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2023-05-21 18:24:49王淑君魯佳亮劉廣社徐錚
絲綢 2023年5期

王淑君 魯佳亮 劉廣社 徐錚

摘要: 南京云錦色暈口訣是云錦色彩的核心內容,有著極高的藝術文化和色彩研究價值。然而,云錦色暈口訣多已失傳,配色運用存在很大局限性。文章結合史料、文獻、云錦作品,對色暈口訣進行整理和色彩數字化提取,并將其置于HSB色彩模型定量分析,嘗試對云錦色暈的配色特征分析。結果表明:云錦色暈的配色多以紅、紫、白為主色調;色暈配色的色相差基本在110°以下,大多集中在50°以下,為同色系或鄰近色系配色;色暈配色喜用中高明度、飽和度的色彩,搭配低明度、飽和度色彩中和。云錦色暈主觀性的配色口訣與西方數字化色彩理論存在類似,遵循著各自的配色邏輯,運用色彩對比與調和,來形成良好的配色效果。從云錦中提取的色暈口訣和色彩可為后續(xù)云錦色暈色彩數字化的相關研究提供參考與借鑒。

關鍵詞: 南京云錦;色暈口訣;配色特征;HSB色彩模型;色彩數字化;配色應用

中圖分類號: TS941.11

文獻標志碼: A

文章編號: 1001-7003(2023)05-0019-07

引用頁碼: 051103

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2023.05.003





1 云錦色暈口訣的歷史淵源




2 云錦色暈口訣及色彩采集

2.1 色暈口訣采集



2.2 色暈口訣色彩采集


色彩提取步驟:1) 用Photoshop打開紗線色卡圖;2) 用“文件—存儲web和設備所用格式”功能打開,格式設置為png-8,色塊為2;3) 用吸管工具取色,打開拾色器,即可獲得該色樣Lab值;4) 新建頁面,格式設置為20×20 cm,分辨率300像素,顏色面板調整為Lab滑塊模式,調整滑塊,填充還原色彩。


3 云錦色暈口訣的配色特征




1) 云錦色暈在色彩搭配上色系豐富,具有以紅、紫、白為主的色彩基調和傾向。如表4所示,以《孔雀牡丹》為例,有彩色的H為1°~357°,S為7%~91%,B為27%~99%,可發(fā)現(xiàn)H、S、B差值都較大,即色相、飽和度、明度跨度范圍大,說明使用的色系十分豐富,色彩多變。由圖4可看出,各色系配色出現(xiàn)的頻率分別為159、52、39、13、76、144組,可發(fā)現(xiàn)紅、紫、白色系在配色時使用最多,從《孔雀牡丹》也可發(fā)現(xiàn),其中含有彩色24種,其中紅色11種,紫色7種,且白色在5組花配色中均有出現(xiàn)。由圖5可發(fā)現(xiàn),有彩色的色相總體比較集中,在紅、紫色系區(qū)域較多,整體偏暖色系。這是由于色暈多用于花卉,花卉的色彩常為理想化的現(xiàn)實色彩,如現(xiàn)實世界中絢爛多變,姹紫嫣紅,且因云錦逐花異色的特征,色彩十分豐富。而白色系常以大白相間的手法,將白色作為大朵主花色暈最外層的色彩選擇,使主花在深色地部的襯托下更加突顯與明晰,白色可以與所有顏色調和搭配,起到統(tǒng)一整體色調,平衡視覺效果的重要作用,可將多種顏色交織的紋樣處理得繁中有序、統(tǒng)一醒目,同時豐富色彩層次的變化,使織物獲得生動的藝術效果。

2) 云錦色暈口訣用色的色相差多集中于50°以下,其用色基本為同色系或鄰近色系。從圖6等高線可看出色相差分布狀態(tài),基本在110°以下,大多集中在50°以下。這是由于云錦色暈的用色十分注重主色調的控制,花色用暈大多為同色或類色,以此利用色階的層次變化構成花卉豐富飽滿的立體效果。從圖7總體上看,色暈用色色相差越大,色彩在HSB色彩空間中的距離相對就越大;色暈用色在空間上的距離基本在130°以下,距離在80°以下的配色居多。這也從另一個角度證明,云錦色暈配色時的用色基本為同色系或鄰近色系,故空間距離不會太遠。

3) 云錦色暈口訣用色多為中高明度、中高飽和度的色彩搭配低明度、低飽和度的色彩。從圖8可看出,飽和度多集中于30%~85%,屬于中等偏高飽和度,說明整體色彩較鮮艷;明度多集中于35%~90%,屬于中等偏高明度,說明整體色彩感受較明亮。圖9中,白色系主要在85%~100%,明度較高;灰色系主要在35%~80%,以中等明度為主,跨越范圍較大,色彩的明亮程度變化豐富。這是由于中國傳統(tǒng)色彩觀常采用色彩鮮艷的配色,喜用中高明度、中高飽和度的色彩,如大紅、大紫等色調,層次豐富,為配色更加和諧,通常會采用低飽和度、低明度的色彩來中和平衡畫面。


