宮聞浩 余詩俊 謝飛揚 張長嶺 侯申奧 王悅
摘 要:通過對橡膠氣球放氣過程的理論分析,得出氣球膜內壓強與與氣球尺度大小的非線性關系,通過自制壓力測量實驗裝置,設計實驗方案,理論結果與實驗結果相結合,得出其非線性特性。
關鍵詞:橡膠氣球 壓強 半徑
Nonlinear Research on the Change of Internal Pressure and Scale of Rubber Balloon
Gong Wenhao Yu Shijun Xie Feiyang Zhang Changling Hou Shenao Wang Yue
Abstract:Through the theoretical analysis of the deflation process of the rubber balloon, the nonlinear relationship between the pressure inside the balloon membrane and the size of the balloon are obtained. Through the self-made pressure measurement experimental device, the experimental plan is designed, and the theoretical results are its non-linear characteristics combined with the experimental results.
Key words:rubber balloon, pressure, radius