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2023-04-25 01:41:36毛宇吳行平唐春雷

(毛宇) (吳行平) (唐春雷)

School of Mathematics and Statistics, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China

E-mail: 2531416750@qq.com; wuxp@swu.edu.cn; tangcl@swu.edu.cn

Abstract In this paper,we study normalized solutions of the Chern-Simons-Schr?dinger system with general nonlinearity and a potential in H1(R2).When the nonlinearity satisfies some general 3-superlinear conditions,we obtain the existence of ground state normalized solutions by using the minimax procedure proposed by Jeanjean in [L.Jeanjean,Existence of solutions with prescribed norm for semilinear elliptic equations,Nonlinear Anal.(1997)].

Key words Chern-Simons-Schr?dinger system;non-constant potential;Poho?aev identity;ground state normalized solution

1 Introduction and main results

In recent years,many scholars have paid attention to the planar nonlinear Chern-Simons-Schr?dinger system

where i denotes the imaginary unit,for (t,x1,x2)∈R1+2,φ:R1+2→C is the complex scalar field,Aj:R1+2→R is the gauge field,andDj=?j+iAjis the covariant derivative forj=0,1,2.The Chern-Simons-Schr?dinger system consists of Schr?dinger equations augmented by the gauge field,a situation that was first studied in[10,11].The Chern-Simons-Schr?dinger system describes the electromagnetic phenomena in a planar domain,which is related to the study of the high-temperature superconductor,Aharovnov-Bohm scattering and the fractional quantum Hall effect.Due to the physical motivations for studying system (1.1),many authors have investigated the initial value problem,wellposedness and blow-up of solutions,scattering and the uniqueness results for system (1.1);see [8,21,22].

In [3],Byeon,Huh and Seok first researched the standing wave solutions of the form

for system(1.1),whereλ>0 is a given frequency andu,k,hare real value functions on[0,+∞)withh(0)=0.Inserting ansatz (1.2) into system (1.1),we have the nonlocal semilinear elliptic equation

For equation (1.3) withf(u)=ω|u|p-2u,p>2 andω>0,the existence and nonexistence results of radial solutions were studied in [3,4,9,17,26].For when equation (1.3) has the general nonlinearityf,the existence and multiplicity of solutions were obtained in [13,14,18,25,28,30,35].Recently,the normalized solution of equation (1.3) has become a subject of increasing concern in the physical context.For whenf(u)=|u|p-2uandp ∈(2,4),the existence and multiplicity of normalized solutions to equation (1.3) were considered in [3,34].For equation(1.3)withf(u)=|u|2u,Li and Luo[16]researched the existence and nonexistence results of normalized solutions.In[16,34],the existence and multiplicity of normalized solutions to equation (1.3) were obtained for whenf(u)=|u|p-2uandp>4.Furthermore,Chen and Xie,in[5],investigated the existence and multiplicity of normalized solutions for equation(1.3)with the general nonlinearityf.For when equation (1.3) involves the harmonic potential|x|2,Luo[23]researched the existence and mass collapse behavior of normalized solutions in the case wheref(u)=|u|2u.He also investigated,in [24],the existence and multiplicity of normalized solutions in the case wheref(u)=|u|p-2uandp>4.

IfAj(t,x)=Aj(x),j=0,1,2 satisfies the Coulomb gauge condition?1A1+?2A2=0 andφ(t,x)=u(x)eiλt,u:R2→R,λ>0,then system (1.1) becomes

As is well known,the componentsA1,A2of the gauge field can be expressed by solving the elliptic equations

which give that

where?denotes the convolution in R2.We deduce from?2A0=-A1|u|2,?1A0=A2|u|2and?1A1+?2A2=0 that ?A0=?1(A2|u|2)-?2(A1|u|2),which gives the following representation ofA0:

For when system (1.4) has a non-constant potential;namely,for when

whereV ∈C1(R2,R) satisfies that

Wan and Tan [32]assumedf(u)=|u|p-2uwithp>4,and they investigated the existence of nontrivial solutions for system (1.5).Moreover,the authors of [31]studied the existence and concentration of semiclassical solutions for system(1.5)withf(u)=|u|p-2u,p>6 under some suitable conditions ofV.For system (1.5) with a coercive potential,Li and Yang [19]obtained a nontrivial solution forf(u)=|u|p-2u,p>4 and two nontrivial solutions forf(u)=|u|p-2u,24.The existence and concentration of semiclassical ground state solutions to system(1.5)with a general nonlinearityfwas studied in[6,29].We also note that there are two results about the normalized solutions of the Chern-Simons-Schr?dinger system inH1(R2);see [7,20].Liang and Zhai [20]obtained the existence of normalized solutions for system (1.4)withf(u)=|u|p-2uandp>4.In [7],Gou and Zhang researched the normalized solutions of system (1.4) withf(u)=|u|p-2uandp>2.

