延?xùn)|娥,陳新云,張 俊
(成都市第一人民醫(yī)院心功能科,四川 成都 610041)
延?xùn)|娥,陳新云*,張 俊
(成都市第一人民醫(yī)院心功能科,四川 成都 610041)
圖1 肺動脈主干及左肺動脈瘤聲像圖 (RPA:右肺動脈;LPA:左肺動脈) 圖2 肺動脈內(nèi)渦流聲像圖
患者女,77歲,因“活動后心累氣促3年”入院。超聲心動圖檢查:各房室腔大小及室壁厚度測值正常,肺動脈主干(近心端61 mm,近分叉處84 mm)及左肺動脈(57 mm)呈瘤樣擴張,右肺動脈稍增寬(27 mm),內(nèi)未見確切夾層、血栓及其他異常回聲(圖1);雙側(cè)心室收縮功能正常;CDFI:三尖瓣微量反流,肺動脈瓣前向血流通暢,肺動脈內(nèi)血流呈低速渦流(圖2),心內(nèi)及大血管水平未見分流;超聲診斷:肺動脈主干及左肺動脈瘤。胸部CT平掃:肺動脈主干及左肺動脈增寬,提示肺動脈高壓。冠狀動脈造影、心電圖、頸動脈超聲檢查未見異常;血常規(guī)、免疫學(xué)全套、腫瘤標志物、血沉、C-反應(yīng)蛋白、甲狀腺功能、肝腎功能、血糖、血脂、血清酶學(xué)等實驗室檢查結(jié)果均正常。
討論 肺動脈瘤診斷標準為:肺動脈主干內(nèi)徑超過40 mm或正常值的1.5倍;或肺動脈內(nèi)徑/主動脈瓣環(huán)內(nèi)徑>2。明顯超過上述標準稱為巨大肺動脈瘤。巨大肺動脈瘤分為特發(fā)性和繼發(fā)性兩大類,無明確病因者為特發(fā)性肺動脈瘤,常無明顯
[Key words] Thyroid imaging reporting and data system; Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound; Thyroid papillary carcinoma
Echocardiography; Pulmonary; Aneurysm [關(guān)鍵詞] 超聲心動描記術(shù);肺;動脈瘤
Giant idiopathic pulmonary artery aneurysm: Case report
CEUS in diagnosis of TI-RADS 3, 4 thyroid nodules
(1.DepartmentofUltrasound, 2.DepartmentofGeneralSurgery,LanzhouUniversitySecondHospital,Lanzhou730030,China)
Objective To explore the diagnostic value of CEUS for thyroid TI-RADS 3, 4 nodules. Methods The CEUS performence of 95 patients with thyroid TI-RADS 3, 4 nodules (all were confirmed by surgery pathology) diagosed by conventional ultrasound were reviewed retrospectively, and the value of CEUS in the revision and differential diagnosis of thyroid TI-RADS 3, 4 nodules were analyzed. Results Compared with pathological pattern, conventional ultrasound TI-RADS classifications in assessing the property of thyroid nodule had no statistical differences (χ2=3.56,P=0.06). For thyroid TI-RADS 3, 4 nodules, compared with conventional ultrasound TI-RADS classifications, the diagnosis accuracy of CEUS score and revised CEUS TI-RADS classifications showed significant differeces respectively (P=0.03, <0.01) for thyroid papillary carcinoma greater than 1 cm. But no statistical difference were found respectively (P=0.25, 1.00) for thyroid papillary carcinoma smaller than 1 cm. According to the ROC curve analysis, the area under the curve of traditional ultrasound TI-RADS classifications, CEUS score and revised CEUS TI-RADS classifications were 0.64, 0.75, 0.81 respectively, cut-off value was TI-RADS 4a, 1 score, TI-RADS 4a respectively, the sensitivity and specificity of evaluating benign and malignant nodules was 45.3% and 80.0%, 69.3% and 65.0%, 82.7% and 60.0%, respectively. The area under the ROC curve were statistical difference between CEUS score, revised CEUS TI-RADS classifications and conventional ultrasound TI-RADS classifications (bothP<0.05), while CEUS score and revised CEUS TI-RADS classifications without statistical difference. Conclusion CEUS had the revised and improved identification value for thyroid TI-RADS 3, 4 nodules.
E-mail: 545095524@qq.com
E-mail: cissy1002@126.com
R543.2; R540.45