牛秋林,陳 明,明偉偉
(1.湖南科技大學機電工程學院,湖南湘潭 411201;2.上海交通大學機械與動力工程學院,上海 200240)
牛秋林1,陳 明2,明偉偉2
(1.湖南科技大學機電工程學院,湖南湘潭 411201;2.上海交通大學機械與動力工程學院,上海 200240)
針對TC11鈦合金的力學性能研究主要集中在其壓縮或熱變形性能研究方面[14-17]。徐彬[18]通過改變退火工藝和參數研究了在0.001~940 s-1和800~1 050 ℃范圍內TC11鈦合金的高溫壓縮性能。王克魯等[4]和趙為綱等[19]利用高溫壓縮實驗研究了TC11鈦合金在0.001~70 s-1時的相區(qū)變形行為和流動應力變化規(guī)律。舒大禹等[11]則對室溫時高應變率條件下的動態(tài)剪切性能進行了分析。GU等[20]研究了不同熱處理工藝對TC11鈦合金的高溫拉伸蠕變行為的影響。而ZHANG等[21]對TC11鈦合金在0.001~940 s-1范圍內的拉伸性能研究后認為,材料的拉伸屈服強度隨著應變率的增加而增大。
1.1 試樣制備
實驗材料為TC11鈦合金鍛件,其金相組織如圖1所示,其主要化學成分(wt%)為6.56 Al,3.49 Mo,1.78 Zr,0.31 Si,0.062 Fe,0.1 O,0.012 N,0.01 C,0.001 H[9],其余為Ti。TC11鈦合金拉伸試樣為圓柱試樣,試樣直徑為5 mm,原始標距為30 mm,其具體尺寸如圖2所示。圖3為TC11鈦合金試樣在拉伸實驗前后的對比照片。
圖1 TC11鈦合金的金相組織Fig.1 Metallographic organization of TC11 titanium alloy
圖2 試樣的詳細尺寸Fig.2 Detailed dimensions of specimens
圖3 拉伸實驗前后試樣的實物照片Fig.3 Physical photos of specimens before and after tensile tests
1.2 實驗方法
根據GB/T 228.1—2010的規(guī)定,準靜態(tài)拉伸實驗在WDW-100D型萬能試驗機上進行。實驗溫度為常溫。為了獲得TC11鈦合金的準靜態(tài)力學性能,應變率采用0.001,0.01和0.1 s-13個實驗條件,其對應的加載速度分別為1.5,15和150 mm/min。實驗之后,為了方便進行下一步的分析測試工作,對試樣的非斷裂面進行了線切割和打磨。最后,采用HITACHI S-4800型掃描電子顯微鏡觀察拉伸試樣斷口的微觀形貌。
圖4 不同應變率條件下TC11鈦合金的準靜態(tài)拉伸應力-應變曲線Fig.4 Quasi static tensile stress-strain curves of TC11 titanium alloy at different strain rates
2.1 TC11鈦合金準靜態(tài)拉伸性能分析
不同應變率條件下TC11鈦合金的準靜態(tài)拉伸應力-應變曲線和拉伸性能如圖4和表1所示。由圖4可知,隨著應變率的增大,在塑性變形階段流動應力逐漸增大,試樣的工程應力在應變率為0.1 s-1時變化最大。試樣在應變率為0.001,0.01和0.1 s-1時得到的屈強比分別為0.83,0.81和0.91。試樣的準靜態(tài)抗拉強度從0.001 s-1時的1 090 MPa增加到了0.1 s-1時的1 180 MPa,準靜態(tài)屈服強度則從904.7 MPa增大到了1 073.8 MPa,抗拉強度和屈服強度均表現出了同應變率的相關性。因此,TC11鈦合金在準靜態(tài)拉伸條件下表現出了一定的應變率敏感性。
表1 不同應變率條件下TC11鈦合金的準靜態(tài)拉伸性能
2.2 斷口宏觀形貌分析
圖5為準靜態(tài)拉伸實驗獲得的TC11鈦合金斷口的低倍顯微組織照片。從圖5中可以看出,在3個應變率條件下TC11鈦合金試樣均發(fā)生了頸縮現象,試樣截面表現為杯錐狀,形成了光滑的剪切唇區(qū)和灰色的纖維區(qū),放射區(qū)不明顯。當應變率為0.001 s-1時,試樣的纖維區(qū)較為平整(圖5 a))。隨著應變率的增大,纖維區(qū)表面形貌愈發(fā)粗糙。另一方面,當應變率從0.001 s-1增大到0.1 s-1時,試樣斷口的剪切唇區(qū)面積逐漸增大。這可能與拉伸過程中TC11鈦合金的α+β雙相組織結構的變化有關。已有的研究表明,等軸α相有利于提高抗裂紋萌生能力,而針狀β相則具有提高抗裂紋擴展的能力[5]。但是,當應變率不斷增大時,由于試樣軸向應力增大,從而引起剪切面上裂紋的擴展速度加快。其斷面形貌的變化規(guī)律也與試樣的抗拉強度的變化保持一致。從圖5中也可以看出,試樣在3個不同應變率下獲得的拉伸斷口的頸縮現象并不是特別顯著,這與表1中顯示的3個試樣的斷面收縮率并不相吻合。因此,TC11鈦合金在準靜態(tài)拉伸條件下的斷裂方式屬于韌性斷裂,但其韌性較差。
圖5 不同應變率下獲得的TC11鈦合金拉伸斷口形貌Fig.5 Tensile fracture morphology of TC11 titanium alloy obtained at different strain rates
2.3 斷口顯微結構分析
