葉 慶,卿秀華
葉 慶,卿秀華
(武漢紡織大學 電子與電氣工程學院,湖北 武漢 430073)
圖1(a) 相對漲落與信號振幅的關系曲線()圖1(b) 相對漲落與信號振幅的關系曲線()
圖1(c) 相對漲落與信號頻率的關系曲線()圖1(d) 相對漲落與信號頻率的關系曲線()
圖1(e) 相對漲落與信號頻率的關系曲線()
圖2(a) 相對漲落與泵噪聲強度的關系曲線()圖2(b) 相對漲落與泵噪聲強度的關系曲線()
圖3(a) 相對漲落與量子噪聲強度的關系曲線()圖3(b) 相對漲落與量子噪聲強度的關系曲線()
圖4 相對漲落與凈增益系數(shù)和關聯(lián)系數(shù)的關系曲線()
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Intensity Fluctuation in the Loss-Noise Model Of Single-Mode Laser with an Input Additive Signal
YE Qing, QING Xiu-hua
(School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan Hubei 430073, China)
Using the linear approximation method, we calculated the normalized steady-state mean intensity correlation function, the normalized steady-state mean intensity fluctuationin a loss-noise model of single-mode laser system with an input additive signal driven by a colored pump noise and a quantum noise, whose real and imaginary part are cross-correlated. We found thatbecomes lower when the signal has smaller amplitude or higher frequency, the pump noise intensity is smaller, the quantum noise intensity is smaller, the laser system is far from threshold and the cross-correlation between the real and imaginary part of quantum noise is weaker.
single-mode laser; noise; quantum noise; net gain; steady-state mean intensity fluctuation
葉慶(1982- ),女,講師,碩士,研究方向:激光物理、統(tǒng)計物理.