Huzhou, China
Development of hybrid-type modifed chitosan derivative nanoparticles for the intracellular delivery of midkine-siRNA in hepatocellular carcinoma cells
Jing Zhong, Hui-Lian Huang, Jing Li, Fu-Chu Qian, Li-Qin Li, Ping-Ping Niu and Li-Cheng Dai
Huzhou, China
BACKGROUND:Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide. Most of the patients with HCC lose the surgical opportunity at the time of diagnosis. Some novel therapeutic modalities, like gene therapy, are promising for the treatment of HCC. However, the success of gene therapy depends on two aspects: effcient gene materials and gene delivery vectors. The present study was to develop new chitosan-based nanoparticles for a midkine-siRNA (anti-HCC gene drug) delivery.
METHODS:The novel gene delivery vector (MixNCH) was synthesized by hybrid-type modifcation of chitosan with 2-chloroethylamine hydrochloride and N, N-dimethyl-2-chloroethylamine hydrochloride. The chemical structure of MixNCH was characterized by FT-IR and1HNMR. The cytotoxicity of MixNCH was determined by MTS assay. The gene condensation ability and size, zeta potential and morphology of MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles were measured. Thein vitrotransfection and gene knockdown effciency of midkine by MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles was detected by qRT-PCR and Western blotting. Gene knockdown effect at the molecule level on the proliferation of HepG2in vitrowas determined by MTS assay.
RESULTS:MixNCH was successfully acquired by aminoalkylation modifcation of chitosan. The MixNCH could condense MK-siRNA well above the weight ratio of 3. The average size of MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles was 100-200 nm, and thesurface charge was about +5 mV. Morphologically, MixNCH/ MK-siRNA nanoparticles were in regular spherical shape with no aggregation. Regarding to thein vitrotransfection of nanoparticles, the MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles reduced MK mRNA level to 14.03%±4.03%, which were comparable to Biotrans (8.94%±3.77%). MixNCH/MK-siRNA effectively inhibited the proliferation of HepG2in vitro.
CONCLUSION:MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles could be effective for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. (Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int 2015;14:82-89)
chitosan;gene vector; nanoparticles; midkine; siRNA; hepatocellular carcinoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), one of the most common tumors worldwide, has a high mortality rate, especially in China.[1]Gene therapy has gained great attention in recent years. Gene therapy which is to introduce genetic materials into patients' cells or tissues has shown the potential for the treatment of
HCC.[2,3]Meanwhile, the RNA interference (RNAi) technology has also developed rapidly after gene therapy over the past decade.[4]During the RNAi, double stranded small interfering RNA (siRNA) degrades target message RNA (mRNA), subsequently inhibiting protein synthesis of the associated target gene.[5]Midkine (MK), a heparinbiding growth cytokine, has been reported to be generally over-expressed in malignant tumors. MK exhibitsseveral cancer-related activities, including fbrinolytic, anti-apoptotic, mitogenic, transforming, angiogenic and chemotatic functions.[6]In our study, MK-siRNA was found to suppress the growth of HepG2 cellsin vitro(CN200810059365.6), but the siRNA delivery still has such problems as rapid degradation and low intracellular uptake. An effective gene delivery vector is still essential to gene therapy.
