鄧梓鋒,吳旭樹,王兆禮,2,李 軍,陳曉宏
鄧梓鋒1,吳旭樹1,王兆禮1,2※,李 軍1,陳曉宏3
(1. 華南理工大學(xué)土木與交通學(xué)院,廣州 510640;2. 華南理工大學(xué)亞熱帶建筑科學(xué)國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室,廣州 510641;3. 中山大學(xué)水資源與環(huán)境研究中心,廣州 510275)
為探究重力恢復(fù)和氣候試驗(yàn)任務(wù)(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment mission,GRACE)衛(wèi)星數(shù)據(jù)在干旱研究中的應(yīng)用潛力,該研究采用基于GRACE重力衛(wèi)星數(shù)據(jù)的無量綱的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化水儲量赤字干旱指數(shù)(Water Storage Deficit Index,WSDI)對珠江流域2002—2017年進(jìn)行干旱監(jiān)測,通過將其和常用干旱指數(shù)與實(shí)際干旱質(zhì)心軌跡進(jìn)行對比,評估其在珠江流域的干旱監(jiān)測效用。研究結(jié)果表明:1)2002—2017年期間,WSDI監(jiān)測到的旱情與實(shí)際發(fā)生的旱情基本一致,GRACE重力衛(wèi)星數(shù)據(jù)能捕捉到干旱事件的發(fā)生、發(fā)展和消亡以及其干旱特征;2)WSDI的時間變化及其對氣候異常的響應(yīng)與常用干旱指數(shù)吻合良好,具有有著較強(qiáng)的相關(guān)性,且能反映研究區(qū)長期的綜合水分變化。除了SPI-3與SPEI-3外,其他常用干旱指數(shù)與WSDI的相關(guān)系數(shù)都在0.665以上,其中scPDSI相關(guān)指數(shù)最高,為0.803;3)WSDI與常用干旱指數(shù)在空間上描述的干旱事件的干旱質(zhì)心軌跡基本一致,都能大致反映出了大范圍干旱事件的干旱質(zhì)心從東往西移動的現(xiàn)象。WSDI能從時間和空間上刻畫出研究區(qū)水文干旱的演變規(guī)律,適用于大尺度水文干旱的監(jiān)測與評估,具有明顯的優(yōu)勢和應(yīng)用潛力。
隨著全球氣候變化,極端氣候事件發(fā)生的頻率和強(qiáng)度日益增加。干旱是世界上破壞性最大、代價最高的極端氣候事件之一,有著發(fā)展緩慢、持續(xù)時間長、受災(zāi)面積大、嚴(yán)重程度深的特點(diǎn)[1]。干旱監(jiān)測與評估的研究對減災(zāi)防災(zāi)有重大意義。干旱是區(qū)域性的,其明顯的表現(xiàn)是陸地水儲量低于歷史平均水平(陸地水儲量是地表水、生物水、土壤水、地下水和雪/冰的總和)。GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment mission)重力衛(wèi)星為監(jiān)測陸地儲水量的變化提供了一種長期有效的方法。其優(yōu)勢在于能不受地面條件的限制進(jìn)行連續(xù)、快速且重復(fù)地觀測,有效解決地面觀測范圍不深、空間分布不均勻、資料獲取不充分以及水文模型分布不均勻等問題,能得到全球分布均勻,且觀測尺度統(tǒng)一的數(shù)據(jù)[2-3]。研究表明,GRACE重力衛(wèi)星在干旱研究和應(yīng)用方面有著巨大的潛力[4]。因此,利用GRACE重力衛(wèi)星進(jìn)行干旱監(jiān)測成為了干旱研究領(lǐng)域的研究熱點(diǎn)之一。
GRACE重力衛(wèi)星在干旱方面的研究和應(yīng)用有著重大的意義,國內(nèi)外也已經(jīng)開展了相關(guān)的研究工作。在國外,GRACE重力衛(wèi)星干旱研究領(lǐng)域的研究和應(yīng)用較為充分。在中歐地區(qū)、美國得克薩斯州,Houborg等[2,5]將同化后的GRACE重力衛(wèi)星數(shù)據(jù)驅(qū)動水文模型,提高了水文模型表征干旱的準(zhǔn)確性,且將其研究應(yīng)用于實(shí)際的干旱監(jiān)測。Thomas等[6]建立了基于GRACE陸地水儲量赤字(Terrestrial Water Storage Deficit,TWSD)的評估框架來探究水文干旱特征,并在多流域驗(yàn)證了該方法的適用性。