1 (1) 高低氮處理下小麥旗葉性狀的遺傳分析 武亞瑞等
1 (12) 玉米開花期轉錄因子候選基因的關聯分析 馬拴紅等
1 (26) 基于近紅外光譜的高粱籽粒直鏈淀粉、支鏈淀粉含量檢測模型的構建與應用 張北舉等
2 (233) 寧麥系列小麥品種的性狀特點及相關基因位點分析 姜 朋等
2 (248) 陸地棉吐絮率的限制性兩階段多位點全基因組關聯分析及候選基因預測 謝曉宇等
2 (265) 玉米種質資源抗腐霉莖腐病和鐮孢莖腐病精準鑒定 段燦星等
3 (425) 作物根系表型鑒定評價方法的現狀與展望 李 龍等
3 (438) 玉米氮狀況相關生物標記物的篩選和應用 石 習等
3 (451) 世界大豆生育階段光溫綜合反應的地理分化和演化 姜芬芬等
4 (625) 黑龍江省水稻種質稻瘟病抗性評價及抗瘟基因結構分析 張亞玲等
4 (641) 花生烘烤食用品質評價及指標篩選 卞能飛等
4 (653) 中國谷子種業(yè)創(chuàng)新現狀與未來展望 賈冠清等
5 (825) 利用高密度Bin圖譜定位水稻抽穗期劍葉葉綠素含量QTL 趙 凌等
5 (837) 小麥抗赤霉病育種回顧與展望 馬鴻翔等
5 (856) 南方地區(qū)120份甜、糯玉米自交系重要目標性狀和育種潛力分析 馮宣軍等
6(1047) 種子耐脫水性的生理及分子機制研究進展 宋松泉等
6(1064) 小麥苗期鉛耐受性的全基因組關聯分析 職 蕾等
6(1082) 陸地棉種質資源表型性狀綜合評價 王秀秀等
7(1263) 種質庫種質安全保存理論研究的進展與展望 尹廣鹍等
7(1271) 中國優(yōu)質稻品種品質及食味感官評分值的特征 朱大偉等
7(1284) 437個小麥品種鉀收獲指數的變異特征 劉 碩等
8(1479) 水稻氮高效相關基因的研究進展 桑世飛等
8(1492) 基于55K SNP芯片的普通小麥穗長非條件和條件QTL分析 唐華蘋等
8(1503) 陸地棉遺傳標準系TM-1的特性及其耐冷性 王俊娟等
9(1695) 基于雜交種群體的玉米產量及其配合力的全基因組關聯分析 李周帥等
9(1710) 在中國大豆品種上創(chuàng)建ALSV誘導的基因沉默體系 董永鑫等
9(1723) 苦蕎愈傷遺傳轉化體系的優(yōu)化及用于的過表達分析 趙海霞等
10(1877) 陸地棉轉錄因子基因的克隆及其在抗旱中的作用 劉瑞達等
10(1891) 甘薯苗期耐低氮基因型篩選及不同氮效率類型綜合評價 范文靜等
11(2077) 小麥抗條銹基因在品種改良中的應用 方桃紅等
11(2092) 中國高粱地方品種和育成品種穗部表型性狀精準鑒定及綜合評價 徐曉等
11(2109) 芝麻素高效提取檢測技術的建立與高芝麻素種質的篩選 鐘艷平等
12(2265) 棉花產量構成因素性狀的全基因組關聯分析 王 娟等
12(2278) 馬鈴薯塊莖質地品質的綜合評價 李文麗等
13(2485) 玉米雜交種穗部性狀的全基因組關聯分析 李 婷等
13(2500) 花生每莢種子數相關性狀QTL的定位 郝 靜等
14(2685) 大豆單鋅指蛋白基因的克隆及其在SMV與寄主互作中的功能 趙玎玲等
14(2696) 水楊酸引發(fā)對紅麻幼苗耐鹽性的影響 胡亞麗等
15(2875) PSORA:一種基于高通量測序的T-DNA插入位點分析方法 馬雪萌等
15(2883) 谷子生育期及穗相關性狀的QTL定位 郭淑青等
16(3071) 多環(huán)境下玉米保綠相關性狀遺傳位點的挖掘 常立國等
16(3082) 紫花苜蓿高遷移率族蛋白基因調控花期的功能分析 張云秀等
17(3267) 秧苗富鋅對不同水稻品種鎘積累及相關轉運基因的影響 姜曉婷等
17(3278) 馬鈴薯葉片氣孔的開張與關閉同步伴隨果膠的降解與合成 張曉萍等
18(3473) 小麥周8425B×小偃81重組自交系群體千粒重相關性狀的QTL定位及單倍型分析 鄒林翰等
18(3484) 馬鈴薯品種(系)田間晚疫病抗性評價和全基因組遺傳多樣性分析 李曉川等
19(3685) 玉米轉錄因子ZmEREB93負調控籽粒發(fā)育 龐浩婉等
19(3697) 紫花苜蓿的克隆及功能分析 蘇 倩等
20(3875) FCS-Like鋅指蛋白OsFLZ18在調控水稻抽穗期中的作用 馬雅美等
20(3885) 大豆根特異性啟動子的鑒定及其在根腐病抗性中的應用 閆 強等
20(3897) 芝麻種間雜交親和性差異及雜種生物學特征分析 琚 銘等
21(4091) 栽培稻芽期耐低溫全基因組關聯分析 逄洪波等
21(4104) 燕麥品種間脂肪酶活性差異及低脂肪酶優(yōu)質品種的預測 相玉婷等
21(4118) 甘蔗不同基因型對白條病抗性的評價 杜金霞等
22(4327) 水稻RIL群體高密度遺傳圖譜的構建及苗期耐熱性QTL定位 劉 進等
22(4342) 棉花出苗期耐冷綜合評價體系的構建及耐冷指標篩選 沈 倩等
22(4356) 花生高親和硝酸鹽轉運蛋白基因響應低氮脅迫的功能研究 王 娟等
23(4567) 半糯粳稻品種核心標記的篩選及DNA指紋圖譜的構建 趙春芳等
23(4583) 小麥響應干旱脅迫環(huán)狀RNA的鑒定 李 寧等
24(4781) 水稻穗頂端退化突變體的表型分析及基因克隆 赫 磊等
24(4793) 甘藍型油菜發(fā)育進程中赤霉素動態(tài)變化及其與產量的關系 謝伶俐等
1 (36) 播期對再生稻次適宜區(qū)雜交秈稻食味品質的影響 李 博等
1 (51) 田間增溫1.5℃對高緯度粳稻產量和品質的影響 鄧艾興等
1 (61) 不同配置對遼西玉米‖花生間作系統(tǒng)氮素吸收利用的影響 馮 晨等
2 (280) 兩種磷素水平下小麥苗期對干旱脅迫的離子組和代謝組響應 李 剛等
2 (295) 單株小麥生理生態(tài)控制的等距單粒線播法研究 李 佩等
2 (307) 種植密度和噴施乙烯利對夏玉米木質素代謝和抗倒伏性能的調控 耿文杰等
3 (467) 彩色稻葉片光合特征及其與抗氧化酶活性、花青素含量的關系 陳婷婷等
3 (479) 覆膜時期和施氮量對隴東旱塬玉米產量和水氮利用效率的影響 張建軍等
4 (666) 雜交稻低播量精準條播育秧機插提高群體均勻度和產量的效應分析 王亞梁等
4 (680) 不同種植區(qū)玉米生理成熟后田間站稈脫水的積溫需求 黃兆福等
4 (692) 基于GIS的河南省小麥產量及產量構成要素時空差異分析 熊淑萍等
5 (874) 不同栽培措施對超級稻強、弱勢粒品質的影響 蔣晶晶等
5 (890) 基于無人機多光譜和熱紅外影像信息融合的小麥白粉病監(jiān)測 馮子恒等
6(1095) 中國北方地區(qū)小麥覆蓋栽培增產效應的薈萃(Meta)分析 秦羽青等
6(1110) 基于成像高光譜的小麥冠層白粉病早期監(jiān)測方法 蔡葦荻等
6(1127) 基于PLS的不同水氮條件下帶狀套作玉米產量預測 譚先明等
7(1301) 基于多元統(tǒng)計分析的小麥低溫凍害評價及水分效應差異研究 王洋洋等
7(1319) 干旱灌區(qū)小麥間作玉米麥后復種綠肥的可持續(xù)性分析 茍志文等
7(1332) 不同滴灌模式對東北春播玉米籽粒淀粉積累及淀粉相關酶活性的影響 張家樺等
8(1518) 慢生根瘤菌及其與花生共生機制研究進展 吳 月等
8(1529) 香稻分蘗期減氮側深施液體肥對產量和氮素利用的影響 桂潤飛等
8(1546) 雜交稻對產量和氮素利用率影響的薈萃分析 廖 萍等
9(1735) 不同氮用量對四川春玉米光合特性、氮利用效率及產量的影響 熊偉仡等
9(1749) 減量施氮對套作玉米大豆葉片持綠、光合特性和系統(tǒng)產量的影響 李易玲等
9(1763) 全球氣候變暖對中國種植制度的可能影響XIV.東北大豆高產穩(wěn)產區(qū)及農業(yè)氣象災害分析 郭世博等
10(1903) 種間距離對玉米-大豆帶狀套作土壤理化性狀及根系空間分布的影響 任俊波等
10(1917) 基于APSIM模型的內蒙古四大生態(tài)區(qū)不同降水年型下主要作物適應性評價 劉霞霞等
11(2121) 節(jié)水灌溉對水稻產量和品質影響的薈萃分析 孟 軼等
11(2135) 青藏高原不同積溫條件下春小麥光溫生產潛力及其對氣候變化的響應 張澤民等
12(2294) 不同熟期品種間作對春玉米籽粒灌漿、脫水特性及產量的影響 肖珊珊等
12(2311) 玉米穗位葉衰老進程及其適宜指示性指標研究 呂志偉等
12(2324) 寧夏玉米機械粒收適宜時期研究與預測模型構建 李紅燕等
13(2509) NaCl脅迫對不同耐鹽性粳稻種質幼苗葉綠素熒光特性的影響 朱春艷等
13(2526) 不同分子量聚天冬氨酸對小麥根系生長和養(yǎng)分吸收的影響 劉 媛等
13(2538) 基于熱紅外圖像的小麥品種抗旱性鑒定與評價 孟 雨等
14(2709) 秋閑期秸稈覆蓋與減氮優(yōu)化根系分布提高冬小麥產量及水氮利用效率 高仁才等
14(2726) 翻耕深度對遮陰油菜根系生長和養(yǎng)分吸收利用的影響 白 非等
15(2899) 酸性土壤中叢枝菌根真菌菌劑多樣性對玉米產量及其磷鉀吸收的影響 張晨曦等
15(2911) 中耕時間和深度對大豆光合特性及產量形成的影響 原 程等
15(2927) 基于花生//高粱間作模式的花生鹽脅迫耐受性效應研究 史曉龍等
16(3093) 基于Sentinel-1/2數據的中國南方單雙季稻識別結果一致性分析 楊靖雅等
16(3110) 山東省冬小麥產量差與氮肥利用效率差形成機理解析 韓守威等
16(3123) 行距和密度對籽粒飼用高粱產量和品質的影響 王勁松等
17(3289) 旱地化肥分層和深施對春小麥水肥利用及產量的影響 侯慧芝等
17(3303) 花后高溫干旱脅迫下氮素對冬小麥氮積累與代謝酶、蛋白質含量及水氮利用效率的影響 汝 晨等
17(3321) 不同水氮條件下冬小麥穗器官臨界氮稀釋模型研究 趙曉慧等
18(3501) 干旱灌區(qū)麥后復種綠肥與施氮水平對小麥光合性能與產量的影響 麻碧嬌等
18(3516) 高溫干旱復合脅迫對夏玉米產量及光合特性的影響 李小凡等
18(3530) 干旱脅迫下春玉米冠層吐絲動態(tài)及籽粒數模擬研究 王夢琪等
19(3710) 不同時期高溫脅迫對夏玉米物質生產性能及籽粒產量的影響 張 川等
19(3723) 美國軟麥籽粒品質變化趨勢及對我國弱筋小麥標準達標度分析 劉 豐等
19(3738) 基于CARS-BPNN的江西省土壤有機碳含量高光譜預測 吳 俊等
20(3910) 兩種機械化種植方式對優(yōu)質晚秈稻產量和品質的影響 郭保衛(wèi)等
20(3926) 基于無人機多光譜影像的小麥封壟前種植行識別方法改進 馬 嘯等
21(4131) 氮肥后移及間作對玉米光合特性的耦合效應 徐 珂等
21(4144) 基于Bi-LSTM模型的時間序列遙感作物分類研究 黃 翀等
21(4158) 基于裂變模式的農業(yè)農村信息快速調查及分析平臺開發(fā)與應用 張 杰等
22(4373) 中國大田作物栽培學前沿與創(chuàng)新方向探討 張洪程等
22(4383) 山東省強筋小麥品質評價及與氣象因子關系分析 余維寶等
23(4600) 長期不同施肥措施冬小麥-夏玉米輪作體系周年氨揮發(fā)損失的差異 伊英杰等
23(4614) 晝夜變溫下高溫與干旱脅迫對棉毒蛋白含量的影響及其生理機制 尹彥雨等
24(4808) 乙矮合劑對不同施氮量夏玉米根系形態(tài)構建和產量的影響 房孟穎等
24(4823) 基于星-機光譜融合的棉花葉片SPAD值反演 王淑婷等
1 (74) 膜吸附法結合可視化環(huán)介導等溫擴增技術檢測柑橘黃龍病菌 李鎮(zhèn)希等
1 (85) 農田景觀格局對南疆蘋果園梨小食心蟲成蟲種群動態(tài)的影響 宋博文等
