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2018-09-03 02:03孫術發(fā)任春龍陳建偉馬文良儲江偉
農(nóng)業(yè)工程學報 2018年17期

孫術發(fā),任春龍,李 濤,陳建偉,馬文良,儲江偉



孫術發(fā)1,任春龍1,李 濤2,陳建偉3,馬文良3,儲江偉4

(1. 東北林業(yè)大學工程技術學院,哈爾濱 150040; 2. 內(nèi)蒙古大興安嶺重點國有林管理局防火辦,牙克石 022150;3. 哈爾濱松江拖拉機有限公司,哈爾濱 150010; 4. 東北林業(yè)大學交通學院,哈爾濱 150040)

通過對林區(qū)復雜地形和現(xiàn)有消防設備的分析,在第一代消防車(LY1102XFSG30)結構上對底盤及上裝進行了優(yōu)化改造,由4個支重輪增加到5個支重輪,設計了一臺大型履帶式消防車(LF1352JP)。采用CREO軟件對整車結構進行了三維設計與仿真,對消防車橫向、縱向穩(wěn)定性以及垂直越障和跨越壕溝進行了理論分析,分析表明,LF1352JP消防車滿載時在斜坡上橫向行駛所允許的最大斜坡角度為40.6°,空載時45.1°;縱向行駛時,滿載時最大縱向上坡角度為52.0°,空載時60.9°,滿載時最大下坡角度為47.2°,空載時45.8°;滿載時越障高度為405 mm,空載時615 mm;滿載時跨越壕溝寬度為1 248 mm,空載時983 mm。最后在試驗場地進行了縱向爬坡、縱向下坡、跨越壕溝試驗,試驗驗證了改造后整車牽引力和穩(wěn)定性能方面都有了較大的提升,能夠滿足現(xiàn)階段大型林區(qū)火災作業(yè)的需求。


0 引 言

隨著天然林保護工程的實施,林區(qū)由木材采伐作業(yè)為主轉變?yōu)榱帜颈Wo為主,森林火災是森林最大的威脅。森林火災突發(fā)性強、破壞性大、危險性高,是全球發(fā)生最頻繁、處置最困難、危害最嚴重的自然災害之一,是生態(tài)文明建設成果和森林資源安全的最大威脅,甚至引發(fā)生態(tài)災難和社會危機[1-3]。中國總體上是一個缺林少綠、生態(tài)脆弱的國家,是一個受氣候影響顯著、森林火災多發(fā)的國家。據(jù)統(tǒng)計,“十二五”期間,全國年均發(fā)生森林火災3 992起,受害森林面積1.7萬hm2,因災傷亡61人[4]。

目前國內(nèi)林區(qū)消防車主要有輪式消防車和履帶式消防車2種[5-6]。國內(nèi)森林消防車的發(fā)展相對較晚,王哲等[7]設計的輪式消防車雖然動力性能與越野性能較強,但其輪式底盤只適合在通過性能良好的道路上行駛,在林區(qū)復雜道路上通過性能較差。哈爾濱第一機械集團有限公司[8]研制的全地形雙節(jié)履帶車(蟒式消防車)采用全動力、全地形的履帶式底盤,雖然其對地形適應性強,但造價昂貴、普及成本高。美國研制的奧什科什·不死鳥[9]質(zhì)量達20 t,雖功能齊全,但其造價更加昂貴[10-12]。目前國內(nèi)市場上現(xiàn)有的履帶消防車多為坦克底盤改裝,雖然具有結實耐用的特點,但其底盤較低,難以適應林區(qū)多壕溝、多倒木的復雜地形。本文在第一代森林消防車(LY1102XFSG30)基礎上設計并制造一臺新型履帶式森林消防車(LF1352JP型),并對現(xiàn)車和原車在林區(qū)通過性方面進行了理論計算和試驗分析。

1 整機結構設計

現(xiàn)車與原車相比,底盤在長度和寬度上都有所增加,由4個支重輪增加到5個支重輪,軸間距離由2 040改為2 720 mm,軌距由原來的1 546增加為1 974 mm,加長增寬后的底盤在穩(wěn)定性能力方面優(yōu)于原底盤。保持了原底盤的離地間隙以保證其良好的通過性能,發(fā)動機功率由85增加為99.3 kW,功率增大后的發(fā)動機在車輛爬坡和遇到復雜障礙物時可提供足夠的動力,另外增加了排障器,使其在行駛過程中可推倒林區(qū)灌木、推平土堆等障礙物。


