裴蕓 別之龍
文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:16749944(2014)06000404
1 引言
水和土壤是植物生長發(fā)育和品質的物質基礎[1,2],其中,保持適宜的土壤水分對園藝植物生長和取得高品質具有重要意義。虧缺灌溉(Deficit Irrigation)可以通過適度控制土壤水分給植物一個適中的干旱逆境來提高園藝產品品質,但常伴隨著產量的下降,這在番茄、甜瓜上已見報道[3,4]。所以,如何在保證園藝產品品質提高的同時,使產量達到種植者能夠接受的范圍內,是開展蔬菜節(jié)水灌溉的關鍵。
2 材料與方法
2.1 材料
供試生菜(Lactvca sativa L.)品種為“弘農”(廣州市偉興利種業(yè)有限公司)和“綠領”(南京綠領種業(yè)有限公司)。試驗于2006年8~11月在華中農業(yè)大學設施蔬菜基地的塑料大棚中進行。2006年8月15日浸種催芽后播種,待生菜苗長到六葉一心時,定植于單棟塑料大棚內。定植前棚內栽培畦(長4.5m,寬0.6m)每畦施入磷肥0.24kg、復合肥0.24kg和生物肥2kg,每兩畦定植畦之間間隔一畦以防止水分相互滲透。
2.2 試驗設計
2.3 測定項目和方法
3 結果與分析
3.1 不同灌水量對生菜品質的影響
圖1 不同灌水量對生菜可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白和維生素C含量的影響
3.2 不同灌水量對生菜根系礦質元素含量的影響
3.3 不同灌水量對生菜葉片礦質元素含量的影響
4 討論
[1] 趙志全,高桐梅,寧慧峰,分蘗期土壤水分對旱稻礦質養(yǎng)分吸收的影響[J].水土保持學報,2005,19(6):90~93.
[2]付秋實,李紅嶺,崔 健.水分脅迫對辣椒光合作用及相關生理特性的影響[J].中國農業(yè)科學,2009,42(5):1859~1866.
[3]王 峰,杜太生,邱讓建.基于品質主成分分析的溫室番茄虧缺灌溉制度[J].農業(yè)工程學報,2011,27(1):75~80.
[9]cabello M J, Castellanos M T, Romojaro F,Matlnez-Madrid C,Ribas F.Yield and quality of melon grown under different irrigation and nitrogen rate [J].Agricultural Water Management,2009,96(5):866~874.
[10] 齊紅巖,李天來,張 潔.虧缺灌溉對番茄蔗糖代謝和干物質分配及果實品質的影響[J].中國農業(yè)科學,2004,37(7):1045~1049.
[11]李毅杰,原保忠,別之龍.不同土壤水分下限對大棚滴灌甜瓜產量和品質的影響[J]. 農業(yè)工程學報,2012,28(6):132~138.
Effects of Different Irrigation Quabtity on the Quality and
Mineral Element Content of Lettuce
Pei Yun1,2, Bie Zhilong1
(1. Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology, Ministry of Education, College of Horticulture
and Forestry, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China;
2. Agricultural College of Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China
Abstract: This article investigeate the effects of different irrigation quantity(100mL, 75mL, 50mL and 25mL per plant)on the quality and mineral element content of two lettuce cultivars (cv. Hongnong and Loling). The results show that: soluble sugar, soluble protein and vitamin C contents of lettuce tend to increase with the decrease of irrigation amount; mineral element contents of upside part and underground part decrease, of which three kinds of elements N, K, Mg decrease significantly, and the differences are significant in each treatment; Ca content of cv. L·ling decreases significantly in the 75mL irrigation conditions and decreases slowly under the treatment of 25mL and 50mL; Ca content of cv. Hongnong underground firstly increases and then decreases. With a comprehensive consideration, the metabolism of N, K, Ca and Mg of the lettuce will get lighter effects and also can give consideration to ensure a high quality of optimum irrigation at 75mL Irrigation per plant.
Key words: irrigation quantity; quality; mineral elements
[1] 趙志全,高桐梅,寧慧峰,分蘗期土壤水分對旱稻礦質養(yǎng)分吸收的影響[J].水土保持學報,2005,19(6):90~93.
[2]付秋實,李紅嶺,崔 健.水分脅迫對辣椒光合作用及相關生理特性的影響[J].中國農業(yè)科學,2009,42(5):1859~1866.
