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2022-05-11 08:13DouglasdeCastro巴西王湘玥
國(guó)際人才交流 2022年4期

文/Douglas de Castro(巴西) 譯/王湘玥







There is a clear understanding of the existential threat faced by mankind due to extreme natural events around the globe caused by anthropogenic activities. Also, there is an understanding that China can contribute due to its commitment to sustainable development.

In the fictional yet based on reality book, Oreskes and Conway provided a clear picture of the nature of things regarding climate change. The authors tell how Western civilization approached the climate crisis that ultimately led to mankind’s irreversible and unpleasant state of things. The book has three parts: The Coming of the Penumbral Age (the state of denial that climate change is a “real” problem);The Frenzy of Fossil Fuels (consumption is not the problem);and Market Failure (there is no limitation for capitalism as revealed in. “The toxic effects of DDT, acid rain, the depletion of the ozone layer, and climate change were serious problems for which markets did not provide a spontaneous remedy” ) .

After laying down the unavoidable and dark scenario, the authors present the only country that had the chance to survive the Great Collapse: China. The logic behind the county’s survival is the steps towards liberalization while retaining a strong central government that could mobilize all the resources to protect its citizens and the economy in a period of environmental disaster. Isn’t this the same we observe how successfully China is handling Covid-19?

The Objectification of Nature

In one of my academic writings, I have argued the vital role of the spirit of Bandung in the cooperation among countries in the Global South, based on the premises of solidarity and resistance. Both premises are as essential today as they were in 1955.But unfortunately, the developed countries’ shared experiences in their dealings with the developed ones continue to cause disappointment and more empty promises, such as the investment commitments made by the developed countries in Copenhagen in 2009 to finance climate change adaptation and mitigation in the developing ones.

本文作者,蘭州大學(xué)法學(xué)院國(guó)際法教授Douglas de Castro






Dealing with the environment nowadays is based on the complex and cold realist theory of global relations, which assumes that the international system is anarchical; thus, each country seeks its survival at all costs. But on the other hand, Chinese president, Xi Jinping, explained that we should do away with the zero-sum game and win-or-lose mentality, establish a new concept of win-win and all-win, and care for other’s interests while seeking one’s interests and promote joint development while pursuing one’s development.

In addition to the dissociation between developed and developing countries regarding perceptions and expectations of overdevelopment, the natural world is perceived as a source of things to grab and use. Let me lay down some considerations about this dissociation.

Since the dawn of the European navigations period, there has been a systematic movement to detach the natural world from the social one. The term “nature,” which includes the human species, has been substituted by “the environment,” which implies the things surrounding humanity. Even the usage of the term nature nowadays implicates positioning the man as an outside observer of an object, which Raymond Williams has noted in his seminal work: “One touch of nature may make the whole world kin, but usually, when we say nature, do we mean to include ourselves?”

This phenomenon is known as the objectification of nature, a mere object to serve the purposes of mankind, which nowadays possess the same ferocity as in the plundering initiated by the European empires in the medieval. The unstoppable desire to keep more and more puts the natural world at risk, thus, characterizing the perceived world as the product of a blind, insatiable, and malignant metaphysical desire that ultimately leads to death.

The need to regulate and provide some order to the encounter between the natural and social worlds provided the grounds for the emergence of international law. There is no easy or polite way to say this, so I will reproduce what Makau Mutua uttered:“The international law regime is illegitimate.” He continues to explain the reasons for such a strong statement about international law:

“It is a predatory system that legitimizes, reproduces, and sustains the plunder and subordination of the Third World by the West. Neither universality nor its promise of global order and stability makes international law a just, equitable, and legitimate code of global governance for the Third World.”

For instance,(1900) was drafted by European hunters interested in the “sustainability” of hunting resources in Africa. Nowadays,(CITES-1973) has the sustainability of the trade as its core business.










The trend is true to climate change and biodiversity international regimes. The arguments I laid down so far have a twofold strategy: first, generate awareness of the existing traps in international institutions; second, question the existence of alternatives (I am not a post-positivist that wants to deconstruct just for the sake of deconstruction. On the contrary, it is necessary to recognize that there are good things in the international institutions and an urgent need to find alternatives to improve them).

As inthat I mentioned at the beginning, I believe that the alternative is to understand two concepts that are the essence of the success of China in dealing with the environmental issues in the last decade: ecological civilization and a community of shared future for mankind.

Promoting Ecological Civilization

President Xi Jinping, during the speech at the sixth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 18CPC Central Committee on May 24, 2013, uttered: “We must raise awareness of the need to respect, accommodate, and protect ourselves to nature,follow the basic state policy of resource conservation and environmental protection, and give high priority to conserving, protecting the environment and promoting its natural restoration.”

Since then, his speeches have been in the sense of operationalizing the concept of ecological civilization in two dimensions: one is in the narrative, which plays with the words nature, environment, and ecology as related in their meaning; and two, providing the legal framework to organize and regulate the societal efforts to accomplish the goal. I explore the latest legal framework below.

In March 2018, the Chinese Constitution was amended for the fifth time since 1954 to incorporate the “ecological civilization development” concept. The amendment marks a high degree of concern for ecological issues at the highest legal level and the constitutionalizing process of the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan for socialism with Chinese characteristics.

