Architects: HE Zhe, James Shen, ZANG Feng
為了盡量減少建筑物對場地的影響,插件塔設置在分布式混凝樁基礎上。 整座建筑高出地面一層,以便雨水滲透到地下。該設計符合海綿城市理念,以減少城市積水和地表污染。架高的建筑同時充分考慮到地上植被的日照,充足的陽光使其蓬勃生長。
項目信息/Credits and Data
客戶/Client: 深圳市建筑科學研究院股份有限公司/Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Co., Ltd.
施工合作方/Structure: 中建鋼構有限公司/China Construction Steel Structure Co., Ltd.
項目團隊/Project Team: 李正華,馮紫晴,相未星,周雨茜,梁國強,王雅欣/LI Zhenghua, FENG Ziqing, XIANG Weixing, ZHOU Yuxi, LIANG Guoqiang, WANG Yaxin
規(guī)模/Size: 480 m2
設計時間/Design Period: 2017.10
施工時間/Construction Period: 2017.11-2017.12
攝影/Photos: 金偉琦,眾建筑/JIN Weiqi, People's Architecture Office
1 外景/Exterior view
2-4 分析圖/Analysis diagrams
5 首層平面/Ground floor plan
6 二層平面/First floor plan
7 三層平面/Second floor plan
8 外景/Exterior view
The Lakeside Plug-in Tower is a mixeduse live/work space with an area of 480 square metres. It is developed in partnership with the Shenzhen Institute of Building Research, a leader in sustainable building design and urban development, as a prototype for the Xiong'an New District, an important "model city" currently being developed by the Central Government. Xiong'an is located 100km southwest of Beijing, and is planned as a clean, affordable and congestion free alternative to the capital city. To keep housing affordable in Xiong'an, all housing will be state-owned and subsidised by the government. It is conceived as a low carbon ecocity using 100% clean electricity with 10% of the area protected as permanent farmland.
To minimise the impact of the project to the site, the Lakeside Plug-in Tower sits on a foundation of distributed concrete piers. The entire building is raised one storey above the ground to allow for storm water to be absorbed into the ground. This aligns with China's Sponge City concept, a rethinking of the previous asphalt city to reduce extreme flooding and surface pollution in urban areas. The elevated building also allows abundant sunlight for the vegetation on the ground to grow vigorously.
The entire building is prefabricated to reduce cost and allow for efficient construction. The building envelope uses a panelised system developed by our office and is built separately from the steel structure. The modular Plug-in Panels allow for maximum flexibility throughout the life of the building. Locks are integrated into the panels allowing them to be installed manually by unskilled labour using simple tools. Over time, all the sections on each level can be expanded or relocated as needed, without affecting the rest of the building. This flexibility greatly extends the usability of the building while reducing the cost of future renovations.
The building is designed using near-zero energy building standards. The roof of the building is covered by solar panels. The Plug-in Panel enclosure is manufactured using highly energy efficient rigid insulation with floor heating integrated into the floor panels. Full height operable windows allow for maximum natural ventilation. Each floor is connected to service towers that contain vertical circulation and an off-the-grid sewage system that offers sustainable wastewater treatment on site.
The Lakeside Plug-in Tower offers a brand new vision of housing development for the New District by integrating the buildings into the natural environment with minimal impact. It is conceived as a system rather than a one-off approach and is an alternative to the typical government supported housing development. Examples of innovation in the project expand across scales and include the development of new building materials, a flexible structural system that can be changed over time, and integrated sustainable technologies.