Although the viral gene vector has been widely used in clinical trials, the non-viral gene vector attracts greater attention from researchers because of its bio-safety and easy modifcation.[7]Among the non-viral gene vectors, chitosan has been widely studied because of its properties such as the cationic charge, biodegradability, biocompatibility, mucoadhesiveness, and permeabilityenhancing feature.[8]
Chitosan from chitin is the second most abundant natural polymer. With low toxicity and biocompatibility, chitosan has been recommended as a gene vector candidate.[9]A lot of chitosan/gene nanoparticles have been created and their transfection effciency has been testedin vitroandin vivo.[10,11]However, the application of unmodifed chitosan has been signifcantly limited by its poor solubility in physiological condition due to its pKa value (about 6.3-6.4). Moreover, the transfection ability of unmodifed chitosan is not enough to gain a therapeutic effect. Chitosan structure modifcation is an effective way to improve its stability in biological fuids and enhance cell delivery. Up to now, water-soluble chitosan derivatives have been synthesized to improve transfection effciency of chitosan at physiological pH.[12,13]
We hypothesized that introduction of amino residues to chitosan could improve its solubility at physiological pH and its stability to form a complex with negatively charged siRNA, thereby enhancing the cellular association and gene silencing effciency. The present study synthesized a novel chitosan derivative (MixNCH). We combined 2-chloroethylamine hydrochloride and N, N-dimethyl-2-chloroethylamine hydrochloride with chitosan and chararcterized its physicochemical properties. We investigated the gene transfection effciency of MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles in HCC cell line and its inhibitory effect on HCC cell proliferation.
Chitosan (5-20 mPa.s, 0.5% in 0.5% acetic acid at 20 ℃) was purchased from TCI (Tokyo, Japan). 2-chloroethylamine hydrochloride and N, N-dimethyl-2-chloroethylamine hydrochloride were purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagents (Shanghai, China). siRNA transfection media were bought from Santa Cruze Biotechnology (Dallas, Texas, USA). MK-siRNA (sense: 5'-GGA UUG CGG CGU GGG UUU Ctt-3'; antisense: 5'-GAA ACC CAC GCC GCA AUC Ctt-3') was synthesized by Sangon Biotech. Biotrans was bought from Changzhou Bio-generating Biotechnologies Co., Ltd. Dulbecco's modifed Eagle's medium (DMEM), OPTI-MEM and fetal bovine serum (FBS) were purchased from Life Tech (CA, USA). CellTiter one solution cell proliferation assay was purchased from Promega (Madison, WI, USA). RNAiso Plus, PrimeScript? RT reagent kit with gDNA Eraser (Perfect Real Time), and Premix Ex Taq? (Probe qPCR) were purchased from TAKARA (Tokyo, Japan). Cell lysis buffer for Western blotting and Immunoprecipitation, bicinchoninic acid (BCA) Protein Assay Kit and ECL Plus Kit were purchased from Beyotime (Nantong, China). GAPDH antibody was purchased from Bioworld (MN, USA). MK antibody was bought from Abcam (Cambridge, UK).
Synthesis of MixNCH
Chitosan (500 mg) was added in one portion to a stirred solution of 2-chloroethylamine hydrochloride (8.7 g) in H2O (25 mL). The suspension was heated at 50 ℃, and a solution of NaOH (3.0 g) in H2O (25 mL) was then added dropwise. Stirring was continued at 50 ℃ for 5 hours until a clear solution appeared. Dialysis against purifed water for 2 days followed by lyophilization afforded the desired product (666 mg) as a cottony solid.
Purebred type chitosan modifed by 2-chloroethylamine as prepared above (285 mg) was dissolved in a stirred solution of N, N-dimethyl-2-chloroethylamine hydrochloride (5.6 g) in H2O (13 mL). The solution was heated at 50 ℃, and a solution of NaOH (1.56 g) in H2O (13 mL) was then added dropwise. Stirring was continued at 50 ℃ for 4 hours. Dialysis against purifed water for 2 days followed by lyophilization afforded the desired product (779 mg) as a cottony solid.
Characterization of MixNCH
MixNCH was fully characterized by FT-IR and1HNMR. FT-IR spectra were recorded with a NICOLET NEXUS 670 FT-IR spectrometer. All samples were prepared as potassium bromide disks.1HNMR was measured with a DMX-400 (Bruker Company) NMR spectrometer. Samples (10 mg) were dissolved in D2O (0.5 mL), and all experiments were done at 300 K.
