I was in third grade when I startedhaving visits to a hospital. I had a weak2body, but I was a playful3 child at that age.My weak body was one of the reasons forthese visits that really made my parentsworried about my health, as they still dotoday. Doctors and nurses became the firstprofessional figures4 in my life early as alittle child. Maybe my parents thought Ineeded company5 or someone who wouldlook after me, so they thought that keeping mein a hospital was the best way to work it out.
While growing up, I did not think thatnot being a normal6 child was a big deal. Ireally liked the hospital room. But I did feelnervous7 when my doctors would come inand check on me. One time, a doctor in hisearly forties came in saying that I needed todo some operation8 and I could be hurt9.The idea did make me scared, but as achild back then, I did not quite understandwhat my young body would have toendure10.
What I really worried about was ifthese doctors ever felt tired or bored whenthey looked after me. I had worries about itbecause I was not good at having conversations.And I was not like those childrenwho do not shy away from almost anything.This was why I always stay under theblanket11 whenever someone would comeinto my hospital room.
“Don’t be afraid, Jade. I am just hereto check up on you. How are you feelingright now?”
My young nurse, looking fresh out ofcollege, was smiling at me while explainingwhat she was going to do. I wanted toanswer or smile at her, but I was feelingnervous. I was gripping12 my blankettightly13, showing my frustration14. I justdid not how to start a conversation.
“Well, I hope you are getting better.Call me up if you need anything.”
She walked to the door and left then.It left me thinking: What was it like to beon the other side? To be a doctor or anurse, you must be good at havingconversations with your patients and reallycare about them.
This helped me realize15 that I wantedto be a doctor, too. Maybe someday I’llknow how these doctors feel when they lookafter their patients. Do they get bored withanyone, even those who are good atconversation? One day, I will be a doctorlike them.