Before I get to the question of influence, I’m going to talk about the strangeness of Hemingway’s “reception history,” which is more complicated, and more genuinely complex, than that of any writer I have encountered. Here are a few of the ways he has been read over the years.
As a journalist and sometime war correspondent who led an exciting life and wrote down what happened.
As a consummate literary artist dedicated to the craft of writing. In this guise, he is also known for what the Nobel Prize committee called his “powerful, style-forming mastery of the art of modern narration.” He saw himself as searching for a new mode of expression, even a new language, working along the same lines as other modernist innovators like James Joyce, Ezra Pound, and Gertrude Stein. (But the fresh new style he forged was so striking, and yet so apparently “simple,” that he was frequently imitated, and eventually parodied.)
As a frivolous expatriate, decadent and rootless, who engaged in a popular form of travel writing.
As a representative of the manly life, capturing manly pleasures like hunting, camping, fishing, and boxing, for an audience of men, and writing frequently about male “code heroes1,” who exhibit “grace under pressure.”
As a deeply Romantic writer, committed to exploring the depths of love between men and women, often against a backdrop of rapidly evolving customs and morals.
As a confronter of the existentialist void, writing profoundly about the experience of “nada.” (“Our nada who art in nada…”2)
As, in Wyndham Lewis’s3 phrase, a sort of “dumb ox,” with nary4 a brain in his head, who somehow manages to speak.
As a misogynist, most of whose female characters are “bitches” whose main goal is to destroy men.
As a feminist writer, questioning masculine and feminine roles, and writing strong female characters, some of them feminine “code heroes” in their own right5.
As an artist of gender exploration and even transformation, anticipating recent ideas about gender fluidity.
His influence on American literature has not yet caught up with the range of possibilities to be found in his work, and his popular reception as a “manly” writer is still dominant in many people’s minds. I wouldn’t be surprised, though, if we eventually see some new fiction writers who are influenced instead by the shape-shifting Hemingway I have described here. But I suspect that direct imitation of the style has played out about as far as it goes. An earlier answer mentions Hemingway’s direct influence on male American writers like Raymond Chandler and Norman Mailer. Through writers like Chandler, Hemingway definitely helped to shape the prose of hard-boiled detective fiction6, though he didn’t write it himself (he comes closest to the sort of hard-boiled writing that involves actual gangsters in his short story The Killers and his novel To Have and Have Not). Mailer took the “manly” style and further explored its existentialist edge, as well as building on Hemingway’s fascination with violence and death. Short story writers like Raymond Carver and Tobias Wolff learned a lot from Hemingway, and many of Hemingway’s own short stories are masterpieces, constituting his best work. The best of these stories have a distilled, poetic quality and it may be that quality that has had, and will continue to have, the most influence.