ARCHITECTS:Soldevila Soldevila Soldevila Architects
1 地鐵月臺(tái)/Station platform
可停在兩層上的室外觀景電梯成為醒目而可識(shí)別的標(biāo)志(鐘表)。經(jīng)由它到達(dá)街道或公園都很方便?!酰ㄉ袝x 譯)
The aim of the project was to design the station,located on the Via Favència under the park of Sant Martí in Nou Barris,Barcelona,a strategic and densely populated area.
Differently from the station of Bac de Roda,this station has central waiting platforms,which implies a head and tail in the line conditioning the auxiliary services,etc.
2 橫剖面/Cross section
3 縱剖面/Longitudinal section
4 地面層平面/Ground floor
5 地鐵月臺(tái)/Station platforms
6 地鐵月臺(tái)/Station platforms
7 地鐵月臺(tái)/Station platforms
A service and maintenance tray of a variable height is situated over the central platform,from which emerge a series of arches of the same curvature but different starting angles forming a tridimensional structure,supporting the ceiling lined with metal sheets.
This roof forms a surface of variable shape and height,with its lowest point at the middle of the platform and opening to bring the passengers towards the halls at both ends.
The strength of the roof's form divides and dilutes the focal point,minimizing the feeling of depth and length.
The sinuous curves contrast with the surface of the side walls,backlit and sound absorbent,and the platform.
The general sober treatment of the equipment is complemented by the cold diffuse light and antivandalic materials and furniture,of an easy maintenance and long duration,in relation to the rest of the complex,giving the people and subways the main role.
An exterior panoramic lift with two stops becomes an illuminated and recognizable reference point (clock),allowing an easy access from the street or the park.□
主創(chuàng)設(shè)計(jì)/Author:A.Soldevila Barbosa Arqte.
委托人/Promoter:Generalitat de Catalunya Dptm.de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques,Direcció General de Transports Barcelona
建設(shè)用地/Constructed Area:4 100m2
城市用地/Urban Area:4 100m2