by Bjarne Hammer, schmidt hammer lassen architects
Reflections: Libraries
by Bjarne Hammer, schmidt hammer lassen architects
The library as literary or filmic scenography is iconic. It is often portrayed as a place of mystique and secrecy, as a dim and quiet location, where the protagonist searches for answers and for wisdom. The spectator decodes and recognizes the constructed representation of the library as a place to which he or she can relate. It is interesting how the fictional representation of the library often creates a strong sense of atmosphere – a strong sense of place – while it simultaneously differs from the spectator’s self-experienced knowledge of the authentic library of today.
The library as institution is ancient. Dating back thousands of years, through Egyptian, Greek, Persian and Roman history, the first libraries were primarily archives for storing information. As the majority of the population was illiterate during these eras, the knowledge stored was the preserve of the educated – the elite. However, when Gutenberg invented the printing press in the fifteenth century, books, literature, knowledge, became available to the masses. This was an epochal cultural movement that has evolved ever since – right up to the staggering speed of today’s ‘information society’.
Whereas the classical library was exclusive, and catered to the privileged classes, the modern library is inclusive and accommodates all social classes, genders and ages. Hence it is said that the library of the future will have to break down barriers further. This is an interesting task for the architect – to design a building that defies conventions and looks to the future.
As the function of the library has developed extensively, so too has the architecture. I believe that library architecture has evolved to represent a building typology of unique character, with huge social, educational, and cultural potential, and of great importance to the society of today and tomorrow.
Why do people visit libraries in the first place? And what can the library offer nowadays, when information is accessible to almost everyone, anywhere, at any time?
The library is a public and social space, which, alongside museums, is one of the few existing non-commercial civic spaces available to us. At the library, knowledge is readily available to visitors who get the chance to use different sorts of media, more or less for free. At the library, we can avail of materials and services, and this should be considered an unconditional privilege.
The library of the future has to meet the individual user’s specific needs, as well as the opposing needs for immersion and community. Users have a long list of diverse motivations for visiting the library; for example, the social dimension that lies in being surrounded by people. Moreover, users come to enlighten themselves with knowledge, to find information, to keep track of the flow of news; some do academic research, others get together with their study group or book club. A substantial proportion of users come to be seen in the city’s cultural hot spot, to gain, and contribute to, so-called ‘cultural capital’.
As libraries make knowledge and space available for the masses, they become the epitome of community spirit. One essential function of the modern library is to give access to media that will help people interpret and understand the world in which we live. For this reason, it is important to maintain the idea of the library as a place that represents democratic values, while offering a publicly available and social platform on which to act.
Libraries play an important role in society because they function as social hubs and urban meeting places. Consequently, when designing libraries, the architect holds, through the organization of space, a unique opportunity to improve and create new ways for people to interact.
The theory of the ‘Third Place’ can explain why libraries are connected with this idea of social hubs. The concept was coined in 1989 by urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg, in his book The Great Good Place, in which a number of locations, outside of people’s homes and workplaces, are analysed. From a theoretical perspective, the concept refers to informal places where people meet, in a community or neighbourhood, in order to build friendships, to discuss different subjects and to network. Third Places are valuable because they create space for human interaction, instilling the feeling of belonging and community, which can also be a source of pride. Moreover, Oldenburg finds that Third Places promote sociability while fighting isolation, because they make room for friendships and relaxation after a long day’s work. In this way, Third Places become neutral ground – the intersection between the public and private spheres – where demands and obligations associated with work and family life are precluded. The library, as a positive example, offers an open and casual space between home and work.
Library architecture that expresses openness, accessibility and inclusiveness, connects to the ideas of the theory of the Third Place in interesting ways, as a space fulfilling defined and undefined needs. The library provides room for both formal and informal activities; on one hand, the specific physical environment attached to the library’s functions and services, and, on the other, space for relaxing and interacting.
Today’s digital and transformative society calls for access to relevant knowledge, fast. Therefore, the library of the future must meet users’ expectations of twentyfour-hour access to knowledge. At the same time, the Internet and new media are challenging the position of the printed book, because they make for flexible alternatives, potentially changing users’ expectations and behaviour. However, contrary to concerns that libraries might become redundant, their role and influence is likely to expand as the need for new adaptable and accessible learning spaces increases.
The library serves its audience through the functionality and comfort of the interior environment – and yet it must aspire to an architectural identity of its own. Many aspects should be taken into consideration during the design phase of a library. If we are to aspire to design library architecture that will appear accessible, inclusive and open, the best way to achieve this is to ensure that the design process itself opens up and adapts to new ideas – for instance, by inviting user-groups to join in.
Dialogue and interaction with the future users of the building is a challenging but very valuable development tool for the architect – and the participatory process of user-driven design innovation can be integrated into the process at the earliest stage, to great advantage. The professional librarian, students, visitors, and surrounding community in general, can contribute with rewarding ideas, input, and, most of all, specific knowledge. Moreover, this process creates an important sense of commitment and ownership.
User perspectives bring insight into work processes, work functions, work relations, visitor behaviour, service expectations, information requests – all of which outline the needs and priorities of future users and staff. The user-groups can be asked to relate to specific issues – the site, geometry and interior – and provide the design team with as much relevant information as possible.
Not only will user involvement in the design process stimulate and develop ownership and affiliation in the public at large, but the library architecture, when completed, will also communicate recognisable values for the institution, the city and the surrounding community.
Most of us have been to a library, and we all have our own opinion on the library as institution and as place. The library as place is associated with different impressions retained by our senses – acoustics, silence, the scent of books, illumination, losing track of time. The library is ancient, it is iconic, but it is also a known place, an open institution, situated in the town in which you live, at the school or university where you study, or in the building you pass on your way to work. I like to refer to the characteristic atmosphere of the library as a ‘Sense of Place’.
When places have been given a stronger meaning or definition by society, they are said to have a strong ‘Sense of Place’. Designing modern multifunctional libraries is all about creating unique places with a strong identity and character, connecting to the user’s defined and undefined needs; places that foster a sense of authentic attachment and belonging.
Architecture is closely connected to the experience of Sense of Place, and will change by degrees. In contemporary and future society, the library as institution will indisputably play a rising and significant role. The library will continuously be a unique space for learning, sharing, and interacting, as well as a haven for immersion and inspiration. I cannot imagine a time where such a place will ever be expendable. (– published by ROADS 2013. )