The cover article in Time on April 2nd 2018, The School Shooting Generation Has Had Enough mentions that gun violence in America is one of those problems that can feel truly hopeless.The U.S. has only 4.4% of the world’s population, yet it accounts for roughly 42%of the world’s guns. And roughly 31% of the world’s mass shooters are American. Even as mass-shooting deaths mount, our Second Amendment has made gun rights a third-rail issue: roughly 90% of Americans agree on “commonsense” solutions like universal background checks, yet absolutists stand in the way of any meaningful action.
The article with the title saying Trump Cabinet members accused of living large at taxpayer expense in Washingtonpost on April 1st, 2018, mentioned that during a Cabinet meeting last October, President Trump extolled the virtues of the men and women surrounding him at the table. Just several months later, Trump finds himself presiding over a Cabinet in which a number of members stand accused of living large at taxpayer expense — often by aggressively embracing the trappings of their high government posts.