[3]王 峰,杜太生,邱讓建.基于品質主成分分析的溫室番茄虧缺灌溉制度[J].農業(yè)工程學報,2011,27(1):75~80.
[9]cabello M J, Castellanos M T, Romojaro F,Matlnez-Madrid C,Ribas F.Yield and quality of melon grown under different irrigation and nitrogen rate [J].Agricultural Water Management,2009,96(5):866~874.
[10] 齊紅巖,李天來,張 潔.虧缺灌溉對番茄蔗糖代謝和干物質分配及果實品質的影響[J].中國農業(yè)科學,2004,37(7):1045~1049.
[11]李毅杰,原保忠,別之龍.不同土壤水分下限對大棚滴灌甜瓜產量和品質的影響[J]. 農業(yè)工程學報,2012,28(6):132~138.
Effects of Different Irrigation Quabtity on the Quality and
Mineral Element Content of Lettuce
Pei Yun1,2, Bie Zhilong1
(1. Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology, Ministry of Education, College of Horticulture
and Forestry, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China;
2. Agricultural College of Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China
Abstract: This article investigeate the effects of different irrigation quantity(100mL, 75mL, 50mL and 25mL per plant)on the quality and mineral element content of two lettuce cultivars (cv. Hongnong and Loling). The results show that: soluble sugar, soluble protein and vitamin C contents of lettuce tend to increase with the decrease of irrigation amount; mineral element contents of upside part and underground part decrease, of which three kinds of elements N, K, Mg decrease significantly, and the differences are significant in each treatment; Ca content of cv. L·ling decreases significantly in the 75mL irrigation conditions and decreases slowly under the treatment of 25mL and 50mL; Ca content of cv. Hongnong underground firstly increases and then decreases. With a comprehensive consideration, the metabolism of N, K, Ca and Mg of the lettuce will get lighter effects and also can give consideration to ensure a high quality of optimum irrigation at 75mL Irrigation per plant.
Key words: irrigation quantity; quality; mineral elements
[1] 趙志全,高桐梅,寧慧峰,分蘗期土壤水分對旱稻礦質養(yǎng)分吸收的影響[J].水土保持學報,2005,19(6):90~93.
[2]付秋實,李紅嶺,崔 健.水分脅迫對辣椒光合作用及相關生理特性的影響[J].中國農業(yè)科學,2009,42(5):1859~1866.
[3]王 峰,杜太生,邱讓建.基于品質主成分分析的溫室番茄虧缺灌溉制度[J].農業(yè)工程學報,2011,27(1):75~80.
[9]cabello M J, Castellanos M T, Romojaro F,Matlnez-Madrid C,Ribas F.Yield and quality of melon grown under different irrigation and nitrogen rate [J].Agricultural Water Management,2009,96(5):866~874.
[10] 齊紅巖,李天來,張 潔.虧缺灌溉對番茄蔗糖代謝和干物質分配及果實品質的影響[J].中國農業(yè)科學,2004,37(7):1045~1049.
[11]李毅杰,原保忠,別之龍.不同土壤水分下限對大棚滴灌甜瓜產量和品質的影響[J]. 農業(yè)工程學報,2012,28(6):132~138.
Effects of Different Irrigation Quabtity on the Quality and
Mineral Element Content of Lettuce
Pei Yun1,2, Bie Zhilong1
(1. Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology, Ministry of Education, College of Horticulture
and Forestry, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China;
2. Agricultural College of Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China
Abstract: This article investigeate the effects of different irrigation quantity(100mL, 75mL, 50mL and 25mL per plant)on the quality and mineral element content of two lettuce cultivars (cv. Hongnong and Loling). The results show that: soluble sugar, soluble protein and vitamin C contents of lettuce tend to increase with the decrease of irrigation amount; mineral element contents of upside part and underground part decrease, of which three kinds of elements N, K, Mg decrease significantly, and the differences are significant in each treatment; Ca content of cv. L·ling decreases significantly in the 75mL irrigation conditions and decreases slowly under the treatment of 25mL and 50mL; Ca content of cv. Hongnong underground firstly increases and then decreases. With a comprehensive consideration, the metabolism of N, K, Ca and Mg of the lettuce will get lighter effects and also can give consideration to ensure a high quality of optimum irrigation at 75mL Irrigation per plant.
Key words: irrigation quantity; quality; mineral elements