Cytotoxicity assay
The cytotoxicity of MixNCH, unmodifed chitosan, and PEI prepared at different concentrations were determined by MTS assay. Human HCC cells (HepG2) were grown in 96-well plates at an initial density of 5000 cells/well in 0.1 mL of complete medium and incubated for 48 hours before replacement by 0.1 mL of fresh DMEM medium containing different concentrations of polymers to each well. They were transfected at the concentrations of 10, 50, 100, 200, and 300 μg/μL, respectively. Each concentration was replicated in 3 wells. After incubation for 24 hours, 20 μL of MTS solution was added in each well. After further incubation for 4 hours, the absorbance at 490 nm of each well was recorded with the DYNEX Technologies MRXII. Polymer-untreated cells in media were used as controls.
Preparation of MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles
MixNCH was dissolved in sterile nuclease free water and added to a solution of MK-siRNA (10 μmol) with the weight ratio (w/w) of MixNCH to MK-siRNA ranged from 40 to 160. The nanoparticles were incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes before use or further analysis.
Electrophoresis was performed to confrm the MK-siRNA condensation ability of the MixNCH. MixNCH/ MK-siRNA nanoparticles were induced at various w/w ratios from 1 to 5, and the fnal volume with 10× agarose gel loading dye mixture was 10 μL. The complexes were loaded onto the 4% agarose gels with ethidium bromide (0.1 μg/mL) and assessed with Tris-Borate buffer at 100 V for 40 minutes. siRNA retardation was revealed under the UV light.
The mean particle size, zeta potential and polydispersity index (PDI) of MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles were measured by Zetasizer Nano ZS 90 (Malvern Instruments, Worcestershine, UK) after diluting appropriately with ddH2O. Each sample was measured for three times, and data taken as the mean of three measurements.
MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles were analyzed with a transmission electron microscope to estimate their morphology. Nanoparticles were observed by negative staining with uranyl acetate. The prepared sample was observed under a JEM-2010 transmission electron microscope (Jeol, Tokyo, Japan) at an accelerating voltage of 80 kV.
In vitrogene knockdown effciency by qRT-PCR
For transfectionin vitro, HepG2 was seeded in 12-well plates at an initial density of 105cells/well and incubated for 24 hours after transfection. To measure transfection effciency, 30 pmol MK-siRNA and MixNCH at different weight ratio were vortexed together. They were incubated for 30 minutes at room temperature. The cells were washed once with the siRNA transfection medium (sc-36868). For each transfection, 0.8 mL siRNA transfection medium was added to each tube containing 0.2 mL MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles. They were mixed gently and overlaid onto the washed cells. They were incubated for 4 hours at 37 ℃. Four hours later, 1 mL DMEM showed doubled normal serum concentration without removal of nanoparticles. The cells were further incubated for 48 hours at 37 ℃.
Gene silencing of MK was measured at the mRNA level using the ABI 7500 real-time PCR system. Total RNA was extracted using RNAiso Plus (TAKARA). After RT, the cDNA was amplifed with real-time PCR according to the protocols from Premix Ex Taq? kit (TAKARA). The probes and primers were synthesized by Life Tech with the following sequences, for MK forward primer: 5'-GAC CAT CCG CGT CAC CA-3'; Reverse primer: 5'-TCC AGG CTT GGC GTC TAC CA-3'; Taqman probe: 5'-FAM-CAA AGG CCA AAG CCA AGA AAG GGA AG-TAMRA-3'. For endogenous control glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), Forward primer: 5'-GCC AGC CGA GCC ACA T-3'; Reverse primer: 5'-CTT TAC CAG AGT TAA AAG CAG CCC-3'; and Taqman probe: 5'-FAMCCA AAT CCG TTG ACT CCGAC CTT CA-TAMRA-3'. All samples were analyzed in duplicate, and the values of sample copies were obtained after quantitative amplifcation and normalized to GAPDH using the 2-??Ctmethod. Water was used as negative and quality controls, and each sample was measured in triplicate.