在美國大陸,Zhao等[7]提出了一個考慮GRACE測量和泄漏誤差的干旱嚴(yán)重指數(shù)(GRACE satellite-based drought severity index)。Cammalleri等[8]指出,氣象干旱指數(shù)顯示的降水不足可作為GRACE觀測到的水文干旱的局部代用指數(shù)。Sinha等[9]將降水偏差和陸地水儲量相結(jié)合作為干旱評價指數(shù)對印度主要流域進(jìn)行干旱特征表征。另外,一些學(xué)者還使用GRACE重力衛(wèi)星監(jiān)測幼發(fā)拉底河-底格里斯河[10]、亞馬遜河流域[11]、烏干達(dá)[12]等大尺度區(qū)域在干旱期間的陸地水儲量消耗程度。而在國內(nèi),GRACE重力衛(wèi)星干旱研究領(lǐng)域的研究和應(yīng)用則相對薄弱。在干旱特征最為明顯的中國西南地區(qū),Long等[13-16]利用GRACE陸地水儲量變化(Terrestrial Water Storage Change,TWSC)指數(shù)進(jìn)行干旱特征監(jiān)測,并發(fā)現(xiàn)高原地區(qū)干旱的頻率和嚴(yán)重程度都在加劇。Zhang等[17-18]利用GRACE陸地水儲量異常(Terrestrial Water Storage Anomaly,TWSA)指數(shù)分別監(jiān)測了長江流域、黃河源區(qū)的干旱事件,驗(yàn)證該指數(shù)的適用性。
綜上所述,本研究采用基于GRACE重力衛(wèi)星數(shù)據(jù)的無量綱的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化水儲量赤字干旱指數(shù)WSDI(Water Storage Deficit Index)對珠江流域進(jìn)行干旱監(jiān)測,并將WSDI與常見的干旱指數(shù)作對比,評估其在珠江流域的干旱監(jiān)測效用,為大尺度水文干旱監(jiān)測與評估提供新的方法。
珠江流域(102°14′~115°53′E,21°31′~26°49′N)地處熱帶和亞熱帶季風(fēng)氣候區(qū),年平均氣溫在14~22 ℃之間,多年平均降水量約1 200~2 000 mm,地貌以山地丘陵為主。珠江流域雨量充沛,特點(diǎn)是歷時長、強(qiáng)度大,但時空分布不均勻?qū)е赂珊惮F(xiàn)象時常出現(xiàn)。雖然近年來珠江流域的總降水量呈現(xiàn)增加的趨勢[19],但是隨著氣溫的升高導(dǎo)致的蒸散發(fā)作用不斷增強(qiáng),極端氣候事件的發(fā)生頻率增加,珠江流域的干旱問題越來越嚴(yán)重[20]。在2004、2009—2011年等年份珠江流域都發(fā)生嚴(yán)重旱災(zāi),部分河溪斷流,農(nóng)業(yè)、畜牧業(yè)受損嚴(yán)重,下游大灣區(qū)咸潮上溯,威脅供水安全。而小干旱災(zāi)害幾乎每年都會發(fā)生。
1.2.1 GRACE重力衛(wèi)星數(shù)據(jù)
本研究采用德克薩斯大學(xué)空間研究中心(Center for Space Research at University of Texas, Austin,CSR)和美國噴氣動力實(shí)驗(yàn)室(Jet Propulsion Laboratory,JPL)公布的GRACE的Level-2 RL06的GSM數(shù)據(jù),GRACE重力衛(wèi)星數(shù)據(jù)的時間范圍為2002年4月至2017年6月,共163個月。由于衛(wèi)星測量時電力不足或衛(wèi)星振動導(dǎo)致20個月的數(shù)據(jù)缺失。因此,本研究采用了線性插值的方法填補(bǔ)GRACE重力衛(wèi)星數(shù)據(jù)的缺失值[23-24],該方法簡單且被廣泛采用。但是,數(shù)據(jù)的季節(jié)性變化不可避免地會被線性插值的方法所忽略,從而導(dǎo)致所識別的干旱事件的特征有誤差。但這些誤差不會對干旱評估造成顯著的影響。對GRACE數(shù)據(jù)按照以下步驟進(jìn)行處理,并得到陸地水儲量數(shù)據(jù):
2)采用Swenson等[25]提出的去相關(guān)濾波器和300 km高斯濾波器[26]降低信號噪聲。并將濾波后的GRACE重力衛(wèi)星數(shù)據(jù)的球諧系數(shù)截至60階次。
