GUO Sheng-ti,XU Qing-hua
(1.College of Mathematics and Information Science,JiangXi Normal,JiangXi Normal University,Nan-Chang 330022,China;2.School of Science,Zhejiang University of Science and Technology,Hangzhou 310023,China)
Let A be the class of functions of the form:
which are analytic in the open unit disk
We denote by S the subclass of A consisting of all functions in A which are also univalent in U.Let S?denote the subclass of S consisting of the starlike functions on U.
Let X be a complex Banach space with norm k·k,X?be the dual space of X,B be the unit ball in X,Bnbe the Euclidean unit ball in Cn.Also,let?Undenote the boundary of Un,and?0Unbe the distinguished boundary of Un.
For each x∈X{0},we de fine
According to the Hahn-Banach theorem,T(x)is nonempty.
In[1],Fekete and Szeg? obtained the following classical result.
Let the function f(z)be de fined by(1.1).If f∈S,then
for λ∈[0,1].
The above inequality is known as the Fekete and Szeg? inequality.After that,there were many papers to consider the corresponding problems for various subclasses of the class S,and many interesting results were obtained.For example,in[9],Koepf obtained the following result for S?.
Theorem A(See[9])Let the function f(z)be de fined by(1.1).If f∈S?,then
In contrast,although Fekete and Szeg? inequalities for various subclasses of the class S were established,only a few results are known for the inequalities of homogeneous expansions for subclasses of biholomorphic mappings in several complex variables.Some best-possible results concerning the coefficient estimates for subclasses of holomorphic mappings in several variables were obtained in the works of Graham,Hamada and Kohr[2],Graham et al.[3],Graham et al.[5],Hamada et al.[6],Hamada and Honda[7],Kohr[8],and Xu and Liu[14].
In[15],using some restrictive assumption,Xu and Liu extended Theorem A to the case of the class of starlike mappings de fined on the unit ball in a complex Banach space or on the unit polydisk in Cn.They first obtained the Fekete and Szeg? inequality in several complex variables.Recently,the Fekete and Szeg? inequalities are established for well-known subclasses of holomorphic mappings in several complex variables(see[16-17]).
In this paper,we establish Fekete and Szeg? inequalities for a subclass of starlike mappings de fined on the unit ball in a complex Banach space,on the unit polydisk in Cnor the bounded starlike circular domain in Cn,respectively.These results are natural extensions to higher dimensions of Theorem A.
Let H(B)denote the set of all holomorphic mappings from B into X.It is well known that if f∈H(B),then
for all y in some neighborhood of x ∈ B,where Dnf(x)is the nth-Fréchet derivative of f at x,and for n≥1,
A holomorphic mapping f:B → X is said to be biholomorphic if the inverse f?1exists and is holomorphic on the open set f(B).A mapping f∈H(B)is said to be locally biholomorphic if the Fréchet derivative Df(x)has a bounded inverse for each x ∈ B.If f:B → X is a holomorphic mapping,then f is said to be normalized if f(0)=0 and Df(0)=I,where I represents the linear identity operator from X into X.
Let ? ? Cnbe a bounded starlike circular domain with 0∈ ?,and its Minkowski functional ρ(z)∈ C∞(see Lemma 2.3)except for some lower dimensional manifolds in Cn.The first Fréchet derivative and the m(m>2)-th Fréchet derivative of a mapping f ∈ H(?)at point z ∈ ? are written by Df(z),Dmf(z)(am?1,.),respectively.The matrix representations are
Let S?(B)(respectively,be the set of normalized starlike mappings on B(respectively,Un,?).
In order to prove the desired results,we give some lemmas.
L emma 2.1[13]Let f:B→X be a normalized locally biholomorphic mapping.Then f is a starlike mapping on B if and only if
Lemma 2.2Let f:Un→Cnbe a normalized locally biholomorphic mapping.Then f ∈ S?(Un)if and only if
Lemma 2.3(See[10])??Cnis a bounded starlike circular domain if and only if there exists a unique real continuous function ρ :Cn?→ R,called the Minkowski functional of ?,such that
Furthermore,if ρ(z)(z ∈ ?)∈ C1except for some lower dimensional manifolds in Cn,then the function ρ(z)has the following properties.
