From July 2 to 6, 2018, Zhejiang held the Training of Trainers Workshop on Intangible Cultural Heritage for Facilitators from the Asia-Pacific in Hangzhou, capital city of the province in eastern China.
This was the second time China hosted the workshop and the first time Zhejiang hosted the event.
Co-organized by the UNESCO and International Training Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific under the auspices of UNESCO (CRIHAP), the workshop was launched with an opening ceremony on July 2, attended by more than 40 participants including trainees, expert professors, media and officials. The 5-day workshop was supported by the Zhejiang Administration of Culture, hosted by Zhejiang Center for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Hangzhou Center for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and Hangzhou Administration of Culture, Radio & Television, and Press.
The founding of CRIHAP was a must. Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage was adopted in October 2003 at a UNSECO congress. Great changes have taken place in the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage (ICH) in the past 15 years though the convention itself has remained unchanged. Since its inception in 2012, CRIHAP has held training 32 workshops in the region; 1,027 trainees from 33 countries and territories of the Asia-Pacific region have attended the workshops.
“At present, China has only one certified trainer. The qualifications for a successful candidate to take part in the workshop include a thorough knowledge of the Convention, engagement on a day-to-day basis in the work of the safeguarding of ICH, a proficiency of the English language for the sake of smooth communication, and engagement of years in international affairs,” explained Liang Bin, director-general of CRIHAP. “After one becomes a certified trainer, one must provide training courses for the safeguarding of ICH not only at home but also in other countries.”
A workshop invites observers and government officials to attend because they are engaged at the front-line of ICH safeguarding.
In China, the safeguarding of ICH is a top government priority and receives high-profile attention and support of the general public. The safeguarding of ICH is practiced at the national, provincial, municipal, and county (district) levels. The law for safeguarding of ICH adopted in China in 2011 provides a legal basis.
Zhejiang as a leading province engaged in the safeguarding of ICH has been engaged in effective practices and explorations. Zhejiang leads China by having 217 ICH items on the four lists of national ICH issued by the State Council since the first list was issued in 2006. Eight Intangible Cultural Heritage items from Zhejiang are on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. And two are on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding.
Zhejiang has issued five provincial lists of its own that cover a total of 886 ICH items. Meanwhile, the province has adopted a series of measures to better safeguard ICH. There is an rescue project in place to document the representative masters of ICH items; preparations are being made to set up a provincial ICH museum; books are published and databanks have been set up to make ICH more tangible; exhibitions and trade fairs are held to promote ICH and integrate them into everyday life; events are held overseas to promote ICH items of Zhejiang to the world.
The trainees of the workshop in Hangzhou also did field studies of some representative ICH items of Zhejiang. The field studies not only exhibited the cultural charms of Zhejiang to international trainees but also highlighted the practice and experience of the safeguarding of ICH that Zhejiang has done so far.