2 (320) 嗜堿假單胞菌Ej2對稻瘟病的防治效果及對水稻內源激素的影響 沙月霞等
2 (329) 飛蝗表皮蛋白LmKnk3-5′的抗體制備及組織定位 張 睿等
3 (491) 小麥抗條銹病基因對中國條銹菌主要流行小種的抗性分析 胡朝月等
3 (503) 獼猴桃細菌性潰瘍病菌T3SS關鍵效應蛋白基因致病功能 張晉龍等
4 (707) 番茄頸腐根腐病抗性鑒定技術的建立及抗性種質資源篩選 王夢蕊等
4 (719) 攜帶不同原噬菌體的黃龍病菌在柑橘木虱體內的增殖及致病力 黃家權等
5 (907) 2020年我國北方地區(qū)草地螟種群的時空動態(tài)與蟲源分析 陳智勇等
5 (920) 茚蟲威降解菌海藻酸鈉微球制劑研制及應用效果 汪育泰等
6(1139) 查爾酮合成酶基因在葡萄抗灰霉病和霜霉病中的作用 郭澤西等
6(1149) 廣泛靶向代謝組學解析桃蚜危害對桃樹次生代謝產物的影響 閆樂樂等
7(1346) 廣東省侵染美香占2號的稻瘟病菌致病性及無毒基因變異分析 汪文娟等
7(1359) 山東省多主棒孢對三種常用殺菌劑的敏感性監(jiān)測及對氟吡菌酰胺的抗性 李桂香等
8(1557) 基于圖像的水稻紋枯病智能測報方法 韓曉彤等
8(1568) 三種新型化合物對草地貪夜蛾海藻糖與幾丁質代謝及生長發(fā)育的影響 王思彤等
9(1781) 亞油酸乙醇胺誘導番茄對灰葡萄孢抗性的作用及機制 邵淑君等
9(1790) 寬脛夜蛾性信息素類似物的合成及其生物活性 李 慧等
10(1938) 蕓薹根腫菌活細胞PMAxx-qPCR快速定量檢測方法的建立與應用 李曉菁等
10(1949) 草地貪夜蛾在中國西北地區(qū)的遷飛路徑 吳秋琳等
10(1961) 玉米田桃蛀螟幼蟲的空間分布型與抽樣技術 李少華等
11(2150) 表皮蛋白基因和參與介導赤擬谷盜對磷化氫的抗性形成 陳二虎等
11(2161) 基于推薦用量的我國果蔬小型害蟲登記用藥現狀分析 毛連綱等
12(2338) 褐飛虱絲氨酸蛋白酶抑制劑基因的克隆及其功能分析 鄔 偉等
12(2347) 薇甘菊光能利用及葉綠素合成在不同光照強度下的響應 金夢嬌等
13(2552) 煙粉虱味覺受體基因和的克隆與表達模式分析 渠 成等
13(2562) P450基因在氯蟲苯甲酰胺不同抗性品系小菜蛾中的表達及功能分析 尹 飛等
14(2740) 番茄Sl在防御丁香假單胞菌番茄致病變種中的功能 方瀚墨等
14(2752) 侵染蘿卜的油菜花葉病毒廣東分離物分子特征及其致病性分析 李正剛等
15(2938) 螺蟲乙酯抑制西花薊馬卵孵化的蛋白質組學分析 周桂盈等
15(2949) RNA生物農藥的商業(yè)化現狀及存在問題 關若冰等
16(3134) 玉米大斑病菌小柱孢酮脫水酶StSCD家族鑒定及其功能分析 郝玉彬等
16(3144) 番茄糖轉運蛋白SlSTP2在防御細菌性葉斑病中的功能 李依鎂等
17(3334) 玉米孢囊線蟲SCAR-PCR快速分子檢測技術 崔江寬等
17(3343) “優(yōu)標”水稻體系對稻田土壤環(huán)境的影響 夏芊蔚等
18(3543) 本氏煙的克隆、表達及在TMV侵染過程中的功能 溫玉霞等
18(3556) 馬鈴薯晚疫病菌對霜脲氰抗性動態(tài)監(jiān)測及藥效驗證 路 粉等
19(3751) 黃瓜CC-NBS-LRR家族基因鑒定及在霜霉病和白粉病脅迫下的表達分析 康 忱等
19(3767) 鈣對枳生長發(fā)育及柑橘潰瘍病抗性的影響 肖桂華等
20(3939) 基于地上部癥狀的玉米根腐病分級及嚴重度與農藝性狀的關系 劉樹森等
20(3948) 我國草地貪夜蛾種群殺蟲劑靶標基因突變分析 王帥宇等
21(4175) 中國水稻主產區(qū)白葉枯病菌致病型分析及近等基因系鑒別寄主的構建 馮愛卿等
21(4196) 本氏煙半胱氨酸蛋白酶基因家族特征及其在TMV侵染中的功能 裴悅宏等
22(4398) 基于柑橘葉斑駁病毒的表達載體構建及應用 張 琦等
22(4408) 侵染西番蓮的東亞西番蓮病毒全基因組序列特征及TC-RT-PCR檢測技術 謝麗雪等
23(4626) 中國野生毛葡萄轉錄因子VqWRKY6與VqbZIP1互作調控抗白粉病功能分析 張 潔等
23(4640) 陌夜蛾性信息素類似物的合成及其生物活性 任梓齊等
24(4840) 柑橘黃化花葉病毒侵染性克隆構建及應用 蔣琪琪等
24(4851) 牛筋草EPSPS酶聯免疫試劑盒的研發(fā)及應用 李志玲等
1 (96) 不同施肥模式下輪作制度引起的土壤磷素有效性變化及其影響因素 李帥帥等
1 (111) 不同有機碳水平下土磷的有效性及無機磷形態(tài)轉化 路 鵬等
1 (123) 施肥方式對設施菜地氨揮發(fā)的影響 王 從等
2 (339) 腐殖酸單側刺激對玉米根系生長的影響 周麗平等
2 (350) 單季麥秸還田促進小麥-玉米周年碳效率和經濟效益協(xié)同提高 王 良等
3 (514) 鋅與吡蟲啉配合噴施對小麥籽粒富鋅效果及蛋白質組分的影響 李雅菲等
3 (529) 長期施氮對酸性紫色土氨氧化微生物群落及其硝化作用的影響 鄒溫馨等
4 (729) 秸稈分解對兩種類型土壤無機氮和氧化亞氮排放的影響 張學林等
4 (743) 紫云英與油菜混播對稻田土壤N2O排放及相關功能基因豐度的影響 楊濱娟等
5 (932) 氮磷配施下夏玉米臨界氮濃度稀釋曲線的構建與氮營養(yǎng)診斷 劉 苗等
5 (948) 等氮量條件下有機肥替代化肥對玉米農田溫室氣體排放的影響 李曉立等
5 (962) 西北地區(qū)玉米生產投入及生態(tài)環(huán)境風險評價 喬 遠等
6 (1159) 長期施用有機肥情景下華北平原旱地土壤固碳及N2O排放的空間格局 王樹會等
6 (1172) 甘藍型油菜苗期氮高效吸收轉運特征研究 巢成生等
7(1371) 放牧強度對羊草草甸草原植物器官及群落氮磷化學計量的影響 王 淼等
7(1385) 基于文本量化的中國農業(yè)面源污染治理政策演進特征分析 華春林等
8(1579) 東北黑土不同開墾年限稻田土壤有機氮礦化特征 高佳蕊等
8(1589) 小麥化肥減施與不同輪作方式的周年養(yǎng)分平衡及經濟效益分析 馬小艷等
8(1604) 滴灌施肥模式對玉米產量、養(yǎng)分吸收及經濟效益的影響 李 前等
9(1800) 基于小麥產量與籽粒錳含量的磷肥優(yōu)化管理 王浩琳等
9(1811) 中國草地地上生產力氮素敏感性的時空變化 侯將將等
10(1971) 基施氮肥及灌漿前期噴施鋅肥對小麥籽粒富鋅及蛋白組分含量的影響 吳天琪等
10(1987) 洱海流域植煙土壤養(yǎng)分時空變異特征及肥力評價 郭迎新等
10(2000) 叢枝菌根真菌對玉米生育期土壤N2O排放的影響 張學林等
11(2174) 生物質炭可溶性有機物化學組成及生物活性意義 卞榮軍等
11(2187) 不同水分條件下有機無機肥配施對棉花根系特征及產量的影響 王 寧等
12(2360) 施肥方式對黃土高原旱作春玉米農田土壤氨揮發(fā)的影響 徐芳蕾等
12(2372) 吉林省旱地土壤有效硫含量及其與土壤有機質和全氮的關系 崔 帥等
12(2384) 氮肥減量下長期間作毛葉苕子根茬還田對玉米產量及氮肥利用率的影響 盧秉林等
13(2572) 中國土壤調查結果的地統(tǒng)計特征 張維理等
13(2584) 我國北方麥區(qū)小麥生產的化肥、農藥和灌溉水使用現狀及其減用潛力 魏 蕾等
14(2762) 新疆小麥、玉米的產量和氮磷鉀肥利用效率 湯明堯等
14(2775) 原料、炭化溫度和生物質炭組分對小白菜生長的影響 鐘佳霖等
14(2786) 腐殖酸-尿素復合物配施尿素在不同施肥土壤上的NH3揮發(fā)特征 景建元等
15(2961) 基于機器學習方法的寧夏南部土壤質地空間分布研究 申 哲等
15(2973) 有效積溫與不同供氮水平夏玉米干物質和氮素積累定量化研究 陳 楊等
15(2988) 有機肥替代部分化肥對椪柑生長、品質及土壤特性的影響 萬連杰等
16(3155) 北方麥區(qū)小麥產量與籽粒氮磷鉀含量對監(jiān)控施鉀和土壤速效鉀的響應 馬 悅等
16(3170) 東北三省玉米生產資源投入和環(huán)境效應的時空特征 陳緒昊等
16(3185) 砂質潮土施用改良劑對土壤動物群落特征的影響 楊 靜等
17(3355) 不同含羧基有機酸改性尿素在石灰性潮土中的轉化特征 張英強等
17(3365) 基于AquaCrop模型的大豆灌溉制度優(yōu)化研究 王巧娟等
17(3380) 基于國家糧食安全下的農業(yè)面源污染綜合防治體系思考 楊世琦
18(3565) 世界主要國家土壤調查工作回顧 張維理等
18(3584) 近十年安徽省秸稈直接還田研究進展 馬 超等
18(3600) 酸性土壤硝化作用對柑橘銨毒害的效應 范子晗等
19(3779) 減氮覆膜下土壤有機碳組分含量的變化特征 王楚涵等
19(3791) 巢湖流域磷肥減量施用對稻麥輪作體系作物產量和品質的影響 張鑫堯等
20(3960) 我國主要糧食作物耕地基礎地力的時空變化 李玉浩等
20(3970) 仿生改性水基共聚物包膜氮肥的制備及其性能研究 陳春羽等
20(3983) 地膜對農業(yè)生產的影響及其污染控制 張金瑞等
21(4211) 作物養(yǎng)分管理的農機農藝結合技術研究進展 米國華等
21(4225) 添加螯合劑對磷酸二銨溶解、固定及轉化的影響 董澤寬等
21(4237) 不同輪耕模式下小麥各生育時期土壤養(yǎng)分及酶活性變化特征 朱長偉等
22(4419) 黑土有效磷閾值區(qū)間的磷形態(tài)特征及對土壤化學性質的響應 秦貞涵等
22(4433) 葉面噴施硒與土壤水分耦合對番茄產量和品質的影響 劉 浩等
22(4445) 沼液中HCO3-對水稻生長的類CO2施肥效應 萬華琴等
23(4651) 水稻油菜輪作下稻草還田和鉀肥對土壤團聚體及鉀素分布的影響 劉淑軍等
23(4664) 不同肥力棕壤玉米根茬和莖葉殘體碳氮的固定特征 李佳燕等
23(4678) 我國三個典型流域人類活動凈氮輸入量估算及其影響因素 張?zhí)禊i等
24(4863) 氮肥減量施用對我國三大糧食作物產量的影響 杜文婷等
24(4879) 灰水足跡視角下我國省域農業(yè)生態(tài)效率及其影響因素 鄧遠建等
1 (134) 基于轉錄組分析ABA促進葡萄花青苷積累相關基因 徐獻斌等
1 (152) 基于WGCNA鑒定茶樹響應草甘膦相關的基因共表達模塊 郭永春等
2 (365) 斷根與打頂對番茄嫁接愈合的抑制作用 崔青青等
2 (378) 氮素水平及形態(tài)對娃娃菜根系特征及生理指標的影響 馬玉峰等
3 (543) 蘋果栽培品種不同族系香氣特征分析 路 翔等
3 (558) 龍眼乙烯合成途徑基因鑒定及響應ACC處理的分析 賴春旺等
4 (755) 芽變選種推動世界蘋果和柑橘產業(yè)優(yōu)質高效發(fā)展案例解讀 陳學森等
4 (769) 基于代謝組學的‘永春佛手’烏龍茶化學成分解析 彭佳堃等
5(977) 鮮食葡萄果實單萜合成關鍵基因的eQTL分析 王慧玲等
5(991) 中國板栗36個葉片表型性狀的多樣性 郭 燕等
6(1189) 遠紅光補光對辣椒幼苗生長和非生物脅迫抗性的影響 董桑婕等
6(1199) 棗R2R3-MYB亞家族基因鑒定及其在果實發(fā)育中的表達分析 李世佳等
7(1399) 外源亞精胺對高溫脅迫下生菜氮代謝的影響 余琦隆等
7(1411) 不同溫度下褪黑素處理對‘陽光玫瑰’葡萄采后品質的影響 呂馨寧等
8(1617) 低磷脅迫下黃瓜木質部與韌皮部汁液的代謝物變化 李青林等
8(1630) 茶樹CsHIPP26.1互作蛋白的篩選與驗證 范延艮等
9(1822) 生菜可變剪接體的克隆與高溫誘導表達模式 隋心意等
9(1831) 高茶氨酸茶樹新品系‘福黃1號’黃化變異機理 林馨穎等
