摘 要:為了拓展緯編襯緯組織在電加熱針織服裝上的應(yīng)用,將鍍銀紗線作為襯緯紗線,均勻襯入緯編針織物中,織造3種不同組織的針織物并進(jìn)行性能測試與分析。根據(jù)測試結(jié)果,選用結(jié)構(gòu)最穩(wěn)定、發(fā)熱效果良好的空氣層襯緯作為加熱部位組織結(jié)構(gòu),設(shè)計并織造了一件電加熱針織服裝,同時進(jìn)行發(fā)熱性能測試。結(jié)果表明:在實驗室溫度為(20±2) ℃且額定電壓為1.0~3.5 V的情況下,電加熱針織服裝的腹部加熱單元的平衡溫度由24.9 ℃逐漸升溫至36.9 ℃;背部加熱單元的平衡溫度由25 ℃逐漸升溫至35.9 ℃;腰部加熱單元的平衡溫度由24.5 ℃逐漸升溫至34.7 ℃,各加熱部位平衡溫度均滿足人體所需。該研究結(jié)果可為襯緯組織在電加熱服裝中的應(yīng)用及市場開拓提供理論參考。
1 實驗
1.1 實驗材料與儀器
鍍銀紗線(山東青島亨通偉業(yè)特種織物公司),規(guī)格:28 tex;銅絲(臺州市泰通電線電纜有限公司),規(guī)格:5.56 tex;滌綸紗線(濰坊冠杰紡織有限公司),規(guī)格:11.11 tex。
1.2 針織電加熱織物制備
采用機(jī)號為12 G(12 針/英寸)的龍星電腦橫編織機(jī)進(jìn)行編織,織造不同組織結(jié)構(gòu)的針織電加熱織物,分別為平針襯緯、羅紋襯緯和空氣層襯緯各兩片,發(fā)熱部位尺寸為10 cm×10 cm,鍍銀紗線襯入的間隔比例為1∶2。試樣在常溫下的制備流程為:
1.3 基礎(chǔ)性能測試
密度、襯緯紗根數(shù):用照目鏡測量織物每英寸線圈個數(shù),換算10 cm長度上的線圈橫列數(shù)、縱行數(shù),以及試樣中10 cm的縱向長度內(nèi)的襯緯銀紗根的根數(shù),同種組織結(jié)構(gòu)計算平均值。
1.4 導(dǎo)電性能測試
給織物施加2.5 V額定電壓,隔1 h記錄一次電功率,根據(jù)公式:W=U2/R,ΔR/%=(R-R0)/R0×100 計算電阻變化率。
1.5 電熱性能測試
2 結(jié)果與討論
2.1 針織電加熱織物基礎(chǔ)性能對比
2.2 導(dǎo)電性能分析
緯平針襯緯、羅紋襯緯、空氣層襯緯針織物施加額定電壓2.5 V時,初始電阻分別為2.84、2.13 Ω 和 2.55 Ω。3種織物電阻變化率如圖3所示,將織物連續(xù)加熱6 h,隨著加熱時間增大,織物電阻變化率逐漸升高,4 h以后,電阻變化率趨于穩(wěn)定。
2.3 織物電加熱性能分析
3種織物在不同額定電壓下通電,得到如圖4所示的織物溫度隨通電時間變化曲線。由圖4可知,隨著額定電壓的增加,導(dǎo)電針織物升溫速率變快,平衡狀態(tài)下織物表面所達(dá)到最高溫度也隨之變大。在散熱階段,織物表面溫度迅速降低,說明織物有著良好的導(dǎo)熱性能。圖4(d)是額定電壓為2.5 V時,不同織物組織結(jié)構(gòu)溫升曲線,從圖4可以看出,緯平針組織織物的升溫速率最大,其次是空氣層組織織物,而羅紋組織結(jié)構(gòu)的升溫速率最小。其中,緯平針組織織物的平衡溫度為51.5 ℃,空氣層組織織物的平衡溫度為46.3 ℃,而羅紋組織織物的平衡溫度為43.4 ℃。
3種組織織物隨著額定電壓的升高,穩(wěn)態(tài)溫度與功率密度呈線性關(guān)系,圖5(a)展示了緯平針襯緯織物功率密度為44.9 W/m2時,織物的表面平衡溫度為34.3 ℃,隨著電壓的不斷增大,織物的表面的平衡溫度由37.5 ℃升溫至57.5 ℃,圖5(b)展示了羅紋襯緯織物功率密度為88.55 W/m2時,織物表面的平衡溫度為34.5 ℃,隨著電壓的不斷增大,織物的表面平衡溫度從39.3 ℃逐漸升溫至43.4 ℃;圖5(c)展示了空氣層襯緯織物功率密度約為48.1 W/m2左右時,織物表面的平均溫度為29.4 ℃,隨著電壓的不斷增大,織物表面的平衡溫度由34.5 ℃逐漸升高至51.2 ℃;人體感覺到最舒適的溫度為32 ℃左右[13],3種襯緯組織的平衡溫度均能滿足人體所需。對比3個圖可以看出,在相同功率下,緯平針襯緯織物的平衡溫度最高。羅紋襯緯織物穩(wěn)定平衡溫度小,由于羅紋襯緯織物厚度較厚,空氣含量高,襯緯方式與平針不同,鍍銀紗線與滌綸紗線的有效接觸面積與平針襯緯相比較小,而空氣層襯緯組織,雖與羅紋同樣厚度,但采用的是與平針襯緯相同的襯入方式,故平衡溫度也較高。
2.4 電加熱針織服裝性能分析
2.4.1 電加熱針織服裝的穩(wěn)定性分析
結(jié)合服裝制版工藝和電腦橫機(jī)編織工藝[15],大身選用2+2羅紋交錯編織,并將電加熱部分作為針織服裝一部分直接進(jìn)行編織。將服裝前、后片分別劃分成三個部分進(jìn)行編織,通過小樣尺寸密度,結(jié)合成衣尺寸,對衣片進(jìn)行工藝計算。成片尺寸為:胸寬60 cm、衣長60 cm、肩寬35 cm、下擺4 cm、掛肩20 cm、領(lǐng)寬10 cm,衣片中加熱片部分(空氣層襯緯組織)的尺寸為16 cm×6 cm,計算針織服裝的前、后片各部位針數(shù)如圖6所示。電加熱服裝制備方法與前文相同,下機(jī)后需要將衣片進(jìn)行縫合,得到一件完整的電加熱針織服裝其中大身部分織物密度為橫密63根/(10 cm)、縱密52根/(10 cm),根據(jù)每一片針數(shù)對針織衣片進(jìn)行制板,電加熱針織服裝CAD制板如圖7所示。
為測試不同部位加熱單元的熱穩(wěn)定性,分別對其施加1.0、1.5、2.0、2.5、3.0、3.5 V額定電壓,待織物表面溫度達(dá)到穩(wěn)定后,使用萬用電表測試通過織物的電流大小,基于伏安法計算出織物的電阻值、電阻變化率。測試結(jié)果如圖8所示。
對于加熱織物而言,電壓大小會影響織物溫度,從而影響電阻值[16];從圖8(a)可以看出,未通電狀態(tài)下各加熱單元電阻相差不大,通電后電阻變化率如圖8(b)所示。從圖8(b)可以看出,電壓較小時,加熱單元電阻變化率較大,額定電壓為1 V時,背部加熱單元電阻變化率最大為0.40,腹部加熱單元電阻變化率最大為0.26,腰部加熱單元電阻變化率最大為0.18;隨著額定電壓的增大,各加熱單元電阻變化率逐漸減小,電阻穩(wěn)定性增強(qiáng)。
