【摘要】該文研究一類具有時滯非自治泛函動力方程,用錐中的一個不動點定理研究了這類方程的正周期解的存在性,并且得到了正周期解存在的充分條件。進一步用 -導數(shù)代替普通意義下的倒數(shù),同樣也得到了正周期解的存在性的充分條件。
【關鍵詞】脈沖泛函動力方程 時間標價 正周期解
A new existence of periodic positive solutions for impulsive functional
Dynamic equation on time scales
ZHANG Min, HONG Shi-huang, FENG Xia
(Institute of Applied Mathematics and Engineering Computations, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Zhejiang Hangzhou 310018 , China)
【Abstract】This paper deals with a new existence theorem for periodic solutions to a class of non-autonomous impulsive functional dynamic equation with delays on time scale by employing a fixed point theorem in cones. Use a fixed point therorem to obtain a positive solution.To apply the derivative instead of the general derivative,we can obtain a positive solution.
【Key words】Impulsive functional dynamic equation; Time scale; Periodic solution.
【中圖分類號】G4 【文獻標識碼】A 【文章編號】2095-3089(2015)14-0063-03