(1. 蘭州理工大學能源與動力工程學院,蘭州 730050;2. 武漢理工大學理學院,武漢 430070)
田間灌溉時,土壤濕潤體的特性主要受土壤特性參數(shù)和灌水技術要素的影響。就土壤特性參數(shù)而言,土壤質(zhì)地對濕潤模式影響顯著[3-4],然而,即使是同一土壤質(zhì)地,其容重不同,土壤內(nèi)部的孔隙分布不同,土壤濕潤體的運移速率也會有較大的差異,因此,灌溉參數(shù)不能僅視田間土壤質(zhì)地狀況而定;土壤飽和導水率受土壤質(zhì)地、孔隙分布特征和容重的影響較大,同時在灌溉、排水系統(tǒng)工程的設計和土壤剖面中水通量的計算中起重要作用,所以,在確定灌溉參數(shù)時,可以考慮采用土壤飽和導水率來表征土壤質(zhì)地、容重以及孔隙分布的差異。土壤特性參數(shù)還包括土壤基質(zhì)勢,根據(jù)土壤基質(zhì)勢制定灌溉方案是一種非常實用的方法[5-6],因為其易于在各種田間條件下使用,無需對土壤類型或鹽分水平進行校準,很多學者的研究表明,田間啟動灌溉的土壤基質(zhì)勢適宜閾值大致在?50~?10 kPa之間[7-9]。從灌水技術要素考慮,微潤管比流量與埋深是微灌系統(tǒng)較重要的2個參數(shù)。研究表明,相較于地下滴灌,微潤管比流量更易受土壤質(zhì)地、土壤容重、微潤管埋深、壓力水頭、土壤初始含水率等因素影響[10-13];埋深直接影響微潤管周圍土壤濕潤體的水分分布位置,但對土壤濕潤體的運移速率影響較小[11,14]。因此,在進行土壤濕潤體運移距離的研究時,重點應考慮微潤管比流量。
為探明微潤灌土壤濕潤體運移的影響因素及變化規(guī)律,采用HYDRUS-2 D軟件,模擬研究土壤飽和導水率、土壤基質(zhì)勢以及微潤管比流量對微潤灌濕潤體的影響;通過量綱分析法得到微潤灌土壤水平向、垂直向上和垂直向下的濕潤體尺寸與土壤飽和導水率、土壤基質(zhì)勢、微潤管比流量以及單位長度總滲水量之間的關系,構建土壤濕潤體尺寸的估算模型;采用試驗數(shù)據(jù)驗證預測模型的可靠性,為微潤灌溉工程的設計和運行提供科學依據(jù)。
1.1.1 基本方程
通過van Genuchten-Mualem (VG-M)模型描述式(1)中、()和三者之間的關系[29]。即
1.1.2 定解條件
1.1.3 模擬方案
表1 8種典型土壤的VG-M模型參數(shù)
依據(jù)文獻[7-9],選取3種值(?100、?300和?500 cm)。參考文獻[1,10-12,30],壓力水頭取值范圍為0.6~2.4 m,取值大致在10~40 cm之間。通過給定的、和,采用文獻[34]中的比流量計算式確定模擬方案中的微潤管比流量,模擬方案共計56種(8種土壤質(zhì)地、3種土壤基質(zhì)勢和10種微潤管比流量的不同組合),具體模擬方案見表2。
表2 模擬方案
1.1.4 求解方法
利用HYDRUS-2 D軟件[35]進行數(shù)值求解時,考慮到田間實際和計算精度的要求,模擬區(qū)域設為D=100 cm,/2=60 cm的矩形區(qū)域,空間步長為1 cm,時間步長為0.1 min。求解時,對土壤剖面采用Galerkin有限元法進行空間離散,對時間采用隱式差分格式進行離散。
1.2.1 濕潤體運移的影響因素
注:縱坐標20 cm處為微潤管所在位置。
圖2a、2b和2c顯示了不同K條件下濕潤體隨時間的變化規(guī)律。對比圖2a、2b和2c,發(fā)現(xiàn)相同和條件下,隨K的增大,同一時刻垂直向上和水平方向上的濕潤鋒運移距離逐漸減小。如持續(xù)微潤灌24 h,K=0.007 5 cm/min土壤的垂直向上和水平濕潤尺寸分別為12.0和12.3 cm,K=0.017 3 cm/min的土壤則減小為11.1和11.6 cm,而K=0.073 7 cm/min的土壤則再縮減為10.2和11.0 cm。相同和條件下,隨K的增大,同一時刻垂直向下方向上的濕潤鋒運移距離表現(xiàn)出先減小后增大的現(xiàn)象。如持續(xù)微潤灌48 h,3種K(0.007 5、0.017 3和0.073 7 cm/min)下的垂直向下濕潤尺寸分別為12.7、12.0和13.2 cm。灌水結束時(132 h),3種K(0.007 5、0.017 3和0.073 7 cm/min)下的垂直向上的運移距離比垂直向下的運移距離分別下降35.5%,31.8%和38.1%;而水平方向的運移距離比垂直向下的運移距離分別下降6.5%,8.5%和28.9%。
圖2d、2f和2g給出了壤土在不同條件下濕潤體的運移特性。對比圖2d、2f和2g,發(fā)現(xiàn)相同K和條件下,3個方向上值越高,同一時刻濕潤體運移距離越大,而且垂直向下方向上對濕潤鋒運移的影響更顯著。如持續(xù)微潤灌24 h,=?500 cm的3個方向(垂直向上、水平方向和垂直向下)濕潤尺寸分別為11.5、12.0和12.5 cm,=?300 cm的增長為12.3、12.9和13.5 cm,而=?100 cm的再提升為13.3、15.0和17.0 cm。灌水結束時(132 h),3種值下垂直向上方向的濕潤體運移距離均到達地表,水平方向,=?100和?300 cm的濕潤體運移距離分別比=?500 cm的運移距離大31.0%,34.6%;而垂直向下方向,=?100和?300 cm的濕潤體運移距離分別比=?500 cm的運移距離大7.5%,9.3%。
對比分析3種條件下壤土濕潤體運移過程(圖2b、2d和2e)??梢钥闯?,相同K和條件下,值越大,濕潤體運移速度越快,同一時刻濕潤體尺寸越大。如持續(xù)微潤灌48 h,3種(0.010 7,0.014 5和0.018 2 mL/(cm·min))下3個方向濕潤尺寸分別為15.5、16.3、17.1 cm(垂直向上),17.1、18.1、19.2 cm(水平方向)和18.7、19.6、21.0 cm(垂直向下)。灌水結束時(132 h),3種下垂直向上方向的濕潤體運移距離均到達地表,水平方向,微潤管比流量為0.014 5和0.018 2 mL/(cm·min)的濕潤體運移距離分別比0.010 7 mL/(cm·min)的運移距離增大11.2%和20.5%;而垂直向下方向,微潤管比流量為0.014 5和0.018 2 mL/(cm·min)的濕潤體運移距離分別比0.010 7 mL/(cm·min)的運移距離增大13.1%和23.7%。
1.2.2 濕潤體運移輪廓
利用HYDRUS-2D軟件的模擬結果及式(12)~式(15)計算無量綱項*1*2*和*,并借助Origin 9.0,采用式(16)~式(18)擬合獲得參數(shù)1、2、3和1、2、3,如圖3所示。其中,式(12)~式(15)與式(19)~式(21)中的微潤管比流量()為單位長度微潤管的總出流量。
土箱試驗用于模型的驗證,供試土樣分別取自甘肅省蘭州市七里河區(qū)的粉壤土和武威市民勤縣的砂黏壤土,且取土深度均為0~40 cm。土樣經(jīng)風干、碾壓、過2 mm篩后待用。為獲得均勻土壤剖面,試驗前,土樣按設定基質(zhì)勢加水并均勻混合,然后用塑料薄膜將土樣密封,靜置1 d,之后按設定好的容重分層(每層5 cm)裝入土箱。裝土完畢靜置1 d開始試驗,灌水時間設為3 d。土壤特性參數(shù)和灌水技術參數(shù)見表3。
