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英國中文教育的現(xiàn)狀Chinese Language Teaching in the UK

2024-06-28 09:59雷涵彧
孔子學院 2024年3期


英國的中文教育起步很早,英國也是較早將中文納入國民教育體系的國家之一。為了了解中文教學在英國的發(fā)展、當前的狀況與面臨的挑戰(zhàn),加深中英之間的文化交流和相互理解,本刊記者采訪了倫敦大學亞非學院主管中文教學工作的宣力老師。倫敦大學亞非學院是英國唯一一所專門研究亞洲、非洲與中東的人文、語言及社會科學的高校,莊士敦及老舍先生曾執(zhí)教于此。宣老師畢業(yè)于北京語言大學對外漢語教學專業(yè),曾任教于上海交通大學及香港中文大學,2016—2021年兼任倫敦孔子學院英方執(zhí)行院長,現(xiàn)為倫敦大學亞非學院中文系首席導師。此外,宣力老師多年來一直擔任英國考試局“國際中學教育普通證書”(International General Certificate of Secondary Education,IGCSE)課程及“中學高級水平考試”(General Certificate of EducationAdvanced Level, A-Level)中文考試主考官,參與歐洲范圍內(nèi)的漢語能力標準(European Benchmarks for Chinese Language, EBCL)的研究與設計。

Chinese education in the UK has a long history. The UK is one of thecountries which introduced Chinese into its national education systemat an early stage. For a better understanding of the development, currentsituation, and challenges faced by Chinese teaching and learning in theUK, and to deepen cultural exchange and mutual understanding betweenChina and the UK, our magazine interviewed Xuan Li, who overseesChinese teaching at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS),University of London. SOAS is the only university in the UK specializingin the humanities, languages, and social sciences of Asia, Africa, andthe Middle East, associated with prominent figures such as Sir ReginaldFleming Johnston and Lao She. Xuan Li graduated from Beijing Languageand Culture University with a major in teaching Chinese as a foreignlanguage and has previously taught at Shanghai Jiao Tong Universityand The Chinese University of Hong Kong. From 2016 to 2021, she wasBritish Executive Director of the London Confucius Institute at SOAS.Her additional role was the chief examiner for the International GeneralCertificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and General Certificate ofEducation Advanced Level (A-Level) Chinese examinations. She hasbeen involved in an EU Project which set the European Benchmarks forChinese Language (EBCL).


Interviewer: Ms Xuan, Nice to meet you! Thank you very muchfor accepting our interview. First of all, could you briefly introduce thestatus of Chinese education in the UK?


Xuan Li: Chinese teaching in the UK has a longhistory. Before the 1980s, only several universitiesoffered Chinese degrees, Chinese teaching and learningare mainly happened in the Chinese communityand focused on traditional Chinese characters andCantonese because most Chinese immigrants at thattime came from Hong Kong. By the beginning of the21st century, with the increasing influence of China andthe promotion of overseas Chinese teaching, simplifiedcharacters and Putonghua teaching gradually becamemainstream. Chinese community schools in the UKmainly teach Chinese at weekends, starting from scratchor from a very young age, covering the entire primaryand secondary school stages. Chinese communityschools play a very important role in Chinese society,serving not only as language teaching institutionsbut also as channels for cultural dissemination andcommunity support. It is worth noting that in recentyears, many non-Chinese children have also attendedChinese schools to learn Chinese.

在基礎教育階段,英國有兩項重要考試,中文是可選科目之一。第一項是“普通中等教育證書”(GeneralCertificate of Secondary Education, GCSE) 考試,類似于國內(nèi)的中考,學生在11年級結束后參加考試。義務教育學習階段結束后,學生可以選擇繼續(xù)學習,并在兩年后參加第二項A-Level 考試,相當于中國的高考,學生用這個成績申請大學。GCSE和A-Level中文考試由不同的考試局根據(jù)教育部門的考核要求組織實施,為此階段的中文教學提供正規(guī)的評估。目前,有一家考試局同時提供普通話和粵語兩種中文考試。

In the compulsory education years, the UKhas two significant examinations, with Chinesebeing one of the optional subjects. The first is theGeneral Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)examination, similar to the middle school entranceexamination in China, which students take aftercompleting grade 11. After completing grade 11,students can choose all their subjects and take theadvanced examination, GCE A-Levels, two yearslater. This is equivalent to Chinas Gaokao (NationalCollege Entrance Examination, NCEE). Studentsuse their A-Level scores to apply for universities.The GCSE exam and A-Level Chinese exam areorganized and implemented by different examinationboards which provide formal assessments according to the requirements of the government educationdepartment. Currently, there is one examination boardthat offers both Mandarin and Cantonese Chineseexams while others only provide Mandarin exams.

