How many ethnic groups(民族) are there in our country?
Quiz time:
在我國,生活著許多少數(shù)民族的人們。就像一首歌中所唱:“五十六個民族,五十六朵花……同為祖國增春光?!盩he 56 ethnic groups in China live together like brothers and sisters.
The Han ethnic group(漢族) has the largest number of people. What about the other ethnic groups? Let’ find out.
Top 5 ethnic minorities(人口排名前五的少數(shù)民族):
The Manchu
Let’s go and meet some other ethnic groups!
People here like singing and dancing and they are good at them. They enjoy eating spicy cabbage and cold noodles.
The Korean Nationality in China
The Zhuang
The Uyghur
The Hui
The Miao
The Yi people live in the southwestern region of our country.
Most of the Tibetan people like butter(酥油), zanba(糌粑), tea, the dried beef and mutton(風干肉條). They are the “four treasures of Tibetan”(“藏族四寶”).
The Yi people’s New Year begins on November 20th. It lasts for three days. Parents usually cook pigs’ feet for their children. They have a pigs’ feet race(“耍豬腳”). 如果你帶來的豬腳更大,形狀很奇特,那你就會獲勝哦!
The Yi彝族
The Tibetan藏族
Can you fly kites very high? In Lhasa(拉薩), they have a kite flying race. 想要獲得風箏“比武大會”的勝利,不是看你的風箏多美麗,飛得有多高哦!如果你將對方的風箏切斷,那么那個風箏就屬于你了!
Tips: 我國的一些地名,會根據(jù)英文發(fā)音習慣有特別的表達方式——
(柚 子 / 供稿)
哈爾濱 Harbin
陜西 Shaanxi
拉薩 Lhasa
呼和浩特 Hohhot
內(nèi)蒙古 Inner Mongolia
吐魯番 Turpan