2.4.2 服裝的熱性能分析
將所制備的電加熱針織服裝穿著在人體模特上,連接電源與溫度傳感器,測試在不同環(huán)境溫度下,針織加熱服裝的發(fā)熱情況。每增加0.5 V調(diào)節(jié)額定電壓,待加熱片逐漸升溫至平衡,記錄傳感器溫度,并使用飛礎(chǔ)科熱像儀對通電時的衣片進(jìn)行拍攝,紅外熱像圖如圖9所示。
如圖10所示,在實驗室溫度(20±2) ℃的情況下(環(huán)境1),隨著額定電壓從1.0 V增加到3.5 V,電加熱針織服裝的腹部加熱單元的平衡溫度由24.9 ℃逐漸升溫至36.9 ℃,繼續(xù)升高額定電壓至3.5 V以上,在功率密度約為403.33 W/m2時,腹部加熱單元的溫度最高可達(dá)為41.4 ℃;背部加熱單元的平衡溫度由25 ℃逐漸升溫至35.9 ℃,繼續(xù)升高額定電壓,在功率密度約為374.17 W/m2時,背部加熱單元的溫度最高可達(dá)為39.1 ℃,腰部加熱單元的平衡溫度由24.5 ℃逐漸升溫至34.7 ℃,繼續(xù)升高額定電壓,在功率密度約為412.08 W/m2時,腰部加熱單元的溫度最高可達(dá)為37.4 ℃。
在環(huán)境溫度為(2±2) ℃的情況下(環(huán)境2),隨著恒定電壓從1.0 V增加到3.5 V,電加熱針織服裝腹部加熱單元的平衡溫度由12.8 ℃逐漸升溫至24.4 ℃,繼續(xù)升高額定電壓,在功率密度約為395 W/m2時,腹部加熱單元的溫度最高可達(dá)為28.7 ℃,背部加熱單元的平衡溫度由16.5 ℃逐漸升溫至32.6 ℃,繼續(xù)升高額定電壓,在功率密度約為405.83 W/m2時,背部加熱單元的溫度最高可達(dá)為37.5 ℃,腰部加熱單元的平衡溫度由15 ℃逐漸升溫至28.4 ℃,繼續(xù)升高額定電壓,在功率密度約為391.67 W/m2時,腰部加熱單元的溫度最高可達(dá)為32.2 ℃,以上平衡溫度均滿足人體所需溫度。
3 結(jié)論
a)隨著電壓的不斷增大,織物表面的平衡溫度逐漸升高。在相同功率下,緯平針織物的平衡溫度最高,其次是空氣層襯緯組織,羅紋襯緯較另外兩種最低。織物連續(xù)發(fā)熱6 h,電阻變化率不大,且4 h后,趨于一個穩(wěn)定的值,表明耐久性不錯。
b)在不同的環(huán)境溫度下,隨著額定電壓從1.0 V增加到3.5 V,電加熱針織服裝的各部位平衡溫度均升高,電加熱針織服裝加熱部位單元發(fā)熱穩(wěn)定均勻,其發(fā)熱溫度與功率密度線性相關(guān)。環(huán)境溫度較低時,各部位單元平衡溫度及其能達(dá)到的最高溫度相對減小,低溫條件下達(dá)到同一溫度所需電壓增大,但均能達(dá)到人體所需溫度。
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Preparation of an electrically heated knitted garment based on weft laid-in stitch and its
electrothermal performance
GUAN Yunxia LI Yafang LI Lei ZHAO Yixia YANG Rui WANG Shuaishuai2
(1.School of Textile Science and Engineering,Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China;
2.Shandong Chambroad Holding Group Co., Ltd., Binzhou 256600, China)
Electrically heated knitted products can be obtained by direct knitting of conductive yarns. By selecting laid-in yarns or altering the ground weave, the weft laid-in stitch can create fabrics with various patterns. Knitted smart garments can be customized based on the weft laid-in stitch.
To discuss the application of weft laid-in stitch to electrically heated knitted garments, the silver-plated yarn is used as a laid-in yarns to produce electrically heated elements. Silver-plated yarn is incorporated into the weft-knitted fabric with polyester ground yarn at a ratio of 1∶2. Three types of weft laid-in knitted fabrics with different ground structures are produced: plain laid-in stitch, rib laid-in stitch, and air-layer laid-in stitch. Analyze the fabric organization. The structure of laid-in stitch fabric is slightly tight. But the fabric is skewed severely and there are some curls on the top and bottom sides. Weft inlay stitch fabric is looser than the weft plain knit. The upper and lower edges of the