表3 供試土樣特性參數(shù)和灌水技術參數(shù)
試驗裝置由土箱、高度可調(diào)節(jié)支架、橡膠管、馬氏瓶和微潤管組成(圖4)。土箱由10 mm厚的有機玻璃制成,尺寸為60 cm(長)×60 cm(寬)×100 cm(高)。為防止土體內(nèi)部氣阻的發(fā)生,土箱底部留有多個通氣孔(直徑2 mm)。為便于觀測濕潤體形狀與尺寸,裝土時將微潤管緊靠土箱壁,水平放置于設定的埋深處。試驗中,馬氏瓶在恒定水頭下提供水量,馬克筆繪制不同時刻濕潤體輪廓。
注:*表示取自文獻[30]; **表示取自文獻[12];***表示取自文獻[37]。
表4 濕潤體運移距離實測值與模型計算值
由圖5可見,以各土壤的水平、垂直向上以及垂直向下方向的濕潤體運移距離的實測值與模型計算值為坐標的點均分布在1:1線附近,且利用檢驗計算得到各土壤在水平、垂直向上以及垂直向下方向的值均大于0.05,說明3個方向上各土壤的實測值與模型計算值均無顯著性差異,一致性較好。借助指標MAE、RMSE和NSE對模型誤差進行統(tǒng)計分析,如表4所示。由表4可知,MAE介于1.16~2.10 cm之間,RMSE介于1.20~2.46 cm之間,NSE介于0.83~0.95之間,模型預測效果良好。
灌水過程中,微潤管內(nèi)外水勢梯度會影響微潤管比流量,但作用時間較短,一般48 h后會保持穩(wěn)定,這在牛文全等[13,41]的研究中得到驗證。需要說明的是,微潤灌作為一種地下續(xù)灌技術,可能會在植物整個生育期持續(xù)灌溉,土壤水分消耗問題是不可避免的,土壤水分消耗主要包括根系吸水消耗與土壤水分蒸發(fā)損失。因此,后期將結合根系吸水和土壤水分蒸發(fā)等對水分消耗開展研究,以期將濕潤體大小保持在有效根區(qū)。
2)基于量綱分析法建立了一種均質(zhì)土微潤灌濕潤體模型。采用試驗數(shù)據(jù)進行驗證,平均絕對誤差介于1.16~2.10 cm之間,均方根誤差介于1.20~2.46 cm之間,納什效率系數(shù)介于0.83~0.95之間,所建模型估算效果良好,能夠解決微潤灌地下土壤濕潤體難以觀測的問題,為微潤灌的工程設計和田間運行提供科學依據(jù)。
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Establishment and validation of wetting pattern model of moistube irrigation in homogeneous soil
Fan Yanwei1, Yang Zhiwei1, Hu Wulong2
Moistube irrigation is a kind of underground line source infiltration irrigation technology developed by using the principle of polymer semi permeable membrane. The growth and yield of crops are affected by the shape and size of soil wetting pattern but the wetting pattern is not easy to observe. Therefore, it is very important to understand the shape and size of wetting pattern for the design of economic and efficient moistube irrigation system. In order to facilitate users to quickly evaluate the moistube irrigation wetting pattern, a total of 56 moistube irrigation scenarios (different combinations of eight soil textures, three soil matrix potentials and ten specific discharges of moistube) were set up. By using HYDRUS-2D software, the dynamic changes of wetting pattern under different combinations of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil matrix potential and specific discharge of moistube were simulated and analyzed. The results showed that before the soil wetting front reached the surface, there was little difference in the shape of the soil wetting pattern, and its contour was almost "elliptical cylinder"; after the wetting front reached the surface, the shape of the wetting pattern at the upper part of the moistube changed from "semi ellipse" to "trapezoid", and the shape of the wetting pattern at the lower part of the moistube kept "semi ellipse". In general, soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil matrix potential and specific discharge of moistube had little influence on the shape of the moistube irrigation soil wetting pattern; The size of moistube irrigation soil wetting pattern at the vertical downward was larger than that at the horizontal direction and vertical upward, and with the extension of irrigation time, the wetting pattern expanded outward gradually, but the expansion rate decreased gradually. Under the condition of homogeneous