Yujian Jiao,Sheng Chen and Benyu Guo
1Department of Mathematics,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai,200234,P.R.China.Scientific Computing Key Laboratory of Shanghai Universities.E-institute for Computational Science of Shanghai Universities.
2School of Mathematical Sciences,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,Fujian Province,P.R.China.
Non-Isotropic Jacobi Spectral and Pseudospectral Methods in Three Dimensions
Yujian Jiao1,?,Sheng Chen2and Benyu Guo1
1Department of Mathematics,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai,200234,P.R.China.Scientific Computing Key Laboratory of Shanghai Universities.E-institute for Computational Science of Shanghai Universities.
2School of Mathematical Sciences,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,Fujian Province,P.R.China.
.Non-isotropic Jacobi orthogonal approximation and Jacobi-Gauss type interpolation in three dimensions are investigated.The basic approximation results are established,which serve as the mathematical foundation of spectral and pseudospectral methods for singular problems,as well as problems defined on axisymmetric domains and some unbounded domains.The spectral and pseudospectral schemes are provided for two model problems.Their spectral accuracy is proved.Numerical results demonstrate the high efficiency of suggested algorithms.
AMS subject classifications:65N35,41A10,41A63
Jacobi spectral and pseudospectral methods in three dimensions,singular problems.
The main advantage of spectral and pseudospectral methods is their high accuracy,see[3,6–13].In actual computations,the pseudospectral method is more preferable,since it only needs to evaluate unknown functions at interpolation nodes and so simplifies calculations.Moreover,it is much easier to deal with nonlinear terms.However,these merits may be destroyed by singularities of genuine solutions of considered problems,which could be caused by several factors,such as degenerating coefficients of derivatives of different orders involved in underlying problems.For solving such problems,Guo[16,17],and Guo and Wang[24]developed the Jacobi orthogonal approximation and the Jacobi-Gauss type interpolation in non-uniformly weighted Sobolev space,andproposed the corresponding Jacobi spectral and pseudospectral methods with their applications to one-dimensional singular differential equations.We also refer to the work of[1,11,26].The Jacobi spectral method is also useful for numerical solutions of differential equations defined on axisymmetric domains and some unbounded domains,see,e.g.,[2,14,15,18,19,31].Besides,the Jacobi orthogonal approximation and Jacobi-Gauss type interpolation are related to various rational spectral and pseudospectral methods,see[4,5,10,21,22,27,28,32].Recently,Guoet al.[20],and Guo,et al.[23]studied the generalized Jacobi orthogonal and quasi-orthogonal approximations respectively,and so enlarge their applications.In practice,it is more important and interesting to solve the multi-dimensional singular problems and the related problems numerically.Guo and Wang[25]provided the Jacobi spectral method in two-dimensions,while Guo and Zhang[29]investigated the Jacobi pseudospectral method for two-dimensional problems.But there is few existing work dealing with three-dimensional problems by using the Jacobi spectral and pseudospectral methods.
This work is devoted to the Jacobi spectral and pseudospectral methods in threedimensions.We first establish some results on the Jacobi orthogonal approximation,which play important role in designing and analyzing the Jacobi spectral method.Then,we consider the Jacobi-Gauss type interpolation,serving as the basic tool of the Jacobi pseudospectral method.We also derive a series of sharp results on the Legendre-Gauss type interpolation and the related Bernstein-Jackson type inequalities in three-dimensional space,which are very useful for pseudospectral method of partial differential equations with non-constant coefficients.As some applications of the above results,we provide the spectral and pseudospectral methods for a model problem.The numerical results demonstrate the high efficiency of the suggested algorithms and confirm the analysis well.
The paperis organized as follows.In the nextsection,we recall the basic results on the one-dimensional Jacobi orthogonal approximation and Jacobi-Gauss type interpolation.In Sections 3 and 4,we study the three-dimensionalJacobi orthogonalapproximation and Jacobi-Gauss type interpolation,respectively.In Section 5,we propose the Jacobi spectral and pseudospectral methods for three-dimensional problems.In Section 6,we present some numerical results to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methods.The final Section is for some concluding remarks.