在高等教育階段,現(xiàn)今有超過40所英國高校提供各類中文課程。既有大學中文系、東亞研究學院提供的本科及研究生課程, 也有大學語言中心等提供的各級中文學分和非學分課程。孔子學院在英國的中文教育和推廣中,特別是在中小學階段,扮演著極為重要的角色。孔子學院提供教師和教材,還組織少兒漢語考試(YouthChinese Test, YCT)??鬃訉W院和孔子課堂對中文教學走進學校并持續(xù)發(fā)展起著至關重要的作用。 可以說,孔子學院推動了中文在英國學校的普及。孔子學院與大學的合作,也為中文學習和中國文化展示提供了豐富的資源,漢語水平考試(HSK)和獎學金對大學生非常有吸引力。從社區(qū)學校到正規(guī)的教育機構,英國的中文教學呈現(xiàn)出多元發(fā)展的趨勢。

Nowadays in higher education there are over40 UK universities offering various Chinese courses.There are undergraduate and postgraduate programsoffered by university Chinese departments andEast Asian studies institutes, and Chinese languagecourses at various levels offered by university languagecentres and other institutions. Confucius Institutesin the UK play a particularly important role in thepromotion of Chinese education and culture in theUK, especially at the primary and secondary schoollevels. Confucius Institutes provide teachers, teachingmaterials, and organize the Youth Chinese Test (YCT).Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms play acrucial role in bringing Chinese teaching into schoolsand sustaining its development. It can be said thatConfucius Institutes have promoted the popularizationof Chinese in British schools. The cooperation betweenConfucius Institutes and universities also provides richresources for Chinese learning and cultural displays,and the HSK exam and scholarships are very attractiveto university students. From community schools toformal educational institutions, Chinese teaching inthe UK is showing a trend of diversified development.


Interviewer: You have been dedicated to the fieldof Chinese education in the UK for many years. Whodo you think are the main learners of Chinese atpresent? What are their motivations for learning? Hasthe demand for Chinese learning changed comparedto the past?


Xuan Li: Chinese learners in the UK can beroughly divided into three categories. The firstcategory consists of British-born Chinese, forwhom learning Chinese builds the bond to culturalinheritance. The second category includes studentswho learn Chinese within the UK education system,spanning various age groups. In UK primary schools,the foreign languages taught are typically European:mainly French, some schools may also offer Spanishor German. In recent years an increasing number ofschools are considering the introduction of Chinese.The third category comprises other learners, withvarying backgrounds, ages, proficiency levels, andlearning purposes.

在英國,幾乎每一所私立學校都有華裔學生,他們多數(shù)希望(有機會)參加中文考試,所以學校一般都會安排中文公開考試。有條件的私立學校也會為華裔及非華裔學生提供中文課程,可見,漢語是一門受歡迎的外語。 私立學??梢钥鐓^(qū)招生,家長在選擇學校時,主要考量的是學校的聲譽、設施、升學率和環(huán)境等因素。華裔家長可能會詢問學校是否有中文課和中文考試,也有些非華裔家長希望孩子有學習中文的機會。

Almost every UK private school has Chinesestudents, most of whom wish to participate inChinese exams if given the opportunity. Therefore,schools generally arrange public Chinese exams. Insome private schools, Chinese is a popular choiceas a foreign language and is offered to both Chineseand non-Chinese students. Private schools can selectstudents from anywhere and when parents choose schools, the key factors are the schools reputation,facilities, progression rates, and environment.Chinese parents may inquire about the availability ofChinese courses and exams at schools, while morenon-Chinese parents also make enquiries on whetherChinese is on offer as a subject.

