Abstract:Stylistics is designed to study the style with linguistic method, to describe and analyze the expressive function and effect of language. With its unique linguistic features and stylistic features, political speech is the written language of oral type. Politicians can express their own politic ideas, positions both in written form and oral form to achieve their purpose of persuasion, motivation and encouragement. This paper is mainly about the stylistic analysis of Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.R. by Winston S. Churchill.
Key words:stylistics; stylistic features; textual analysis
1. Introduction to Stylistics
Born in the early 20th century and flourished in the sixties and seventies, stylistics is continuing to achieve new progress in the new century. With its great popularity, many scholars have analyzed literary works from the point of stylistics.
From the general review of the history, in terms of how to define the term of stylistics, scholars from different ages have made different claims, varying from one to another. All among which literary stylistics, which aims at explaining “the relation between style and literary or aesthetic function” becomes the major concern of stylistic analysis (Leech, 1982: 2).
2. Stylistic Analysis of Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.R.
2.1 Linguistic Description
2.1.1 The Phonological Level
Phonology can be defined as a kind of system of sounds in one sort of language. Phonological level can be the realization and description of languages in the speaking form. By means, the speakers controlling of voice can contribute greatly to the success of an address.
“I see also the dull, drilled, docile.”
It is easy to find that the underlined letters indicate places of alliteration. As is shown above, they are good examples of alliteration. Furthermore, phonaesthetic effect is also created, since in these pairings, the similarities of sound connote similarities of meaning. By means of alliteration, Churchill not only reveals the atrociousness and ferocity, but also appeals the British people to fight with Nazidom and to redouble their exertion, and strike with united strength while life and power remain. It is convincing and powerful.
2.1.2 The Lexical Level
“ We have but one aim and one single, irrevocable purpose.….From this nothing will turn us -nothing.” Hitler uses the word “one” and “nothing” two times to demonstrate his determination to eradicate Nazidom and his only aim and unchangeable aim is to wipe out all the Nazi Germany.
“I see……with its clanking, heel-clicking, dandified Prussian officers……” Churchills use of onomatopoeia adds vividness to the description of the Nazi Germany, and helps the readers to understand and once again get bad imagery of them. In this way of using “clanking” and “heel-clicking”, he tells British people that when Russian soldiers standing on the threshold of their native land, guarding the fields which their fathers have tilled from time immemorial, the Nazi Germany are invading to them to disturb their life and to end their life. The use of onomatopoeia shows the cruelty and ferocious aggression of Fascism.
2.1.3The Semantic Level
Transference refers to such traditional figures of speech as “metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche”. In this speech, Churchill uses metaphor and simile. The sentence “ I see the Russian soldiers standing on the threshold of their native land……” uses the rhetorical device of metaphor. The words “threshold of their native land” means the entrance to Russia. With this kind of usage, Churchill means that the Russian long for peace and also appeal the British people to aid the Russian to fight against Nazi Germany. It also makes the speech more vivid and encouraging. The sentence “I see also the dull…like a swarm of crawling locusts.” uses the rhetorical device of simile. Churchill treats the Fascism as a crowd of crawling locusts, and shows his hate to Fascism and the cruelty and ferocious aggression of Nazi Germany.
2.2 Textual Analysis
Generally, this speech is to condemn the cruelty and ferocious aggression of the Fascism and to make the British people have a clear cognition of the Nazidom, to appeal and encourage them to fight against Fascism. By using various kinds of rhetorical devices, Churchill makes his speech convincing and powerful.
This speech can be divided into three parts. In the first part, Churchill strongly condemned Nazi Germany in general, and in particular the crimes Fascist German had committed in invading Russia. The second part of the speech focuses on the British governments policy and declaration, and his firm stand in carrying out his policy. The third part is devoted to arguing why Britain should aid the Soviet Union, a Communist country Churchill had criticized before in his political career. He analyzed the ultimate motive of German attack, explaining the logical relations between Hitlers invasion of Russia and his ultimate plan to conquer Britain and the other democracies. Finally he came to the logical conclusion and ended his speech with a powerful call “ Let us redouble our exertions, and strike with united strength while life and power remain.”
3. Conclusion
Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.R. is a powerful speech with bright stylistic features. By now, we have approached many stylistic features of language used in it. Besides content, Churchills oratorical mastery is another aspect deserving our study. A good speech should have a strong rhythm as it is meant to be read loud and to be heard. So the speaker must make his speech convincing and powerful.
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