This Constitutional Amendment did not adopt the traditional “environmental rights” method. However, it used the form of a“national objective clause” to guarantee the “ecological civilization development” and realize the environmental protection of citizens by imposing obligations on the state. While gaining economic benefits in harvesting natural resources, humans inevitably cause harm to the environment, which is the conflict between economic blossoms in the short term and economic busts in the long run. As a result, the population, economy,resources, and environment lose the optimal balance. At this point, the government’s “visible hand” is needed to intervene reasonably to balance those aspects, thus, emerging the purpose of the concept of ecological civilization.









The Constitution currently forms the higher legal system in the land dealing with the “ecological civilization development” by normative and substantive regulation that permeates the entire legal framework and directs the government’s actions in all spheres of power. In the following paragraphs, I will introduce the constitutional provisions related to the concept.

The preamble of the Constitution brings additional concepts that are connected to the ecological civilization, such as “new development,” “beautiful China,” “a great modern socialist country,” “realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”It belongs to the part of China’s national tasks which embodies China’s value goals and plays a commanding role in the articles of the Constitution.

Articles 9, 10, and 26 refer to the “General Principles” of the Constitution related to macro-control of the ecological environment. From the perspective of the structure of the legal norms,these articles are programmatic in the sense of incentivizing the behavior of people, legal entities, and government. Article 9 states that “the state shall ensure the rational use of natural resources and protect rare animals and plants.” Article 10 prescribes that “all organizations and individuals using land must use it appropriately.” Article 26 utters that “the state shall protect and improve living environments and the ecological environment, and prevent and control pollution and other public hazards. The state shall organize and encourage afforestation and protect forests.”

Article 89 is a mandatory norm for the functions and powers of the State Council in the form of positive enumeration. It is the specific form in the state institutions of the state’s obligation of“ecological civilization development” in the preamble of the Constitution, stating the duty in “(6) directing and managing economic work, urban and rural development, and ecological conservation.”

The amendment of the Constitution of 2018 includes the Fivesphere Integrated Plan that features the development of so-cialism with Chinese characteristics encompassing economic,political, cultural, social, and ecological development, thus, elevating the plan to constitutional status. Furthermore, the plan brings closer the traditional values and modern understandings of China as encapsulated in the thoughts of President Xi Jinping about the socialist approach to an ecological civilization.

2018年3月,新修訂的中國(guó)憲法納入“生態(tài)文明建設(shè)”的概念。圖為在大熊貓國(guó)家公園拍攝到的野生大熊貓活動(dòng)畫面(新華社發(fā) 甘肅白水江國(guó)家級(jí)自然保護(hù)區(qū)管理局供圖)







From a programmatic stance to a more practical one, the Chinese central government issued a guideline for an ecological red line strategy in 2017, which contains provisions to enforce the lines for the protection of the ecosystems, to manage all significant environmental spaces with consistent standards.

The red lines are the lifelines of state biological security, essential for space planning. Drawing and enforcing them are critical moves to implement the systems of functional zoning and use control of the ecological space, which are adequate to help expand the capacity to supply eco-products and provide services to the ecosystems while building up China’s biological security.It constitutes an institutional innovation that can also boost the building of the ecological civilization while promoting China’s green development.

Building a Community of Shared Future for Mankind

The vision of building a community of shared future for mankind was incorporated into the Chinese policies. It became part of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

The concept of a community of shared future for mankind was first proposed on March 23, 2013, when President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Since then, the Party Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping have propagated its tenets, including introducing changes in the legislation.

At the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19Central Committee of the CPC, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to “adhere to the integration of independence and openness,actively participate in global governance, and continue to contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind”. As a result, the concept has become an integral part of the theoretical and legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Its global influence as a policy has been increased gradually,especially considering the shift in the Belt Road Initiative (BRI)to a green stance that received full support from the United Nations through the Belt and Road Initiative International Green Development Coalition. More recently, the concept emerged in, which calibrates the investments in BRI countries to increase environmental protection.

2021年10月,2020年聯(lián)合國(guó)生物多樣性大會(huì)生態(tài)文明論壇在昆明舉行(新華社記者 王南 攝)






A community of shared future for mankind assumes several directions in international law. First, it is a building block to global governance, essential to the concept of development in contemporary international law. Second, the “three communist principles” of consultation, joint construction, and sharing are the cornerstone of building a community of shared future for mankind; thus, they might help create traction with the existing principles of international law. Third, it is an opportunity to pass reforms in the United Nations that incorporate its multilateral stances.

Most current research on the community of shared future in the legal field explores the legal path of constructing a community of shared future for mankind from the macro level and lacks research in specific areas such as economy, culture, and ecological environment. Among the five components of a community of shared future for mankind: economy, culture, politics, security,and ecology, the ecological environment is in a fundamental position. A clean and beautiful world and a suitable living environment are essential for enjoying other aspects.

In today’s increasingly global severe environmental challenges, the impacts on developing countries cannot be disregarded or left behind. Moreover, the insidious effects are hitting all the nations with no respect for territorial boundaries of sovereignty.

The relative inefficiency of the international institutions in dealing with the global environmental issues with the urgency and manner required led me to explore alternatives in my research agenda. Among the other options, the ecological civilization and a community of shared future for mankind become the top of my list, opening different theoretical perspectives and observable empirical evidence.

China is becoming an agenda-setting country in the international system. Although this reality brings some discomfort to other nations, especially the United States, China is making significant contributions to the global governance of the environment, first, by doing its homework, and second, by projecting these gains to the international dimension.

There is solid potential to increase the regulatory efficiency of international environmental law by incorporating alternative worldviews and values of ecological civilization and a community of shared future for mankind. That for sure will make traditional international law a more inclusive institution.

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