10(2013) 不同砧木對歐亞種葡萄‘丹娜’果實類黃酮物質的影響 韓 曉等
10(2026) 不同類型桃果實內酯芳香物質構成與重要性評價 張圓圓等
11(2202) 溶質和硬質型桃果實成熟過程果肉多肽組學分析 李 昂等
11(2214) SO2引起巨峰葡萄采后落粒的共表達網絡和轉錄調控分析楊盛迪等
12(2398) 替代柑橘聚乙烯薄膜單果套袋的涂膜劑研發(fā)及保鮮效果評價鄒運乾等
12(2413) 木霉對鹽脅迫下枸杞根與葉內離子平衡和光系統(tǒng)II的影響 邊蘭星等
13(2598) 不同蘋果砧木對持續(xù)低磷的響應及適應性評價 解 斌等
13(2613) 板栗總苞和堅果主要性狀與SSR標記的關聯分析 陳 旭等
14(2797) 葡萄醇?;D移酶編碼基因遺傳變異研究 冀曉昊等
14(2812) 西瓜果形基因圖位克隆及分子標記開發(fā) 段雅如等
15(3002) 基于SSR熒光標記的79份桃種質遺傳多樣性分析 王璐偉等
15(3018) 基于國家果樹種質南京桃資源圃的桃褐腐病抗性評價 沈志軍等
16(3200) 辣椒上游轉錄因子的篩選及耐熱功能分析 劉瑞瑤等
16(3210) 基于cpInDel標記和cpSSR標記的柑橘屬及近緣屬植物親緣關系楊 程等
17(3395) 關于果樹種質資源與遺傳育種若干問題的理解與思考陳學森等
17(3411) 獼猴桃屬植物通用型SSR分子標記引物的篩選及應用 胡光明等
18(3613) 84個蘋果栽培品種對斑點落葉病的抗性評價和全基因組關聯分析儲寶華等
18(3629) 中國觀賞芍藥表型多樣性解析與資源評價萬映伶等
19(3807) 番茄DIR基因家族鑒定及其對非生物脅迫響應的分析陳鳳瓊等
19(3822) 不同砧木對葡萄‘87-1’氮磷鉀等養(yǎng)分吸收利用的影響 馬玉全等
19(3831) 低溫對甘薯淀粉理化特性及代謝關鍵基因表達量的影響 崔 鵬等
20(3997) 轉錄組及代謝組聯合解析茄子果色上位遺傳效應 孫保娟等
20(4011) 光期濕度對植物工廠生菜干燒心及其營養(yǎng)品質的影響 李揚眉等
20(4020) ‘紅地球’葡萄花芽分化過程中的轉錄組分析 劉 鑫等
20(4036) 大花型茶專用菊雜交后代株系的綜合評價與篩選 胡 馨等
21(4252) 基于礦物元素指紋技術的‘富士’蘋果產地溯源 高小琴等
21(4265) ‘黑比諾’葡萄不同葉齡葉片葉綠體內淀粉積累及其相關基因表達差異分析 尤佳玲等
21(4279) 提升龍眼果實耐貯性的果期病害防治與養(yǎng)分優(yōu)化管理 韓冬梅等
22(4458) 利用Target SSR-seq技術鑒定60份柑橘種質資源 朱延松等
22(4473) ‘陽光玫瑰’葡萄一年兩收果實類黃酮組分及含量差異分析 王 博等
22(4478) ‘21世紀’桃與‘久脆’桃及其雜交后代果實揮發(fā)性成分特征分析 郝 艷等
23(4688) 人工疏果對‘愛媛28’橘橙果實糖酸含量及代謝基因表達的影響 宋江濤等
23(4702) 桃XTH家族基因鑒定及其在桃果實貯藏過程中的表達特性 郭紹雷等
23(4717) 低O2/高CO2氣調結合1-MCP對‘玉露香’梨貯藏品質的影響 賈曉輝等
24(4895) ‘月月粉’月季NAC家族全基因組鑒定及皮刺發(fā)育相關成員的篩選 由玉婉等
24(4912) 香水檸檬的克隆與互作蛋白的篩選 李雨澤等
1 (167) 超聲耦合雙水相體系提取茶皂素的工藝優(yōu)化與機制探討 杜金婷等
2 (390) 3種粳稻籽粒水分解吸過程中的裂紋變化 邵小龍等
3 (575) 不同炒制條件對預制菜肴中雙孢蘑菇風味的影響 馬高興等
4 (785) 褪黑素處理對梨果實采后黑斑病及貯藏品質的影響 向妙蓮等
5(1010) 淀粉粒徑對大麥淀粉物化特性的影響 肖璐婷等
6(1213) 谷物及制品中修飾型真菌毒素的風險與防控 楊 虹等
7(1423) 高能電子束輻照對馬鈴薯貯藏品質及芽眼細胞超微結構的影響 彭 雪等
7(1433) 蛋白質磷酸化對肌動球蛋白解離及其乙?;降挠绊?張業(yè)軍等
8(1642) 外源蔗糖對紫背天葵采后品質及葉綠體的影響 謝意通等
9(1846) 滅菌豬肉漿中發(fā)酵菌株脂質水解和氧化能力分析 王 吉等
10(2038) 藜麥蛋白Pickering乳液添加對魚糜蛋白凝膠凍融穩(wěn)定性的影響 馮 瀟等
11(2227) 纖維素替代淀粉對肌原纖維蛋白凝膠特性的影響 王立健等
12(2425) 基于感官評價及GC-MS結合OPLS-DA分析熱殺菌對蟠桃汁呈香品質的影響 譚鳳玲等
13(2629) 不同畜禽骨蛋白肽的制備、理化特性表征及其生物活性 劉 泓等
14(2825) 不同干制方式對沙田柚果渣粉活性物質的影響 盧 琦等
15(3029) 超快速冷卻對冷鮮羊肉風味品質的影響 顏統(tǒng)晶等
16(3224) 風冷與冷藏過程中醬鹵牛肉風味逸散行為研究 強 宇等
17(3426) 花生黃曲霉毒素平衡取樣-隨機森林風險預警模型的應用研究 郭 燦等
18(3640) 基于消費者喜好性評價宰后不同階段羊肉食用品質差異 葛 岳等
19(3841) 不同來源ATP表征冷鮮羊肉新鮮度 蘇媛媛等
22(4500) 豬肌肉干細胞在三維水凝膠中的分化研究 陳 彧等
23(4728) 基于TMT定量蛋白質組學揭示納米包裝雙孢蘑菇采后冷藏生理代謝規(guī)律 王 朝等
24(4927) 燕麥掛面制作過程中干燥工藝優(yōu)化研究 劉振蓉等
1 (184) 干擾山羊促進皮下脂肪細胞分化 杜 宇等
1 (197) 非洲豬瘟實時熒光RPA診斷方法建立及應用 張靜遠等
1 (208) 中華蜜蜂幼蟲腸道中微小RNA的鑒定及分析 馮睿蓉等
2 (403) 荷斯坦牛泌乳早期體細胞數對生產性能的影響及遺傳參數估計 竹 磊等
2 (415) 呼倫貝爾地區(qū)牛體表寄生蜱中羊種布魯氏菌的分離與鑒定 黃天鵬等
3 (589) 廣西麻雞m6A甲基轉移酶基因表達與肌纖維類型及成肌分化的關系 束婧婷等
3 (602) 動物源金黃色葡萄球菌生物被膜形成能力與分子分型關系研究 唐子云等
3 (613) 中華蜜蜂氣味結合蛋白AcerOBP7的表達及結合特性 趙慧婷等
4 (796) 蛋氨酸羥基異丙酯對母犢牛瘤胃發(fā)酵和微生物區(qū)系的影響 孔凡林等
4 (807) 鈣敏感受體和膽囊收縮素-1受體介導大豆蛋白水解物對小鼠食欲的影響 王綠陽等
4 (816) H1N1亞型豬流感病毒HA蛋白225位氨基酸對病毒致病性的影響 楊時鰻等
5(1025) 夏季橫向交互送風系統(tǒng)對肉牛生理和生產性能的影響 房昊源等
5(1037) 添加劑對農副產物和小麥秸稈混合青貯發(fā)酵品質的影響 宗 成等
6(1227) 基于牧場管理數據的奶牛健康性狀定義及遺傳參數估計 王 凱等
6(1241) 伏馬毒素B1對豬體外成熟卵母細胞凋亡與自噬的影響 李文慧等
6(1253) 家蠶熱休克蛋白HSP90相互作用蛋白的篩選與鑒定 龍艷碧等
7(1445) LCN5蛋白在雄性綿羊生殖器官及精子中的表達定位 董復成等
7(1458) 細胞和病毒活疫苗中支原體污染的PCR檢測方法建立與應用 耿仁浩等
7(1469) 多重耐藥大腸桿菌中前噬菌體的分布特征及誘導分離 劉 教等
8(1657) circ-13267通過let-7-19/ERBB4通路調控蛋鴨卵泡顆粒細胞凋亡 吳 艷等
8(1667) 大豆異黃酮對牦牛卵巢顆粒細胞增殖和凋亡的影響 阿依木古麗·阿不都熱依木等
8(1676) 布魯氏菌病微量補體結合試驗的方法改進和應用 蔣 卉等
8(1685) 亞致死劑量吡蟲啉對中華蜜蜂神經代謝基因表達的影響 邱一蕾等
9(1859) 牛亞科物種轉座子與串聯重復序列之間的進化關系 張 瑞等
9(1868) miR-221-3p靶向調控小尾寒羊卵泡顆粒細胞凋亡 劉玉芳等
10(2047) miR-221靶向抑制綿羊乳腺上皮細胞活力和增殖 柯 娜等
10(2057) LKB1基因對卵巢顆粒細胞類固醇激素生成相關基因的調控作用 張 靜等
10(2067) NMRAL1對流感病毒復制的調控機制 嚴 婭等
11(2239) 綿羊多態(tài)性與生長性狀的關聯分析 梁 鵬等
11(2257) 羊草克隆后代對刈割處理的響應 郭豐輝等
12(2436) 單細胞測序對絨山羊毛乳頭細胞的鑒定 張衛(wèi)東等
12(2447) 引種日本多花黑麥草標準品種DUS性狀變異分析及應用 馮俊杰等
12(2461) 中華蜜蜂NPC2基因家族克隆及表達模式分析 張 莉等
13(2643) 飼糧中添加膨化羽毛粉對肉雞生長性能、屠宰性能和血清生化指標的影響 陳志敏等
13(2654)對牦牛肌內前體脂肪細胞脂質沉積的影響 冉宏標等
13(2667) 蜂王漿高產蜜蜂與意大利蜜蜂哺育蜂唾液腺蛋白質組分析 王榮華等
14(2837) 黃羽肉雞胚期卵黃微生物動態(tài)變化及對早期腸道微生物定殖的影響 丁 鵬等
14(2850) 咖啡酸苯乙酯通過AMPK/FOXO3a信號通路緩解豬精液常溫保存氧化應激的作用機制 藍 群等
14(2862) 黏菌素促進陽性IncI2質粒在大腸桿菌間的接合轉移 王雪楊等
15(3042) 豬群體一步法基因組選擇應用效果評估 周 雋等
15(3050)對豬卵巢顆粒細胞的調控 李麗瑩等
15(3062) 非洲豬瘟病毒p30蛋白單克隆抗體制備及線性抗原表位定位 魏 天等
16(3242) 體外法優(yōu)化玉米—雜粕型飼糧的非淀粉多糖酶譜及其對育肥豬腸道微生物的影響 鄧富麗等
16(3256) 非洲豬瘟病毒P30蛋白單克隆抗體制備、鑒定及阻斷ELISA方法的建立 張馮禧等
17(3437) 外源性γ-氨基丁酸抵抗仔豬氧化應激的效果及機制 楊昌沛等
17(3450) 熱應激對肉雞回腸菌群的影響因素研究 王雪潔等
17(3461) 沙蔥及其提取物對小尾寒羊生產性能、胴體特征、肉品質和血清生化指標的影響 劉旺景等
18(3652) IL-15過表達對豬骨骼肌細胞成肌分化的影響 邢明杰等
18(3664) 晝夜節(jié)律與肉羊養(yǎng)分消化代謝和瘤胃發(fā)酵參數的關聯 張春桃等
18(3675) 核蛋白H-NS調控多重耐藥雞大腸埃希菌IncFⅡ質粒接合轉移的分子機制 賈雅婷等
19(3854) 42日齡如皋黃雞體重間接遺傳效應分析 郭 軍等
19(3862) 高寒荒漠草原季節(jié)性放牧管理優(yōu)化模擬研究 胡志強等
20(4052) 荷斯坦牛頭胎患隱性乳房炎次數和乳中體細胞評分對2胎體細胞評分的影響 夏予馨等
20(4065) 氨基酸副產物對白高粱青貯飼料發(fā)酵品質及體外消化率的影響 努爾哈提·斯拉甫爾等
20(4075) 1998-2021年我國人感染H9N2亞型禽流感病毒的遺傳演化規(guī)律 王艷文等
21(4294) 新疆地區(qū)荷斯坦牛長壽性與產奶量的遺傳力估計及相關性分析 董明明等
21(4304) 相對飼養(yǎng)水平對綿羊肌肉組織結構及肌纖維組成相關基因的影響 宋淑珍等
21(4315) 苦參堿對H9N2 AIV感染小鼠NLRP3炎性體信號通路的影響 魏婧潔等
22(4513) 江蘇奶牛熱應激風險區(qū)劃及其受氣候變化的影響 任義方等
22(4526) 中國地方品種黃雞線粒體DNA D-loop遺傳多樣性研究 黃勛和等
22(4539) 膽囊收縮素A型受體基因序列變異和表達與略陽烏雞飼料轉化率的關聯性研究 王哲鵬等
23(4743) 二花臉公豬不同耐凍性精子的蛋白質組學分析 童世鋒等
23(4753) 基于全基因組重測序的山羊產羔數性狀關鍵調控基因的篩選 李 恒等
23(4769) 雞的SNPs篩選及其與皮膚毛囊密度性狀關聯分析 屠云潔等
24(4943) 墊料床對育肥羔羊生長性能和臭氣排放的影響 車大璐等