圖1 CREO環(huán)境下LY1352JP整機簡圖

2 穩(wěn)定性分析




2.1 橫坡行駛時受力分析


注:O為質(zhì)心;N2,N3分別為地面對左右支重輪沿橫向方向的支撐力;Z1與Z2均為地面作用于履帶的力,N;S為軌距(1 974 mm);e為質(zhì)心偏移距離(0 mm);h為質(zhì)心高度(滿載時為1 150 mm,空載時為950 mm)。





表1 消防車的相關參數(shù)

2.2 縱向行駛時穩(wěn)定性分析








圖6 下坡行駛時的受力簡圖


圖7 最大爬坡角度和參數(shù)的關系

表2 不同工況下的極限爬坡角度

3 越障能力分析


3.1 垂直越障能力




Note:is distance between fire fighting truck core and back thrust wheel center line, mm;0is vertical obstacle height, mm;1is vertical distance of fire fighting core to thrust wheel center, mm;is angle between chassis and ground in climbing vertical barricade,(o).

圖8 攀越垂直路障過程

Fig.8 Process of climbing vertical barricade

圖9 最大垂直壁高度與夾角的關系

表3 不同工況下的垂直越障極限參數(shù)

3.2 跨越壕溝


圖10 消防車跨越壕溝過程

根據(jù)以上分析,消防車可跨越壕溝的最大寬度應為min(,),根據(jù)質(zhì)心位置分析計算可得,現(xiàn)車滿載時可跨最大壕溝寬度為1 248 mm,空載時最大為983 mm。原車滿載時可跨最大壕溝寬度為922 mm,空載時最大為726 mm?,F(xiàn)車相比與原車在跨越壕溝能力方面有顯著提高。

4 試驗驗證

4.1 試驗條件


圖11 試驗場地及樣車

4.2 試驗結果分析

4.2.1 縱向爬坡試驗


圖12 爬坡時間隨坡度的變化

4.2.2 縱向下坡試驗


圖13 下坡試驗

4.2.3 跨越壕溝試驗


表4 不同擋位不同壕溝寬度通過結果

當壕溝寬度增大到接近理論值時,使用Ⅱ擋在跨越寬度為1 150 mm的壕溝,消防車較為困難的完成跨越。使用Ⅰ擋跨越寬度為1 300 mm的壕溝時,消防車較為困難的完成跨越。實際值1 300 mm與理論值1 248 mm相比,誤差為4%,誤差原因為理論值未考慮消防車跨越過程中后支重輪陷入溝道內(nèi)但由于前輪摩擦推力的存在仍可成功越障的情況。

5 結 論


1)對第一代LY1102XFSG30型森林消防車進行改造,設計并制造了LF1352JP型履帶式消防車,增大了發(fā)動機功率,由85增加為99.3 kW,整車動力性得到增強;增加了排障功能,可排除通行道路上灌木等路障;對底盤進行加寬和加長,使整車的穩(wěn)定性得到改善。

2)采用CREO軟件對消防車進行三維仿真分析,對消防車橫向、縱向穩(wěn)定性以及垂直越障和跨越壕溝進行了理論分析,通過計算得出:滿載時橫向行駛極限坡度為40.6°,空載時為45.1°;滿載時縱向上坡行駛極限坡度為52.0°,空載時為60.9°;滿載時縱向下坡行駛極限坡度為47.2°,空載時為45.8°;滿載時垂直越障極限高度為405 mm。空載為時為615 mm;滿載時可跨壕溝最大寬度為1 248 mm,空載時為983 mm。

3)試驗樣機分別在哈爾濱榆樹試驗場和內(nèi)蒙古自治區(qū)牙克石林業(yè)局進行了縱向爬坡試驗、縱向下坡試驗,跨越壕溝試驗。試驗結果為:縱向爬坡行駛極限坡度為48°,縱向下坡行駛極限坡度為40°,可跨壕溝最大寬度為1 300 mm,試驗結果與理論分析較吻合。