4 云錦色暈口訣的科學性




5 云錦色暈口訣的應用


6 結 語




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Abstract: Nanjing Yunjin brocade is a famous silk handicraft which enjoys a good reputation at home and abroad. It was particularly prosperous in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is named for its elegant and beautiful patterns, gorgeous and solemn color decoration, just like the gorgeous clouds in the sky. As for Nanjing Yunjin brocade, an intangible cultural heritage, the color is its most prominent feature, and the core content of the Nanjing Yunjin brocade color is its color halo formulas, which have a high value for artistic culture and color research. However, most of the color halo formulas have been lost. The color halo formulas of traditional Nanjing Yunjin brocade in color matching have the characteristics of experience dependence, subjectivity and personalization, which leads to the lack of scientific and standardized data research. Therefore, there are still great limitations in the use of color management and color matching, which makes it difficult to inherit skills and spread knowledge. In this paper, the color research of the color halo formulas of Nanjing Yunjin brocade is taken as the starting point to explore a more perfect and rich color of Nanjing Yunjin brocade, restore the colorful appearance of Nanjing Yunjin brocade, and combine it with modern technology to apply it in the field of contemporary color, so as to achieve the inheritance and development of Nanjing Yunjin brocade and its color.

Based on historical data, literature and Nanjing Yunjin brocade works, we divided the color halo formulas into two-color ones and three-color ones, sorted out the color halo formulas and digitally extracted the colors, and put them into HSB color model for quantitative analysis, trying to analyze the color matching characteristics of Nanjing Yunjin brocade color halo. Besides, we applied Nanjing Yunjin brocade color halo formulas into modern patterns. The digital research on the colors of Nanjing Yunjin brocade color halo formulas, which is proposed in this paper, enriches the basic research data and improves the flexibility and operability of color selection, and is different from the perceptual way that traditional folk artists record traditional colors by relying on experiential cognition. At the same time, the quantized parameter information can accurately reflect the true characteristics of Nanjing Yunjin brocade color halo formulas in color matching, as well as the color rules and relations reflected, so as to achieve the accuracy, reproducibility and consistency of the Nanjing Yunjin brocade color halo application, and to make the research of Nanjing Yunjin brocade color halo more scientific and standardized.

The results show that the color systems of the Nanjing Yunjin brocade color halo are very rich in color matching, with red, purple and white as the main color tone and tendency. The hue difference of Nanjing Yunjin brocade color halo matching is basically below 110 degrees, and mainly below 50 degrees, indicating Nanjing Yunjin brocade adopts the same color or adjacent color matching. When matching the colors of Nanjing Yunjin brocade color halo, people prefer to neutralize medium-high brightness and saturation colors with low brightness and low saturation colors, so as to form a rich and harmonious color matching effect. In general, Nanjing Yunjin brocade color halo in color matching are arranged in the same or adjacent color systems in an orderly manner according to the intensity and gradation of colors, thus creating a harmonious aesthetic sense of regular pattern and rhythm. After comparing and analyzing the subjective color matching formulas of the color halo of Nanjing Yunjin brocade and Western digital color theory, we find that although there are differences in their cultural and historical backgrounds, and in the expressions of Chinese and Western color theories, their color theories still coincide, and there are similarities. They still follow their respective color matching logic in terms of color matching, using color contrast and harmony to form good color art effects. When the extracted color data are used to assign colors to the modernized patterns, a good color matching effect is shown, and the color matching style and appearance of the Nanjing Yunjin brocade is reproduced to a large extent.

The color halo formulas and colors extracted from Nanjing Yunjin brocade can provide reference for subsequent digital research on the colors of the color halo of Nanjing Yunjin brocade. We will further explore and refine the artistic and cultural value of the color halo of Nanjing Yunjin brocade, broaden the field of development and application of the color of the color halo of Nanjing Yunjin brocade, so that Nanjing Yunjin brocade, an ancient silk handicraft, can be combined with modern art, and be integrated with fashion culture. It is of great significance to make it accepted by more people and promote its development.

Key words: Nanjing Yunjin brocade; color halo formula; color matching characteristics; HSB color model; color digitization; application of color matching

类乌齐县| 丰顺县| 门源| 沁源县| 余姚市| 蒙山县| 临安市| 秦安县| 永定县| 康马县| 达拉特旗| 巨野县| 芦山县| 镇宁| 沙田区| 松桃| 塔城市| 本溪| 新晃| 剑阁县| 边坝县| 金塔县| 安塞县| 深圳市| 宜阳县| 神池县| 昆明市| 德安县| 会宁县| 澄江县| 惠安县| 织金县| 龙胜| 蒙阴县| 共和县| 康平县| 滕州市| 丽江市| 县级市| 蒲城县| 资中县|