We now recall some results on the Jacobi orthogonal approximation in one dimension.Let Λ=(?1,1)andα,β>?1.The Jacobi polynomials of degreelare given by
Let N be the set of all nonnegative integers.For anyN∈N.PN(Λ)stands for the set of all algebraic polynomials of degree at mostN.Further,
Next,we letα,β,γ,δ>?1,and define the spaceH1α,β,γ,δ(Λ)with the norm
We introduce the bilinear form
If,in addition,α≤γ+1,β≤δ+1,then
If,in addition,α≤γ+1,β≤δ+1,then
If,in addition,?1<α,β<0(or 0<α,β<1),then
whereλZ=1 forZ=G,λZ=0 forZ=R,andλZ= ?1 forZ=L,respectively.The corresponding discrete inner product and norm are as follows,
By the exactness of(2.8),we have
They are named as the Jacobi-Gauss interpolation for Z=G,the Jacobi-Gauss-Radau interpolation for Z=R,and the Jacobi-Gauss-Lobatto interpolation for Z=L,respectively.
According to Theorems 4.1,4.5 and 4.9 of[26],we have the following results.
Furthermore,as the special cases of Theorems 4.2,4.6 and 4.10 of[26],we have the following approximation results.
We now focus on the Legendre-Gauss interpolation.The result(2.15)withα=β=0 andr=1 implies
The above inequality withr=1 implies
This is a Bernstein-Jackson type inequality.
In this section,we study the non-isotropic Jacobi orthogonal approximation in three dimensions.We set Λi={xi|?1<xi<1},i=1,2,3, ?=Λ1×Λ2×Λ3andx=(x1,x2,x3).The inner product and norm of the weighted spaceL2χ(?)are denoted by(u,v)χ,?and‖u‖χ,?,respectively.
The three-dimensional Jacobi weight functions are as follows,
ForN=(N1,N2,N3)∈N3,PN(?)stands for the set of all algebraic polynomials of degree at mostNiwith respect toxi,i=1,2,3.
In order to describe the approximation error,we letr=(r1,r2,r3),ri∈N,and
Proof.LetPNi,γi,δi,Λi,i=1,2,3,be the one-dimensional projections as in the last section.We use projection theorem and(2.1)withk=0 andr=rior 0 to derive that
This completes the proof of the theorem.
We introduce the following quantity
Theorem 3.2.Let
If in addition,if
We have(cf.[26])
Thus,we use(3.1)to obtain
Using(3.7)and(2.2)withr=1,we have that
We now estimateW1.
By using(3.7)and(2.2),we derive that
According to(3.8)and(2.2),we deduce that
Using(3.8),(2.2)withr=1 and(2.2)withr=r3,we derive that
Substituting(3.10)-(3.12)into(3.9),we get that
Similarly,we can check that
Thanks to(2.2),we have that
Using(2.2)withr=1,r=r2andr=r2?1 successively,we get that
By using the same manner,we can deduce that
By substituting(3.17)-(3.19)into(3.16),we have that
A combination of(3.13)-(3.15)and(3.20)leads to the desired the result(3.3).We next consider the case with(3.4).Clearly,
By(2.4)and the similar manner used above we can get(3.5)easily.