In vitrogene knockdown effciency measured by Western blotting
After 48-hour transfection, HepG2 cells were washed twice with ice-cold PBS, total proteins were extracted with cell lysis buffer for Western blotting and IP (Beyotime). Protein concentrations of the lysates were measured with a BCA protein assay kit (Beyotime). Thirty microgram proteins were loaded in each lane to the 12% SDS-PAGE gel and were transferred to a polyvinylidene fuoride membrane (Millipore) followed by blocking in 5% skim milk in Tris-buffered saline with Tween for 2 hours. Then, the membrane was incubated with rabbit anti-MK monoclonal antibody diluted in a 1:500 (v/v) ratio overnight at 4 ℃ and peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG diluted in a 1:5000 (v/v) ratio for 1 hour at room temperature. As internal standard for the proteins, the other membrane was also incubated with a 1:5000 (v/v) dilution of rabbit anti-GAPDH polyclonal antibody and a 1:5000 (v/v) dilution of peroxidaseconjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG. The membranes were exposed to Kodark X-Omat flm using the BeyoECL Plus kit (Beyotime) and the densitometric intensities of protein bands were determined.
MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles on HepG2 cells proliferation
HepG2 cells were seeded in a 96-well plate at a den-sity of 5000 cells per well in 100 μL DMEM medium containing 10% FBS and incubated for 24 hours. Before transfection, the cells were washed once with the siRNA transfection medium (sc-36868). Then, different amounts of MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles [5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0 pmol/well, MixNCH:MK-siRNA (w/w)= 160:1] were added into each well and allowed to incubate for 48 hours. The fnal volume of each well should be ensured about 100 μL, and the lack of volume was complemented with the siRNA transfection medium. Each concentration was replicated in 5 wells. After incubation for 48 hours, 20 μL of MTS solution was added into each well. After further incubation for 4 hours, the absorbance at 490 nm of each well was recorded with the DYNEX Technologies MRXII.
Statistical analysis
Data are presented as mean±standard deviation. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison. APvalue <0.05 was considered statistically signifcant.
Synthesis and characterization of MixNCH
Fig. 1.Synthesis of MixNCH.
MixNCH was synthesized in two steps (Fig. 1). First, the purebred type chitosan was modifed by 2-chloroethylamine. The1HNMR spectrum of intermediate product of MixNCH was detected (Fig. 2). The peaks appeared at around 4.4-4.7 ppm for anomeric protons and around 3.4-4.0 ppm for other protons on the carbohydrate ring in chitosan. As evidence of the reaction, complex signals were found between 2.5-3.3 ppm for introduced methylene groups. A minor peak was also observed at 2.0 ppm for the methyl groups due to incomplete deacetylation. FT-IR was further used to verify the chemical structure of the intermediate product (Fig. 3). In the FT-IR spectrum of the intermediate product, the adsorptions at 3700-2600/cm, particularly the C-H stretching vibration peaks at 3072 and 2921/cm, were stronger and broader than commercially available chitosan, indicating the introduction of CH2-CH2side chains and N-H functionalities. It should be also noted that the C-O stretching vibration peaks of the secondary alcohol in the modifed chitosan at 1069/cm is signifcantly stronger than that corresponding to primary alcohol at 1025/cm, whereas the difference in the IR spectrum of chitosan is small. This result indicated that alkylation mainly occurred in those primary hydroxyls at C-6. In addition, the IR spectrum also showed the introduction of various amino groups by a broader band at around 566/cm, which is the out-plane fexural vibration of N-H bonds.
Second, the intermediate product was further modifed by N, N-dimethyl-2-chloroethylamine hydrochloride. In the FT-IR spectrum of MixNCH (Fig. 3), the C-H stretching vibration peaks at 3010 and 2964/cm were stronger and broader than the intermediate product, indicating the introduction of more CH2-CH2and CH3side chains. It should also be noted that the C-O stretching vibration peaks of the secondary alcohol in the modifed chitosan at 1066/cm are not so much stronger than those corresponding to primary alcohol at 1028/cm, whereas the difference is greater for the derivative modifed by 2-chloroethylamine. This result revealed that second-stage alkylation modifcation occurred in the secondary hydroxyls at C-3 in addition to the amino coat. The asymetric stretching vibration of C-O-C at 1107/cm revealed the increasing number of ether groups. Moreover, the1HNMR spectrum of MixNCH in D2O at 300 K showed complex signals between 4.70 and 2.75ppm, wherein the protons on the carbohydrate ring and introduced alkyl groups overlapped. It is very diffcult to assign these signals. A minor peak was also observed at 2.0 ppm in the methyl groups because of incomplete deacetylation (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2.1HNMR spectrum of intermediate product (A) and MixNCH (B).
