(School of Mathematics and Statistics Henan University,Kaifeng 457000,P.R.China)
Consider the following nonlinear systems
and it’s perturbed system
where x:R→Rnand f,η∈C1(Rn,Rn).
Theorem 1.1Suppose thatis a hyperbolic fixed point of the nonlinear system(1.1),such that η(0)=0.If kηkC1is sufficiently small,then there is an open setand a homeomorphismsuch that where ?t(x)and ψt(x)are the flows of systems(1.1)and(1.2).That is to say the hyperbolic fixed point is Structural stable.
In[2],they gave the above theorem,but the proof has some mistake,they said that(1.1)and(1.2)have the same linearized system when the norm kηkCris small enough.For example,if the perturbed term η(x)= εx for ε>0 and small enough,then(1.1)and(1.2)do not have the same linearized system and Hartman Theorem can not be used directly as claimed in[2].In this paper,we will correct their proof of this theorem by using the idea of Hartman Theorem.
Our proof falls into the following four steps.
Firstly,according to the proof of Hartman-Grobman’s theorem in[1],we only need to prove that this theorem holds for linear perturbations of linearized systems.
Without loss of generality,let ζ=0.By Theorem 4.8 of[1],there is an open subset U1? Rnand a homeomorphism G1:U1→G1(U1)such that
whereis the flow at zero point of linearized system(1.1).Similarly,there is an open subset U2and a homeomorphism G2?U2such that
whereis the flow at zero point of linearized system(1.2).If there is an open subset U and a homeomorphism G:U→G(U)such that
Then let,we will have
thenis the homeomorphism we want to show.Therefore,it is only necessary to prove the theorem to the linear system.
Secondly,we will prove there is a map G:Rn→Rnfor time-one flow,satis fied(1.3).Consider the linearized systems at zero point of system(1.1)and(1.2)
Their flows are
De fine A= ?1(·),then A is a hyperbolic linear transformation.De fine an appropriate bump function γ∈C1(Rn→[0,1])on a neighborhood of the origin
with δ>0 small enough.Consider the di ff erential equation
(i)The function f?:Rn→Rnhas a finite Lipschitz constant.
(ii)There is an open neighborhood V of the origin such thatagrees with ψ1on V.
(iii)The function p(x):=F(x)? Ax has finite C1-norm that is sufficiently small when kηkC1is small enough,by Lemma 4.7 in[1],there is a function h,h∈C(Rn),h(0)=0,khk<1,and
by Lemma 4.9 in[1],when the C1-norm of p is sufficiently small,there is a function g∈C(Rn)such that Ag(x)?g(F(x))=p(x).By de fining G(x):=x+g(x),we have that
Thirdly,we will show that the mapping G satis fies the equation(1.3)for any flow at any time.De fine G:Rn→Rn
We will show that
In fact,let τ=s+t? 1,from(2.2),we have
By splitting the last integral into the two parts
Let σ = τ+1 in the first integral,from(2.2),we obtain the identity
Then we will proof
If we set t=1 in equation(2.3)and recall equation(2.2),we have the functional identities
By Lemma 4.9 of[1],the function G which satis fies the same functional equation is unique among all continuous transformations with the form G(x)=x+g(x),g∈C(Rn).Thus,in order to prove G=G,it suffices to show that the function G(x)?x∈C(Rn).Here we only need to prove that G(x)?x is bounded on Rn.Let us note that we have the identities
and the estimate
According to the de finition of ??,there exists R>0,such that
That is to say?M>0 such that
Soas a result,the function G(x)?x is in C(Rn),G=G.
Finally,it remains to show that G is a homeomorphism when restricted to some neighborhood of the origin.Using property(iii)given above,the function h given in property(iii)can be used to de fine a continuous function H by H(x)=x+h(x),so that
and,with K:=G?H,we have K(A(x))=A(K(x)).Moreover,the function K has the form
By the construction of G and H,the function
is in C(Rn),and A(α(x))?α(Ax)=0.By Lemma 4.9 of[1],α(x)≡ 0.Therefore,K(x)=x and G(H(x))=x,?x ∈ Rn.Since there is an open set U containing the origin such that the restriction of H to U is a homeomorphism onto its image,we have that G restricted to H(U)is the inverse of H.In particular,G restricted to H(U)is a homeomorphism onto U,and
Thus we have proved Theorem 1.1.
[1]CARMEN CHICON.Ordinary Di ff erential Equations with Applications[M].2nd ed New York,NY:Springer 2006.
[2]ZHANG Jin-yan,FENG Bei-ye.Geometric theory and branch problems of ordinary di ff erential equations(in chinese).Peking University press,2000.
Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics2018年1期