Linguistic diversity plays an important role in building a global community with a shared future as the uniqueness of each language enriches our collective reservoir of wisdom. Access to the diversity of languages can awaken curiosity and the mutual understanding of peoples. UNESCO promotes linguistic diversity by contributing to the preservation and revitalization of endangered languages.
Linguistic diversity goes beyond theory: it has a direct and immediate impact on all aspects of society, including preserving traditional knowledge and promoting contemporary cultural expressions.
The Asia-Pacific region has a great wealth of linguistic diversity and this important international conference is a celebration of that rich variety.
This conference represents a unique opportunity to contribute to the work towards the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages through the promotion of language protection, access to language resources and showcasing emerging initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Education of the Peoples Republic of China, the National Commission of the Peoples Republic of China for UNESCO, the National Language Commission of the Peoples Republic of China, and the Peoples Government of Hunan Province of the Peoples Republic of China for having organized this timely event.
I wish all participants fruitful deliberations throughout the course of this conference.
Audrey Azoulay