24(4957) 雞蛋與鴨蛋的蛋殼力學特性、超微結構及蛋殼組分的比較 張亞男等
1 (219) 芝麻產量相關性狀的多位點全基因組關聯分析及候選基因預測 崔承齊等
12(2472) 淹水對辣椒連作土壤化學性質與微生物群落結構的影響 龔小雅等
22(4550) 連續(xù)旋耕下深耕對寒地優(yōu)質粳稻產量形成的影響 趙黎明等
24(4969) 低溫脅迫對番茄幼苗不同葉齡葉片葉綠素熒光成像特性的影響 胡雪華等
1 (1) Genetic Analysis of Flag Leaf Traits in Wheat Under High and Low Nitrogen WU YaRui,.
1 (12) Candidate Gene Association Analysis of Maize Transcription Factors in flowering Time MA ShuanHong,.
1 (26) Construction and Application of Detection Model for Amylose and Amylopectin Content in Sorghum Grains Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy ZHANG BeiJu,.
2 (233) Phenotypic characteristics and Related Gene analysis of Ningmai series wheat varieties JIANG Peng,.
2 (248) Restricted Two-Stage Multi-Locus Genome-Wide Association Analysis and Candidate Gene Prediction of Boll Opening Rate in Upland Cotton Xie XiaoYu,.
2 (265) Precise Characterization of Maize Germplasm for Resistance to Pythium Stalk Rot and Gibberella Stalk Rot DUAN CanXing,.
3 (425) Advances and Perspectives of Approaches to Phenotyping Crop Root System LI Long,.
3 (438) Screening and Application of Biomarkers Related to Maize Nitrogen Status SHI Xi,.
3 (451) Geographic differentiation and evolution of photo-Thermal comprehensive responses of growth-Periods in global soybeans JIANG FenFen,.
4 (625) Evaluation of Rice blast resistance and genetic structure analysis of rice germplasm in Heilongjiang Province ZHANG YaLing,.
4 (641) Evaluation of Edible Quality of Roasted Peanuts and Indexes Screening BIAN NengFei,.
4 (653) Current status and perspectives of innovation studies related to foxtail millet seed industry in China JIA GuanQing,.
5 (825) Mapping of QTLs for Chlorophyll Content in Flag Leaves of Rice on High-Density Bin Map ZHAO Ling,.
5 (837) Review and Prospect on the Breeding for the Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat MA HongXiang,.
5 (856) Investigation on important target traits and breeding potential of 120 sweet and waxy maize inbred lines in the south of China FENG XuanJun,.
6 (1047) Research progress on the physiology and its molecular mechanism of seed desiccation tolerance SONG SongQuan,.
6 (1064) Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Lead Tolerance in Wheat at Seedling Stage ZHI Lei,.
6 (1082) Comprehensive Evaluation of Phenotypic Characters of Nature Population in Upland Cotton WANG XiuXiu,.
7 (1263) The Progress and Prospects of the Theoretical Research on the Safe Conservation of Germplasm resources in Genebank YIN GuangKun,.
7 (1271) Characteristics of High-quality rice Varieties and Taste Sensory Evaluation Values in China ZHU Dawei,.
7 (1284) Genetic Variations of Potassium Harvest Index in 437 Wheat Varieties LIU Shuo,.
8 (1479) Research Progress of Nitrogen Efficiency Related Genes in Rice SANG ShiFei,.
8 (1492) Unconditional and Conditional QTL Analysis of Wheat Spike Length in common wheat based on 55K SNP Array TANG HuaPing,.
8 (1503) Characteristics and Cold Tolerance of Upland Cotton Genetic Standard Line TM-1 WANG JunJuan,.
9 (1695) Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Yield and Combining Ability Based on Maize Hybrid Population LI ZhouShuai,.
9 (1710) Establishment of ALSV-Induced Gene Silencing in Chinese Soybean Cultivars DONG YongXin,.
9 (1723) Optimization of callus genetic transformation system and its application inoverexpression in tartary buckwheat ZHAO HaiXia,.
10 (1877) Cloning and Drought resistance analysis of transcription factorinLIU RuiDa,.
10 (1891) Screening of Sweetpotato Varieties Tolerant to Low Nitrogen at Seedling Stage and Evaluation of Different Nitrogen Efficiencies FAN WenJing,.
11 (2077) Application ofGene in Wheat Improvement for Stripe Rust Resistance FANG TaoHong,.
11 (2092) Accurate Identification and Comprehensive Evaluation of Panicle Phenotypic Traits of Landraces and Cultivars of(L.) Moench in China XU Xiao,.
11 (2109) Establishment of high efficient extraction and detection technology of sesamin and screening of high sesamin germplasm ZHONG YanPing,.
12 (2265) Genome-Wide Association Study of Yield Component Traits in Upland Cotton (L.) WANG Juan,.
12 (2278) Comprehensive Evaluation of Potato Tuber Texture LI WenLi,.
13 (2485) Genome-Wide Association Study of Ear Related Traits in Maize Hybrids LI Ting,.
13 (2500) QTL mapping for traits related to seed number per pod in Peanut (L.) HAO Jing,.
14 (2685) Cloning of the soybean single zinc finger protein geneand its functional analysis in SMV-host interactions Zhao Dingling,.
14 (2696) Effect of Salicylic Acid Priming on Salt Tolerance of Kenaf Seedlings HU YaLi,.
15 (2875) PSORA: A Strategy Based on High-Throughput sequence for Analysis of T-DNA Insertion Sites MA XueMeng,.
15 (2883) QTL Analysis for Growth Period and Panicle-Related Traits in Foxtail Millet Guo Shuqing,.
16 (3071) Mining of Genetic Locus of Maize Stay-green Related Traits Under Multi-environments CHANG LiGuo,.
16 (3082) The Functional Analysis of High Mobility GroupInvolved in Flowering Regulation inLZHANG YunXiu,.
