Tianjin University Architecture Alumni: Craftmanship, Principles and Poetics
It is May now, time again for us to focus on post-cultural-revolution architecture education in China. This usually exciting time gets even more exciting this year, since it coincides with the 80th anniversary of the university to which the school we are about to look at belongs. We are about to observe a community known for its consistent contribution to Chinese land-based design: Tianjin University Architecture Alumni. It is fair to say that a chunk of the best built spaces in China after 1949 is from this community, even more so after 1978. A closer look at this community brings us eventually to some of the key figures in the domestic design fi elds of China. As all the other issues of our alumni series, the people we publish in this issue are those who were educated in the School of Architecture (previously Department of Architecture) of Tianjin University after 1977 and later became important fi gures in Chinese architecture.
There is an impartialism and calmness in the epistemology of Tianjin University architecture. Part of this comes from the history of the city of Tianjin. In the 1860s, the city was rapidly transformed from a 17th century seafront Fortress to a 19th century trade harbour of multi-cultural colonialism. A century of clash of civilisations thereafter defined the Tianjin's vibrancy as well as its turmoil. Up to the end of WWII, Tianjin boosted the early development of Chinese military and industry, witnessed anti-Christian movements of the Boxers, hosted transfers of concessions among western powers, recorded the worst of war-time power struggles. Until all types of disarray settled down after 1949, Tianjin has experienced extraordinarily frequent shift and replacements of short-lived dominating values. This helped the creation of impartialism among Tianjin intellectuals. They tend to show disinterest in trendy stuff. The School of Architecture of Tianjin University has inherited this intellectual quality. After 1978, numerous trends in western architecture education has hit Chinese shore and has taken many Chinese schools as followers. First there was "post-modernism", then there was deconstruction, then anxious social critiques, then parametric design. Tianjin University Architecture remained sombre in each of these waves. They have managed to adhere to their fundamental position in architecture education. They have kept a unique epistemological character which is quite different from both the ethics of Confucianism and the escape of Taoism. Rather, it is more like Mo Di's non-attack.
There is faithfulness and persistence in the methodology of Tianjin University Architecture. Since it was founded, the School of Architecture of Tianjin University has become a de-facto guard of basic principles of architecture beauty in China. We all know that basic and universal beauty is what architecture has contributed most to human civilisation. The basic principles have been reiterated throughout millenniums by voices like Alberti, Laugier, Hamlin and Siza. Only in the post-industrial time recently that these principles are deemed by some as outdated. Driven by collective unconsciousness, "new for the sake of new" has effectively set the departure from basic principles as the norm for new and liberal architecture. Architecture writers give further mandate to this departure. Interestingly, going-with-the-wind is never a part of Tianjin University Architecture approach. Its founding father, Professor XU Zhong, initiated a lasting investigation into the existential state of architecture beauty. This investigation has been carried on throughout the 60+ years of teaching, research and practice of Tianjin University Architecture. While some contemporary architecture schools of the world are deeming it "shameful" for architects to draw, Tianjin University Architecture still encourages its community to draw and make. While the faith in composition and form synthesis remains untouched, the vocabulary of Tianjin University Architecture is getting constantly updated. In the Chinese architecture circle, it is no news that people from Tianjin University Architecture know how to draw and make in a beautiful way. From fine line drawings, to crystal-clear floor plans, to well-sorted construction logic, to elegant built spaces, Tianjin University Architecture always try to bring the basic principles of architecture beauty to the next level.
There is tolerance and compassion in the teleology of Tianjin University Architecture. A Chinese proverb says that craftmanship is led by meaning. Tianjin University Architecture's craftmanship is certainly led by its deep insight into the reality of Chinese life and its belief in architectural intervention. For decades, Tianjin University Architecture alumni have taken pride in doing projects by and for reality, and making good works across the spectrum of building scales and types. Even when today's design market is sophisticatedly divided into small patches of buildings for culture, health, commerce, transportation, offices, housing, experiment, etc., Tianjin University Architecture alumni still find their ways into creating good things regardless of scale and building type. Several leading figures have even managed to produce highly regarded works in all building genres, from installations at biennales to complexes in metropolitan cities, fusing multiple qualities such as monumentality, identity, civic life and experiment into one localised interpretation. Treating all buildings (sizes and types) equal, and searching for moments of poetics has been a distinctive character of Tianjin University Architecture's way of looking at the profession.
Every architecture school of our time faces huge challenges. Tianjin University Architecture certainly has its fair share. Globalisation has resulted in ultracentralisation of resources in mega-cities and has put cities like Tianjin in a difficult position. The cultural life (or the lack of) in the internet era has dramatically lowered people's regard on beauty principles. International competition has made it a must for any domestic/local design approach to test itself in another culture. No matter what, we can anticipate Tianjin University Architecture to continue its own role as a unique representative of Chinese design.
Our special thanks to Mr ZHANG Qi, Mr SONG Kun and Ms FENG Lin, who have made this issue possible.