The rapid development of 3D Internet technology is bringing a new wave of informatization and digitization to every corner of the world.The research and application of virtual reality technology is a new subject that involves computer graphics, artificial intelligence, multimedia technology and manmachine relationship.The VR technolgoy is being increasingly used in "vitual exhibitions" at museums.It creates online exhibition viewing experience, breaks the limits of physical space, and constructs an exhibition platform that never has a closing date.Exhibitions at physical space pass on information in one-way and static manner, while virtual exhibitions get to know the audience's preference through big data analysis.Digital display is not restricted timewise, making it more possible for the audience to know about the museum's physical space.The high demand for image and web design quality further drives the virtual display technology to update and iterate.How to create virtual exhibition that could provide experience of the same standard as the physical exhibition, and put the audience in life-like situation as if they are actually in the exhibition space, will be an important issue that art museums should explore.(Text by Wang Jing)