Inspired by the above works,we will investigate the existence of ground state normalized solutions to the system

whereV ∈C1(R2,R) andf ∈C(R,R) satisfy the following conditions:

(V1)is finite,for anyb>0;

(V2) there existsK ∈R+such that-2V(x)≤?V(x)·x ≤KV(x) a.e.in R2;

(V3) there existsa ∈C(R+,R+) such thatV(tx)≤a(t)V(x) for anyx ∈R2andt>0;


(f2) there existp ≥μ>4 such that 0<μF(t)≤f(t)t ≤pF(t),where

We will work in the space

which is endowed with the inner product and norm

Lemma 1.1([1,Theorem 2.1]) IfV ∈C(R2,R) satisfies (V1),thenEis compactly embedded inLq(R2)for anyq ∈[2,+∞).In particular,for anyq ∈[2,+∞),there existsνq>0 such that

ProofAssertion (i) is from [9,Propositions 4.2 and 4.3](see also [32,Proposition 2.1]).By (i) and H?lder’s inequality,we deduce that,for anyu ∈H1(R2),

Thus (ii) holds.The proof is finished.

Foru ∈E,we define the energy functional

By (f1),(f2),and Lemmas 1.1 and 1.2,it is easy to check thatI ∈C1(E,R) and,for anyu,? ∈E,one has that

As is well known,a normalized solution to system (1.6) with a prescribedL2-normcis obtained as a critical point ofIconstrained on

It is worth pointing out that the frequencyλis determined as a Lagrange multiplier.For any fixedc>0,uc ∈Scis said to be a ground state normalized solution to system (1.6) if

Our main result reads as follows:

Theorem 1.3Suppose that (V1)–(V3),(f1) and (f2) hold.Then there existsc0>0 such that system (1.6) has at least a ground state normalized solution inH1(R2) for anyc ∈(0,c0].

Remark 1.4We point out that there exist many functions satisfying (V1)–(V3);these includeV(x)=|x|2α,α>0.Moreover,the special caseV(x)=|x|2is said to be a harmonic potential that is related to an external uniform magnetic field.As in [1],our condition (V1) is weaker than=+∞.Theorem 1.3 seems to be the first attempt to study the existence of ground state normalized solutions to the nonautonomous Chern-Simons-Schr?dinger system inH1(R2).Compared with [24],in which the author considered equation (1.3) withf(u)=|u|p-2u,p>4 andV(x)=|x|2,here the more general potential and nonlinearity are considered.

Remark 1.5Though the condition (V1) ensures that the embedding(R2) is compact for anyq ∈[2,+∞),it is difficult to obtain the boundedness of the Palais-Smale sequence for the energy functional of system (1.6) restricted onScunder the assumptions (f1)and(f2).Inspired by[12],we construct a Palais-Smale sequence which satisfies,asymptotically,a Nehari-Poho?aev type identity.We would like to point out that the approach used in [12]is only valid for autonomous equations.Therefore,to study system (1.6) with a non-constant potentialV(x),we will impose condition (V3).

Throughout this paper,we will use the following notations:

?is endowed with the same inner product and norm as inH1(R2).

?(E?,‖·‖?) denotes the dual space of (E,‖·‖E).


? Cdenotes positive constant that possibly varies in different places.

2 Proof of Theorem 1.3

Before proving Theorem 1.3,we give some preliminaries.

Lemma 2.1([33],Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality) For anyq ∈[2,+∞),there existsC(q)>0 such that

which implies that

Lemma 2.2([7,Lemma 2.3]) Suppose thatun ?uinH1(R2) andun(x)→u(x)a.e.in R2.Then,forj=1,2 and any? ∈H1(R2),asn →∞,

Lemma 2.3([6,Lemma 3.1]) Letu ∈Ebe a weak solution of system (1.6).Thenusatisfies the following Poho?aev identity:

One week, he was in very good spirits. This followed several weeks when he was either too ill to come or he had suffered seizures in the car and was forced to miss his lesson with the horses. But that day, he smiled. He seemed alert5 and willing.

In the following lemma,we will prove thatIsatisfies the mountain pass geometry:

Lemma 2.4If (V1)–(V3),(f1) and (f2) hold,then there existsc0>0 such thatIhas a mountain pass geometry onScfor anyc ∈(0,c0].That is,there existu1,u2∈Scsuch that

ProofFor anyk>0,we define that

It follows from (1.7) and (2.1) that,for anyu ∈Bk,

which implies that

Byf ∈C(R,R),(f1) and (f2),for anyε>0,there existsCε>0 such that

Then,by (1.7) and (2.4),we have,for anyu ∈E,that

Sincep>4,onceε>0 is small enough,there existsk1>0 small enough such that

Consequently,there existsu1∈Scsuch that‖u1‖≤k2andI(u1)>0.By (f1) and (f2),there existC1,C2>0 such that

Then,by (V3) and (2.9),one obtains,for anyu ∈E{0} andt>0,that

Sinceμ>4 anda ∈C(R+,R+),one checks thatI(tu(t·))→-∞ast →∞.Note thattu(t·)∈Scfor anyt>0 andu ∈Sc.Thus,there existst1>0 large enough such thatu2(·)=t1u1(t1·)∈Scsatisfies‖u2‖>k1andI(u2)<0.Define the following minimax class:

Sinceg(t)(·)=(1+tt1-t)u1(·+t(t1-1)·)∈Γc,we get that Γc≠?.Then we define that

which,combined the arbitrariness ofg ∈Γc,implies that

Thus we have completed the proof.