社區(qū)學校和私立學校不斷吸引非華裔學生,這表明中文學習的需求在增長。值得一提的是,現(xiàn)在許多學生學習中文更多是出于興趣,而非專業(yè)或職業(yè)的選擇,比如,中文培優(yōu)項目(Mandarin Excellence Programme,以下簡稱“MEP項目”)成功引起了學生對中文的興趣。我們特別希望,這些學生在選擇大學專業(yè)時能把中文列為首選。如果學生在中文學習方面投入了大量時間和資源,他們對中文的興趣卻未能直接轉化為對中文專業(yè)的選擇,那無疑是一種浪費。因此,如何能夠鼓勵更多學生從小學到大學持續(xù)地學習中文,逐步提高中文水平,進而把中文當作專業(yè),把多年所學的知識和技能轉化為職業(yè)選擇,是值得我們進一步思考的問題。

Community schools and private schools arecontinuously attracting non-Chinese students,indicating a growing demand for Chinese learningin the UK. It is worth mentioning that a majorityof students now study Chinese more out of interestrather than as a professional or career choice. Forexample, the Mandarin Excellence Programme(MEP) has successfully sparked students interest inChinese. We particularly hope that these students willconsider Chinese as their first choice when selectinguniversity majors. After devoting a significantamount of time and energy to learning Chinese, iftheir interest does not directly translate into choosingChinese as a major, it would undoubtedly be a waste.Therefore, a question worth further consideration ishow to encourage more students to continue learningChinese from primary school to university, graduallyimprove their Chinese proficiency, and eventuallychoose Chinese as their degree major, transformingthe knowledge and skills acquired over the years intocareer choices.


At the university level, taking my institution,SOAS, University of London, as an example, thenumber of students studying Chinese has remainedrelatively stable. This is mainly because the schoolattracts students who are particularly interestedin Chinese language or Chinese culture. Studentslearning goals are generally clear: they want to masterChinese and enter various fields of Chinese studies,such as literature, film, history, and internationalrelations. Approximately one-third of our graduatescontinue their studies, applying for masters ordoctoral programs at prestigious universities suchas Oxford, Cambridge, and Harvard, while anotherthird engages in work related to China or Chineseculture.


Interviewer: In terms of teaching, where are theteachers from and what is the teacher training systemlike?


Xuan Li: Currently, there are four main sources ofChinese teachers in the UK. Firstly, there are teachersfrom community schools or weekend schools, whoare often enthusiastic parents or volunteers. Secondly,there are Chinese teachers and volunteers sent to theUK by the Chinese Partners of Confucius Institutes,they teach Chinese in 30 Confucius Institutes andaffiliated Confucius Classrooms within UK schools,from primary to high school. Thirdly, there are fulltimeand part-time Chinese teachers in British universities, typically in universities with Chinesedepartments or language centres. Fourthly, there areChinese teachers who meet UK requirements and areemployed by British primary and secondary schoolsdirectly.

在英國的政府學校任教,必須具有教師資格證書(Qualified Teacher Status,QTS)。通常情況下, 教師需要完成研究生教育證書(Postgraduate Certificatein Education,PGCE)課程, 這個培訓不僅注重教育理論, 而且注重教學時間和教學技能的培訓,如如何進行班級管理,與學生、家長交流互動,與學校各部門協(xié)調(diào)等,具有這樣的能力,才具有執(zhí)教資格。如果學校急需教師,會提供在職培訓,幫助新教師取得QTS。國際中文教師證書(Certificate for Teachers of Chinese toSpeakers of Other Language, CTCSOL)可能在申請進入私立學校工作的時候有一定作用,但目前在英國仍然沒有得到官方認可。持此證的中文教師志愿者可以在學校承擔助教工作、參與備課、準備教學材料、提供教學資源,但一般不能完全獨立授課。

Teaching in state (i.e. government funded)schools in the UK requires Qualified Teacher Status(QTS). Typically, teachers complete the PostgraduateCertificate in Education (PGCE) course, whichfocuses not only on educational theory but alsoon teaching practice and skills, such as classroommanagement, communication with students andparents, and cross-curricular coordination. Allteachers need to possess these skills to qualifyfor teaching in the UK. In rare cases, if a schoolneeds extra teachers, they may provide on-the-jobtraining to mentor new graduates to obtain QTS.The Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakersof Other Language (CTCSOL) is not currentlyrecognized by the UK department for educationbut could be useful to obtain a teaching job in aprivate school. In a state school, volunteers with thiscertificate can be a classroom assistant, participatein lesson planning, prepare teaching materials, andprovide teaching resources but may not be allowed tolead the lessons.


