(文)Christian Kerez
(文)Christian Kerez
Any personal request from a client, any urbanistic settlement, any building code interests me only as a possibility to find a specific and basic understanding of space in architecture. The three projects presented in this article, for the first time together, relate to chineseness, not to refer to the breathtaking changes in China but to take these dramatic resettlements in Chinese cities as a possibility to change Chinese heritage into something new and most of all to change my own understanding of architecture into something new. Therefore each project is totally different from one another.
Certain criteria in China are similar to many other countries. For example an ambivalent desire for an architecture that fits common standards and common expectations such as building economy and functionality, but fulfills, at the same time, a desire for the extraordinary and for the exceptional, a desire for an iconic building and a new landmark. Different to other countries and, for my knowledge, unique is a general request to relate any new important building to Chinese heritage. This demand will not protect a traditional architecture and its values from disappearing in large central areas. But this request for chineseness seems to set an obstacle for an everyday modernism of an outdated international style repeated endlessly by corporate architects worldwide. It could also become a chance to avoid an architecture defined by a personal, eccentric style, easy to recognize, since buildings by the same author look very much the same, no matter if they are built in Europe, America or China.
Normally the demand to relate a new building to traditional Chinese values is taken as an alibi, is taken as an act of translation from a generic concept into a popular metaphor. The architecture becomes a figurative sculpture. The interior space becomes the filling material to give the right scale to a rhetoric gesture.
In my understanding the only reason to work in different countries is to imagine spaces in different ways. Therefore, the request for chineseness becomes a possibility to define abstract ideas, principals in architecture, beyond a purely functional or contextual explanation.
The tower of a pagoda reassembles wooden sticks in an infinite addition. To work with an uncountable multiplication of one fragile element comes from an aesthetical desire and is not purely a structural necessity, since wooden constructions of the same periods used for fortifications have a massive appearance. Even the exterior of these buildings show a stacking of singular horizontal roofs to translate the scale and horizontality of farm houses into the monumental appearance of a pagoda tower.
The super tall building of Zhengzhou, is, with its height of 120m, actually for Chinese standards just a middle size commission. It follows the same logic of adding structural elements without changing their dimension or the way of putting them together. As a consequence, the density of structural elements changes from top to the bottom of the building. The structural elements that are not concentrated any more in the core areas are spread all over the entire surface of the building. The overall structure allows a decentralized facade system which could reduce the building weight to a minimum.
The specific spatial quality of the residential area of the emperor’s family inside the Forbidden City, which you might also find in many ancient villages and cities is defined by an endless sequence of similar spaces. The sequence of houses and courtyards is multiplied in all directions. You could call this phenomenon of spatial multiplication also ornamental space, because it describes a spatial concept of identical or similar spaces repeated again and again, without clearly defined borders.
This spatial concept which was a topic for a group of students, during my stay in Harvard, became the spatial concept defining a huge hall connecting different institutions within a cultural center, in a new Central Business District in Beijing, quite close to the CCTV headquarter. This huge hall opens perspectives, in three dimensions through large openings in the floor, the ceiling and the walls. It offers spaces of small scale and intimacy within a huge public hall. It creates an urbanistic jungle within the voids of a new urban district.
Within the modernistic, contemporary cities for several millions of inhabitants, there is a necessity to create a public space to relate to the scale of the city with architectural means. Art Museums in China are free of admission for the Chinese public. The diversity of program and the openness of this building typology is linked to the tradition of labor clubs, primarily places for social activity, education and distraction, while museums in western countries are mainly to collect and safely store art pieces, while showing a small selection of them from time to time or permanently. The art museums in western countries are built for the intimate encounter of the individual visitor with the singular work of art.
The art museum in Guangzhou covers an enormous public space, which is more related to the landscape than to architecture in its settlement and scale. This public space is open to all weather conditions. A high vaulted artificial sky invites any visitor, no matter if he is interested in local calligraphy or not. The public space itself without any justification by any program becomes the new theme in this Chinese museum.