Later I learned that good friends are not earned through efforts but that they bump into each other while running on their own tracks.
——Towards the Lightby Liu Tong
None of us can bear to examine ourselves carefully,for such an examination will lead to dizzy spells and tottering steps.The more afraid we are to examine ourselves,the more eager we are to examine others,to appease our own hidden psyche and its flaws.
——The Bathing Womenby Tie Ning
An idea is like a virus.Resilient.Highly contagious.And the smallest seed of an idea can grow.It can grow to define or destroy you.
——Line from movieInception
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said,people will forget what you did,but people will never forget how you made them feel.
——Maya Angelou,American poet
The beauty in all of the arts,even the beauty in personalities,are like that of jade: Although plain in appearance,they are extremely gorgeous with an implicit luster glowing from the inside.
——A Stroll Through Aestheticsby Zong Baihua