(上海第二工業(yè)大學理學院,上海 201209)
Navier-Stokes方程描述了具有小速度梯度的不可壓縮粘性流體運動規(guī)律,在流體動力學研究中有著重要的應用。1966年,Ladyzhenskaya O. A. 放棄了速度梯度很小的限制,提出了幾種描述不可壓縮粘性流體運動規(guī)律的修正Navier-Stokes方程。為估計整個三維空間上一類修正Navier-Stokes方程解衰減速率的上下界,使用改進的Fourier分解方法得到當初值模衰減速率上界為;對某些初值時,解的模衰減速率下界為(t+1)?34。
文獻[9]首先提出了經典Navier-Stokes方程解的衰減估計問題。文獻[10]討論了小初值解的衰減估計問題。1985年和1986年,文獻[11-13]利用Fourier分解方法給出整個空間經典Navier-Stokes方程解的衰減估計,證明當初始值u∈L2∩Lq(1≤q <2)時,解的L2模,并且給出了解的衰減下界估計。1991年,文獻[14]討論了帶權空間上解的衰減下界估計。之后,有一系列這方面的研究成果出現,例如文獻[15-23]。
引理2.2[12]設,1≤p<2,r( t)>0,則
與證明(15)相似,我們可證:對任取r( t)>0,
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Upper and Lower Bounds of Decay Rates for a Solution of a Modified Navier-Stokes Equations
(School of Science,Shanghai Second Polytechnic University,Shanghai 201209,P.R.China)
The Navier-Stokes equations have many important application in fluid dynamic,which describe motion characteristics of viscous incompressible fluids for small gradients of the velocities.In 1966,Ladyzhenskaya O.A.suggested several variants of modified Navier-Stokes equations to a determinate description of the nonstationary flows of viscous incompressible fluids for large gradients of the velocities.Forestimating upper and lower bounds of decay rates for a modified Navier-Stokes equations in the whole three-dimensional space,by improving the Fourier splitting methods,the paper proves that upper bounds of decay rates of L2norm to the solution arefor initial value(1≤p<2) and lower bounds of ones arefor some initial value
modified Navier-Stokes equations;large time behavior;decay rate;upper bounds;lower bounds