準靜態(tài)拉伸實驗獲得的TC11鈦合金的斷口中部的顯微組織結構如圖6所示,顯微形貌均放大了10 000倍。從圖6中可以看出,應變率為0.001 s-1時,試樣斷口存在許多大小不一的韌窩,大韌窩中包含小的韌窩,部分韌窩較深且底部有成核顆?;蚩斩?圖6 a)),這是由單軸拉伸引起的等軸韌窩。同時,試樣斷口還有少量的撕裂棱。因此,試樣斷口表現為以韌性斷裂為主和伴有準解理斷裂。當應變率為0.01 s-1時,試樣斷口的撕裂棱增多,韌窩尺寸變小且較淺。應變率增大到0.1 s-1時,試樣斷口表面局部出現準解理面(圖6 c)),韌窩變?yōu)榫W狀韌窩(圖6 d))。因此,隨著應變率的增大,試樣拉伸斷口韌窩的大小和深度均變小,而解理面有增多的趨勢。這表明,隨著應變率的增加,該材料的塑性在逐漸發(fā)生改變。
圖6 不同應變率下獲得的TC11鈦合金的微觀組織Fig.6 Microstructure of TC11 titanium alloy obtained at different strain rates
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Experimental study on quasi-static tensile mechanical properties ofTC11 titanium alloy at room temperature
NIU Qiulin1, CHEN Ming2, MING Weiwei2
(1.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, Hunan 411201, China; 2.School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China)
According to the tensile properties of typical aerospace material TC11 titanium alloy, the stress-strain relationship is studied using the quasi-static tensile test at different strain rates, and the tensile fracture morphology is analyzed with SEM. The experimental results show that TC11 titanium alloy has certain strain rate sensitivity, and both tensile strength and yield strength are affected by strain rate. During quasi-static tension test, TC11 titanium alloy specimen has the phenomenon of neck shrinkage. The section of the specimen is cuppy, and there is smooth shear lip zone and grey fiber area in the sample fracture. The fracture of the samples belongs to ductile fracture, but its toughness is poor. The tensile fracture morphology of TC11 titanium alloy is mainly the dimple with different sizes, but with the increase of strain rate, the size and the depth of dimple at the tensile fracture are smaller, and the fracture surface produces a small number of tearing edges and quasi-cleavage plane, and the fracture mechanism of the specimen is mainly ductile fracture and quasi-cleavage fracture. Therefore, the mechanical behavior of TC11 titanium alloy is related to strain rate under quasi-static tensile condition.
mechanics of materials; TC11 titanium alloy; quasi-static tension; mechanical properties; fracture morphology
牛秋林,陳 明,明偉偉.室溫下TC11鈦合金準靜態(tài)拉伸力學性能實驗研究[J].河北科技大學學報,2017,38(4):320-324. NIU Qiulin,CHEN Ming,MING Weiwei.Experimental study on quasi-static tensile mechanical properties of TC11 titanium alloy at room temperature[J].Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology,2017,38(4):320-324.