Cytotoxicity of MixNCH
Fig. 4 shows the viability of HepG2 cells assessed by the MTS assay after incubation for 48 hours with MixNCH, unmodifed chitosan, and PEI (Mn=25 000) at various concentrations. PEI has been widely used as a DNA condensing agent and a transfection vector and is the standard to which new polymeric vectors are often compared. Unfortunately, PEI is associated with signifcant level of cytotoxicity. In our study, fewer than 50% of cells treated with PEI remained viable at a polymer concentration of 0.01 μg/μL, and cell viability was as low as 13% at a high concentration of PEI under otherwise identical conditions. MixNCH and unmodifed chitosan exhibited improved biocompatibility as compared with PEI. As shown in Fig. 4, cells incubated with unmodifed chitosan remained nearly non-toxic relative to controls. MixNCH also showed good biocompatibility with the cell viability of over 85%, and a dose-dependent cytotoxicity was observed with increasing concentrations of polymers. Thus, the results suggest that MixNCH is a good candidate as gene delivery vector for further study.
Formation and characterization of MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles
MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles were prepared by simple mixing of MixNCH and MK-siRNA solution through electrostatic interactions between amine groups of MixNCH and phosphate groups of siRNA. Some simple physicochemical properties of the nanoparticles such as condensation ability, size, zeta potential and morphology were investigated.
A successful gene vector should effectively condense and negatively charge siRNA into nanosized particles. To confrm the formation of the MixNCH/MK-siRNA complex, we checked the retardation of siRNA mobility by agarose gel electrophoresis. Compared with the nakedMK-siRNA control, MixNCH showed the ability of MK-siRNA condensation as less MK-siRNA ran into the gel. MixNCH could effciently package MK-siRNA at the weight ratio of 3 and above, as no mobility of MK-siRNA was observed at these ratios (Fig. 5).
Fig. 3.FT-IR spectrum of commercially available chitosan (A), intermediate product (B) and MixNCH (C).
Fig. 4.The cytotoxity of MixNCH, unmodifed chitosan and PEI at various concentrations in HepG2 was detected by MTS assay.
The size and surface charge of nanoparticles are important issues which can signifcantly affect cell-surface approach, uptake, and their transfection effciency. The particle sizes of MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles at various w/w ratios from 40 to 160 were measured by dynamic light scattering (Table). They ranged from 166.8 nm to 124.3 nm with a constant decrease followed by an increased w/w ratio. The zeta potential of all the nanoparticles were around +5 mV. These surface charges increased slightly with an increased w/w ratio of MixNCH to siRNA.
Morphologically, MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles showed a regular spherical shape but no aggregation under a transmission electron microscope (Fig. 6).
In vitrogene silencing of MK
The MK gene was targeted by MK-siRNA using MixNCH nanoparticles and Biotrans. The knockdown effciency was determined both at the mRNA and protein level. The mRNA expression was evaluated by qRT-PCR (Fig. 7A). Compared to no-treatment cells (100%), naked MK-siRNA reduced mRNA levels of MK to 96.23% ± 0.31%, MK-siRNA delivered by MixNCH to 14.03%± 4.03%-45.37%±2.23% and Biotrans to 8.94%±3.77%. Based on the statistical analysis, mRNA expression of MK-siRNA delivered by both MixNCH and Biotrans nanoparticles was signifcantly reduced when compared to the naked MK-siRNA group (P<0.001). There was no difference in the MK mRNA level shown by MK-siRNA delivered by MixNCH (160:1) nanoparticles comparable to Biotrans (P=0.194). Moreover, in parallel with mRNA expression, the MixNCH/MK-siRNA (160:1) nanoparticles and Biotrans/MK-siRNA nanoparticles provided the great inhibitory effect on protein level as detected by Western blotting (Fig. 7B).
