
4 結 論
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