摘 要:眾多實證研究發(fā)現(xiàn),通過持有贏者組合多頭和輸者組合空頭的動量套利策略可以獲取顯著的超額收益。考慮到我國A股市場賣空約束,選取滬深300樣本股和中小板股票設置不同的對照組和投資期限,采用假設檢驗方法分析了2005年股改以來兩次牛市行情中單一贏者組合及輸者組合多頭策略的盈利性特征,并檢驗了A股市場中是否存在動量套利交易的盈利模式。實證顯示,即使不考慮交易成本,兩種多頭策略也都很難有顯著的高于樣本總體的收益率。
關鍵詞: 賣空約束;動量交易策略;贏(輸)者組合;多頭
中圖分類號:F830. 91 文獻標識碼: A 文章編號:1003-7217(2014)02-0040-05
一、引 言
自2001年開始,國內(nèi)學術界對A股市場的動量效應給予了較多關注。王永宏、趙學軍研究了中國股市1993~2000年的慣性現(xiàn)象,結果發(fā)現(xiàn)滬深市場的動量特征并不存在,反而表現(xiàn)出明顯的收益反轉(zhuǎn)[10]。魯臻、鄒恒甫選擇1998~2005年的股票數(shù)據(jù),研究政策市背景下我國股市的動量與反轉(zhuǎn)效應,認為市場的反轉(zhuǎn)效應強于慣性效應,且表現(xiàn)出超短期慣性、短期反轉(zhuǎn)、中期慣性和長期反轉(zhuǎn)的特征[11]。潘莉、徐建國利用1995~2008年的股票數(shù)據(jù),系統(tǒng)研究了A 股市場個股回報率的慣性現(xiàn)象與反轉(zhuǎn)現(xiàn)象,其選用更為全面的日、周、月、年四種度量周期,結果顯示,A股的個股回報率在多個時間頻率上存在明顯的反轉(zhuǎn)現(xiàn)象;而慣性現(xiàn)象僅存在于超短期的日回報率和特定時段的周回報率中[12]。
[1]Hong H., Stein J., A unified theory of underreaction, momentum trading and overreaction in asset markets[J]. The Journal of Finance. 1999, 54(6): 2143-2184.
[2]Jagadeesh N., Titman S.Returns to buying winners and selling losers: implications for stock market efficiency[J]. The Journal of Finance 1993, 48(1): 65-91.
[3]Rouwenhorst K. G.International momentum strategies[J]. The Journal of Finance, 1998, 53(1): 267-284.
[4]Liew J., Vassalou M.Can booktomarket, size and momentum be risk factors that predict economic growth? [J]. The Journal of Financial Economics, 2000, 57(2): 221-245.
[5]Rouwenhorst K. G.Local return factors and turnover in emerging stock markets[Z], Working peper, Yale School of Management. 1999.
[6]Griffin J. M., Xiuqing Ji, Martin J. S.Momentum investing and business cycle risk: evidence from pole to pole[J]. The Journal of Finance, 2003, 58(6): 2515-2547.
[7]Fernandes J., Ornelas J.Momentum and reversal puzzle in emerging markets[J]. Journal of Behavioral Finance,2008,5(3): 54-71.
[8]Chui C. W., Titman A. S., John Wei K. C.Individualism and momentum around the world[J]. The Journal of Finance, 2010,65(1):361-392.
[9]Jagadeesh N., Titman S.Momentum[Z]. Working peper, University of Texas and the NBER. 2011.
Profitability of Momentum Trading Strategy in Bull Market Under Shortselling Constraint
YANG Honglin,CUI Yanchen,CHEN Shuai
. (School of Business Administration, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan 410082, China).
Abstract:A great body of empirical research show that a momentum arbitrage strategy of holding simultaneously winning and losing portfolios can get a significant excess return. Considering the shortsale constraints in China's Ashare market, we utilize CSI 300 and SME Board to examine whether such a momentum arbitrage strategy is still efficient. By setting different comparing groups and investment periods, we analyze the return properties of long position strategies for winning and losing portfolios since the 2005 stock reform. The empirical results suggest that neither of the long position strategies are significantly better than sample population.
Key words:Shortsale Constraint; Momentum Trading Strategy; Winning (Losing) Portfolio; Long Position
[1]Hong H., Stein J., A unified theory of underreaction, momentum trading and overreaction in asset markets[J]. The Journal of Finance. 1999, 54(6): 2143-2184.