Fig. 5.Agarose gel electrophoresis of MixNCH/MK-siRNA complexes at various weight ratio (naked MK-siRNA as control). MK-siRNA used was 0.36 μg. 1: naked MK-siRNA; 2: MixNCH/MK-siRNA (1:1); 3: MixNCH/MK-siRNA (2:1); 4: MixNCH/MK-siRNA (3:1); 5: MixNCH/MK-siRNA (4:1); 6: MixNCH/MK-siRNA (5:1).
Table.Particle size and zeta potential of MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles
Fig. 6.The TEM images of MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles (MixNCH/MK-siRNA (w/w)=160:1).
Effect of MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles on HepG2 cell growth
MTS assay was also used to determine the effect of MK knockdown by MK-siRNA on HepG2 cell growth. Five groups (5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0 pmol/well) were set for investigation. Compared to the control group, naked MK-siRNA showed no inhibition on the HepG2 cell growth. In contrast, when compared to the control, MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles signifcantly suppressed the HepG2 cell growth and this inhibition was dose-dependent (Fig. 8).
Fig. 7.Gene targeting of MK by siRNA transfected with formulations in HepG2 cells.A: RT-qPCR analysis of MK knockdown by siRNA transfected with different formulations. 1: no treatment; 2: MixNCH/MK-siRNA (40:1); 3: MixNCH/MK-siRNA (80:1); 4: MixNCH/MK-siRNA (160:1); 5: Biotrans/MK-siRNA; 6: naked MK-siRNA;B: Western blotting analysis showing protein expression of MK after treatment with siRNA transfected with different formulations. GAPDH was used as the loading control. 1: no treatment; 2: MixNCH/MK-siRNA (160:1) ; 3: Biotrans/MK-siRNA. *:P<0.001, compared to naked MK-siRNA.
Fig. 8.Effect of MK knockdown by MixNCH/MK-siRNA on HepG2 cell growth. *:P<0.05; **:P<0.001, compared to MixNCH and naked MK-siRNA groups.
HCC, one of the primary hepatic neoplasmas, is considered the sixth most common cancer type with the highest prevalence worldwide.[14]The current treatment, such as surgical resection, liver transplantation, and chemotherapy, have limited cure effect.[15]Gene therapy is a potential treatment for patients with HCC.[16]
MK is over-expressed in many human carcinomas including HCC, and believed to contribute to tumorigenesis and tumor progression.[17]Therefore, the inhibition of the synthesis or action of MK contributes to cancer therapy. In our laboratory, we screened one MK-siRNA (CN200810059365.6) that could inhibit the growth of HepG2 cells. At that time, thein vitrotransfection reagents we used was the commercial product, Oligofectamine 2000, which was not suitable forin vivoapplication because of its toxicity.