17 (3267) Effects of seedlings enriched with zinc on cadmium accumulations and related transporter genes expressions in different rice cultivars JIANG XiaoTing,.
17 (3278) Leaf stomatal close and opening orchestrate rhythmically with cell wall pectin biosynthesis and degradation ZHANG XiaoPing,.
18 (3473) QTL Mapping of Thousand-Grain-Weight and Its Related Traits in Zhou 8425B × Xiaoyan 81 Population and Haplotype Analysis ZOU LinHan,.
18 (3484) Deciphering of the Genetic Diversity After Field Late Blight Resistance Evaluation of Potato Breeds LI XiaoChuan,.
19 (3685) Maize Transcription Factor ZmEREB93 negatively regulates kernel development PANG HaoWan,.
19 (3697) Cloning and Functional Analyses ofinSU Qian,.
20 (3875) Function of FCS-Like Zinc-finger protein OsFLZ18 in regulating rice flowering time MA YaMei,.
20 (3885) Identification of the root-specific soybeanpromoter and application inroot-rot resistance YAN Qiang,.
20 (3897) Analysis of Cross Compatibility Variation among DiverseSpecies and Biological Characteristics of the Interspecific Hybrid Progenies JU Ming,.
21 (4091) Genome-wide association study of cold tolerance at the germination stage of rice PANG HongBo,.
21 (4104) lipase activity difference of oat varieties and prediction of low lipase activity variety with high quality Xiang Yuting,.
21 (4118) Evaluation of Resistance to Leaf Scald Disease in Different Sugarcane Genotypes DU JinXia,.
22 (4327) Construction of High Density Genetic Map for RIL population and QTL Analysis of Heat Tolerance at Seedling Stage in Rice (L.) Liu Jin,.
22 (4342) Construction of A Comprehensive Evaluation System and Screening of Cold Tolerance Indicators for Cold Tolerance of Cotton at Seedling Emergence Stage SHEN Qian,.
22 (4356) Functional Analysis ofinResponse to Low-Nitrogen in Peanut WANG Juan,.
23 (4567) Screening of Core Markers and Construction of DNA Fingerprints of Semi-WaxyRice Varieties ZHAO ChunFang,.
23 (4583) Identification of wheat circular RNAs responsive to drought stress LI Ning,.
24 (4781) Phenotypic analysis and gene cloning of rice panicle apical abortion mutantHE Lei,.
24 (4793) Dynamic Changes of Gibberellin Content During the Development and Its Relationship with Yield ofL. XIE Lingli,.
1 (36) Effects of sowing dates on eating quality of different indica hybrid rice in the sub-suitable region of ratoon rice LI Bo,.
1 (51) Effects of 1.5℃ field warming on rice yield and quality in high latitude planting area DENG Aixing,.
1 (61) effects of different configurations on nitrogen uptake and utilization characteristics of maize-peanut intercropping system in west Liaoning FENG Chen,.
2 (280) Phosphorus Altered the Response of ionomics and Metabolomics to Drought Stress in Wheat Seedlings LI Gang,.
2 (295) Uniform distance single seed linear seeding method for control of wheat physiology and ecology LI Pei,.
2 (307) Regulation Mechanism of planting density and spraying ethephon on lignin metabolism and lodging resistance of summer maize GENG WenJie,.
3 (467) The Photosynthesis Characteristics of Colored Rice Leaves and its Relation with Antioxidant Capacity and Anthocyanin Content CHEN TingTing,.
3 (479) Influences of Mulching Periods and Nitrogen Application Rates on Maize Yield as well as Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiencies in Loess Plateau of Eastern Gansu Province ZHANG JianJun,.
4 (666) Beneficial effects of precision drill sowing with low seeding rates in machine transplanting for hybrid rice to improve population uniformity and yield WANG Yaliang,.
4 (680) Accumulated Temperature Requirement for Field Stalk Dehydration After Maize Physiological Maturity in Different Planting Regions HUANG ZhaoFu.
4 (692) Spatial and temporal difference analysis of wheat yield and yield components in Henan Province based on GIS XIONG ShuPing,.
5 (874) Effects of crop management practices on grain quality of superior and inferior spikelets of super rice JIANG JingJing,.
5 (890) Wheat Powdery Mildew Monitoring Based on Information Fusion of Multi-Spectral and Thermal Infrared Images Acquired with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle FENG ZiHeng,.
6 (1095) increasing Effects of wheat yield under mulching cultivation in Northern of China: A Meta-analysis Qin Yuqing,.
6 (1110) Early Detection on Wheat Canopy Powdery Mildew with Hyperspectral Imaging CAI WeiDi,.
6 (1127) Prediction of maize yield in Relay strip intercropping under different water and nitrogen conditions based on PLS TAN XianMing,.
7 (1301) Evaluation of low temperature freezing injury in winter wheat and difference analysis of water effect based on multivariate statistical analysis WANG YangYang,.
7 (1319) Analysis of Sustainability of Multiple Cropping Green Manure in Wheat-Maize Intercropping after Wheat Harvested in Arid Irrigation Areas GOU ZhiWen,.
7 (1332) Effects of Different Drip Irrigation Modes on Starch Accumulation and Activities of Starch Synthesis-Related Enzyme of Spring Maize Grain in Northeast China ZHANG JiaHua,.
8 (1518) Research advances of bradyrhizobia and its symbiotic mechanisms with peanut WU Yue,.
8 (1529) Effects of Nitrogen-reducing Side Deep Application of Liquid Fertilizer at Tillering Stage on Yield and Nitrogen Utilization of Fragrant Rice GUI RunFei,.
8 (1546) Effects of Hybrid Rice on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency: A Meta-Analysis LIAO Ping,.
9 (1735) Effects of Different Nitrogen Application Levels on Photosynthetic Characteristics, Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Yield of Spring Maize in Sichuan Province XIONG WeiYi,.
9 (1749) Effects of Reducing Nitrogen Application on Leaf Stay-Green, Photosynthetic Characteristics and System Yield in Maize-Soybean Relay Strip Intercropping LI YiLing,.
9 (1763) The Possible Effects of Global Warming on Cropping Systems in China XIV. Distribution of high-stable-yield zones and agro-meteorological disasters of soybean in Northeast China GUO Shibo,.
10 (1903) Effects of Interspecific Distances on Soil Physicochemical Properties and Root Spatial Distribution of Maize- Soybean Relay Strip Intercropping System REN JunBo,.
10 (1917) Adaptability Evaluation of Staple Crops under Different Precipitation Year Types in Four Ecological Regions of Inner Mongolia Based on APSIM LIU XiaXia,.
11 (2121) Effects of Water-Saving Irrigation on Grain Yield and Quality: A Meta-Analysis MENG Yi,.
11 (2135) Photo-Temperature Potential Yield of Spring Wheat at Different Accumulated Temperature Ranges and Its Response to Climate Change in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau ZHANG ZeMin,.
12 (2294) Effects of Intercropping with Different Maturity Varieties on Grain Filling, Dehydration Characteristics and Yield of Spring Maize XIAO ShanShan,.
12 (2311) Research on Senescence Process and Suitable Indicators of Maize Ear Leaves Lü ZhiWei,.
12 (2324) Study on Optimal Time and Construct a Prediction Model of Mechanical Grain Harvest of Maize in Ningxia LI HongYan,.
13 (2509) Effects of NaCl Stress on the Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Seedlings ofRice Germplasm with Different Salt Tolerances ZHU ChunYan,.
13 (2526) Effects of polyaspartic acid with different molecular weights on root growth and nutrient uptake of wheat LIU yuan,.
13 (2538) Identification and Evaluation of Drought Resistance of Wheat Varieties Based on Thermal Infrared Image MENG Yu,.
14 (2709) Straw mulching from autumn fallow and reducing nitrogen application improved grain yield, water and nitrogen use efficiencies of winter wheat by optimizing root distribution GAO RenCai,.
14 (2726) Effects of tillage depth and shading on root growth and nutrient utilization of rapeseed BAI Fei,.
15 (2899) Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculant diversity on yield, phosphorus and potassium uptake of maize in acidic soil ZHANG ChenXi,.
15 (2911) Effects of intertillage time and depth on photosynthetic characteristics and yield formation of soybean YUAN Cheng,.
15 (2927) A Salt Stress Tolerance Effect Study in Peanut Based on Peanut// Sorghum Intercropping System SHI XiaoLong,.
16 (3093) Consistency Analysis of Classification Results for Single and Double Cropping Rice in Southern China Based on Sentinel-1/2 Imagery YANG JingYa,.
16 (3110) Mechanisms Analysis on Yield Gap and Nitrogen Use Efficiency Gap of Winter Wheat in Shandong Province HAN ShouWei,.
16 (3123) Effects of row spacing and plant density on grain yield and quality of grain-feeding sorghum WANG JinSong,.
17 (3289) Effects of Deep and Layered Application of Reduced Chemical Nitrogen Fertilizer on Water, Nutrient Utilization and Yield of Spring Wheat in Rain-fed Arid Area HOU HuiZhi,.
17 (3303) Effects of nitrogen on nitrogen accumulation and distribution, nitrogen metabolizing enzymes, protein content, and water and nitrogen use efficiency in winter wheat under heat and drought stress After anthesis RU Chen,.
17 (3321) Study on Critical Nitrogen Dilution Model of Winter Wheat Spike Organs under Different Water and Nitrogen Conditions ZHAO XiaoHui,.
18 (3501) Effects of Multiple cropping Green Manure After wheat harvest and Nitrogen Application Levels on Wheat Photosynthetic Performance and Yield in Arid Irrigated Area MA Bijiao,.
18 (3516) Combined effects of high temperature and drought on yield and photosynthetic characteristics of summer maize LI xiaofan,.
18 (3530) Simulation of Canopy Silking Dynamic and Kernel Number of Spring Maize under Drought Stress WANG MengQi,.
19 (3710) Effects of high temperature stress in different periods on dry matter production and grain yield of summer maize ZHANG Chuan,.
19 (3723) Analysis of American soft Wheat Grain Quality and Its Suitability Evaluation According to Chinese Weak Gluten Wheat Standard LIU Feng,.
19 (3738) Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon Content in Jiangxi Province by Vis-NIR Spectroscopy Based on the CARS-BPNN Model WU Jun,.
20 (3910) Effects of Two Mechanical Planting Methods on the Yield and Quality of High-Quality Late Indica Rice GUO BaoWei,.
20 (3926) Improvement of row detection method Before wheat Canopy Closure using multispectral images of UAV image MA Xiao,.
21 (4131) Coupling Effects of N-fertilizer Postponing Application and Intercropping on Maize Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics XU Ke,.
21 (4144) Crop Classification with Time Series Remote Sensing based on Bi-LSTM Model HUANG Chong,.
21 (4158) Development and Application of Rapid Investigation and Analysis Platform for Agricultural and Rural Information Based on Fission Model ZHANG Jie,.
22 (4373) Discussions on Frontiers and Directions of Scientific and Technological Innovation in China’s Field Crop Cultivation ZHANG HongCheng,.
22 (4383) Study on the quality parameters of strong gluten wheat and analysis of Its relationship with meteorological factors in Shandong Province YU WeiBao,.
23 (4600) The Comparison of Ammonia Volatilization Loss in Winter Wheat-Summer Maize Rotation System with Long-Term Different Fertilization Measures YI Yingjie,.
23 (4614) Cry1Ac Protein Content Responses to Alternating High Temperature Regime and Drought and Its Physiological Mechanism inCotton YIN YanYu,.
24 (4808) Effects of Ethylene-Chlormequat-Potassium on Root Morphological Construction and Yield of Summer Maize with Different Nitrogen Application Rates FANG MengYing,.
24 (4823) SPAD value inversion of Cotton leaves based on Satellite-UAV spectral fusion WANG ShuTing,.
1 (74) Detection of ‘Liberibacter asiaticus’ by membrane adsorption method combined with visual loop-mediated isothermal amplification LI ZhenXi,.
1 (85) Effects of agricultural landscape on the population dynamic ofadults in apple orchards in southern Xinjiang Song BoWen,.