[2]Jagadeesh N., Titman S.Returns to buying winners and selling losers: implications for stock market efficiency[J]. The Journal of Finance 1993, 48(1): 65-91.
[3]Rouwenhorst K. G.International momentum strategies[J]. The Journal of Finance, 1998, 53(1): 267-284.
[4]Liew J., Vassalou M.Can booktomarket, size and momentum be risk factors that predict economic growth? [J]. The Journal of Financial Economics, 2000, 57(2): 221-245.
[5]Rouwenhorst K. G.Local return factors and turnover in emerging stock markets[Z], Working peper, Yale School of Management. 1999.
[6]Griffin J. M., Xiuqing Ji, Martin J. S.Momentum investing and business cycle risk: evidence from pole to pole[J]. The Journal of Finance, 2003, 58(6): 2515-2547.
[7]Fernandes J., Ornelas J.Momentum and reversal puzzle in emerging markets[J]. Journal of Behavioral Finance,2008,5(3): 54-71.
[8]Chui C. W., Titman A. S., John Wei K. C.Individualism and momentum around the world[J]. The Journal of Finance, 2010,65(1):361-392.
[9]Jagadeesh N., Titman S.Momentum[Z]. Working peper, University of Texas and the NBER. 2011.
Profitability of Momentum Trading Strategy in Bull Market Under Shortselling Constraint
YANG Honglin,CUI Yanchen,CHEN Shuai
. (School of Business Administration, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan 410082, China).
Abstract:A great body of empirical research show that a momentum arbitrage strategy of holding simultaneously winning and losing portfolios can get a significant excess return. Considering the shortsale constraints in China's Ashare market, we utilize CSI 300 and SME Board to examine whether such a momentum arbitrage strategy is still efficient. By setting different comparing groups and investment periods, we analyze the return properties of long position strategies for winning and losing portfolios since the 2005 stock reform. The empirical results suggest that neither of the long position strategies are significantly better than sample population.
Key words:Shortsale Constraint; Momentum Trading Strategy; Winning (Losing) Portfolio; Long Position
[1]Hong H., Stein J., A unified theory of underreaction, momentum trading and overreaction in asset markets[J]. The Journal of Finance. 1999, 54(6): 2143-2184.
[2]Jagadeesh N., Titman S.Returns to buying winners and selling losers: implications for stock market efficiency[J]. The Journal of Finance 1993, 48(1): 65-91.
[3]Rouwenhorst K. G.International momentum strategies[J]. The Journal of Finance, 1998, 53(1): 267-284.
[4]Liew J., Vassalou M.Can booktomarket, size and momentum be risk factors that predict economic growth? [J]. The Journal of Financial Economics, 2000, 57(2): 221-245.
[5]Rouwenhorst K. G.Local return factors and turnover in emerging stock markets[Z], Working peper, Yale School of Management. 1999.
[6]Griffin J. M., Xiuqing Ji, Martin J. S.Momentum investing and business cycle risk: evidence from pole to pole[J]. The Journal of Finance, 2003, 58(6): 2515-2547.
[7]Fernandes J., Ornelas J.Momentum and reversal puzzle in emerging markets[J]. Journal of Behavioral Finance,2008,5(3): 54-71.
[8]Chui C. W., Titman A. S., John Wei K. C.Individualism and momentum around the world[J]. The Journal of Finance, 2010,65(1):361-392.
[9]Jagadeesh N., Titman S.Momentum[Z]. Working peper, University of Texas and the NBER. 2011.
Profitability of Momentum Trading Strategy in Bull Market Under Shortselling Constraint
YANG Honglin,CUI Yanchen,CHEN Shuai
. (School of Business Administration, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan 410082, China).
Abstract:A great body of empirical research show that a momentum arbitrage strategy of holding simultaneously winning and losing portfolios can get a significant excess return. Considering the shortsale constraints in China's Ashare market, we utilize CSI 300 and SME Board to examine whether such a momentum arbitrage strategy is still efficient. By setting different comparing groups and investment periods, we analyze the return properties of long position strategies for winning and losing portfolios since the 2005 stock reform. The empirical results suggest that neither of the long position strategies are significantly better than sample population.
Key words:Shortsale Constraint; Momentum Trading Strategy; Winning (Losing) Portfolio; Long Position