For over a decade, the International ChineseLanguage Education Authority has organisedvarious activities annually, such as the “ChineseBridge,” a world Chinese Proficiency Competitionfor Middle School and University Students, andthe Chinese Competition of Charitable Projects &Business Innovations for UK University Students,to encourage Chinese learning and application.Three years ago, the International Chinese LanguageEducation Authority and Association of ChineseTeachers in the UK started hosting the ChineseTeaching Skills Competition in the Englishspeakingareas of Europe. The competition aimsat encouraging teachers to share teaching ideasand methods, improving teaching standards, andpromoting mutual learning between teachers. Ibelieve this competition is of particular benefitto young teachers, as participants can learn howto use teaching materials, interact with students,and optimize lesson design. This competition alsoreflects the real scenarios of Chinese teaching inthe UK, and through participation, competitorsconsider more aspects such as setting teachinggoals, classroom management, and identifyinglearner differences in specific environments. In thepast three years, participants have regularly broughtfresh content and creative ideas to the competition.


Interviewer: Apart from the teachers, textbooks are also a crucial part of teaching. There is a widerange of Chinese textbooks published in the UK,with different textbooks used in different stages oflearning and in different regions. In your opinion,which Chinese textbooks are currently more widelyused?

宣力:我們大學的公共漢語課程使用的是《新實用漢語課本(第二版)》,這個系列教材內(nèi)容豐富,所以不需要額外尋找補充材料,課程銜接很容易,此外還有簡體版和繁體版可以選擇。我們大學還有一本用了幾十年的老課本,是佟秉正老師和卜立德老師合作編寫的《漢語口語》。這本教材出版于1982年,深受20世紀60年代影響深遠的耶魯教材——約翰 · 德范克主編的系列教材“漢語課本”的影響,注重口語操練,強調(diào)從字到詞的滾動學習,通過大量語言示例提高閱讀及口語技能。《漢語口語》很受學生歡迎,在英國的中文教學中影響很大,中文考試的教學和評估多以這本書的語法體系為藍本。2019年以后,電子化教學全面鋪開,電子教材的優(yōu)勢很多,例如,可以隨時調(diào)整更新內(nèi)容,更適合年輕一代的學習風格,更環(huán)保,也比較經(jīng)濟。

Xuan Li: At my university, we use the NewPractical Chinese Reader (2rd edition) for the openoption Chinese modules. This textbook series isrich in content, so there is no need for the teacherto search for additional materials. The courseprogression is easy to follow, and a bonus to us is thatit offers both simplified and traditional versions. Wehad an old textbook that had been used for decades,Colloquial Chinese. It was co-authored by ProfessorP. C. Tung and Professor David Edward Pollard.The textbook was published in 1982 and was deeplyinfluenced by the John DeFrancis Yale textbooksfrom the 1960s. The book put oral practice at thecentre of teaching, emphasized incremental learningfrom characters to words, and improved reading andspeaking skills through many language examples.Colloquial Chinese has been very popular amongstudents and has had a significant impact on Chineseteaching in the UK and US. The teaching andassessment of Chinese exams in the UK are mostlybased on the grammar system provided by thisbook. Since 2019, electronic teaching has been fullyimplemented at my university. E-textbooks have many advantages, they can be adjusted and updatedat any time, are more suitable for the learning styleof the new generation, are more environmentallyfriendly, and cost-effective.


Another popular series textbook published inthe UK is called Chinese in Steps : I am a co-author.The series developed from the rich experience of theLanguage Centre at SOAS, University of London, andfocuses on spoken Chinese, with a primary emphasison sentence patterns and practice. The strict controlof the number of characters and words in each lessonmakes this suitable for beginner learners in informalsettings.


Interviewer: What teaching methods are mainlyused in Chinese education in todays UK?


Xuan Li: Chinese teaching and learning inprimary and secondary schools are vibrant, withdiverse approaches seamlessly blending gaming,creativity, and content. I truly admire these youngteachers for their diligence and creativity. My ownteaching primarily takes place at the university level,and I would like to share some of my ideas andpractice here. Todays students find it challengingto sustain attention for extended periods, and theyoften resist lengthy texts. Therefore, I employ shortarticles to teach, ensuring each section stands alone,yet interconnects. I flexibly adjust teaching contentbased on specific holidays, events, or trendingtopics. I found chunk texts are easy to memorizeand imitate; as for grammar and vocabulary, Iteach these around topics and content, rather thanrigidly adhering to a fixed sequence. Obviously,grammar structures such as complements and Basentencesneed to be taught at the appropriate stage.I also extensively utilize the latest advancementsin E-learning and AI technology in my teachingto enhance student interest and optimize teachingeffectiveness. The teaching content is broken downaccording to multiple micro-skills: students arerequired to use different software, multimedia,and tools for skills training, by doing so I save asignificant amount of classroom time and givestudents some degree of autonomy in learning. Forexample, I incorporate various language tasks withapplication of recent AI technology. Students areasked to use Chinese to consult AI for grammar,request AI to demonstrate pronunciation, or giveAI instructions. My students are greatly enjoyingworking with AI in their Chinese learning.