4)將算得的GRACE球諧系數(shù)數(shù)據(jù)轉(zhuǎn)換成空間分辨率為0.25°的TWSA柵格數(shù)據(jù)。由于GRACE重力衛(wèi)星數(shù)據(jù)中存在噪聲,因此在進(jìn)行干旱分析之前,對GRACE TWSA進(jìn)行3個月的滑動平均濾波處理。
1.2.2 其他數(shù)據(jù)
本研究采用反映不同類型干旱的指數(shù)作為參考。采用珠江流域183個地面氣象觀測站點(diǎn)所觀測到的2001—2017年逐日的氣象資料計(jì)算標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化降水指數(shù)(Standardized Precipitation Index,SPI);采用Penman-Monteith方法計(jì)算潛在蒸散發(fā)量,采用潛在蒸散發(fā)量和降水量計(jì)算標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化降水蒸散指數(shù)(Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index,SPEI);采用Variable Infiltration Capacity(VIC)模型估算的徑流數(shù)據(jù)計(jì)算標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化徑流指數(shù)(Standardized Runoff Index,SRI)[29];采用VIC模型取代原始PDSI中的雙層土壤模型,計(jì)算自校正的帕默爾干旱強(qiáng)度指數(shù)(Self-Calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index,scPDSI)[29]。所有指數(shù)都插值為空間分辨率0.25°的柵格數(shù)據(jù)。SPI與SPEI反映氣象干旱,SRI、scPDSI分別反映水文干旱和農(nóng)業(yè)干旱。以上常用干旱指數(shù)現(xiàn)已被廣泛用于氣候變化對珠江流域干旱影響的研究[30-33]。氣象數(shù)據(jù)可在中國氣象局氣象數(shù)據(jù)中心網(wǎng)站下載(http://data.cma.cn),水文數(shù)據(jù)來源于珠江水利委員會與廣東省水文局。
表1 各干旱指數(shù)的干旱等級劃分
Note: SPI is the standardized precipitation index. SPEI is the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index. SRI is the standardized runoff index. WSDI is the water storage deficit index. scPDSI is the self-calibrating palmer drought severity index.
2.1.1 基于WSDI的干旱監(jiān)測
圖1 2002—2017年珠江流域的WSDI變化
表2 WSDI監(jiān)測到的珠江流域的干旱事件
Note: The sequence number of drought events is the order of drought events monitored by WSDI. Drought events No.1-6 are recorded by the Pearl River Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources. The No.7 drought event is not recorded because post-2014 Bulletin of Water Resources does not continue to record the disasters. The time in brackets is the time corresponding to the drought intensity value. The drought order is the order of absolute values of the drought severity of drought events in descending order in table 2 and table 4.
