年畫(Nianhua, Chinese New Year Paintings)是我國一種歷史悠久的民間藝術,起源于西漢,成型于北宋,盛行于明清。美麗的年畫,彰顯著中國人民的審美智慧與文化自信。
十九世紀末二十世紀初,年畫漂洋過海,成為納塔莉亞·岡察洛娃(Natalia Goncharova)和米凱爾·拉里昂諾夫(Mikhail Larionov)等著名俄羅斯先鋒派藝術家們的收藏品,并影響著他們的藝術創(chuàng)作。
I’m Natalia Goncharova, a young artist(藝術家)living in Russia during the early 20th century. I believe you hear of my great grandfather, the famous poet Alexander Pushkin(詩人亞歷山大·普希金). Mikhail Larionov is my husband(丈夫). He is also an artist. We always share our discoveries(發(fā)現(xiàn)).
One day, Mikhail come back home excitedly with a package(包裹). “Honey, guess what I get! You must come and see these!” I rush downstairs and open the package.
“Amazing! What are these?”
“These are called Nianhua, or Chinese New Year paintings. The Chinese New Year is coming, and the Chinese people are selling these paintings. People paste them on their walls and doors to celebrate the festival.”
Later, I sort(分類) them into four groups by how they look.
“You are so smart!” My husband laughs, “Nianhua has four major brands(四大品牌), each has its unique(獨一無二的) style.”
“These with bright colours and smooth outlines(輪廓清晰) are from Yangliuqing(楊柳青), the leading Nianhua brand in Tianjin. ”
“How about these? The paintings are so exquisite(精致的). Look at those people in their pretty traditional clothes.”
“They belong to(屬于) Taohuawu(桃花塢), a brand from Jiangsu province.”
“This group is very special. Its characters(人物) and colours are simple. Red, green, yellow, and purple, I can name its main colours.”
“This brand is called Yangjiabu(楊家埠). It’s from Shandong province. ”
“These are different from the other three. The artists use the brush pens(毛筆) to paint colours!”
“The characters are funny and interesting. This brand is called Mianzhu(綿竹). It’s a place in Sichuan province.”
“They are wonderful! We should collect more and hold an exhibition of Nianhua. We can learn a lot from them...”
In 1913, we hold the exhibition in Moscow(莫斯科). I also display my own works, including my Chinese Sill Life(《中國靜物畫》). Can you recognize(認出) which Nianhua brand influences(影響) my painting?