We all know that language learning must beintegrated with culture. Starting from first grade,my students are required to explore Chinese culturein project form. First year students independentlycomplete cultural projects of their own choice after40 hours of studying. This year, some of the topicsmy student covered are Wang Fei and Hong Kongfilms, Hong Kong pop music, Jadeite Cabbageand Meat-Shaped Stone in Taipei Museum, andgreat independent Chinese female figures, andmany others. Another project we did this year is towrite poetry in English with Tang poetry rhythms;some student poems were exceptionally beautiful.In terms of language use, first year students givepresentations primarily in English with a minimum10 words in Chinese. In senior years, our studentsselect topics such as Chinese films, dramas, Tangpoetry, architecture, business and so on and theirpresentations are delivered entirely in Chinese.Throughout the preparation and presentationprocess, students not only improve their Chinesecommunication skills but also deepen theirunderstanding of Chinese culture.


Discussions on Chinese teaching philosophiesand methods have always existed in the UK. Wemay not be as rigorous as American colleagues inpromoting specific teaching approaches and models,but I and my colleagues are constantly exploring andexperimenting with innovative teaching methodswhich could stimulate student interest and improvelearning effectiveness. Our students are also stronglyencouraged to explore Chinese society, history,philosophy, and current development, continuouslybroadening, and deepening their understanding ofChinese culture.


Interviewer: Thank you. Here comes to the lastquestion, what challenges do you think Chineseteaching currently faces in the UK?


Xuan Li: Compared to other European countries,Chinese teaching and learning in the UK startedearlier, developed quickly and is larger in scale.Chinese is offered at all educational stages fromprimary to higher education. Another characteristicof Chinese education in the UK is the inclusion ofdialects or heritage languages, especially Cantonese,which reflects the UKs respect and inclusivitytowards language diversity. It is worth mentioningthat the recent development of Chinese education inthe UK has benefited significantly from the strongsupport of Confucius Institutes.


Challenges and difficulties remain. For example,there are issues with the articulation of Chineseteaching (syllabus and content) at various stagesfrom primary to secondary schools to universities.The steep increase in difficulty from GCSE toA-Level results in many students struggling to adaptto Chinese learning at A-Level within two years,after completing GCSE. This inevitably affects the

confidence of both teachers and students in learningChinese. If students fail to achieve satisfactory resultsin the A-Level Chinese exam which affects theiruniversity application, then schools will consideroffering courses other than Chinese. At universitylevel, we must consider whether we have sufficientstaffing and skills to look after students in the samecohort both with and without prior knowledge ofChinese. Not all universities have the capability toseparate the students and organize different streamsof teaching. To some extent, it would be a wasteof resources if there is no smooth transition fromChinese learning in secondary schools to Chineselearning in universities.


There are other issues, for example, the highlysuccessful MEP project depends on governmentfunding and many schools reliance on the ConfuciusInstitute providing teaching materials and teachingstaff. If the relevant support is reduced, Chineseeducation may encounter more difficulties. At theuniversity level, the Confucius scholarship is anexcellent incentive mechanism to students, and itenhances the recognition of the HSK exam in the UK.However, how to better utilize scholarships? How toselect top students who have truly worked hard anddemonstrated outstanding abilities? Is it necessary toconsider raising the threshold for scholarships andmake them more competitive? If scholarships aredifficult to attain, students will place a higher valueupon them.


Last but not the least, the further developmentof Chinese teaching and learning in the UK requiresmore attention and investment from all relevantthresholds. Taking Chinese majors as an example,the current challenges facing Chinese departmentsat UK universities are twofold: insufficient staffingand compressed language teaching hours, whichfor sure affect language proficiency development.Language is a skill that requires practice andrefinement to achieve mastery. “You cant expect thehorse to run while also keeping it from eating grass.”In the electronic age with the speedy developmentof AI and other technologies, there is an evengreater need to invest in cultivating advancedlanguage professionals. In the long term, if thesetwo issues are not addressed, they will undoubtedlyimpact the healthy and comprehensive developmentof Chinese studies, affecting the breadth anddepth of research on China. Furthermore,academic exchanges between Chinese and Britishuniversities, and the exploration of internationalcollaborative education, would undoubtedlybenefit the advancement of Chinese teaching andlearning and various research on China. Needlessto say, this requires all parties involved to maintaina stance of trust and openness.

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