2 (320) Control Efficacy ofstrain Ej2 against Rice Blast and Its Effect on Endogenous Hormones in Rice SHA YueXia,.
2 (329) Antibody Preparation and Subcellular Localization of LmKnk3-5′ inZHANG Rui,.
3 (491) Resistance analyses on wheat stripe rust resistance genes to the predominant races off. sp.in China HU ChaoYue,.
3 (503) The function of key T3SS effectors inpv.Zhang JinLong,.
4 (707) Development of artificial inoculation methodology for evaluation of resistance to Fusarium crown and root rot and screening of resistance sources in tomato WANG MengRui,.
4 (719) Proliferation of Two Types Prophage of ‘Liberibacter asiaticus’ inand their Pathogenicity HUANG JiaQuan,.
5 (907) Spatiotemporal dynamics and source ofin northern Chinain 2020 Chen ZhiYong,.
5 (920) Preparation and Application of Indoxacarb degrading Bacteria immobilized Sodium Alginate Microspheres WANG Yutai,.
6 (1139) The Role of Chalcone Synthase Gene in Grape Resistance to Gray Mold and Downy Mildew GUO ZeXi,.
6 (1149) Widely targeted metabolomics analysis of the Effects offeeding onsecondary metabolites YAN LeLe,.
7 (1346) pathogenicity and Avirulence Genes Variation offrom a Rice Variety Meixiangzhan 2 in Guangdong Province WANG WenJuan,.
7 (1359) Sensitivity ofto Three Common Fungicides and Its Resistance to Fluopyram from Shandong province LI GuiXiang,.
8 (1557) Intelligent Forecasting Method of Rice Sheath Blight Based on Images HAN XiaoTong,.
8 (1568) Effect of Three Novel Compounds on trehalose and chitin metabolism and Development ofWANG SiTong,.
9 (1781) The role and mechanism of Linoleyl ethanolamide in Plant resistance againstin tomato SHAO Shujun,.
9 (1790) Synthesis and Bioactivity of Sex Pheromone analogues ofLI Hui,.
10 (1938) Establishment and Application of Rapid Quantitative Detection of Viableby PMAxx- qPCR Method LI Xiaojing,.
10 (1949) Migration Pathway ofin Northwestern China WU QiuLin,.
10 (1961) Spatial Distribution Pattern and Sampling Technique ofLarvae in Maize Fields LI ShaoHua,.
11 (2150) Cuticle protein genesandare involved in phosphine resistance ofCHEN ErHu,.
11 (2161) Analysis on the Status of insecticides registered on small insects of fruits and vegetables in China Based on Recommended Dosage MAO Liangang,.
12 (2338) Cloning and function analysis of a serine protease inhibitor geneinWU Wei,.
12 (2347) Light energy utilization and Response of Chlorophyll synthesis under different light intensities inJIN MengJiao,.
13 (2552) Cloning and expression profiling of gustatory receptor genesandinQu Cheng,.
13 (2562) Expression and function analysis of cytochrome P450 genes inwith different Chlorantraniliprole resistance YIN Fei,.
14 (2740) Function of Slin plant defense againstpv.DC3000 FANG HanMo,.
14 (2752) Molecular characteristics and pathogenicity analysis of youcai mosaic virus Guangdong isolate infecting radish LI ZhengGang,.
15 (2938) Quantitative proteomic analysis of spirotetramat inhibiting hatching ofeggs ZHOU GuiYing,.
15 (2949) Commercialization status and existing problems of RNA biopesticides Guan Ruobing,.
16 (3134) Identification and Functional Analysis of StSCD Family inHAO YuBin,.
16 (3144) Function of sugar transport protein SlSTP2 in tomato defense against bacterial leaf spot LI YiMei,.
17 (3334) SCAR-PCR rapid molecular detection technology ofCUI JiangKuan,.
17 (3343) Effects of ‘Good Quality Standard’ Rice System on Soil Environment of Paddy Field XIA QianWei,.
18 (3543) Cloning, Expression and Anti-TMV Function Analysis ofWEN YuXia,.
18 (3556) Monitoring of resistance dynamics ofto cymoxanil and control efficacy validation of cymoxanil-containing fungicides against potato late blight LU Fen,.
19 (3751) Genome-Wide Identification and Analysis of CC-NBS-LRR Family in Response to Downy Mildew and Powdery Mildew inKANG Chen,.
19 (3767) Effects of Calcium on Growth and Development ofand resistance to Citrus Canker Xiao GuiHua,.
20 (3939) Grading criterion of maize root rot based on aboveground symptoms and the relationship between severity and agronomic traits LIU ShuSen,.
20 (3948) Mutation Analysis of Insecticide Target Genes in Populations ofin China WANG ShuaiYu,.
21 (4175) Pathotype Analysis ofpv.in main Rice Producing Regions of China and Establishment of Differential Hosts of Near-isogenic Lines FENG AiQing,.
21 (4196) Characteristics of cysteine proteinase gene family inand its function during TMV infection PEI YueHong,.
22 (4398) Construction and application of expression vector based on Citrus leaf blotch virus ZHANG Qi,.
22 (4408) Complete Genome Sequence Characteristics and TC-RT-PCR Detection of East Asian Passiflora Virus InfectingXIE Lixue,.
23 (4626) Functional analysis of the interaction between transcription factors VqWRKY6 and VqbZIP1 in regulating the resistance to powdery mildew in Chinese wildZhang Jie,.
23 (4640) Synthesis and Bioactivity of Sex Pheromone Analogues ofREN ZiQi,.
24 (4840) Construction and application of Infectious Clone of Citrus Yellow Mosaic Virus JIANG QiQi,.
24 (4851) Development and application of ELISA kit for detection of EPSPS inLI Zhiling,.
1 (96) Influence of Typical Rotation Systems on Soil Phosphorus Availability Under Different Fertilization Strategies LI ShuaiShuai,.
1 (111) Phosphorus Availability and Transformation of Inorganic Phosphorus Forms Under Different Organic Carbon Levels in a Tier Soil LU Peng,.
1 (123) Effects of Fertilization Methods on Ammonia Volatilization from Vegetable Field Under Greenhouse Cultivation WANG Cong,.
2 (339) Effects of Single-Sided Application of Humic Acid on Maize Root Growth ZHOU LiPing,.
2 (350) The Single Season Wheat Straw Returning to Promote the Synergistic Improvement of Carbon Efficiency and Economic Benefit in Wheat- Maize Double Cropping System WANG Liang,.
3 (514) Effects of Combined Foliar Application of Zinc with Imidacloprid on Zinc Enrichment and Protein Components Content in Wheat Grain LI YaFei,.
3 (529) Effects of Long-Term Nitrogen Application on Ammonia Oxidizer Communities for Nitrification in Acid Purple Soil ZOU WenXin,.
4 (729) Effects of Crop Residue Decomposition on Soil Inorganic Nitrogen and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fluvo-Aquic Soil and Shajiang Black Soil ZHANG XueLin,.
4 (743) Effects of the Mixted-cropping of Chinese Milk Vetch and Rape on Soil Nitrous Oxide Emission and Abundance of Related Functional Genes in Paddy Fields YANG BinJuan,.
5 (932) Critical Nitrogen Dilution Curve and Nitrogen Nutrition Diagnosis of Summer Maize Under Different Nitrogen and Phosphorus Application Rates LIU Miao,.
5 (948) Effect of Organic Fertilizer Replacing Chemical Fertilizers on Greenhouse Gas Emission Under the Conditions of Same Nitrogen Fertilizer Input in Maize Farmland LI XiaoLi,.
5 (962) Inputs and Ecological Environment Risks Assessment of Maize Production in Northwest China QIAO Yuan,.
6 (1159) The Spatial Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration and N2O Emission with Long-Term Manure Fertilization Scenarios from Dry Land in North China Plain WANG ShuHui,.
6 (1172) Characteristics of Efficient Nitrogen Uptake and Transport of Rapeseed at Seedling Stage CHAO ChengSheng,.
7 (1371) Effects of Grazing Disturbance on the Stoichiometry of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Plant Organs ofMeadow Steppe WANG Miao,.
7 (1385) Analysis to Evolution Characteristics of Policies for Controlling Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution in China: Based on Text Quantification HUA ChunLin,.
8 (1579) Characteristics of Organic Nitrogen Mineralization in Paddy Soil with Different Reclamation Years in Black Soil of Northeast China GAO JiaRui,.
8 (1589) Annual Nutrients Balance and Economic Return Analysis of Wheat with Fertilizers Reduction and Different Rotations MA XiaoYan,.
8 (1604) Effect of Drip Fertigation Mode on Maize Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Economic Benefit LI Qian,.
9 (1800) Optimal Management of Phosphorus Fertilization Based on the Yield and Grain Manganese Concentration of Wheat WANG HaoLin,.
9 (1811) Spatiotemporal Patterns in Nitrogen Response Efficiency of Aboveground Productivity Across China’s Grasslands HOU JiangJiang,.
10 (1971) Effects of Basal Nitrogen and Foliar Zinc Application at the Early Filling Stage on Zinc Enrichment and Protein Components Content in Wheat Grain WU TianQi,.
10 (1987) Spatial-Temporal Variability of Soil Nutrients and Assessment of Soil Fertility in Erhai Lake Basin GUO YingXin,.
10 (2000) Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Soil N2O Emissions During Maize Growth Periods ZHANG XueLin,.
11 (2174) Chemical Composition and Bioactivity of Dissolvable Organic Matter in Biochars BIAN RongJun,.
11 (2187) Effects of Combined Application of Organic Fertilizer and Chemical Fertilizer on Root Characteristics and Yield of Cotton Under Different Water Conditions WANG Ning,.
12 (2360) Effects of Fertilization Methods on Ammonia Volatilization of Spring Maize in Dry Farming on the Loess Plateau XU FangLei,.
12 (2372) Soil Available Sulfur Content in Jilin Province and Its Correlation with Soil Organic Matter and Soil Total Nitrogen CUI Shuai,.
12 (2384) Effects of Long-Term Intercropping of Maize with Hairy Vetch Root Returning to Field on Crop Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency Under Nitrogen Fertilizer Reduction LU BingLin,.
13 (2572) Geostatistical Characteristics of Soil Data from National Soil Survey Works in China ZHANG WeiLi,.
13 (2584) Current Status of Chemical Fertilizers, Pesticides, and Irrigation Water and Their Reducing Potentials in Wheat Production of Northern China WEI Lei,.
14 (2762) Yield of Wheat and Maize and Utilization Efficiency of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in Xinjiang TANG MingYao,.
14 (2775) Effects of Feedstock, Pyrolyzing Temperature and Biochar Components on the Growth of Chinese Cabbage ZHONG JiaLin,.
14 (2786) The Characteristics of Ammonia Volatilization of Humic Acid-Urea Complex Combined with Urea from Different Fertilized Soils JING JianYuan,.
15 (2961) Research on Spatial Distribution of Soil Texture in Southern Ningxia Based on Machine Learning SHEN Zhe,.
15 (2973) Quantitative Study on Effective Accumulated Temperature and Dry Matter and Nitrogen Accumulation of Summer Maize Under Different Nitrogen Supply Levels CHEN Yang,.
15 (2988) Effects of Partial Substitution of Chemical Fertilizer by Organic Fertilizer on Ponkan Growth and Quality as well as Soil Properties WAN LianJie,.
16 (3155) Response of Wheat Yield and Grain Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Concentrations to Test-Integrated Potassium Application and Soil Available Potassium in Northern Wheat Production Regions of China MA Yue,.
16 (3170) Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Resources Input and Environmental Effects for Maize Production in the Three Provinces of Northeast China CHEN XuHao,.
16 (3185) Effects of Amendments on Soil Fauna Community Characteristics in a Fluvo-Aquic Sandy Soil YANG Jing,.
17 (3355) Conversion Characteristics of Different Carboxyl-Containing Organic Acids Modified Urea in Calcareous Fluvo-Aquic Soil ZHANG YingQiang,.
