宋傳寧 許慶祥
A note on the best approximate solution of the
equation AXB-C=0
Song Chuanning, Xu Qingxiang
(Mathematics and Science College,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China)
A counterexample is constructed which shows that with respect to the 2-norm,there exist matrices A,B and C such that A CB fails to be the best approximate solution of the equation AXB-C=0,where A and B are the Moore-Penrose inverses of A and B,respectively.
Key words:
Moore-Penrose inverse; Frobenius norm; 2-norm
CLC number: O 151.21Document code: AArticle ID: 1000-5137(2018)01-0022-02
Moore-Penrose逆; Frobenius 范數(shù); 2-范數(shù)
Received date: 2017-02-25
Foundation item: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (11671261)
Biography: Song Chuanning(1962-),female,associate professor,research area:Matrix and operator theory.E-mail:songning@shnu.edu.cn
引用格式: 宋傳寧,許慶祥.關于矩陣方程AXB-C=0的最佳逼近解的一個注記 [J].上海師范大學學報(自然科學版),2018,47(1):22-23.
Citation format: Song C N,Xu Q X.A note on the best approximate solution of the equation AXB-C=0 [J].Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences),2018,47(1):22-23.
Throughout this note,Cn×n is the set of n×n complex matrices.For any A∈ Cn×n,let A be its Moore-Penrose inverse[1-2].Let ·F and ·2 be the Frobenius norm and 2-norm (spectral norm) on Cn×n,respectively.
[2]Let · be any norm on Cn×n,and A,B,C be given in Cn×n.A matrix X0∈Cn×n is said to be the best approximate solution (with respect to the norm ·) of the equation F(X)=defAXB-C=0,if for any X∈Cn×n,either F(X)>F(X0),or F(X)=F(X0) and X≥X0.
It is known from [2,Corollary 1] that with respect to the Frobenius norm ·F,the matrix X0=ACB is the unique best approximate solution of the equation F(X)=0.A similar conclusion was asserted in item (b) of [1,Theorem 2.1] for the 2-norm.In this note,we will show that item (b) of [1,Theorem 2.1] is actually incorrect.Our counterexample is as follows:
Let A=B=10
-1-1 and X=-2x12
x21x22 for any x12,x21,x22∈C.Then
In view of the counterexample above,the 2-norm A(1,3)Y,KL2 appeared in [1,Lemma 2.3] should be replaced by the Frobenius norm A(1,3)Y,KLF.
[1]Damm T,Stahl D.Linear least squares problems with additional constraints and an application to scattered data approximation [J].Linear Algebra and its Applications,2013,439:933-943.
[2]Penrose R.On best approximate solutions of linear matrix equations [J].Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,1956,52:17-19.