Lemma 2.4[10]Let ? ? Cnbe a bounded starlike circular domain with 0 ∈ ?,and its Minkowski functional ρ(z) ∈ C1except for some lower dimensional manifolds in Cn.Letbe a normalized locally biholomorphic mapping.Then f is a starlike mapping on? if and only if
When ?=Bn,obviously,the above inequality is equivalent to the following relation.
In this section,we state and prove the main results of our present investigation.
Theorem 3.1LetThen
The above estimate is sharp.
Then g∈H(U),g(0)=1,and
Since F ∈ S?(B),using Lemma 2.1,we obtain
Thus,from Lemma 2.5,we have
Note that F is biholomorphic on B,we get
Using a similar method as in[12](also see[4,Theorem 7.1.14]),we have
We easily compute that
In view of(3.4),we have
From this it follows that
Using Taylor series expansions in ξ,we obtain
Comparing the homogeneous expansions of two sides of the above equality,we deduce that
which yields the following
Moreover,from F(x)=xf(x),we have
From(3.6),we conclude that
Thus,from(3.2),(3.5),(3.7)and(3.8),we have
Now,we consider the following two cases.
Note that|g0(0)|≤2,we obtain
By combining(3.9)and(3.10),we get the estimate in(3.1),as desired.
To see that the estimation of Theorem 3.1 is sharp,it suffices to consider the following example.
Example 3.1Ifwe consider the following example
Ifwe consider the following example
Using Theorem 1 of[15],we deduce that the mappings F,de fined in(3.11)and(3.12),are in the S?(B).Taking x=ru(0 Remark 3.1When X=C,B=U,Theorem 3.1 is equivalent to Theorem A. Theorem 3.2LetThen The above estimation is sharp. ProofFor z∈Un{0},and denoteLet qj:U→C be given by Since F ∈ S?(U),from Lemma 2.2,we obtain According to(3.3),we have or,equivalently, Using Taylor series expansions in ξ,we obtain Comparing the homogeneous expansions of two sides of the above equality,we deduce that On the other hand,fromwe have Thus,from(3.13),(3.14)and(3.15),we have Using similar arguments as in the proof of Theorem 3.1,we have If z0∈ ?0Un,then we obtain Also since are holomorphic functions onin view of the maximum modulus theorem of holomorphic functions on the unit polydisc,we obtain That is Therefore as desired. In order to prove the sharpness,it suffices to consider the following example. Example 3.2If,we consider the following example Ifwe consider the following example From Theorem 3 of[15],we deduce that the mappings F,de fined in(3.16)and(3.17),are in the S?(Un).Taking z=(r,0,···,0)0(0 Remark 3.2When n=1,Theorem 3.2 reduces to Theorem A. Theorem 3.3LetThen The above estimation is sharp. ProofFix z∈ ?{0},and denote.Let p:U ?→ C be given by Then p∈ H(U),p(0)=1,and since,we deduce that Using Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5,we obtain On the other hand,we deduce from De finition 1.3 that From this it follows that F is biholomorphic on ?,and thusz∈ ?. With similar reasoning as in the proof of Theorem 3.1,we have which implies that In view of(3.20),we have From this we can conclude that Using Taylor series expansions in ξ,we obtain Comparing the homogeneous expansions of two sides of the above equality,we deduce that That is Also,sincewe have From(2.1)and(3.22),we obtain and Thus,from Lemma 2.5,(3.21),(3.23)and(3.24),we have Using similar arguments as in the proof of Theorem 3.1,we obtain The following Example 3.3 shows that the estimation of Theorem 3.3 is sharp. where r=sup{|z1|:z=(z1,0,···,0)0∈ ?}. where r=sup{|z1|:z=(z1,0,···,0)0∈ ?}. In view of(3.20),we deduce that the mappings F,de fined in(3.25)and(3.26),are in the S?(?).Taking z=Ru(0 Remark 3.3When n=1,?=U,Theorem 3.3 reduces to Theorem A. When ?=Bn,we immediately obtain the following corollary,which we merely state here without proof. Corollary 3.1Let.Then The above estimate is sharp. 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