It is easy to check thatI ?Ψ∈C1(E1,R).Based on Lemma 2.4,we define that

Repeating the arguments in [12,Proposition 2.2],we can get the following proposition:

Proposition 2.5Suppose that (V1)–(V3),(f1) and (f2) hold.Let∈satisfy

Recall that{vn}?Eis a Palais-Smale sequence forIonScifI(vn)→γ(c)andI|(vn)→0.In the next lemma,applying Proposition 2.5,we construct a Palais-Smale sequence forIwhich satisfies,asymptotically,the following Nehari-Poho?aev identity:

Lemma 2.6Suppose that (V1)–(V3),(f1) and (f2) hold.Then,for anyc ∈(0,c0],there exists a Palais-Smale sequence{vn}?Scsatisfying,forn →∞,that

ProofBy the definition ofγ(c),for eachn ∈N,there exists somegn ∈Γcsuch that

Since (0,1)∈(un,θn),by taking (w,s)=(0,1) in (2.11),we derive from (c) that,asn →∞,

It follows from (b) that,for alln,

From (V3) and (2.13) we deduce that{a(eθn)}is bounded.Therefore,for allnandx ∈R2,

Hence,we can infer,for alln,that

Now,by (2.12) and (2.14),one has that

Consequently,asn →∞,

Proposition 2.7Suppose that (V1)–(V3),(f1) and (f2) hold.Then,for anyc ∈(0,c0],if{vn} ?Scsatisfies (2.10),there existvc ∈Sc,a sequence{λn} ?R andλc ∈R such that,up to a subsequence,asn →∞,

(i)vn →vcinE;(ii)λn →λcin R;

(iii)I′(vn)+λnvn →0 inE?;

(iv)I′(vc)+λcvc=0 inE?.

ProofSince{vn}?Scsatisfies (2.10),by (V2) and (f2),we deduce that

which shows that{vn} is bounded inE.Then,up to a subsequence,there exists avc ∈Esuch that,asn →∞,

It is clear that|vc|=c.Noting that(vn)=on(1) and applying [2,Lemma 3],we have that

which means,for any? ∈E,that

Thus (iii) holds.Since{vn}?Scis bounded inE,it is easy to get that each term on the right hand side of (2.17) is bounded.Therefore,{λn} is bounded.Then,up to a subsequence,there existsλc ∈R such thatλn →λcasn →∞.Thus (ii) holds.Sincevn ?vcinE,by using Lemma 2.2,we get,for any? ∈E,that

From (ii) and (2.16),one deduces,for any? ∈E,that

Therefore,one infers from(iii),(2.18)and(2.19)that(iv)holds.Byf ∈C(R,R),(f1)and(f2),for anyε>0,there exists>0 such that

By (2.20),H?lder’s inequality and Young’s inequality,we obtain that

Byvn →vcinLp(R2) and the arbitrariness ofε,we deduce that

By Lemma 1.2 and H?lder’s inequality,we get,for∈(1,2) and,that

Since{vn} is bounded inLq(R2) for anyq ∈[2,+∞),one infers thatis bounded inL2(R2).In addition,by H?lder’s inequality,we conclude that

Similarly,one has that

Therefore,we have that

By (ii)–(iv),one obtains that

Thus,combining (2.21)–(2.23) indicates that

Sincevn →vcinL2(R2),(2.24) implies thatvn →vcinE.Thus Proposition 2.7 is proven.

Proof of Theorem 1.3Letc ∈(0,c0].Define that

By Proposition 2.7,there existsvc ∈Scsatisfying that(vc)=0.ThusMcis unempty.Take{un} ?Mcas a minimizing sequence ofmcsatisfying thatI(un)→mcasn →∞.By{un} ?Mc,one has that(un)=0.According to Proposition 2.7,there exists{λn} ?R such thatI′(un)+λnun=0.MultiplyingI′(un)+λnun=0 byun,we have that

FromI′(un)+λnun=0 and Lemma 2.3,we know thatunsatisfies the Poho?aev identity

Combining (2.25) and (2.26),we get that

By Proposition 2.7,there existsuc ∈Scsuch thatun →ucinEasn →∞.ThusI(uc)=mcand(uc)=0;that is,uc ∈Scis a ground state normalized solution of system (1.6).Theorem 1.3 is proven.

Conflict of InterestThe authors declare no conflict of interest.

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