In this section,we study the Jacobi-Gauss type interpolation in three dimensions.Let Z=(Z1,Z2,Z3),Zq=G,R,L,q=1,2,3.The discrete inner product and norm in three dimensions are given by
By the virtues of one-dimensional Jacobi discrete inner product,we have
Let G=(G,G,G),the three dimensional Jacobi-Gauss-type interpolationIG,N,γ,δ,?v(x)∈PN(?),is determined uniquely by
Now we introduce the non-isotropic spaces
Equipped with the norm
Theorem 4.1.For any v∈C(?)∩MG,γ,δ,k,l(?),kq,lq∈Nand0≤kq+lq≤1,q=1,2,3,
Proof.LetIG,Ni,γi,δi,Λibe the one-dimensional Jacobi-Gauss-type interpolation.Clearly,IG,N,γ,δ,?v=IG,N3,γ3,δ3,Λ3IG,N2,γ2,δ2,Λ2IG,N1,γ1,δ1,Λ1v.Due to(2.10),we can verify that
This leads to the desired result(4.5).
Remark 4.1.As to the Jacobi-Gauss-Radau interpolationIR,N,γ,δ,?vand the Jacobi-Gauss-Lobatto interpolationIL,N,γ,δ,?v,we can also define the spaces asMG,γ,δ,k,l(?)with the norms asCγ,δ,k,l(v),and using the same manner to get similar results as(4.5).
Next,we present the some results on the Jacobi-Gauss type interpolation.To do this,we introduce the non-isotropic spaces
equipped with the semi-norm
and the norm
Similarly,by using(2.10)and(2.13)we can get the following result.
Theorem 4.2.For any v∈C(?)∩Nr,γ,δ(?)and integer2≤ri≤Ni+1,i=1,2,3,then,
Remark 4.2.If in additionN1=O(N2)=O(N3)in Theorem 4.2,then result(4.6)can be written as
Moreover,as a specialcase we considerthe three-dimensionalLegendre-Gauss-Lobatto interpolation and related Bernstein-Jackson-type inequalities,which will be used in the sequel.
In order to describe the error of Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto interpolation we define the following quantity withri≥2,i=1,2,3.
Theorem 4.3.IfEr(v)is finite.Then for anyv∈C(?)and 2≤ri≤Ni+1,i=1,2,3,
If in additionN1=O(N2)=O(N3),then
Proof.According to the definition ofIL,N,0,0,?,we have that
Due to(2.15)withα=β=0,we get that
By using(2.16)and(2.15)withα=β=0,we derive that
According to(2.18),(2.16)and(2.15)withα=β=0,we deduce that
Substituting(4.11),(4.12)and(4.13)into(4.10)we get the desired result(4.8).IfN1=O(N2)=O(N3),the result(4.9)is clear.
Theorem 4.4.IfEr(v)is finite.Then for anyv∈C(?)and 2≤ri≤Ni+1,i=1,2,3,
If in additionN1=O(N2)=O(N3),then
By(2.17),we have that
Thanks to(2.18)and(2.15),we deduce that
Using(2.18),(2.16)and(2.15)successively,we derive that
Similarly,we can get the following two estimates
A combination of(4.20)-(4.22)leads to the desired result(4.14).This withN1=O(N2)=O(N3)implies(4.15).
Finally,we consider the Berstein-Jackson type inequality.Letη=(η1,η2,η3),0≤ηi≤12,i=1,2,3,andri>2,i=1,2,3.We denote the quantity
Thanks to(2.19)and the embedding inequality,we have that
According to(2.19)withr=1,r=r2,r=r2?1 successively,and the embedding inequality,we get that
Using(2.19)withr=1 repeatedly,(2.19)withr=r3,r=r3?1 and the embedding inequality,
we derive that
By substituting the above three inequalities into(4.23),we reach that
IfN1=O(N2)=O(N3),then the above estimation can be written as
This section is devoted to the Jacobi spectralmethod and the Jacobi pseudospectralmethod for three dimensional singular problem.Let
We consider the following model problem
Without losing generality,we suppose that
We look for singular solution of(5.1)such that
A weak formulation of(5.1)is to findU∈H1α,β,γ,δ(?)such that
It can be verified that for anyu,v∈H1α,β,γ,δ(?),
Now,letuN∈PN(?)be the approximation ofU,satisfying
Due to(5.5)and(5.6),the solution ofequation(5.7)is unique and ‖uN‖1,α,β,γ,δ≤c‖f‖χ(?γ,?δ).