圖2 2002—2017年珠江流域受不同類型干旱影響地區(qū)的面積比例
將WSDI監(jiān)測到的旱情與2002—2017年的珠江水利委員會所記錄的旱情[39]進(jìn)行比較,兩者對珠江流域旱情的描述基本一致,WSDI幾乎能監(jiān)測到所記錄的所有干旱。根據(jù)珠江水利委員會記錄,2009—2013年每年都發(fā)生干旱,其中2010年上半年云南、貴州和廣西發(fā)生特大干旱,2011年汛期珠江流域內(nèi)部分地區(qū)干旱嚴(yán)重,該年8月下旬旱情最為嚴(yán)重,2012年旱澇災(zāi)害交替出現(xiàn),2013年局部地區(qū)伏旱(7月中旬至8月中旬)嚴(yán)重。圖1、圖 2、表2的結(jié)果表明,2009年初干旱發(fā)生且持續(xù)多月,隨后2010年上半年局部地區(qū)遭受嚴(yán)重干旱影響,該時期對應(yīng)的4號干旱事件的干旱嚴(yán)重程度僅次于2號干旱事件。2011年8月遭受嚴(yán)重干旱影響的地區(qū)面積占比最高(21.4%)且干旱持續(xù)至2012年初,2012年汛期多地出現(xiàn)水量增加現(xiàn)象且伴隨洪澇風(fēng)險,2013年的6號干旱事件與該年伏旱發(fā)生時間和歷時大致吻合。
2.1.2 WSDI與常用干旱指數(shù)在時間上的對比分析
計(jì)算了WSDI與SPI、SPEI、SRI、scPDSI的皮爾森相關(guān)系數(shù)(置信區(qū)間為95%,表3)。結(jié)果表明,WSDI與SPI-6、SPI-12、SPEI-6、SPEI-12、SRI-3、SRI-6、SRI-12、scPDSI吻合良好。除了SPI-3、SPEI-3外,其他干旱指數(shù)都和WSDI的相關(guān)性較強(qiáng),其中scPDSI與WSDI的相關(guān)系數(shù)最高,兩者的時間變化具有相似的波峰和波谷(圖 3)。這與Sinha等[40-41]的研究結(jié)果相符。
表3 珠江流域WSDI與常用干旱指數(shù)的相關(guān)系數(shù)
Note: The number in the index represents the time scale of 3, 6, and 12 month, respectively.
圖3 2002—2015年珠江流域的WSDI與scPDSI變化
表4 不同指數(shù)監(jiān)測到的珠江流域的干旱事件
Note: When a drought event monitored by the index in this table is also monitored by WSDI, its sequence number is represented by the drought event sequence number of WSDI; when a drought event monitored by the index in this table is not monitored by WSDI, its sequence number is represented by "-". Part of the indexes identified multiple drought events within the time span of the WSDI drought event, and the second number in the sequence number of drought event indicates the order of these drought events within that time span.
2.1.3 WSDI與常用干旱指數(shù)在空間上的對比分析
圖4 珠江流域不同干旱事件WSDI干旱質(zhì)心軌跡
圖5 珠江流域不同干旱事件scPDSI干旱質(zhì)心軌跡
而WSDI的局限性在于,WSDI完全基于GRACE TWSA,TWSA的準(zhǔn)確性決定WSDI的準(zhǔn)確性。TWSA時間序列相對較短,導(dǎo)致其多年平均值不足以具有代表性。WSDI時間序列并不平穩(wěn),基于WSDI的干旱嚴(yán)重程度在前期可能會被高估,在后期可能會被低估[34,45]。有學(xué)者認(rèn)為至少30 a的TWSA時間序列才是比較可取的[6,37]。另外,GRACE在運(yùn)行末期的穩(wěn)定性下降,一定程度上影響該時期WSDI的準(zhǔn)確性。這些因素都使得利用WSDI進(jìn)行干旱監(jiān)測分析仍具有不確定性,但GRACE重力衛(wèi)星仍是監(jiān)測全球陸地水儲量最為有效的手段[3]。
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Drought monitoring based on GRACE data in the Pearl River Basin, China
Deng Zifeng1, Wu Xushu1, Wang Zhaoli1,2※, Li Jun1, Chen Xiaohong3
(1.,,510640,;,,510641,; 3.,,510275,)
Intensity and frequency of extreme climate events are ever-increasing, as the global climate is changing all the time. Drought has caused the tremendous impact and destruction on water resources, natural ecological environment, agricultural production, as well as the social and economic development. Therefore, the drought monitoring and evaluation are necessary to make emergency measures, thereby to reduce the loss triggered by the drought. However, the drought behaves an obviously temporal and spatial characteristics, one of which the terrestrial water storage has been lower than the historical average. Note that the terrestrial water storage is the sum of surface water, biowater, soil moisture, groundwater, and snow/ice. Fortunately, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment mission (GRACE) satellite can provide a long-term and effective method to in-situ monitor the changes in terrestrial water storage. A continuous, rapid, and repetitive observation can be conducted in the GRACE gravity satellite, without being restricted by ground conditions. The global data with uniform distribution and observation scale can be obtained, to effectively solve the problems related to the depth of ground observation, insufficient data acquisition, uneven distribution of spatial and hydrological models. In this study, a dimensionless standardized Water Storage Deficit Index (WSDI) based on GRACE data was proposed to monitor drought in the Pearl River Basin from April 