17 (3365) Research on Soybean Irrigation Schedule Based on AquaCrop Model WANG QiaoJuan,.
17 (3380) Thought of Pollution Comprehensive Prevention and Control System of Non-Point Sources Based on National Food Security YANG ShiQi
18 (3565) Overview of Soil Survey Works in Main Countries of World ZHANG WeiLi,.
18 (3584) Research Progress of Direct Straw Return in Anhui Province over the Last Decade MA Chao,.
18 (3600) Effect of Nitrification on Ammonium Toxicity to Citrus in Acidic Soil FAN ZiHan,.
19 (3779) The Variation Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon Component Content Under Nitrogen Reduction and Film Mulching WANG ChuHan,.
19 (3791) Effects of Reduced Phosphorus Application on Crop Yield and Grain Nutritional Quality in the Rice-Wheat Rotation System in Chaohu Lake Basin ZHANG XinYao,.
20 (3960) Spatial-Temporal Variation of Cultivated Land Soil Basic Productivity for Main Food Crops in China LI YuHao,.
20 (3983) Preparation and Properties of Bionic Modified Water-Based Polymer Coated Urea CHEN ChunYu,.
20 (3983) Influence of Plastic Film on Agricultural Production and Its Pollution Control ZHANG JinRui,.
21 (4211) Integration of Agricultural Machinery and Agronomic Techniques for Crop Nutrient Management in China MI GuoHua,.
21 (4225) Effects of Chelating Agent on Dissolution, Fixation and Fertisphere Transformation of Diammonium Phosphate DONG ZeKuan,.
21 (4237) The Characteristics of Soil Nutrients and Soil Enzyme Activities During Wheat Growth Stage Under Different Tillage Patterns ZHU ChangWei,.
22 (4419) Characteristics of Phosphorus Fractions and Its Response to Soil Chemical Properties Under the Threshold Region of Olsen P in Black Soil QIN ZhenHan,.
22 (4433) Effects of Foliar-Spraying Selenium Coupled with Soil Moisture on the Yield and Quality of Tomato LIU Hao,.
22 (4445) Effect of CO2Like Fertilization on Rice Growth by HCO3-in Biogas Slurry WAN HuaQin,.
23 (4651) Effects of Straw Returning and Potassium Fertilizer on Soil Aggregate and Potassium Distribution Under Rapeseed-Rice Rotation LIU ShuJun,.
23 (4664) Carbon and Nitrogen Fixation Characteristics of Maize Root and Straw Residues in Brown Soil Under High and Low Fertility LI JiaYan,.
23 (4678) Net Anthropogenic Nitrogen Inputs and Its Influencing Factors in Three Typical Watersheds of China ZHANG TianPeng,.
24 (4863) Effects of Reducing Nitrogen Application Rate on the Yields of Three Major Cereals in China DU WenTing,.
24 (4879) Provincial Agricultural Ecological Efficiency and Its Influencing Factors in China Province from the Perspective of Grey Water Footprint DENG YuanJian,.
1 (134) Transcriptome Analysis of Genes Involved in ABA-Induced Anthocyanin Accumulation in Grape XU XianBin,.
1 (152) Identification of Co-Expression Gene Related to Tea Plant Response to Glyphosate Based on WGCNA GUO YongChun,.
2 (365) Inhibiting Eeffect of Root-Cutting and Top-Pinching on Graft Healing of Tomato CUI QingQing,.
2 (378) Effects of Nitrogen Level and Form on Root Morphology of Mini Chinese Cabbage and Its Physiological Index MA YuFeng,.
3 (543) Analysis of Aroma Characteristics in Different Cultivated Apple Strains LU Xiang,.
3 (558) Identification of Ethylene Synthesis Pathway Genes in Longan and Its Response to ACC Treatment LAI ChunWang,.
4 (755) Interpretation of the Case of Bud Sports Selection to Promote the High-Quality and Efficient Development of the World’s Apple and Citrus Industry CHEN XueSen,.
4 (769) Study on the Chemical Constituents of Yongchun Foshou Oolong Tea Based on Metabolomics PENG JiaKun,.
5 (977) eQTL Analysis of Key Monoterpene Biosynthesis Genes in Table Grape WANG HuiLing,.
5 (991) Diversity Analysis of 36 Leaf Phenotypic Traits of Chinese Chestnut GUO Yan,.
6 (1189) Effects of Supplemental Far-Red Light on Growth and Abiotic Stress Tolerance of Pepper Seedlings DONG SangJie,.
6 (1199) Identification of R2R3-MYB Subfamily in Chinese Jujube and Their Expression Pattern During the Fruit Development LI ShiJia,.
7 (1399) Effect of Exogenous Spermidine on Nitrogen Metabolism of Lettuce Under High-Temperature Stress YU QiLong,.
7 (1411) Effects of Melatonin Treatment on Quality of Stored Shine Muscat Grapes Under Different Storage Temperatures Lü XinNing,.
8 (1617) Metabolites Changes of Cucumber Xylem and Phloem Sap Under Low Phosphorus Stress LI QingLin,.
8 (1630) Screening and Verification of CsHIPP26.1 Interaction Protein in Tea Plant FAN YanGen,.
9 (1822) Cloning of Alternative Splice Variants ofin Lettuce and Its Expression Patterns Under Heat Stress SUI XinYi,.
9 (1831) The Albino Mechanism of a New High Theanine Tea Cultivar Fuhuang 1 LIN XinYing,.
10 (2013) Effects of Different Rootstocks on Flavonoids ofL. cv. Tannat Grape Fruits HAN Xiao,.
10 (2026) Characterization of the Lactone Volatile Compounds in Different Types of Peach (L.) Fruit and Evaluations of Their Contributions to Fruit Overall Aroma ZHANG YuanYuan,.
11 (2202) Peptidome Analysis of Mesocarp in Melting Flesh and Stony Hard Peach During Fruit Ripening LI Ang,.
11 (2214) Co-Expression Network and Transcriptional Regulation Analysis of Sulfur Dioxide-Induced Postharvest Abscission of Kyoho Grape YANG ShengDi,.
12 (2398) Development and Evaluation of a Coating Substitute for Individual Polyethylene Film Packaging of Citrus Fruit ZOU YunQian,.
12 (2413) Effects ofon Root and Leaf Ionic Homeostasis and Photosystem II in Chinese Wolfberry Under Salt Stress BIAN LanXing,.
13 (2598) Response and Adaptability Evaluation of Different Apple Rootstocks to Continuous Phosphorus Deficiency XIE Bin,.
13 (2613) Association Analysis of Main Characteristics of Bur and Nut with SSR Markers in Chinese Chestnut CHEN Xu,.
14 (2797) Genetic Variation of Alcohol Acyltransferase Encoding Gene in Grape JI XiaoHao,.
14 (2812) Map-Based Cloning and Molecular Marker Development of Watermelon Fruit Shape Gene DUAN YaRu,.
15 (3002) Analysis of Genetic Diversity of 79 Cultivars Based on SSR Fluorescence Markers for Peach WANG LuWei,.
15 (3018) Evaluation of Brown Rot Resistance in Peach Based on Genetic Resources Conserved in National Germplasm Repository of Peach in Nanjing SHEN ZhiJun,.
16 (3200) Screening and Functional Analysis in Heat-Tolerance of the Upstream Transcription Factors of PepperLIU RuiYao,.
16 (3210) Genetic Relationship Amongand Its Relatives as Revealed by cpInDel and cpSSR Marker YANG Cheng,.
17 (3395) Understanding and Thinking About Some Problems of Fruit Tree Germplasm Resources and Genetic Breeding CHEN XueSen,.
17 (3411) Screening and Application of Universal SSR Molecular Marker Primers inHU GuangMing,.
18 (3613) Resistant Evaluation of 84 Apple Cultivars tof. spand Genome-Wide Association Analysis CHU BaoHua,.
18 (3629) Phenotypic Diversity Analysis of Chinese Ornamental Herbaceous Peonies and Its Germplasm Resource Evaluation WAN YingLing,.
19 (3807) Genome-Wide Identification of DIR Family Genes in Tomato and Response to Abiotic Stress CHEN FengQiong,.
19 (3822) Differences in Nutrient Absorption and Utilization of 87-1 Grape Variety Under Different Rootstock Facilities MA YuQuan,.
19 (3831) Starch Physicochemical Properties and Expression Levels of Anabolism Key Genes in Sweetpotato Under Low Temperature CUI Peng,.
20 (3997) Transcriptome and Metabolome Integrated Analysis of Epistatic Genetics Effects on Eggplant Peel Color SUN BaoJuan,.
20 (4011) Tipburn Injury and Nutritional Quality of Lettuce Plants as Affected by Humidity Control During the Light Period in A Plant Factory LI YangMei,.
20 (4020) Transcriptome Analysis During Flower Bud Differentiation of Red Globe Grape LIU Xin,.
20 (4036) Comprehensive Evaluation and Selection of Hybrid Offsprings of Large-Flowered Tea Chrysanthemum HU Xin,.
21 (4252) Geographical Origin Tracing of Fuji Apple Based on Mineral Element Fingerprinting Technology GAO XiaoQin,.
21 (4265) Analysis Reveals the Differential Expression of Genes Related to Starch Accumulation in Chloroplast of Leaf with Different Ages in Pinot Noir Grape YOU JiaLing,.
21 (4279) Optimizing Management Mode of Disease and Nutrient During the Entire Fruit Development for Improving Postharvest Storability of Longan Fruit HAN DongMei,.
22 (4458) Identification of 60 Citrus Accessions Using Target SSR-seq Technology ZHU YanSong,.
22 (4473) Difference in Flavonoid Composition and Content Between Summer and Winter Grape Berries of Shine Muscat Under Two-Crop-a-Year Cultivation WANG Bo,.
22 (4478) Characteristics of Volatile Components in Peach Fruits of 21shiji and Jiucui and Their Hybrid Progenies HAO Yan,.
23 (4688) Effects of Artificial Fruit Thinning on Sugar and Acid Content and Expression of Metabolism-Related Genes in Fruit of Beni-Madonna Tangor SONG JiangTao,.
23 (4702) Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of XTH Gene Family in Peach Fruit During Storage GUO ShaoLei,.
23 (4717) Effects of Low Oxygen/High Carbon Dioxide Controlled Atmosphere Combined with 1-Methylcyclopropene on Quality of Yuluxiang Pear During Cold Storage JIA XiaoHui,.
24 (4895) Genome-Wide Identification of NAC Family and Screening of Its Members Related to Prickle Development inOld Blush YOU YuWan,.
24 (4912) Cloning and Interaction Protein Screening ofGene from Xiangshui Lemon LI YuZe, LI YuZe,.
Food Science and engineering
1 (167) Optimization and Mechanism of Ultrasonic-Assisted Two-Phase Extraction of Tea Saponin DU JinTing,.
2 (390) Fissure Development of Three Japonica Rice Grain during Water Desorption SHAO XiaoLong,.
3 (575) Effects of Different Stir-Fry Conditions on the Flavor ofin Ready-to-Eat Dishes MA GaoXing,.
4 (785) Effects of Melatonin Treatment on Resistance to Black Spot and Postharvest Storage Quality of Pear Fruit XIANG MiaoLian,.
5 (1010) Effects of Starch Granule Size on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Barley Starches XIAO LuTing,.
6 (1213) Risks and Their Prevention and Control of Modified Mycotoxins in Grain and Its Products YANG Hong,.
7 (1423) Effects of High-Energy Electron Beam Irradiation on Potato Storage Quality and Bud Eye Cell Ultrastructure PENG Xue,.
7 (1433) Effects of Protein Phosphorylation on the Dissociation and Acetylation Level of Actomyosin ZHANG YeJun,.
8 (1642) Effects of Exogenous Sucrose on the Postharvest Quality and Chloroplast ofD.C XIE YiTong,.
9 (1846) Analysis of Lipolysis and Oxidation Ability of Fermentation Strains in Sterilized Pork Pulp WANG Ji,.