According to(5.4)and(5.7),we have that
Theorem 5.1.If(3.1)and(5.2)hold,and Br,α,β,γ,δ(U)is finite,then for1≤ri≤Ni+1,i=1,2,3
where the constant c depends only on the norms‖?ai‖C(?),i=0,1,2,3.
Proof.LetUN=P1N,α,β,γ,δ,?U.By using(5.6),(5.8)and Theorem 3.2 successively,we get that
By using Theorem 3.2 and(5.9),we derive that
The Jacobi pseudospectral scheme of(5.1)is to finduN∈PN(?)such that
By(4.3),ifφ,ψ∈PN(?),we have that
Thanks to(4.27)and(5.3),there exists a constantc?>0,depending only on‖?aq‖F(xiàn)sq,1,q=0,1,2,3,such that
Therefore,for anyφ,ψ∈PN(?)
Besides,for anyφ∈ PN(?)and suitably largeN,according to(4.3),(4.27)and(5.3),the coefficient?aq(x),q=0,1,2,3,are uniformly bounded below by a constantc?>0,
For simplicity,let
Thanks to the above equality,(5.5),(5.13)and(3.3),we have that
A combination of(5.16)-(5.20)withφ=uN?UN,and(3.3)leads to the desired result(5.15).
In this section,we present some numerical results to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methods.We consider the singular problem(5.1)with
Take the test function
Clearly,|?xqU|→∞,q=1,2,3,asxtends to Γj∪Γj+3,1≤j≤3.
LetζG,Nq,jqandωG,Nq,jqbe nodes and weights of the one-dimensional Legendre-Gauss quadrature.We measure the error of the spectral method by
and the error of the pseudospectral method errors by
In table 1,we presentthe errorsE(uN)andE(PsuN)withN1=N2=N3=N.Obviously,the two schemes provide accurate numerical solutions,and the numerical solutions converge to the exact solution rapidly as N increases.This confirms the theoretical analysis well.
Table 1:Errors of spectral method and pseudospectral method
In Figs.1-3,we compare the exact solution and the numerical solution of(5.7)and(5.9)withN=32.Clearly,the numerical solutions of spectral scheme and pseudospectral scheme match the exact solution very well whenz=0.9,0,?0.9,respectively.
Figure 1:Exact solutions
Figure 3:Solutions of pseudospectral scheme
In this paper,we establish some basic results on the Non-isotropic 3-dimensional Jacobi spectral approximation and Jacobi-Gauss type interpolation,with which the convergence of proposed schemes are proved.These results play important role in designing and analyzing Jacobi spectral methods and pseudospectral methods for various practical problems.As examples,we consider a singular problem in three dimensions.The numerical results demonstrate the spectral accuracy of proposed schemes,and agreed well with the theoretical analysis.
We also derive a series of sharp results on the Legendre-Gauss type interpolation and the related Bernstein-Jackson type inequalities in three dimensions,which improve and generalize the existing results.They are very useful for pseudospectralmethod of partial differential equations with non-constant coefficients,as well as numerical solutions of initial value problems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations.
The first author is supported in part by NSFC grants N.11171227 and N.11371123,Fund for Doctoral Authority of China N.20123127110001,NSF of Shanghai N.13ZR1429800,and the State Scholarship Fund of China N.201308310188.
The third author is supported in part by NSF of China N.11171227,Fund for Doctoral Authority of China N.20123127110001,Fund for E-institute of Shanghai Universities N.E03004,Leading Academic Discipline Project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission N.J50101.
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17 October,2014;Accepted 2 Januray,2015
?Corresponding author.Email addresses:yj-jiao@shnu.edu.cn(Y.J.Jiao),615948173@qq.com(S.Chen),byguo@shnu.edu.cn(B.Y.Guo).
Journal of Mathematical Study2015年3期