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Courses on National Pakistan culture in Honder College

2016-12-27 20:55內(nèi)蒙古師范大學(xué)
大陸橋視野 2016年14期

馬 浩 / 內(nèi)蒙古師范大學(xué)

Courses on National Pakistan culture in Honder College

馬浩 / 內(nèi)蒙古師范大學(xué)

Pakistani culture is actually a part of the contemporary Islamic civilization which draws its value and traditions from Islam and rich Islamic history.This paper suggests the construction of Pakistan culture in a Chinese university --- Honder College of IMNU.



According to E.B.Taylor, “Culture is a complex whole which includes knowledge, be liefs, art, morals, customs and all other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of a society."Every great nation enjoys its own culture.Sim ilarly, P akistani culture is very distinct due to its Islamic nature and rich historical background.

The society of Pakistan (Urdu:) com prises numerous diverse cultures and ethnic groups from the Punjabis and Sindhisin the east to the tribal cultures ha ve been greatly influenced by many of the surrounding countries' cultures, such as those of Turkish, Persian Afghan, and Indians of Asia, Central and the Eas t.In ancient tim es, Pakistan was a m ajor cultural hub and the home of an cient civiliz ations, such as the I ndus Valley Civilization- one of the first 'settled' peoples.Many cultural practices and great monuments have been in herited from the time of the ancient rulers of the region.One of the greatest cultural influences is that of the Persian.Other key influences i nclude the Empire and later the short lived but influential Empire.Pakistan has a rich cultural and ethnic background going back to the Indus,2800 BC - 1800 BC.A civilization remarkable for its ordered cities, advanced-planned s anitation, straight roads and uniquely structured society.

2..Characters of Pakistan Culture

Pakistani culture is a ctually a part of the contemporary Isl amic civilization which draws its value and traditions from Islam and rich Islamic history.Majority of population comprises of Muslims and follows teachings of Is lam, i-e, belief in one Allah, Prophet hood of Hazrat Muham mad P.B.U.H, brotherhood, equality and s ocial jus tice etc.Is lam is religion of peace and patience.Pakistani society is very cooperative.National calendar is marked by religious days which are observed with great devotion.

3..Th e Co urses’ D irectio ns ab out Par kistan Country in Honder College


A common language could create natural understanding to such on extent that speaker andlistener comes together at one cultural level.Among the other regional languages anddialects Urdu is the language which is spoken and understood throughout the country.


Common History creates a sense of belonging to one nation.Pakistan has a common historical background of almost 1000 year s (712-1857 AD) of Muslim rule and Indus valley civilization (2500 BC).


Variety of physical contours; it has green fertile plains, hot deserts, beautiful valleys, snow clad mountains and magnificent coast line.Having a diverse range of physical features, customs, traditions and habits of the people living in different regions has provided a rich cultural heritage to Pakistan

Pakistan is a large country which comprises of four provinces, the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Federally Administered Northern Areas (FANA).All of these component parts have their own regional languages.As such Punjabi, Pashtu, Sindhi, Balochi, Barohi and Kashmiri are regional languages.However, Urdu is the national language which is spoken and understood in all parts of the country.


Pakistani culture is rich in variety of dresses: The people of Punjab,the Pathans of NWFP, theBaluchi people and the Sindhis wear their own distinct dresses.These dresses are very colorful and prominent and give attractive look during national fairs and festivals.


Pakistani people are great lovers of sports and games.Modern gam es like hockey, cr icket,football, badminton, squash, table tennis and lawn tennis are played throughout the coutnry.Inaddition wrestling, boxing,and athletics are also very popular among masses.Pakistan has produced great s portsmen in the pas t.These include Bholu in W restling, Hanif,Miandad, Imran,Wasim Akram, and Inzamam in cricket, Shehnaz sheikh,Islahuddin, KHalid mahmood, Akhtar Rasool, and Munir Dar in hockey and Jahangir, Jansher in squash.


Pakistan enjoys great distinction in handicrafts at international level.Wooden furniture of Chiniot, sports goods of Sialkot and embroidery of Multan and Hyderabad is world famous.


Pakistan has very valuable cultural heritage.Shah Jahan Masjid in Thatta, Shalimar Garden,Badshahi Masjid, and Shahi Qila of Lahore are few examples of Mughal architecture.Manyarchaeolo gical sites in Pakistan are Moen-jo-daro, H arappa (Indus valley civiliz ation) and Taxila(Gundhara).

Britannica.com (2010).Pakistan [Online].Encyclop?dia Britannica.2010.Encyclop?dia Britannica.Available from

<http://www.br itannica.com/EBchecked/topic/438805/Pakistan>(Accessed date: 23 Aug.2010).

Muhammad Rahim jafar,Male, Pakistan .28, M aster degree of IMNU( Inner Mongo lia Normal University), researcher of Partisan Center in Honder College .

內(nèi)蒙古教育 2021年征訂啟事
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