我的名字(My name)
I keep winning Employee of The Month because my name is the shortest and it costs less to engrave.
超級回聲(Super echo)
My bluetooth headset echoes so much I dont even notice it anymore.
超級鈴聲(Super ringtone)
Its okay to bring my cellphone to the movie。My ringtone sounds like people crunching popcorn!
得獎秘方(Winning recipe)
I won it for going 10 years without asking for a raise.
完美的榜樣(Set a example)
As CEO, I try to set an example for everyone else in the company. Thats why you never hear me complaining about the size of my paycheck!
綠色新政(New green policies)
Your bright smile, electric personality and glowing enthusiasm are not compatible with our new green policies.
喜歡什么穿什么(Dress for you want)
They say you should dress for the job you want.I think our cats job looks pretty good!
健康菜單(A healthy diet)
I try to eat healthy. I never sprinkle salt on ice cream, I only eat decaffeinated pizza and my beer is 100% fat-free.