fabric produce a slight curl. The air-layer laid-in stitch fabric has a tight, flat, and aesthetically pleasing structure with no curling on the sides. The results of fabric electrical heating performance testing and analysis: high heating efficiency with 3 different fabric organizational structures. Under the same power output, the plain laid-in stitch fabric shows the best heating performance, while the rib laid-in stitch fabric performs the worst among the three.Based on comprehensive test results, the air-layer laid-in stitch with the most stable structure and excellent heating effect is selected for use as the heating element in electrically heated knitted garments. It is used as the heating part element of the electrically heated knitted garment. Design and knit an electrically heated knitted garment in conjunction with clothing pattern design. Test the thermal stability of the heating unit in different parts. The results indicate that at lower voltages, the heating units exhibit greater resistance to change. At a rated voltage of 1.0 V, the back heating unit exhibits the highest resistance change rate of 0.40, the abdominal heating unit of 0.26, and the waist heating unit of 0.18. As the rated voltage increases, the resistance change rates of the heating units gradually decrease, leading to improved resistance stability. Additionally, the heating performance of each heating element is tested under various environmental conditions. The results show that at an ambient temperature of (20±2) ℃. With rated voltage from 1.0 V to 3.5 V, the equilibrium temperature of the abdomen heating unit of the electrically heated knitwear gradually increased from 24.9 ℃ to 36.9 ℃. The equilibrium temperature of the back heating unit is gradually increased from 25 ℃ to 35.9 ℃. The temperature of the waist heating unit is gradually increased from 25 ℃ to 35.9 ℃. The equilibrium temperature of the waist heating unit was gradually increased from 24.5 ℃ to 34.7 ℃. The temperature of the waist heating unit was gradually increased from 24.5 ℃ to 34.7 ℃. At an ambient temperature of (2±2) ℃. With rated voltage from 1.0 V to 3.5 V, the equilibrium temperature of the abdominal heating unit gradually increases from 12.8 ℃ to 24.4 ℃. The equilibrium temperature of the back heating unit increases gradually from 16.5 ℃ to 32.6 ℃. The equilibrium temperature of the waist heating unit gradually increased from 15 ℃ to 28.4 ℃. The equilibrium temperatures of all heating elements meet the human body's temperature requirements.
weft laid-in stitch; silver-plated yarn; electrically heated knitted garments; heating performance; equilibrium temperature