soil, the contour of moistube irrigation wetting pattern was divided into two parts: the upper part and the lower part. When the upper part of the wetting boundary did not reach the surface, it could be expressed by semi elliptic equation. Under the same soil matrix potential and specific discharge of moistube conditions, with the increase of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, at the same time, the vertical upward and horizontal migration distance of the wet front gradually decreased, while the vertical downward migration distance of the wet front first decreased and then increased; Under the same soil saturated hydraulic conductivityand specific discharge of moistube conditions, there was a positive correlation between the migration distance of the wetting front and soil matrix potential in three directions. The higher the soil matrix potential value resulted in the greater the migration distance of the wetting pattern at the same time; Under the same soil saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil matrix potential conditions, the migration distance of wetting pattern was positively correlated with specific discharge of moistube. The larger the specific discharge of moistube value could result in the faster the migration speed of wetting pattern and the larger the size of wetting pattern at the same time. Generally speaking, soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil matrix potential and specific discharge of moistube had significant influence on the migration of wetting pattern in moistube irrigation. On this basis, taking into the influence factors such as the total water seepage per unit length, soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil matrix potential and specific discharge of moistube, and based on the dimensional analysis method, the estimation model for the wetting pattern of moistube irrigation of homogeneous soil was established, and the undetermined parameters of the model were obtained quantitatively by using the numerical simulation results. Finally, the reliability of the estimation model was evaluated by the test data. The mean absolute error was not more than 2.10 cm, the root mean square error was not more than 2.46 cm, and the Nash efficiency coefficient was not less than 0.83 of statistical index of the model. It showed that the measured value was consistent with the estimated value of the model, and the model estimation effect was well. It provides a scientific basis for the operation and management of moistube irrigation engineering.
models; soils; wetting pattern; dimensional analysis; moistube irrigation
范嚴偉,楊志偉,胡五龍. 均質(zhì)土微潤灌濕潤體模型構建及驗證[J]. 農(nóng)業(yè)工程學報,2020,36(13):83-91.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.13.010 http://www.tcsae.org
Fan Yanwei, Yang Zhiwei, Hu Wulong. Establishment and validation of wetting pattern model of moistube irrigation in homogeneous soil[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(13): 83-91. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.13.010 http://www.tcsae.org
S274.3; S155.4+4