Chitosan is a biocompatible, biodegradable, and mucodhensive cationic polysaccharide with minimum immunogenicity and low cytotoxicity, which is most extensively studied for siRNA delivery.[18]Thus, we decided to adopt chitosan derivative as the safer delivery tool which may have great potential in clinical application. Chitosan has a primary amine group with a pKa value of approximately 6.5 and is therefore only weakly charged and barely soluble at neutral pH or above. If modifcations of chitosan could improve the solubility at physiological pH and increase the positive surface charge, the new gene delivery vector would obviously enhance the transfection ability. The novel chitosan derivative we designed was based on this concept. After the introduction of more amino groups into chitosan, the new chitosan derivative exhibited better results in the transfection effciency. The introduction of various kinds of amino groups into the chitosan has three advantages. First, the increased chitosan solubility can enhance the colloidal stability of chitosan/siRNA nanoparticles for a longer circulating time.[19]Second, the increased positive surface charge allows it to interact with negatively charged siRNA to form nanoparticles, and enhance the cellular transport through cell membrane.[20]Third, the increase of amino groups could enhance the role of proton sponge, and help the dissociation of MixNCH and MK-siRNA when in the cytoplasm.[21]
Cytotoxicity is a major hurdle for clinical feasibility of polycationic gene vectors. A perfect gene vector should have a low toxicity with minimum effect on cell growth or viability, and the MTS assay is generally used as an initial indicator of cytotoxicity. The cytotoxicity of MixNCH on HepG2 cells increased as the concentration of MixNCH rose. MixNCH as a chitosan's derivative is known for its good bio-safety, and our study showed that its enhanced cationic property affects the cell viability as compared to unmodifed chitosan. Unlike the widely used cationic gene vector PEI, MixNCH still exhibited better biocompatibility.
Like most cationic-polycations used to package siRNA, MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles are prepared by fast addition and mixing of MixNCH to siRNA solution. The gel retardation assay is a method to qualitatively assess the ability of MixNCH to condense siRNA. The binding affnity of MixNCH for siRNA determines its ability to protect the siRNA as well as nanoparticles stability, which in turn greatly determines nanoparticles transfection effciency. When the weight ratio of MixNCH and MK-siRNA was 3 and above, the MixNCHcould condense all of the MK-siRNA into nanopaticles. Koping-Hoggard showed that formulations that are very stable are much less effcient at transfecting cells than their less stable counterparts.[22]
The particle size of nanoparticles is a critical factor that determines cellular uptake rate. The DLS analysis showed that the nanoparticles in the present study were 100-200 nm. Generally, smaller particles are more effcient in transfecting cells,[23]and our nanoparticles with this kind also showed effcient transfection into HepG2 cells. The surface charge density of MixNCH/siRNA nanoparticles is also an important parameter to affect the colloidal stability of nanoparticles. The zeta potential of MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles (w/w from 40 to 160) was 3.5 to 4.3 mV in a slight increase, which was effective for dissociation of MixNCH and siRNA when the nanoparticles entered into the cytoplasm.
On the basis of characterization of MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles, we evaluated their transfection effciency in HepG2 cells in the present study. The experiments showed that MK-siRNA delivered by MixNCH nanoparticles could signifcantly reduce both mRNA and protein levels of MK, leading to a strong suppression of cell proliferation in HepG2 cells. Thus, MixNCH is shown as an effcient and safe vector in siRNA delivery. Moreover, the success of gene silencing activities by MixNCH/MK-siRNA nanoparticles should represent an effective and low toxic approach for the treatment of HCC.
Acknowledgment:We thank Dr. Jun Zhou of East China Normal University for his aid in the synthesis of MixNCH.
Contributors:ZJ and DLC proposed the study. ZJ, HHL, LJ and NPP co-contributed to fnish all the experiments. ZJ wrote the frst draft. QFC and LLQ analyzed the data and checked the draft. All authors contributed to the further draft. DLC is the guarantor.
Funding:This study was fnancially supported by grants from the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (Y2111250), the Key Science and Technology Project of Huzhou City (2011GG14) and the Key New Drug Discovery Project of 12th Five-Years Plan (2013ZX09102051), the Ministry of Science and Technology, China.
Ethical approval:Not needed.
Competing interest:No benefts in any form have been received or will be received from a commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article.
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Received November 25, 2014
Accepted after revision January 5, 2015
AuthorAffliations:Huzhou Key Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Huzhou Central Hospital, Huzhou 313000, China (Zhong J, Huang HL, Li J, Qian FC, Li LQ, Niu PP and Dai LC)
Li-Cheng Dai, MD, Huzhou Key Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Huzhou Central Hospital, Huzhou 313000, China (Tel: +86-572-2023301ext3220; Email:
? 2015, Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. All rights reserved.
Published online January 29, 2015.
Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International2015年1期