在項目YUáN 中,斯蒂格·安德森與他的SLA團隊以繁體漢字的間架結構設計了世園會主園。獨具一格的園林藝術詞素構成了所有園林營造的基本單元,并合為一體。這就消解了單體的意義,并以整體中的作用取而代之。取出一個單元,調整整個體系,就會產生新的含義。
YUá N 的要素選自斯蒂格·安德森眼中的中國園林藝術未來的基礎,以及城市發(fā)展和整體建成環(huán)境的根本:這些要素包括光、樹、水、風、石,而人最終統(tǒng)領萬物,將所有要素組織排列起來。因此,“園”展示出了一種“新自然”——雖由人作,亦尊天道——目的是創(chuàng)造出盡可能強烈的自然審美感。
萬物皆有美,卻非萬人皆可見。(尚晉 譯)
項目信息/Credits and Data
客戶/Client: 北京世界園藝博覽會事務協(xié)調局/Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition Coordination Bureau主持藝術家&設計師/Chief Artist & Designer: 斯蒂格·L·安德森/Stig L. Andersson
設計團隊/Design Team: Fred Yuhe Zhang, Shuhan Liu,Natalia Budnik, Rasmus Grandelag
項目面積/Project Area: 1100m2
設計時間/Design Period: 2017-2018
施工時間/Construction Period: 2018-2019
攝影/Photos: SLA
1.2 外景/Exterior views
3 竹橋平面/Bamboo bridge plan
5 外觀概念/Exterior image
6.7 外景/Exterior views
8 假山平立面/Rock formation plan and elevation 9 材料循環(huán)/Material cycle
In YUáN, Stig L. Andersson and his team from SLA has designed the Expo International Master Garden in the same way as the classic characters'relation to composition. The individual garden art morphemes, which make up the smallest units in the construction of all gardens, are put together into a unit where their individual significance has ceased and replaced by their role in the collective entity.Take one out, adjust the whole system, and a new meaning emerges.
The elements of YUáN are chosen from what Stig L. Andersson sees should be the foundation for the future of Chinese garden art - and for urban development and the built environment in general: These elements are light, trees, water, wind,rock, and human as the final uniting element that organises and arranges all other elements. Thus,"Yuan" presents a New Nature - man made but in the order of nature - with the aim of creating as strong an aesthetic sense of nature as possible.
In YUáN, the art of cultivation, promoted by intentional human interference, has been included in the natural concept of beauty. It is a new garden art that unites the non-intentional human interference in natural processes with intentional interference. This complementarity is necessary to understand the beauty of the New Nature.
Everything has a beauty, but not everyone sees it.