Space suits dont just make astronautslook cool. Without these special suits,astronauts wouldnt be able to leave theirspacecraft. Space is a dangerous placefor human beings. Firstly, there is no air tobreathe. Secondly, space also has highlevels of radiation, energy that can passthrough our bodies and make us sick.Thirdly, some parts of space are really coldwhile other parts are very hot. So astronautscould die in just a few seconds if theystepped outside their spacecraft without theirsuits. With a space suit, though, astronautscan move around in space for several hours.
Space suits keep astronauts safelysealed inside. A backpack sends O2 in to letastronauts breathe normally. At the sametime, the CO2 that astronauts breathe out issucked away. The suit also protects themfrom harmful radiation and fast-movingspace dust. Under the space suit is anothersuit that looks like a pair of tight pajamaswith little pipes running through them. Waterruns through these pipes to cool offastronauts because wearing a space suitcan make astronauts very hot!
Word Bank
spacecraft n. 宇宙飛船
radiation n. 輻射;放射線
seal v. 密封
suck v. 吮吸;吸
pajamas n. (一套)睡衣褲