Don't Be Fooled by These Words
My classmate's brother got drunk in a bar during the holidays.He took up his phone and tried to call somebody.However, he found that he didn't know anyone in the phone book. He felt like such a loser so he cried for a whole night. The next morning, he realized it was not his phone.
One day, a good student said to another good student, "If you read some books for twice, please recommend them to me." The other one answered slowly, "Chinese text book, Math and English!"
A man was shot dead by a hunter when taking a nap under a tree because he snored like a wild boar.
A little boy's bones were found in Cao Cao's tomb and expert said it is the little cao cao.
A man stole bunch of drinks worth 5 0,0 0 0 yuan f rom a warehouse. Then he emptied the bottles at night and got 200 yuan from selling the empty bottles...
A thief took off his shoes to keep quiet after breaking into a house but woke up the owner with heavy smell.