【Abstract】This paper is about the cooperative learning as a teaching method in a second language learning class. It mainly talks about the background, foundation, features, definitions, components, goals, advantages and disadvantages of cooperative learning. And as the encounter of the disadvantages in cooperative learning, this paper also proposes some strategies.
【Key words】cooperative learning; interdependence; language teaching
1. Background
Cooperative learning is a form of classroom organization in which students work in small groups to help one another learn academic material. Of course, group work has existed in education for centuries, but there have been three major developments in the past 15 years that have added substantially to traditional group work paradigms.
2. Features of Cooperative Learning
Cooperative Learning is a pair or group-work, through which learners work together to maximize their learning.The word “cooperative” here means to develop activities that promote cooperation rather than competition in language learning.Within the cooperative situation,all group members try their efforts to achieve shared goals.
3. Components of Cooperative Learning
The key components of cooperative learning may be positive interdependence, individual and group accountability, appropriate grouping, group processing.
4. Advantages of Cooperative Learning
When students are asked to answer a question or explain something in the classroom in English, sometimes they can hardly express themselves clearly or freely because of anxiety. But if they are offered an opportunity to prepare themselves, thinking, discussing with peers,or trying out their answers in the group, with their anxiety or fear being reduced, they will be more confident.
5. Disadvantages of Cooperative Learning & Strategies
To students who are accustomed to traditional teacher-centered class learning, the shift to student-centered cooperative group learning can be misunderstood. They may regard teachers responsibility as an abrogation, and have no idea about how to benefit from cooperative activities.
Teachers training should be regarded as a part of the resources preparation. The teacher has to create highly structured and well organized learning environment in the classroom, setting goals, planning and structuring tasks, establishing the physical arrangement of the classroom, assigning students to groups and roles and selecting materials.
6. Summary
In cooperative learning, classroom teaching changes from invariable teacher lecturing to students active involvement in their own learning and in the learning process of their peers, which helps to promote effective learning. Accordingly, the application of cooperative learning techniques in classroom teaching complements traditional teacher instruction and enhances teaching efficiency, as well as learning efficiency.
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