徐超 孟慶義 湯明剛 閻軍 岳前進
摘 要:海洋柔性管道是海洋油氣資源開發(fā)重要的輸運裝備之一,它連接海底井口與海面浮體。該報告介紹了課題承擔單位在2013年度的研究進展與成果,主要集中在海洋柔性立管的總體設計技術研究,包括立管截面設計技術、端部連接構件設計、防彎器設計與浮力模塊設計。研究各部分設計基礎、設計路線及設計方法,掌握了各部分從概念設計、材料設計再到基本設計的方法,并且針對我國南海1 500 m典型海況的Lazy-S線型應用,進行柔性立管的總體設計,并給出設計方案、設計結果與相關圖紙。 對海洋柔性管道截面分析技術和端部連接構件分析技術進行研究。通過建立解析方程組研究設計參數與設計目標的關系;基于各部件在不同荷載工況下的失效模式分析,提出相關設計準則,建立三維有限元數值模型,定量分析各部件極端環(huán)境受力與疲勞壽命,評價設計安全與設計方法的有效性。并且根據該方法對目標樣管設計進行定量分析,結果顯示出目標樣管設計滿足準則要求。對海洋柔性管道制造技術進行研究,重點對內骨架層、抗壓鎧裝層、抗拉鎧裝層等生產設備進行了研制改造升級,研究確定了裝備制造工藝方案與生產線總承方案,形成樣管的制造計劃;對端部接頭結構樣式材料進行技術分析研究,形成圖紙及制造計劃。對海洋柔性管道附屬構件,包括防彎器與浮力模塊進行制造方案研究。根據附件的結構形式,給出相關的制造裝備要求,同時根據已有附件設計方案,進行附件制造設備改造,研究確定各裝備制造工藝方案與生產線總承方案,形成樣品制造計劃。通過研究基本掌握了海洋柔性管道與附屬構件設計分析技術。
關鍵詞:海洋柔性管道 端部接頭 防彎器 浮筒 設計技術 分析技術 制造方案
Abstract:Offshore flexible pipe is one of the most important equipments for transporting oil and gas in ocean production.This report introduces the research progress and achievements from the units in 2013,which focuses on the technical research of global design of flexible risers including the cross section design,end fitting design, bend stiffener design and buoyancy module design.According to the design basis,design schedule and methodology,we hold the technology about conceptual design,material design and basic design.Focusing on the typical application of Lazy-S configuration under 1500 meters depth in the South China Sea,we finished the global design of flexible risers,and gave the design scheme,results and relative drawings.The technical research of cross section analysis and end-fitting analysis is also presented.Basing on the failure modes of every parts in different load cases,we proposed the relative design criteria,and then we developed three-dimensional numerical finite elements models. The stress under extreme environments is quantified and the fatigue life is estimated,and thus the design of flexible pipes and design technology are verified.Focusing on the goal pipe,we gave the analysis with the technology above and the results show that the design meets the criteria which means the design of flexible riser is reasonable and effective.The technology research of offshore fle xible pipe manufacturing for marine has been focusing on internal carcass layer equipment and pressure armors equipment and tensile armors equipment for the development and transformation and upgrading.Finally,we carried out the research of manufacture process program and the production line integration,consequently,gave the manufacture plan of auxiliaries.The structural style of the end fitting has been researched,and the formation of drawings and manufacturing plans has finished.The manufacture plan research of auxiliaries of flexible pipes is presented, including bend stiffeners and buoyancy modules.Based on the structure,we gave the requirements of relative manufacturing equipments.Finally,we carried out the research of manufacture process program and the production line integration,consequently,gave the manufacture plan of auxiliaries.The research plan of this program in this year was finished successfully and the design and analysis technology of flexible pipes and auxiliaries are mastered.
Key Words:Flexible riser;End fitting;Bend stiffener;Buoyancy module;Design;Analysis;Manufacture plan