Bazi Bridge in Shaoxing, the oldest urban bridge of China
Charm of Ancient Bridges in Shaoxing
By Tu Jianhong
Shaoxing, a region in eastern Zhejiang crisscrossed by numerous rivers, boasts a large number of bridges, including more than 700 ancient ones. Of the ancient bridges, the oldest date back to the Tang (618-907) and the youngest were erected in the early decades of the Republic of China (1911-1949). The ancient bridges in Shaoxing come in a variety of shapes, functions and structures, displaying the glory and grace of the bridge building technology in the ancient land of Yue. Of the 700 plus ancient bridges, fifteen are cultural relics under national protection and many are now on the list of national intangible cultural relics.
Shaoxing boasts Bazi Bridge, the oldest urban bridge of China. In the shape of Chinese character 八, it was constructed in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). The bridge sits at a place where three rivers converge.
The arched bridges in Shaoxing are usually a single-arch structure. There are 20 plus arched bridges that take the form of a horses hoof. There are also catenary arched bridges in Shaoxing, rarely seen anywhere else in China.
An unusual type of bridges in Shaoxing is worth mentioning. Many arched bridges in Shaoxing are made of irregular quarried rocks or boulders from riverbeds. They look natural, offering a look of simple charm, but arches are strong. Some of them are more than 100 years old.
A particular kind of bridges in Shaoxing presents a special arch: these bridges present no smooth-edged perfect circular arch. The special arch shows a number of obtuse angles. The most common is a bridge with an arch of two obtuse angles. There are seven bridges with a single arch that is composed four obtuse angles and six bridges with a single arch composed of six obtuse angles.
To accommodate local topographies, bridge makers in Shaoxing of ancient times came up with special designs. That is how some combination bridges exist today. Peace bridge, erected in 1622, is composed of two parts: the main part is a single-arch semi-circular stone bridge and the secondary part is a stone beam bridge with eight arches. Jingkou Bridge, erected in 1911, has three horses-hoof arches as its main part and on its southern end stretches a three-arch stone beam bridge. There are also bridge-levee structures in Shaoxing. This kind of bridges takes two forms: two beam bridges are connected to a central levee. Bridges in the second category usually have a levee as part of the bridge to connect with the bank.
In ancient times, there were many towpaths along rivers in Shaoxing. Today, two sections of such long towpaths remain. A towpath in Shaoxing is a long, flat , narrow, low bridge standing on piers in the river and running in parallel with the bank. Such a towpath is paved with long slabs and is punctuated with an arched bridge every one or two kilometers.
Ancient stone bridges in Shaoxing are richly decorated with stone carving. The stone carving is usually seen in important parts of a bridge. Most common zoomorphic images are the dragon, the lion, the elephant and the kylin. Some auspicious plants and objects are also seen. While dragons are often carved on the most important parts of a bridge such as the dragon-gate stone and the pier top, lions are usually carved on the full columns. The lotus flower is a symbol of Buddhism, implying that the religion helps people to get to the other side: universal salvation.
Local Life
The local life of Shaoxing has been shaped by bridges. Building bridges, roads and roadside pavilions was widely considered as charity programs in ancient times in Shaoxing. When a bridge was constructed, there should be a stone stele to mark the undertaking. Writing an inscription for a stone stele followed a rule: facts only and no purple passages. Usually a stele carries a bridge name and construction date. The minimalist-styled inscription usually tells no story of why it was constructed. A few bridges carry a local taboo. Take Xianning Bridge for example: it was constructed in 1802 and it carries a taboo: women are banned from watching a theater performance on the bridge. The bridge must have been a vantage spot near an outdoor theater stage.
As many bridges in Shaoxing have good names, people in the past chose to come to bridges with good names on important occasions such as a wedding ceremony or a babys one-month celebration. In the regional life, a bridge served as a market, a gathering place, an intersection from which you went everywhere. In the past, some bridges marked special services and shops nearby. You came to a bridge to hire musicians. You came to a bridge for buying meat and fish; you came to a bridge where clinics gravitated; you came to a bridge to hire a bridal sedan; you would cross a bridge first before you entered a temple and prayed.