Journal of Integrative Agriculture
Special Focus: Germplasm and Molecular Breeding in Horticultural Crops
- Development and application of KASP marker for high throughput detection of the seedless trait in grapevine
- Germplasm and molecular breeding in horticultural crops
- A high-quality genome of Actinidia eriantha provides new insight into ascorbic acid regulation
- The PcHY5 methylation is associated with anthocyanin biosynthesis and transport in ‘Max Red Bartlett’ and ‘Bartlett’ pears
- Comprehensive analysis of the full-length transcripts and alternative splicing involved in clubroot resistance in Chinese cabbage
- Blue light induces leaf color change by modulating carotenoid metabolites in orange-head Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L.ssp.pekinensis)
- A novel mutation in ACS11 leads to androecy in cucumber
- QTL analysis of early flowering of female flowers in zucchini(Cucurbita pepo L.)
- SLAF marker based QTL mapping of fruit-related traits reveals a major-effect candidate locus ff2.1 for flesh firmness in melon
- Differential metabolites and their transcriptional regulation in seven major tea cultivars (Camellia sinensis) in China
- Genome-wide association studies reveal the genetic basis of amino acid content variation in tea plants
Crop Science
- Genome-wide association and linkage mapping strategies reveal the genetic loci and candidate genes of important agronomic traits in Sichuan wheat
- Genetic dissection of crown root traits and their relationships with aboveground agronomic traits in maize
- No-tillage with straw mulching boosts wheat grain yield by improving the eco-physiological characteristics in arid regions
- Inclusion of peanut in wheat–maize rotation increases wheat yield and net return and improves soil organic carbon pool by optimizing bacterial community
- Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure in sweetpotato using SSR markers
Plant Protection
- FgGyp8 as a putative FgRab1 GAP is required for growth and pathogenesis by regulating FgSnc1-mediated secretory vesicles fusion in Fusarium graminearum
- ldentification and expression analysis of sugar transporter family genes reveal the role of ZmSTP2 and ZmSTP20 in maize disease resistance
- Possible source and migration pathway for early-summer immigrants of the oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata, arriving in northern Japan
Animal Science ? Veterinary Medicine
Agro-Ecosystem & Environment
- Effects of the combined application of organic and chemical nitrogen fertilizer on soil aggregate carbon and nitrogen: A 30-year study
- Fate of fertilizer nitrogen and residual nitrogen in paddy soil in Northeast China
- Assessment of the crucial factors influencing the responses of ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions to controlled release nitrogen fertilizer: A meta-analysis