2002 to June 2017. A systematic evaluation was made to explore the capability of WSDI for the spatiotemporal variation of drought, and thereby to identify the drought events, compared with the common drought indexes, including the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), Standardized Runoff Index (SRI), and Self-Calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (scPDSI). The WSDI was calculated by the GSM data from the GRACE Level-2 RL06 published by CSR (Center for Space Research) and JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory). The SPEI and SPI were calculated by the meteorological data collected from 183 meteorological stations in the Pearl River Basin, and then interpolated with the Kriging method. The SRI and scPDSI were calculated by the output data from the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) land surface hydrological model. The drought events were analyzed during 2002 to 2015 which monitored by the WSDI and common drought indexes, compared with the drought centroid trajectories of drought events. The results showed that: 1) In the 7 drought events monitored by the WSDI during 2002 to 2017, the drought events from 2003 to 2006 were the worst with the longest drought duration, the highest drought intensity, and the greatest drought severity. Evaluation of drought in the Pearl River Basin showed that the drought situation monitored by the WSDI was basically consistent with the actual drought situation recorded by the Pearl River Water Resource Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources. It verified that the GRACE data can be used to capture the occurrence, development, and disappearance of drought events, together with the drought characteristics; 2) The time variation of WSDI and its response to climate anomalies were in good agreement with the SPI-6, SPI-12, SPEI-6, SPEI-12, SRI-3, SRI-6, SRI-12, and scPDSI, indicating the similar peaks and troughs. It infers that there was a strong correlation with the WSDI. Specifically, the WSDI had the highest Pearson correlation coefficient with the scPDSI (0.803,<0.05), which can comprehensively describe drought, whereas, a low Pearson correlation coefficients with the SPI-3 and SPEI-3, which have obviously seasonal characteristics to reflect the condition of short- and medium-term moisture. The WSDI can better reveal comprehensive water changes in the mid-and-long term for the study area, and thereby it can be used to monitor drought events caused by the water deficit in all layers of land; 3) The centroid trajectories of drought events recorded by the WSDI was basically consistent with those recorded by the SPI-12, SPEI-12, SRI-12, scPDSI, where the drought centroid of large-scale drought events appeared a movement from eastern to western regions. This result demonstrated that the WSDI can be used to reasonably represent the spatiotemporal changes of drought. Therefore, the WSDI has obvious advantages and application potentials suitable for monitoring and evaluation of large-scale hydrological drought. The finding can provide valuable information and a new data source in the large-scale monitoring and assessment for hydrological drought.
drought; GRACE satellite; water storage deficit index; capability evaluation; Pearl River Basin
鄧梓鋒,吳旭樹,王兆禮,等. 基于GRACE重力衛(wèi)星數(shù)據(jù)的珠江流域干旱監(jiān)測[J]. 農(nóng)業(yè)工程學(xué)報(bào),2020,36(20):179-187.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.20.021 http://www.tcsae.org
Deng Zifeng, Wu Xushu, Wang Zhaoli, et al. Drought monitoring based on GRACE data in the Pearl River Basin, China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(20): 179-187. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.20.021 http://www.tcsae.org