10 (2038) Effects of Adding Quinoa Protein Pickering Emulsion on Freeze- Thaw Stability of Fish Surimi Gel FENG Xiao,.
11 (2227) Effects of Cellulose Replacing Starch on the Gel Properties of Myofibrillar Protein WANG LiJian,.
12 (2425) Effects of Thermal Sterilization on Aroma Quality of Flat Peach Juice Based on Sensory Evaluation and GC-MS Combined with OPLS-DA TAN FengLing,.
13 (2629) Preparation, Physicochemical Characterization and Bioactivity Comparison of Different Livestock and Poultry Bone Peptides LIU Hong,.
14 (2825) Effects of Different Drying Methods on Bioactive Components of Shatianyou (L. Osbeck) Pomace Powder LU Qi,.
15 (3029) Effects of Very Fast Chilling on Flavor Quality in Chilled Lamb YAN TongJing,.
16 (3224) Flavor Escape Behavior of Stewed Beef with Soy Sauce During Air-Cooling and Refrigeration QIANG Yu,.
17 (3426) Research on the Application of a Balanced Sampling-Random Forest Early Warning Model for Aflatoxin Risk in Peanut GUO Can,.
18 (3640) Eating Quality Evaluation of Lamb in Different Postmortem Phases Based on Consumers’ Sensory Preferences GE Yue,.
19 (3841) Characterization of Chilled Mutton by ATP from Different Sources SU YuanYuan,.
22 (4500) Differentiation of Porcine Muscle Stem Cells in Three-Dimensional Hydrogels CHEN Yu,.
23 (4728) Physiological Metabolic Role of Nanocomposite PackagedDuring Postharvest Cold Storage Analyzed by TMT-Based Quantitative Proteomics WANG Chao,.
24 (4927) Optimization of Drying Process in Oat Noodle Production LIU ZhenRong,.
1 (184) Knockdown Goatto Promote Subcutaneous Adipocytes Differentiation DU Yu,.
1 (197) Development and Application of a Real-Time Fluorescent RPA Diagnostic Assay for African Swine Fever ZHANG JingYuan,.
1 (208) Identification and analysis of microRNAs in the larval gut ofFENG RuiRong,.
2 (403) Impacts of Somatic Cell Count in Early Lactation on Production Performance over the Whole Lactation and Its Genetic Parameters in Holsteins Cattle ZHU Lei,.
2 (415) Isolation and Identification offrom Ticks on Cattle Surface in Hulunbuir Area HUANG TianPeng,.
3 (589) Relationship Between Expression Levels of Guangxi Partridge Chicken m6A Methyltransferase Genes, Myofiber Types and Myogenic Differentiation SHU JingTing,.
3 (602) Relationship Between Biofilm Formation and Molecular Typing offrom Animal Origin TANG ZiYun,.
3 (613) Expression and binding properties of odorant binding protein AcerOBP7 inZHAO HuiTing,.
4 (796) Effects of 2-Hydroxy-4-(Methylthio)-Butanoic Acid on Rumen Fermentation and Microbiota in Holstein Female Calves KONG FanLin,.
4 (807) Effects of CaSR and CCK-1R Mediated Soybean Protein Hydrolysate on Appetite Using Mouse WANG LüYang,.
4 (816) Amino Acid of 225 in the HA Protein Affects the Pathogenicities of H1N1 Subtype Swine Influenza Viruses YANG ShiMan,.
5 (1025) Effects of Cross-Ventilation System on Physiology and Production Performance of Beef Cattle in Summer FANG HaoYuan,.
5 (1037) Effects of Additives on the Fermentation Quality of Agricultural By-Products and Wheat Straw Mixed Silage ZONG Cheng,.
6 (1227) Definition and Genetic Parameters Estimation for Health Traits by Using on-Farm Management Data in Dairy Cattle WANG Kai,.
6 (1241) Effects of FB1on Apoptosis and Autophagy of Porcine OocytesMaturation LI WenHui,.
6 (1253) Screening and identification of HSP90 interacting proteins in silkworm () LONG YanBi,.
7 (1445) Expression and Localization of LCN5 in Ram Reproductive Organs and Spermatozoa DONG FuCheng,.
7 (1458) Establishment and Application of PCR Assay for Mycoplasma Contamination in Cell Culture and Live Virus Vaccine GENG RenHao,.
7 (1469) Distribution Characteristics of Prophage in Multidrug Resistantas well as Its Induction and Isolation LIU Jiao,.
8 (1657) circ-13267 Regulates Egg Duck Granulosa Cells Apoptosis Through Let-7-19/ERBB4 Pathway WU Yan,.
8 (1667) Effects of Soy Isoflavones on the Proliferation and Apoptosis of Yak Ovarian Granulosa Cells AYIMUGULI·Abudureyimu,.
8 (1676) Method Improvement and Its Application of Micro Complement Fixation Test for Brucellosis JIANG Hui,.
8 (1685) Effects of Sublethal Doses of Imidacloprid on the Expression of Neurometabolic Genes inQIU YiLei,.
9 (1859) Evolutionary Relationship Between Transposable Elements and Tandem Repeats in Bovinae Species ZHANG Rui,.
9 (1868) miR-221-3p Regulates Ovarian Granulosa Cells Apoptosis by Targetingin Small-Tail Han Sheep LIU YuFang,.
10 (2047) The miR-221 Inhibits the Viability and Proliferation of Ovine Mammary Epithelial Cells by TargetingKe Na,.
10 (2057)Regulates Steroids Synthesis Related Genes Expression in Bovine Granulosa Cells ZHANG Jing,.
10 (2067) Mechanism of NMRAL1 Regulating Influenza Virus Replication YAN Ya,.
11 (2239) Association Analysis of theVariation with Sheep Growth Traits LIANG Peng,.
11 (2257) The Response ofCloned Offspring to Mowing GUO FengHui,.
12 (2436) Identification of Cashmere Dermal Papilla Cells Based on Single- Cell RNA Sequencing Technology ZHANG WeiDong,.
12 (2447) DUS Traits Variation Analysis and Application of Standard Varieties ofIntroduced from Japan FENG JunJie,.
12 (2461) Molecular Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of NPC2 Gene Family ofZHANG Li,.
13 (2643) Effect of Expanded Feather Powder on Growth Performance, Slaughter Performance and Serum Biochemical Index of Broiler CHEN ZhiMin,.
13 (2654) Effects ofon the Lipid Deposition in Intramuscular Preadipocytes of Yak RAN HongBiao,.
13 (2667) Proteome Analysis of the Salivary Gland of Nurse Bee from High Royal Jelly Producing Bees and Italian Bees WANG RongHua,.
14 (2837) Dynamic Changes of Yolk Microbiota in Yellow-Feathered Broiler and Its Role on Early Colonization of Intestinal Microbiota During the Embryonic Stage DING Peng,.
14 (2850) Effect and Mechanism of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester Alleviates Oxidative Stress in Liquid Preservation of Boar Semen Via the AMPK/FOXO3a Signaling Pathway LAN Qun,.
14 (2862) Colistin Promotes-positive IncI2 Plasmid Conjugation BetweenWANG XueYang,.
15 (3042) Evaluating the Application Effect of Single-Step Genomic Selection in Pig Populations ZHOU Jun,.
15 (3050)Regulates the Function of Porcine Ovarian Granulosa Cells LI LiYing,.
15 (3062) Preparation of Monoclonal Antibodies Against the p30 Protein of African Swine Fever Virus and Its Mapping of Linear Epitopes WEI Tian,.
16 (3242) Non-Starch Polysaccharide Enzymes Cocktail of Corn-Miscellaneous Meal-Based Diet Optimization byMethod and Its Effects on Intestinal Microbiome in Finishing Pigs DENG FuLi,.
16 (3256) Preparation and Identification of Monoclonal Antibodies to P30 Protein and Establishment of Blocking ELISA to Detecting Antibodies Against African Swine Fever Virus ZHANG FengXi,.
17 (3437) Effects and Mechanisms of Exogenous GABA against Oxidative Stress in Piglets YANG ChangPei,.
17 (3450) Effects of Heat Stress on Ileal Microbiota of Broilers WANG XueJie,.
17 (3461) Effect ofRegel and Its Extracts on the Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Meat Quality and Serum Biochemical Indices of Captive Small-Tailed Han Sheep LIU WangJing,.
18 (3652) Effects of IL-15 Overexpression on Myoblast Differentiation of Porcine Skeletal Muscle Cells XING MingJie,.
18 (3664) Effects of Circadian Rhythm on Rumen Fermentation and Nutrient Digestion of Mutton Sheep ZHANG ChunTao,.
18 (3675) Molecular Mechanism of Regulation by H-NS on IncFⅡ Plasmid Transmission of Multi-drug Resistant ChickenJIA YaTing,.
19 (3854) Analysis of Indirect Genetic Effects on Body Weight of 42 Day-Old Rugao Yellow Chickens GUO Jun,.
19 (3862) Study on Seasonal Grazing Management Optimal Model in Alpine Desert Steppe HU ZhiQiang,.
20 (4052) Effects of the Number of Subclinical Mastitis and Somatic Cell Score in Milk of Parity 1 on Somatic Cell Score of Holstein Cows for Parity 2 XIA YuXin,.
20 (4065) Effects of Amino Acid By-Products on Fermentation Quality and Digestibility of White Sorghum Silage NUerhati·Silafuer,.
20 (4075) Evolution of Human H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus in China from 1998 to 2021 WANG YanWen,.
21 (4294) Heritability Estimation and Correlation Analysis of Longevity and Milk Yield of Holstein Cattle in Xinjiang Region DONG MingMing,.
21 (4304) Effects of Feeding Levels on Muscle Tissue Structure and Muscle Fiber Composition Related Genes in Sheep SONG ShuZhen,.
21 (4315) Effect of Matrine on NLRP3 Inflammasome Signaling Pathway in H9N2 AIV Infected Mice WEI JingJie,.
22 (4513) Risk Zoning of Heat Stress Risk Zoning of Dairy Cows in Jiangsu Province and Its Characteristics Affected by Climate Change REN Yifang,.
22 (4526) Genetic Diversity of Indigenous Yellow-Feathered Chickens in Southern China Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA D-Loop Region HUANG XunHe,.
22 (4539) Association of Levels of Cholecystokinin A Receptor Expression and Sequence Variants with Feed Conversion Efficiency of Lueyang Black-Boned Chicken WANG ZhePeng,.
23 (4743) Proteomic Analysis of Sperm with Different Freezing Tolerance in Erhualian Boar Tong ShiFeng,.
23 (4753) Screening of Key Regulatory Genes for Litter Size Trait Based on Whole Genome Re-Sequencing in Goats () LI Heng,.
23 (4769) Screening ofSNPs and Its Association Analysis with Skin Feather Follicle Density Traits in Chicken TU YunJie,.
24 (4943) Effect of Litter Bed on Growth Performance and Odor Emission in Fattening Lamb CHE DaLu,.
24 (4957) Comparison of Shell Mechanical Property, Ultrastructure and Component Between Chicken and Duck Eggs ZHANG YaNan,.
1 (219) Multi-Locus Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Yield-Related Traits and Candidate Gene Prediction in Sesame (L.) CUI ChengQi,.
12 (2472) Effects of Flooding on Soil Chemical Properties and Microbial Community Composition on Farmland of Continuous Cropped Pepper GONG XiaoYa,.
22 (4550) Effect of Deep Tillage under Continuous Rotary Tillage on Yield Formation of High-Quality Japonica Rice in Cold Regions ZHAO LiMing,.
23 (4743) Proteomic Analysis of Sperm with Different Freezing Tolerance in Erhualian Boar Tong ShiFeng,.
23 (4753) Screening of Key Regulatory Genes for Litter Size Trait Based on Whole Genome Re-Sequencing in Goats () LI Heng,.
23 (4769) Screening ofSNPs and Its Association Analysis with Skin Feather Follicle Density Traits in Chicken TU YunJie,.
24 (4969) Effects of Chilling on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging Characteristics of Leaves with Different Leaf Ages in Tomato Seedlings HU XueHua,.
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