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Trafficability analysis of improved forest fire engine based on crawler chassis

Sun Shufa1, Ren Chunlong1, Li Tao2, Chen Jianwei3, Ma Wenliang3, Chu Jiangwei4

(1.&,150040,; 2.,,022150,; 3..,150010,; 4.,,150040,)

There are a large number of fallen trees and slopes in forest areas, which leads to complicated terrain. Most of the existing fire engines are wheeled fire engines and Caterpillar fire engines. However, the existing fire engines are limited in passage performance. A large Caterpillar forest fire engine (LF1352JP) was designed in this article. The fire engine was built on the basis of the first generation of Caterpillar forest fire engines (LY1102XFSG30) and performance optimization and transformation were carried out. The chassis of Caterpillar fire engine (LF1352JP) was modified on the basis of the chassis of the original skidding (J-50)crawler tractor, and the engine power increased from 85 to 99.3 kW. The width and length of the chassis were increased on the basis of the original chassis, and the cowcatcher and hydraulic capstan were added on the basis of the original vehicle to ensure the advantages of the existing vehicle function. It maintained the advantages of the elastic chassis of the original vehicle and the large gap from the ground. CREO three-dimensional simulation software was applied to Caterpillar forest fire engine (LF1352JP). The three-dimensional design simulation of the chassis, upper mount, barrier device and waterway system was carried out. The density of each structure was input into the CREO three-dimensional simulation software to simulate the center of gravity. The lateral and longitudinal stability of the fire engine and the performance of the vertical obstacle crossing and crossing the trench were analyzed theoretically. The results are as follows: When Caterpillar forest fire engine runs laterally, its maximum slope angle allowed on the slope at full load is 40.6°, and at no load it is 45.1°; when it runs longitudinally, the maximum longitudinal upslope angle is 52.0° at full load, and 60.9° at no load, and the maximum angle of downslope is 47.2° at full load and 45.8° at no load. The height of obstacle crossing is 405 mm at full load and 615 mm at no load. The width of crossing the trench is 1 248 mm at full load and 983 mm at no load. Compared with the first generation of Caterpillar forest fire engine (LY1102XFSG30), the vehicle has significant improvement in the performance including running upward and downward longitudinally, running horizontally, and crossing the trenches and vertical obstacles. The tests were performed at Yushu in Harbin, Heilongjiang and Yakeshi test site in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region. It included 4 experiments: longitudinal upslope, longitudinal downslope, crossing trenches, and 200 m velocity measurement. When the upslope experiment was carried out, the Caterpillar forest fire engine (LF1352JP) was made in different gears and different slope angles and then its upslope time was recorded, and the result showed that longitudinal upslope maximum angle was 48° according to the actual measurement when the current vehicle was at full load. In the longitudinal downslope experiment, the Caterpillar forest fire engine (LF1352JP) was made in different gears and different slope angles and then its downslope time was recorded. According to the actual measurement when the current vehicle was at full load, the vehicle would show the slipping trend. The maximum span width of crossing trenches experiment was 1 300 mm, which was not enlarged because of the safety considerations of fire engines. The experiment verified the upslope performance and obstacle surmounting performance of the vehicle, and the theoretical analysis results were verified by the experimental results. The performance of LF1352JP fire engine can meet the requirements of mountain fire fighting in complex terrain in forest area. It is a kind of large forest fire engine with excellent performance.

mechanization; design; optimization; crawler type; fire engine; stability; obstacle climbing ability




孫術發(fā),副教授,主要從事林業(yè)運輸裝備方面研究。 Email:ssfangel@163.com





孫術發(fā),任春龍,李 濤,陳建偉,馬文良,儲江偉. 基于履帶式底盤的改進型森林消防車通過性[J]. 農(nóng)業(yè)工程學報,2018,34(17):61-67.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.17.009 http://www.tcsae.org

Sun Shufa, Ren Chunlong, Li Tao, Chen Jianwei, Ma Wenliang, Chu Jiangwei. Trafficability analysis of improved forest fire engine based on crawler chassis[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(17): 61-67. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.17.009 http://www.tcsae.org

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