謝 彬 楊建民 主編
This book is based on the project Research on the Key Technology of 3 000 m Deepwater Semi-Submersible Drilling Platform aiming at solving the key issues of design and construction techniques. It contains 5 parts, including environment of South China Sea, hydrodynamic performance of semi-submersible platform, structure analysis of semi-submersible platform, vortex induced vibration, and expand research.
This book reflects abundant research results of design and construction techniques of deepwater semi-submersible drilling platforms.
This book will provide a very good reference for researchers and engineers in the field of offshore technology.
1 Environment of South China Sea
2 Hydrodynamic performance of semi-submersible platform
3 Structure analysis of semi-submersible platform
4 Vortex induced vibration
5 Expand research